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international / anti-fascism Tuesday November 16, 2021 - 09:08 bei Wayne Price   image 1 image
A review of the fight against the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany and its lessons for revolutionary anarchists today. ... read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αντιφασισμός Sunday October 17, 2021 - 20:06 bei The Blast   image 1 image
Αλήθεια πιστεύουμε ότι αυτό είναι κάτι που επηρέασε αρνητικά τη ψυχολογία των οπαδών της χρυσής αυγής ή άλλων ακροδεξιών γκρουπούσκουλων ή ότι ενίσχυσε έτι περισσότερο την αυτοπεποίθηση τους να δρουν όπως δρούσαν; Ένα χρόνο από την καταδικαστική απόφαση δε βλέπουμε τους φασίστες στις τρύπες τους άλλα έξω από αυτές να αλωνίζουν ελεύθερα ξανά. Να υποθέσουμε επομένως ότι το περιβόητο τοίχος της Δημοκρατίας μάλλον δεν έκανε και τόσο καλή δουλειά ή είναι λίγο νωρίς για τέτοιες εκτιμήσεις; ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / anti-fascism Friday May 14, 2021 - 17:48 bei José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   text 5 comments (last - wednesday august 30, 2023 - 18:11)   image 1 image
The state’s brutal response to a one-day general strike has sparked weeks of protests in Colombia, resulting in dozens of deaths. The time for dialogue is over. ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / antifascismo Monday May 03, 2021 - 11:05 bei Colectivo Contrainformativo Subversión   image 1 image
El uso desmedido de la fuerza es inconcebible, balas contra piedras jamás será proporcional ante comunidades que resisten con alegría y dignidad. ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / anti-fascismo Tuesday February 09, 2021 - 10:31 bei BrunoL
A estupidez dos “red necks” se soma à manipulação grosseira das legiões eleitoras do cinturão bíblico e as distintas formas de conservantismo que defendem, de maneira incondicional, o Apartheid israelense e a presença dos Estados Unidos no Grande Oriente Médio. ... read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anti-fascismo Friday January 29, 2021 - 06:56 bei BrunoL   image 1 image
Há dois consensos contemporâneos na área de estudos das Relações Internacionais no Brasil. O primeiro diz respeito ao “governo” Bolsonaro (mais apropriado seria denominá-lo como “desgoverno”), o mais entreguista e colonizado desde o período do Reino Unido com Portugal. E, garantindo coerência no desastre, o ministro das relações exteriores do ex-deputado federal de sete mandatos e nenhum projeto relevante é tão ruim como o titular do Poder Executivo. Indo além, Ernesto Araújo é o pior chanceler da história do Ministério das Relações Exteriores (MRE ou Itamaraty). ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anti-fascism Monday January 11, 2021 - 05:04 bei Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
The following statement was released by the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group on 10 January 2021. ... read full story / add a comment
amérique du nord / mexique / anti-fascisme Thursday October 29, 2020 - 19:14 bei Unity & Struggle   image 1 image
Ce document d’orientation a été rédigé avant que Trump n'attrape le coronavirus. Il a été approuvé par un vote unanime de la majorité des membres de Unity and Struggle. Que vous soyez d'accord avec nous ou non, nous espérons qu'il encouragera les révolutionnaires aux États-Unis et ailleurs à débattre de ce à quoi nous pouvons nous attendre en novembre et à commencer à s’y préparer, car ce qui se passe là-bas a évidemment un impact sur le monde entier. ... read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anti-fascismo Sunday June 21, 2020 - 21:57 bei BrunoL   image 1 image
Divido esse artigo em três partes para um debate urgente, que deixou de estar no universo da imaginação para entrar na conjectura especulativa. Nas últimas semanas a pergunta “vai ter golpe?” tornou-se recorrente em diversos debates. E reconhecemos que existe algo de muito podre na República do Bananistão. O texto que segue se dedica a especular sobre possíveis manobras da extrema-direita no país. Não me dedico a tentar “dar linha” pela internet, considero essa posição pretensiosa e desnecessária, já que tomo como únicas linhas possíveis as tomadas em decisões coletivas dentro de partidos, coletivos, movimentos e demais agrupações mais à esquerda. Como disse o mestre Lupicínio Rodrigues, aos quem têm “nervos de aço”, vamos ao debate. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-fascism Tuesday June 02, 2020 - 19:13 bei Shawn Hattingh   image 1 image
The rise of an authoritarian populist politics, which presents itself as against the “Establishment,”” for the “common” people and “anti-globalisation,” is happening worldwide — and there are dangerous signs in South Africa. The populist upsurge sees voters reject big, established parties that embraced neo-liberalism after the economic crisis of 2007, in the context of a retreating working class and left. The author argues that the solution is to build from below for a new society beyond the state, class rule and capitalism based on self-management and production for need. ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anti-fascism Wednesday May 27, 2020 - 04:27 bei Wayne Price   image 1 image
Donald Trump is the culmination of how the Republican Party has been developing for years. Together they threaten to establish an authoritarian state in the service of big capital. They endanger the lives, health, and living standards of the working class and the rest of the population. But supporting the Democratic Party is not the solution. ... read full story / add a comment
itália / suíça / anti-fascismo Saturday April 04, 2020 - 06:06 bei Alternativa Libertaria/fdca   image 1 image
Tradução do italiano ao português da moção sobre fascismo e antifascismo aprovada no X Congresso (2019) da Alternativa Libertaria/fdca ... read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anti-fascismo Wednesday March 04, 2020 - 01:37 bei BrunoL   image 1 image
Ao terminar o carnaval o ano começou de fato com uma 4ª de cinzas “inesquecível”. A extrema direita foi convocada para na data de 15 de março, marcando o novo momento de micareta proto-fascista no Brasil em transe pós-golpe coxinha. Parece piada, mas a situação é bem séria. O general de Exército Augusto Heleno Ribeiro Pereira (4 estrelas), ministro-chefe do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional (GSI), como figura de proa do reacionarismo militar de alta patente, está dobrando a aposta. ... read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anti-fascismo Thursday January 23, 2020 - 23:57 bei BrunoL   image 1 image
Já nos países “ocidentalizados”, ter boas relações com governos mais à direita – como Bolsonaro e Trump – e ignorar os apoios de antissemitas declarados que tais governantes têm, forma um tipo de “pragmatismo político” que só ajuda a relativizar os efeitos danosos da laia. ... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / anti-fascismo Monday November 18, 2019 - 10:21 bei BrunoL   text 1 comment (last - wednesday november 20, 2019 - 18:21)   image 1 image
Não se trata de um texto de agitação, mas a permanente tentativa de trazer algum debate mesmo no calor do momento. Aponto em forma de tópicos de modo a facilitar a compreensão. ... read full story / add a comment
iberia / antifascismo Friday October 25, 2019 - 23:19 bei BlackSpartak   image 1 image
El lunes se vio una escena curiosa. Pedro Sánchez llega a Catalunya, se niega a reunirse con el gobierno de la Generalitat y escenifica su apoyo a las fuerzas represoras visitando la comisaría de Via Laietana y después va al Hospital de Sant Pau para saludar al policía herido por los sucesos de estos días. Hete aquí que como Catalunya se halla llena de "incontrolados" el propio personal hospitalario le hace un escrache. Sánchez es abucheado y deben salir pitando hacia el garaje para que esa incómoda situación no llegue a la prensa. Entran sus guardaespaldas en el coche presidencial, y cuando arranca se puede ver a uno de ellos a través del cristal entreabierto, empuñando una metralleta. ¡Igual que si Pedro Sánchez hubiera ido a Afganistán a jalear las tropas! ... read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / antifascismo Wednesday October 23, 2019 - 23:00 bei SubVersión Colectivo Contrainformativo   image 1 image
El mundo -y especialmente- Latinoamérica se sacude. El Estado bajo las dinámicas económicas del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), ha iniciado una arremetida contra las clases explotadas, configurándose en un alza de impuestos, reformas laborales y reducción de presupuesto a instituciones públicas. ... read full story / add a comment
Βραζιλία / Γουιάνα / Σουρινάμ / Γαλ. Γουιάνα / Αντιφασισμός Wednesday October 09, 2019 - 20:05 bei Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira   image 1 image
Περισσότερο από ποτέ, το ότι έπρεπε η οργάνωση των εργατικών τάξεων να εμποδίσει την οργάνωση και αύξηση των φασιστικών ομιλιών και εκδηλώσεων, δείχνει τη σημασία της. Ο φασισμός, χθες και σήμερα, δεν δέχεται διάλογο, οπότε πρέπει να καταπολεμηθεί με άμεση δράση, οργάνωση και ταξική αλληλεγγύη. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-fascism Monday September 09, 2019 - 19:07 bei Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG)   image 1 image
The growth of Fascism is ongoing. The massacres will continue and perhaps keep accelerating until we have a movement that can both confront it physically and address the political issues that give it life. This requires workers uniting across borders to win battles that cannot be won on the national terrain. Whether we are talking about cars, mining, garments or anything else, we confront global corporations and global supply chains. Our response must be global. And by building a truly global labour movement, we can not only defeat Fascism, but open the door to a workers’ revolution that will do away with capitalism forever. ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anti-fascism Tuesday May 07, 2019 - 11:53 bei Wayne Price   text 3 comments (last - sunday may 23, 2021 - 10:32)   image 1 image
There has been an increase in anti-Jewish actions in the U.S. Why is this? Why have Jews been focused on by fascists and haters? There are traditional reasons for anti-semitism. The establishment of the state of Israel has created an interaction between anti-semitism and anti-Zionism. Where anti-semitism is irrational and reactionary, anti-Zionism is a just response to the oppression of Palestinian Arabs and Israel's alliance with U.S. imperialism. ... read full story / add a comment


Sat 20 Apr, 04:06

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manif_clment_1.jpg imageProcès des assassins de Clément : l’extrême droite est un poison mortel 19:05 Fri 11 Jun by UCL 0 comments

Vendredi 4 juin, la cour d’assises d’Evry a condamné en appel les deux anciens skinheads néonazis pour la mort de notre camarade Clément Méric à huit et cinq ans d’emprisonnement. Ces peines moins lourdes qu’en première instance, ont néanmoins confirmé que ce sont bien les nervis fascistes qui sont à l’origine de l’attaque et ont porté les premiers coups.

autoc_ucl_antifa.png imageLe fond de l’air est brun 04:59 Fri 14 May by Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

Dans un contexte global, particulièrement propice aux discours autoritaires, nous avons vu ces derniers jours s’accroître les violences émanant de groupes d’extrême droite à Lyon, Orléans, Clermont-Ferrand, Montpellier, Strasbourg… Ne nous y trompons pas, la politique sécuritaire, répressive et fractionniste du gouvernement, qui préfère de son côté combattre le supposé danger islamo-gauchisme dans les facs ou l’écriture inclusive à l’école, est directement coupable de laisser ces nervis fascistes agir en toute impunité.

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_house_of_mesopotamia_2.jpg imageMezopotamya Evi’ne Yapılan Saldırı Sonrası Dayanışma için Basın A... 19:46 Mon 05 Apr by UCL Lyon 0 comments

3 Nisan Cumartesi günü öğleden sonra, Lyon’un 7. bölgesinde bulunan Mezopotamya Evi, aşırı sağcı ülkücülere (Bozkurtlar) mensup bir grup faşist tarafından şiddetli bir şekilde saldırıya uğradı. Mezopotamya Evi, bir yandan IŞİD’e diğer yandan Erdoğan’a karşı uzun yıllardır mücadele eden, bölgede özgürleştirici güç olan Kürt halkının kültürel bir mekanıdır.

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_house_of_mesopotamia_1.jpg imagePress release in support to the House of Mesopotamia after the attack 19:43 Mon 05 Apr by UCL Lyon 0 comments

On Saturday April 3rd in the afternoon, the House of Mesopotamia located in the 7th district of Lyon, France, was violently attacked by a group of fascists belonging to the Grey Wolves (Turkish far right movement).

The House of Mesopotamia is a cultural place of the Kurdish community which is a strong emancipatory force that has been fighting for many years against Daech on one hand and Erdogan on the other hand.

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_house_of_mesopotamia.jpg imageCommuniqué de soutien après l’attaque de la maison de la Mésopotamie 19:41 Mon 05 Apr by UCL Lyon 2 comments

Samedi 3 avril dans l’après-midi, la Maison de la Mésopotamie située dans le 7e arrondissement de Lyon, a été violemment attaquée par un groupe de fascistes appartenant aux Loups Gris (extrême-droite turque).
La Maison de la Mésopotamie est un lieu culturel de la communauté kurde, force émancipatrice forte qui se bat depuis de nombreuses années contre Daech d’un côté et Erdogan de l’autre.

house_of_mesopotamia.jpg imageΕπίθεση στο “Σπίτι τ... 20:09 Sun 04 Apr by Αλληλέγγυοι 0 comments

Εκφράζουμε την υποστήριξη και την αλληλεγγύη μας στους Κούρδους συντρόφους μας. Θα είμαστε μαζί σας στον αντιφασιστικό αγώνα και, όπως και εσείς, δεν θα κάνουμε ούτε ένα βήμα πίσω, ενάντια στους φασίστες όλων των χωρών.

textGli attacchi fascisti non ci fermeranno! 02:10 Wed 24 Mar by Groupe de Lyon - UCL 1 comments

La rete Anarkismo trasmette il comunicato del gruppo di Lione dell'Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL), organizzazione attiva in Francia e in Belgio e che è membro della rete. Esprimiamo la nostra solidarietà ai nostri compagni e alle nostre compagne di Lione e trasmettiamo il loro comunicato e la loro richiesta di solidarietà finanziaria.

photo_20210323_003333.jpg imageFuera el fascismo de los barrios! NO PASARÁN 05:35 Tue 23 Mar by Groupe de Lyon - UCL 0 comments

Compartimos comunicado de la Unión Comunista Libertaria- Lyon sobre los ataques fascistas este sábado en su local.

photo_20210322_191826.jpg imageFascist attacks will not stop us! 05:27 Tue 23 Mar by Groupe de Lyon - UCL 10 comments

The Anarkismo network relays the communiqué of the Lyon group of the Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL), an organisation active in France and Belgium and which is a member of the network. We express our solidarity with our comrades in Lyon and relay their communiqué and their call for financial solidarity.

1.jpg imageΕπίθεση φασιστών σ&#... 21:05 Mon 22 Mar by Groupe de Lyon - UCL 0 comments

Από τη μεριά μας, συνεχίζουμε να απαιτούμε το κλείσιμο των φασιστικών στεκιών και ειδικά εκείνων των identitaires (βλ. Génération Identitaire). Θα σας ενημερώσουμε άμεσα για τις δράσεις που βλέπουμε ως πολιτική απάντηση σε αυτήν την επίθεση.

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imageLessons from the Historic Fight Against Fascism Nov 16 by Wayne Price 0 comments

A review of the fight against the rise of fascism in Italy and Germany and its lessons for revolutionary anarchists today.

imageΟ μύθος των δύο άκρω... Oct 17 by The Blast 0 comments

Αλήθεια πιστεύουμε ότι αυτό είναι κάτι που επηρέασε αρνητικά τη ψυχολογία των οπαδών της χρυσής αυγής ή άλλων ακροδεξιών γκρουπούσκουλων ή ότι ενίσχυσε έτι περισσότερο την αυτοπεποίθηση τους να δρουν όπως δρούσαν; Ένα χρόνο από την καταδικαστική απόφαση δε βλέπουμε τους φασίστες στις τρύπες τους άλλα έξω από αυτές να αλωνίζουν ελεύθερα ξανά. Να υποθέσουμε επομένως ότι το περιβόητο τοίχος της Δημοκρατίας μάλλον δεν έκανε και τόσο καλή δουλειά ή είναι λίγο νωρίς για τέτοιες εκτιμήσεις;

imageColombia’s democratic facade is crumbling to pieces May 14 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 5 comments

The state’s brutal response to a one-day general strike has sparked weeks of protests in Colombia, resulting in dozens of deaths. The time for dialogue is over.

imageBalas contra piedras – Paro Nacional Indefinido – 28A May 03 by Colectivo Contrainformativo Subversión 0 comments

El uso desmedido de la fuerza es inconcebible, balas contra piedras jamás será proporcional ante comunidades que resisten con alegría y dignidad.

textO estúpido argumento do “Choque de Civilizações” como justificativa imperialista: origens modernas Feb 09 by BrunoL 0 comments

A estupidez dos “red necks” se soma à manipulação grosseira das legiões eleitoras do cinturão bíblico e as distintas formas de conservantismo que defendem, de maneira incondicional, o Apartheid israelense e a presença dos Estados Unidos no Grande Oriente Médio.

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imageProcès des assassins de Clément : l’extrême droite est un poison mortel Jun 11 Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

Vendredi 4 juin, la cour d’assises d’Evry a condamné en appel les deux anciens skinheads néonazis pour la mort de notre camarade Clément Méric à huit et cinq ans d’emprisonnement. Ces peines moins lourdes qu’en première instance, ont néanmoins confirmé que ce sont bien les nervis fascistes qui sont à l’origine de l’attaque et ont porté les premiers coups.

imageLe fond de l’air est brun May 14 UCL 0 comments

Dans un contexte global, particulièrement propice aux discours autoritaires, nous avons vu ces derniers jours s’accroître les violences émanant de groupes d’extrême droite à Lyon, Orléans, Clermont-Ferrand, Montpellier, Strasbourg… Ne nous y trompons pas, la politique sécuritaire, répressive et fractionniste du gouvernement, qui préfère de son côté combattre le supposé danger islamo-gauchisme dans les facs ou l’écriture inclusive à l’école, est directement coupable de laisser ces nervis fascistes agir en toute impunité.

imageMezopotamya Evi’ne Yapılan Saldırı Sonrası Dayanışma için Basın A... Apr 05 Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

3 Nisan Cumartesi günü öğleden sonra, Lyon’un 7. bölgesinde bulunan Mezopotamya Evi, aşırı sağcı ülkücülere (Bozkurtlar) mensup bir grup faşist tarafından şiddetli bir şekilde saldırıya uğradı. Mezopotamya Evi, bir yandan IŞİD’e diğer yandan Erdoğan’a karşı uzun yıllardır mücadele eden, bölgede özgürleştirici güç olan Kürt halkının kültürel bir mekanıdır.

imagePress release in support to the House of Mesopotamia after the attack Apr 05 Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

On Saturday April 3rd in the afternoon, the House of Mesopotamia located in the 7th district of Lyon, France, was violently attacked by a group of fascists belonging to the Grey Wolves (Turkish far right movement).

The House of Mesopotamia is a cultural place of the Kurdish community which is a strong emancipatory force that has been fighting for many years against Daech on one hand and Erdogan on the other hand.

imageCommuniqué de soutien après l’attaque de la maison de la Mésopotamie Apr 05 Union Communiste Libertaire 2 comments

Samedi 3 avril dans l’après-midi, la Maison de la Mésopotamie située dans le 7e arrondissement de Lyon, a été violemment attaquée par un groupe de fascistes appartenant aux Loups Gris (extrême-droite turque).
La Maison de la Mésopotamie est un lieu culturel de la communauté kurde, force émancipatrice forte qui se bat depuis de nombreuses années contre Daech d’un côté et Erdogan de l’autre.

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