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“No War Between Nations! No Peace Between Classes!” A mural in Moscow promoting Autonomous Action.
russia / ukraine / belarus / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Thursday February 24, 2022 21:35 by AvTonom   image 1 image
This statement appeared in Russian on, a media project that grew out of the libertarian communist network Autonomous Action. read full story / add a comment
Αυτή η ανακοίνωση εμφανίστηκε στα ρωσικά στο, δικτυακό ενημερωτικό τόπο του ελευθεριακού κομμουνιστικού δικτύου Αυτόνομη Δράση. read full story / add a comment
Video image released by the Russian defence ministry on 2 February, of Russian and Belarusian armoured vehicles during a joint military drills at Brestsky firing range, Belarus. Photograph: AP
international / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Tuesday February 22, 2022 19:52 by Iswed Tiggjan   image 2 images
Both NATO and Russia must be opposed, and should war eventuate, our job is not to pick a side but to work to end the war as quickly as possible. Should war break out then the spectre of 1917 needs to be made a reality again. The best defence against imperialist wars will always be a powerful, militant working-class and the fear of revolution that brings. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Sunday February 20, 2022 19:20 by Pink PanTher   text 1 comment (last - wednesday march 23, 2022 11:09)   image 1 image
A look at the ongoing convoy protest in parliament grounds in Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa. read full story / add a comment
uluslararası / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Thursday February 10, 2022 17:04 by ÇeşiTli anarşisT örgüTler   text 6 comments (last - thursday october 19, 2023 18:05)   image 1 image
Covid-19 pandemisi insan yaşamının her alanını etkiledi ve insanların fiziksel ve mental sağlığı, sosyal ilişkileri ve toplulukları, geçim koşullarımız ve hareket etme özgürlüğümüz üzerinde yıkıcı etkileri oldu. Ayrıca etkili siyasi eylemler örgütleme kabiliyetimizi önemli ölçüde kısıtlayarak devletin elini güçlendirdi. read full story / add a comment
internacional / miscellaneous / feature Wednesday February 09, 2022 22:21 by Várias organizações anarquisTas   text 15 comments (last - monday april 01, 2024 14:16)   image 1 image
A pandemia da COVID-19 tem afetado todos os aspectos da vida humana. Tem tido um efeito devastador sobre a saúde física e mental das pessoas, sobre as relações sociais e sobre as comunidades, sobre nossos meios de subsistência e liberdade de movimento. Também reduziu significativamente nossa capacidade de organizar protestos políticos efetivos e fortaleceu o Estado. [Castellano] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [Türkçe] [български] read full story / add a comment
international / divers / opinion / analyse Tuesday February 08, 2022 23:16 by Diverses organisaTions anarchisTes   text 1 comment (last - wednesday february 09, 2022 15:44)   image 1 image
La pandémie de COVID-19 a affecté tous les aspects de la vie humaine. Elle a eu un effet dévastateur sur la santé physique et mentale des personnes, sur les relations sociales et les communautés, sur nos moyens de subsistance et notre liberté de mouvement. Elle a également réduit de manière significative notre capacité à organiser une protestation politique efficace et a renforcé l’État.
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international / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Monday February 07, 2022 20:50 by Various anarchisT organisaTions   text 26 comments (last - monday january 09, 2023 02:08)   image 1 image
The Covid 19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of human life. It has had a dev-astating effect on people’s physical and mental health, social relations and communities, our livelihoods, and freedom to move about. It has also significantly curtailed our ability to organise effective political protests and strengthened the hand of the State. read full story / add a comment
internacional / miscellaneous / opinión / análisis Monday February 07, 2022 19:20 by InTernacional   image 1 image
La pandemia de COVID-19 ha afectado todos los aspectos de la vida humana. Ha tenido un efecto devastador en la salud física y mental de las personas, en las relaciones sociales y las comunidades, en nuestros medios de subsistencia y en la libertad de movimiento. También ha reducido significativamente nuestra capacidad para organizar protestas políticas efectivas y esencialmente ha fortalecido el Estado. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / migration / racism / press release Thursday February 03, 2022 00:47 by Coordenação AnarquisTa Brasileira   text 2 comments (last - tuesday march 01, 2022 03:31)   image 1 image
We express our sympathy and solidarity to the Congolese community and the family of Moïse Mugenyi Kabagambe, who was brutally murdered in a kiosk in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, about a week ago. The 24-year-old Congolese youth was beaten to death by at least three people. According to his family, he had gone to the kiosk to collect 200 Reais, which the kiosk owed him for two days of work.

The episode exposes how racism and xenophobia kill, and are used by those at the top to maintain the system of domination. Moïse was a black African and a precarious worker, and he went to the site only to receive what his boss owed him. In response he received brutality, and even after death he was violated by the State, being declared indigent by the IML.
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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / migração / racismo / comunicado de imprensa Thursday February 03, 2022 00:43 by Coordenação AnarquisTa Brasileira   text 1 comment (last - tuesday march 01, 2022 03:10)   image 2 images
Manifestamos nosso pesar e solidariedade à comunidade congolesa e à família de Moïse Mugenyi Kabagambe, que foi brutalmente assassinado em um quiosque na Barra da Tijuca, no Rio de Janeiro, há cerca de uma semana. O jovem congolês de 24 anos foi espancado até a morte por pelo menos três pessoas. De acordo com a família, ele teria ido ao local para cobrar 200 reais, que o quiosque devia a ele por dois dias trabalhados.

O episódio escancara como o racismo e a xenofobia matam, e são utilizados pelos de cima para manterem o sistema de dominação. Moïse era um negro africano e trabalhador precarizado, e foi ao local somente para receber o que o patrão lhe devia. Como resposta recebeu a brutalidade, e mesmo depois da morte foi violentado pelo Estado, sendo declarado como indigente pelo IML. read full story / add a comment
international / impérialisme / guerre / nouvelles Tuesday February 01, 2022 22:01 by Commission inTernaTionale UCL   text 1 comment (last - tuesday march 01, 2022 03:23)   image 1 image
Depuis le jeudi 20 janvier, l'administration autonome du nord et de l'est de la Syrie (AANES) subit des attaques coordonnées de la part de Daesh, les plus importantes de par leur envergure depuis la résurgence de l'État Islamique en Syrie (EI). En parallèle, l'État fasciste Turc d'Erdogan profite de la crise pour affaiblir l'AANES et appuie l'EI. La coalition internationale reste muette et quasi inactive alors que cette crise révèle au grand jour un des multiples problèmes d'ampleur auquel est confronté l'AANES et pour lequel la communauté internationale a une responsabilité écrasante : la gestion des dizaines de milliers de détenu·es membres de l'EI et de leurs familles et le rapatriement des milliers de ressortissant·es dans leurs pays d'origine. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Thursday January 27, 2022 05:55 by alerTa   text 1 comment (last - tuesday march 01, 2022 02:58)   image 1 image
Σε πείσμα όλων των παραπάνω, το ανατρεπτικό κίνημα καλείται να υπερασπιστεί τις κοινωνικές ανάγκες και τα συμφέροντα της εργατικής τάξης και των υπόλοιπων φτωχοποιημένων στρωμάτων, όταν αυτά απαξιώνονται σε τέτοιες ακραίες καιρικές συνθήκες. Κόντρα στις ιδιωτικοποιήσεις, τα επιχειρηματικά συμφέροντα των εργολαβιών, την υποτίμηση των δημόσιων υποδομών και το τσάκισμα των εργασιακών κεκτημένων, οι εκμεταλλευόμενοι θα πρέπει να ακολουθήσουν το δρόμο της διεκδίκησης και του αγώνα. read full story / add a comment
argentina / uruguay / paraguay / anarchist movement / interview Tuesday January 11, 2022 18:52 by Tommy Lawson   text 36 comments (last - thursday april 18, 2024 13:26)   image 1 image
The interview is broken into three sections: history, theory and contemporary. I hope that I have managed to accurately portray the words of our Uruguayan comrades, that the interview is enjoyable to read, and that I have managed to tie the information together appropriately for the reader. Though the timeline skips around a little due to the nature of the questions, by the time the reader has finished I hope they will have formed a fairly coherent picture of events discussed. read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / article de fond Sunday January 09, 2022 02:41 by Diverses organisaTions anarchisTes   text 57 comments (last - thursday april 18, 2024 15:09)   image 1 image
Embargos, coupures des sources d’eau et frappes aériennes contre les civils sont quelques-uns des crimes de guerre commis par l’État néofasciste turc tout au long de cette année contre la révolution du Rojava.

En même temps qu’il fait face à une crise politico-économique interne, le gouvernement d’Erdoğan s’embourbe dans des opérations militaires dans les montagnes kurdes, allant jusqu’à faire appel à l’utilisation d’armes chimiques face à la résistance des combattant·es kurdes et internationalistes de la révolution.

L’intensification des attaques au cours du mois dernier, les tracts lancés depuis des avions et les récents mouvements de troupes sont autant de signes de l’imminence d’une nouvelle invasion des territoires autonomes du nord et de l’est de la Syrie.

En ce moment délicat, nous tenons à déclarer toute notre solidarité à nos camarades révolutionnaires et aux peuples du Rojava et nous condamnons une nouvelle fois l’occupation du Rojava, les multiples agressions et crimes de guerres de l’état néofasciste turc et de ses alliés djihadistes, ainsi que ses récents préparatifs de guerre.
[Ελληνικά] [Italiana] [English] [Deutsch] [Português] [Castellano] [Català] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Wednesday January 05, 2022 23:48 by Various anarchisT organisaTions   text 8 comments (last - wednesday january 31, 2024 16:19)   image 1 image
Embargo, cutting off water sources and air strikes against civilians have been some of the war crimes committed by the fascist Turkish state throughout this year against the revolution in Rojava.

While facing the internal political and economic crisis, the Erdogan government has to accept the failure of the military operations in the mountains of Kurdistan, appealing to the use of chemical weapons, in the face of the resistance of the Kurdish warriors of the revolution.

The intensification of the attacks last October, the flyers launched from the aeroplanes and the recent troop movements threaten a new invasion of the autonomous territories in the North and East of Syria.

At this delicate moment, we want to reaffirm our solidarity with our revolutionary comrades and all the peoples of Rojava and condemn once more the occupation of Rojava, the multiple aggressions and war crimes of the Turkish neo-fascist state and its jihadist allies, as well as their preparations for war. read full story / add a comment
maixreq / península aràbiga / iraq / imperialisme / guerra / comunicat de premsa Wednesday January 05, 2022 22:16 by Diverses organiTzacions anarquisTes   image 1 image
L’embargament, el tall de les fonts d’aigua i els atacs aeris contra civils han estat alguns dels crims de guerra comesos per l’Estat turc feixista al llarg d’enguany contra la Revolució en Rojava.

Mentre enfronta la crisi política i econòmica interna, el govern d’Erdogan ha d’acceptar el fracàs de les operacions militars a les muntanyes de Kurdistan, apel·lant a l’ús d’armes químiques, enfront de la resistència de lxs guerillerxs Kurdxs de la revolució. read full story / add a comment
maschrek / arabische halbinsel / irak / imperialismus / krieg / pressemitteilung Wednesday January 05, 2022 22:06 by Verschiedene anarchisTische OrganisaTionen   image 1 image
Gemeinsam mit befreundeten anarchistischen Organisationen aus aller Welt haben wir angesichts der weiter akuten Bedrohung der sozialen Revolution in Rojava eine Erklärung veröffentlicht, Wir solidarisieren uns mit dem Kampf im Norden und Osten Syriens. Wir solidarisieren und mit der sozialen Revolution! Und wir bekräftigen das angesichts der erneuten Aggressionen des türkischen Staates! In Lateinamerika, Europa, Ozeanien und auf der ganzen Welt: Hoch die grenzenlose Solidarität! read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / comunicado de imprensa Wednesday January 05, 2022 00:04 by Várias organizações anarquisTas   image 1 image
Embargo, corte de fontes de água e ataques aéreos contra civis foram alguns dos crimes de guerra cometidos pelo Estado fascista turco ao longo deste ano contra a revolução em Rojava. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / comunicado de prensa Wednesday January 05, 2022 00:02 by Varias organizaciones anarquisTas   image 1 image
El embargo, el corte de las fuentes de agua y los ataques aéreos contra civiles han sido algunos de los crímenes de guerra cometidos por el Estado turco fascista a lo largo de este año contra la Revolución en Roj*va.

Mientras enfrenta la crisis política y económica interna, el gobierno de Erdogan tiene que aceptar el fracaso de las operaciones militares en las montañas de Kurdistán, apelando al uso de armas químicas, frente a la resistencia de las guerrilleras y los guerilleros Kurdos de la revolución. read full story / add a comment
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