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international / anarchist movement / link to video Friday April 15, 2022 23:42 byandrewism   image 1 image
An introductory video to Especifismo by an anarchist from Trinidad and Tobago. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Sunday December 22, 2019 03:21 byandrew N. Flood   image 1 image
Παραμένει ένα παλαιό κλισέ ότι οι αναρχικοί είναι ενάντια στην οργάνωση – ειδικά τα ΜΜΕ αγαπούν το να επισημαίνουν μια φανταστική αντίφαση μεταξύ του αναρχισμού και της οργάνωσης. Η πραγματικότητα είναι (μεταξύ άλλων) ότι ο αναρχισμός αποτελεί μια θεωρία της οργάνωσης. Το Α στον κύκλο που συχνά βλέπουμε ζωγραφισμένο με σπρέι στους τοίχους, αντιπροσωπεύει το Α του αναρχισμού μέσα στο Ο (τον κύκλο) της οργάνωσης. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / news report Monday November 26, 2018 21:12 byandrew   image 1 image
The WSM took some time out from our future directions discussions session at Cloughjordan eco village over the week to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. read full story / add a comment
Collage showing politicians who announced referendum in front of one of the protests that forced them to act
ireland / britain / gender / opinion / analysis Friday February 02, 2018 18:43 byEmilia & andrew   image 1 image
The announcement that there will be a referendum to decriminalise abortion in Ireland is the product of decades of active campaigning. Pro-choice campaigners built for repeal ever since the hated 8th amendment was entered into the Constitution in 1983, putting a ban on abortion, which was already illegal in the country, into the constitution. If at first this seemed like a distant demand now repeal looks by far the most likely outcome in May. The story of how this happened illustrates how change comes in general. That is not through elections but through people getting organised to demand that change, regardless of which politicians happen to be running the show in any particular year.
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The front of the march passed the GPO
ireland / britain / gender / news report Friday October 13, 2017 23:03 byDermo & andrew   image 1 image
Saturday the 30th of September 2017 will go down as a high point in the fight for abortion rights in the Republic of Ireland, and that is a struggle that stretches back decades. Years of campaigning and maintaining a focus on the issue, saw a massive crowd of nearly 30,000 people take to the streets for the annual March for Choice as organised by the Abortion Rights Campaign [ARC]. The calls are for action, and the need for Repeal of the 8th Amendment which bans abortion in almost all circumstances.
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ireland / britain / gender / news report Friday July 21, 2017 00:17 byandrew   image 1 image
Every year in either Dublin or Belfast the pro and anti choice movements come head to head around the so called ‘Rally for Life’. This year it was Dublin’s unwilling role to play host to the bigot parade. It mattered more years than many as a referendum on the hated 8th Amendment that bans abortion is promised for next year. It could be that the next Dublin bigot parade scheduled for 2019 will come after they have suffered a major defeat. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / the left / opinion / analysis Thursday June 15, 2017 20:24 byandrew Flood   image 4 images
Corbyn’s strong showing in the June 2017 UK elections has given a big morale boost to the left.  A considerable youth vote, self-mobilising in larger part as a reaction to the ‘me and mine’ selfish society revealed by the Brexit vote seriously set back Tory plans for a fresh wave of Brexit required austerity.  Activists used social networking to overcome what had previously been seen as an all powerful smear machine of the billionaire print press.  Very few outside the radical left expected this outcome, what drove it and more importantly where can it lead?
[ This is a long read so you can also listen to an audio of the text ] This piece is not going to answer that in terms of assumptions and assertions but as far as possible through hard numbers.  66% of 18-24 year old’s voted Labour, only a quarter of that, 18% voted Tory [p4].  27% of those 18-24 year olds said the NHS was the most important issue for them, even though they are least likely to need it [p40].  For the over 65 age group this was flipped, only 23% voted Labour and over twice as many (58%) voted Tory [p4].  In fact, given the way the UK election system works, if only 18-24 year olds had voted, Labour would have been heading for 500 seats.  If it had only been those over 65 voting the Tories would have had over 400 seats. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / workplace struggles / news report Friday March 31, 2017 19:04 byandrew   image 1 image
Inter city bus workers in Ireland launched widespread secondary pickets at 4am this morning. Solidarity from transport workers at the other services picketed meant that most of the country ground to a halt as morning rush hour approached, almost all trains, Dublin bus and light rail services did not operate. The action is a clear demonstration of the power transport workers hold because of their position in economies. read full story / add a comment
international / economy / opinion / analysis Thursday March 30, 2017 18:56 byandrew   image 1 image
Our global society is broken. Donald Trump & Brexit are symptoms along with the rise of the far right elsewhere in Europe. In an old pattern, fundamental economic crisis often results in society becoming very much more brutal for most people.  In the age of nuclear weapons this current crisis could be our last.  And with a somewhat longer countdown to disaster we are also facing climate catastrophe. read full story / add a comment
Dublin's main bridge was occupied
ireland / britain / gender / news report Thursday March 30, 2017 18:46 byandrew   image 4 images
International Womens Day in Ireland saw thousands take to the streets in a sequence of 'in work time' protests under the heading 'Strike4Repeal'. Abortion is illegal in almost all circumstances and the protests were an attempt by pro-choice activists to forced the government to stop delaying a referendum to repeal the anti-choice 8th Amendment placed in the Irish constitution in 1983. Workers Solidarity Movement members took part in organising the day and in the aftermath produced a number of articles and videos detailing what happened. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / migration / racism / opinion / analysis Tuesday December 06, 2016 18:36 byandrew   text 1 comment (last - thursday december 15, 2016 05:48)   image 3 images
Once it became clear that Trump was going to become the president of the USA, my Facebook feed became cluttered with attempts to understand how that could possibly happen.  How could a white supremacist, misogynist and utterly transparent snake oil salesman accumulate so many votes?  Those on the left both inside and outside the borders of the USA struggled to understand what had happened. [Listen to the audio of this entire article] A common conclusion in too many of these pieces is that the left needs to reach out, and listen to the concerns of, those who voted for him as a priority.  In a similar fashion to how sections of the left evaluated Brexit, they see a working class anti-establishment rebellion in the Trump vote from what they term the ‘white working class’. They believe that component was won by Trump because it has been neglected by the left - often, they will assert, because the rest of the left was distracted by what they call identity politics. This is a simple explanatory story that is particularly attractive to those sections of the left that have a nostalgic yearning for an imagined past of pure class struggle, shorn of internal concerns around oppression.  But the concept of masses of otherwise progressive working class voters opting for Trump on economic grounds is a myth.  The attractiveness of that myth and its promotion has more to do with the hostility of that section of the left towards the influence of intersectional feminism than anything more substantive.  That hostility has caused them to seek out anecdotes and exceptional regions and present them as the typical story that defines the election just as liberal Hillary Clinton campaigners have focused in on Facebook false news stories as the cause of her defeat. read full story / add a comment
france / belgium / luxemburg / migration / racism / news report Friday July 15, 2016 20:17 byandrew   image 1 image
At least 84 dead in Nice as a truck is deliberately driven through the huge crowds marking the anniversary of the French Revolution. The driver who was shot be police after plowing through the crowd for 1.2km is reported to be a French citizen of Tunisian descent. The method of attack which is very similar to one advocated in the ISIS magazine strongly suggests an ISIS /Daesh attack. read full story / add a comment
Nigel Farange in front of a Leave poster which many pointed out was very similar to a Nazi propaganda film.
ireland / britain / migration / racism / feature Thursday June 30, 2016 06:19 byandrew   text 5 comments (last - tuesday july 12, 2016 23:00)   image 1 image
The Leave / Brexit vote in the referendum came in the end as a surprise, a narrow win for Remain was expected. This may be because the core Leave vote was in the run-down white working class communities of the now desolate English and Welsh industrial zones. A population trapped in conditions of long-term unemployment and poverty who no one really pays much attention to anymore. Some on the left have seized on the makeup of this core vote to suggest that there was some progressive element to the Brexit vote despite the campaign being led by racist hatemongers and wealthy US-oriented neoliberals. Mostly that’s a mixture of wishful thinking and post hoc justification for having called for a Leave vote in the first place, but it is true that a section of the working class, C2DEs in marketing speak, voted to Leave in close to a 2:1 ratio. Is the class composition of that vote enough to automatically make it progressive regardless of content? And what does it tell us that a section of the radical left seems to think the answer to that question is yes, that it is enough to be anti-establishment? read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Tuesday May 03, 2016 19:42 byandrew   image 1 image
Here are 9 video and audio recordings from the Dublin anarchist bookfair. So whether you were far away or were there but had to miss one session in order to attend another this is your chance to catch up. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / news report Thursday April 14, 2016 18:52 byandrew   image 1 image
Every year hundreds of people attend the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair for a day of inspiring discussions and the opportunity of meeting lots of other radicals, browsing books and meeting campaigns.

The 11th Dublin Anarchist Bookfair will take place Saturday 16th of April around Smithfield square, there will also be a major event on the Friday night in the Teachers Club, 35 Parnell Square.

On the Saturday the book & campaign stalls will be in The Generator on the east side of Smithfield square, doors open at 9.30 for setup, 10.00 for early browsing. The meetings will also be in two pubs, the Cobblestone at the top (north) of the square and Frank Ryans which is just off the South West corner on Queen st. read full story / add a comment
international / the left / opinion / analysis Friday February 19, 2016 20:20 byandrew Flood   image 1 image
Why can’t the 99% simply vote in a government that acts in their interest and not that of the 1%

At a simple level parliamentary elections sound like the ideal way for the mass of the ‘have nots’ to use their numbers to overcome the power and influences of the tiny number of have’s. Occupy talked about this division in the language of the 1% and 99%; a crude approximation that does reflect a reality where the number of wealthy decision makers is actually very tiny, indeed less than 1%. So, why can’t the 99% simply vote in a government that acts in their interest and not that of the 1%? read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Tuesday February 16, 2016 17:33 byandrewNFlood   text 2 comments (last - wednesday january 11, 2023 06:14)   image 1 image
What if we build it and they don’t come? That was the experience of the left during the crisis - decades had been spent building organisations and a model of how crisis would create revolution but when the crisis arrived the left discovered that the masses weren’t convinced. The expected pattern of crisis leading to small strikes and protests, then to mass strikes and riot and then perhaps to general strike and revolution didn’t flow as expected. Under that theory the radical left would at first be marginal but then as conditions drove class militancy to new heights the workers disappointed by reformist politicians and unions leaders would move quickly to swell its ranks. read full story / add a comment
internacional / moviment anarquista / opinion/analysis Tuesday February 16, 2016 17:29 byandrewNFlood   image 1 image
“Horitzontalisme” és un terme emergent utilitzat per descriure les característiques claus comunes de les ones de rebel·lió de la darrera dècada. “Occupy”, el 2011, ha estat el cim fins a la data, però el terme, per sí mateix, sembla originar-se amb la rebel·lió a l’Argentina després de la crisi bancària de 2001. Marina Sitrin en el seu llibre sobre aquella revolta utilitza el terme (en castellà, òbviament) per descriure el barri, lloc de treball i les assemblees d’aturats que sorgiren per formar “els moviments socials que clamaven per l’autogestió, l’autonomia i la democràcia directa.” read full story / add a comment
Ιρλανδία / Μεγάλη Βρετανία / Περιβάλλον / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Thursday January 07, 2016 05:04 byandrew Flood   image 1 image
Τότε ήταν η κρίση του Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου που εξάντλησε τα όρια της κοινοβουλευτικής δημοκρατίας και, τελικά, οδήγησε σε μαζική εξέγερση. Σήμερα οι κρίσεις που αντιμετωπίζουμε είναι αρκετά διαφορετικές, αλλά είναι όλο και πιο σαφές ότι δεν είναι λιγότερο καταστροφικές και όλο και περισσότερο δεν μπορούν να γίνουν αντικείμενο τροποποιήσεων. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / environment / opinion / analysis Saturday January 02, 2016 22:59 byandrew Flood   image 1 image
We awake to news that more towns in Ireland are under water due to storm flooding. And that perhaps the sea ice at the north pole might melt due to temperatures rising above zero. The first story is given a lot more prominence in Irish media than the second but strangely at the same time another story is being celebrated. The start of yet more greenhouse gases being pumped out of their safe place far below the sea off the Irish shore to be processed and then released into the atmosphere via the Corrib refinery (The refinery was sold off by the Irish Government to the Shell company for a fraction of what it is worth). read full story / add a comment

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