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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anarchist movement / policy statement Saturday February 11, 2012 16:30 byFederação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro
Previously we dealt with that which we understand as the organisation of capitalism and the state, seeking to map out “where we are”; and the organisation of libertarian socialism, trying to specify “where we want to reach”. To complete the discussion on organisation it will be necessary to expand a bit on social movements and the popular organisation, as well as on the specific anarchist organisation; two different levels of action that will seek to answer [the question], “how do we think we can leave where we are and arrive where we want to be”, completing indispensable elements for our permanent strategy. As Malatesta nicely summarised, “[...] organisation in general as the principle and condition of social life, today, and in the future society; organisation of the anarchist party and organisation of popular forces”.
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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anarchist movement / policy statement Friday February 10, 2012 21:46 byFederação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro
Having drawn a brief diagnosis of the current society of domination and exploitation, we affirm two objectives that we understand as final: the social revolution and libertarian socialism.
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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anarchist movement / policy statement Friday February 10, 2012 21:25 byFederação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro
Capitalism as a system has developed since the late Middle Ages and was established in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Western Europe. It constituted itself as an economic, political and social system, basing itself on the relations between two antagonistic classes. On one hand, that which is called the “bourgeoisie” and which we will treat in this text as “capitalists”, holders of private ownership of the means of production, who contract workers by means of wage-labour. On the other, that which is called the “proletariat”, and which we will treat in this text as “workers” who, possessing nothing more than their labour power, have to sell it in exchange for a wage. As we emphasised earlier, the wage-labourer – classic object of analysis in the socialist theses of the nineteenth century – for us, constitutes today only one of the categories of the exploited classes. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anarchist movement / policy statement Wednesday February 08, 2012 22:12 byFederação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro   text 3 comments (last - thursday march 22, 2012 14:55)
Anarchism is, for us, an ideology; this being a set of ideas, motivations, aspirations, values, a structure or system of concepts that has a direct connection with action – that which we call political practice.
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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anarchist movement / policy statement Wednesday February 08, 2012 22:08 byFederação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro
The first Congress of the FARJ was held with the principal objective of deepening our reflections on the question of organisation and formalising them into a programme.
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mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Tuesday February 07, 2012 18:56 byIlan S.
Negli ultimi 3 giorni gli Anarchici Contro il Muro hanno partecipato a 9 manifestazioni. Beit Ummar ha ricordato l'anniversario dell'assassinio di Yousef Ikhlayl del 31 gennaio 2011. A Bil'in gli organizzatori si stanno preparando per il 7° anniversario della loro lotta incessante. A Ma'sara le manifestazioni sono giunte al loro quinto anno. Nabi Salih è stata invasa da un grande numero di soldati e di polizia di confine. Hanno sparato gas lacrimogeni e proiettili di gomma per ore. [English] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Monday February 06, 2012 23:29 byIlan S.
The last three days saw 9 demonstrations supported by the AATW. Beit Ummar marked the Anniversary of Yousef Ikhlayl’s murder on 31 January 2011. In Bil'in the organizers are preparing for the 7th anniversary of their continuous struggle. In Ma'sara the demonstrations continue into their 5th year. Nabi Salih was invaded by large numbers of army and border police. They shot tear gas and rubber bullets for hours. Ni'lin held a large and spirited demonstration, forced open the large metal gate in the wall and got past the tall concrete wall. Kafr ad-Dik and Kafr Qaddum in the Salfit and Nablus area continue to have very large numbers of people from the villages. The army has been arresting many young men and youths during the last months but the demonstrations continue. In Qaryut, a village of 3,800 people, about 400 men marched out to the roadblock which prevents their access to the main road. In al-Walaja the demonstrators marched down to the site of construction of the wall that will surround their village. [Italiano] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
américa del norte / méxico / movimiento anarquista / opinión / análisis Saturday February 04, 2012 07:36 byBrenda Aguilar
“Una organización es verdaderamente revolucionaria, si se plantea y resuelve adecuadamente el problema del poder”.
FAU, 1972
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ireland / britain / community struggles / news report Thursday February 02, 2012 18:56 bySean Matthews & Sean Dubh
Despite the opposition of the governing SInn Fein party, relatives of families of the victims of Bloody Sunday and political supporters, including Irish anarchists, marched in remembrance last Saturday. A report from the anarchists present and a background to the issues behind those determined to continue the annual commemoration. [Italiano] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Thursday February 02, 2012 17:29 byIlan S.
Giorno dopo giorno ed anno dopo anno, prosegue subdolamente l'insediamento di nuovi coloni israeliani sia nel sud di Israele che nelle città dei Beduini Palestinesi, costretti allo sgombero e ad essere concentrati in piccole località dopo che la maggior parte della loro terra gli è stata confiscata. La stessa cosa accade ai Beduini nella Cisgiordania occupata e persino i residenti dell'area C hanno ricevuto un avvertimento dallo Stato d'Israele. [English] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday February 01, 2012 01:35 byIlan S.
Day in and day out, year in and year out, the creeping transfer of the Israeli settler colonialism continue - both in the Israeli south where lot of Bedouin Palestinians citizens are transfered and concentrated to small locations and most of their lands confiscated. Similarly happen to Bedouins in the occupied west bank and even to villagers in area C the Israeli state caveat. Some Israeli steps against specific settler colonialist outposts forced on it by the courts mascaraed of "justice" is balanced by settlers terrorist revenging Palestinians and demolition of Palestinian houses by the state forces. The struggle against the demolition of the last tent camps of the social struggle initiated escalation of the activities of the core activists even before the coming spring. [Italiano] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Tuesday January 31, 2012 19:53 byIlan S.
Per sfogare la loro rabbia, per mettere in imbarazzo lo Stato d'Israele e per aumentare le terre da essi sequestrate, i coloni rispondono alle accuse - provenienti sia dai Palestinesi sia dallo Stato d'Israele - aumentando le aggressioni contro i Palestinesi. Per giustificare la distruzione simbolica di avamposti illegali dei coloni, lo Stato d'Israele deve fingere di esservi costretto da una legge con cui deve "bilanciare" la distruzione di case e strade palestinesi ritenute "illegali". La lotta unitaria cerca di frenare le aumentate aggressioni sia da parte dei coloni che da parte dei soldati. La lotta persistente si focalizza su Araqeeb (Beduini Israeliani), Beit Ummar, Bil'in, Ad-Dik, Kafr Qaddum, Gerusalemme Est/Al-Quds (At-Tur, Issawiya, Sheikh Jarrakh), Al-Ma'sara, Nabi Salih, Ni'lin, Wallaja. [English] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
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Sat 20 Apr, 01:38

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riojaneiro.jpg imageRevogar o aumento das passagens pela Força das Ruas! 20:54 Mon 27 Feb by Federação Anarquista Gaúcha 0 comments

Já foram 5 atos de rua contra o aumento das passagens e pela sua revogação em Porto Alegre: trancando as vias de circulação e os terminais de ônibus, cantando palavras de ordem e fazendo batucada, panfleteando o porquê de nossa mobilização, escrachando a prefeitura municipal com uma chuva de fruta podre e afirmando na rua que não vamos deixar passar mais um roubo contra nós.

textStatement on the murder of Nikita Kalin 19:41 Mon 27 Feb by Secrétariat aux Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

The International Relations of the Coordination of Anarchist Groups condemns the murder of Nikita Kalin, anarchistic and antifascist activist of Samara, murder committed by a group of fascists, with which one of the members referring of " National socialism ", would have been arrested. [Français]

textCommuniqué sur l'assassinat de Nikita Kalin 19:36 Mon 27 Feb by Secrétariat aux Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

Le Secrétariat aux Relations Internationales de la Coordination des Groupes anarchistes condamne l'assassinat de Nikita Kalin, militant anarchiste et antifasciste de Samara, assassinat perpétré par un groupe de fascistes, dont un des membres se réclamant du « National socialisme », aurait été arrêté.

synta_1.jpg imageΣύντροφός μας θύμα &... 19:14 Mon 27 Feb by Σύντροφοι/Φίλοι του Παν. Γιαννικάκη 0 comments

Ο σύντροφός μας Παναγιώτης Γιαννικάκης, έπεσε θύμα της άγριας καταστολής των δυνάμεων της “τάξης”, προσήχθη στη ΓΑΔΑ και κακοποιήθηκε.

solidarity6.jpg imageΚάλεσμα αλληλεγγύ ... 18:17 Sun 26 Feb by Πρωτοβουλία Αλληλεγγύης Π. Φαλήρου 0 comments


sunaulia.jpg imageΣυναυλία αλληλεγγ ... 18:57 Sat 25 Feb by Συνάντηση για την αυτοοργανωμένη έκφραση και δη 0 comments

H απεργία στη Χαλυβουργία Ασπρόπυργου, που ξεκίνησε στις 31 Οκτώβρη και συνεχίζεται μέχρι σήμερα ενάντια στους όρους εξαθλίωσης και υποταγής που επιχειρεί να επιβάλει η εργοδοσία, είναι ένας αγώνας για ζωή και αξιοπρέπεια. Ένας αγώνας που εκδηλώθηκε μέσα στο ευρύτερο κλίμα κοινωνικής ασφυξίας που προκαλεί η κλιμακούμενη επιθετικότητα των αφεντικών όχι μόνο στους χώρους της μισθωτής σκλαβιάς αλλά και σε κάθε επίπεδο της ζωής.

samara_1.jpg imageAnarhist şi antifascist ucis în Rusia 20:23 Fri 24 Feb by 0 comments

La 06:30, în dimineaţa zilei de 9 februarie, un om de serviciu la Institutul FIAN a găsit trupul neînsufleţit a lui Nikita Kalin, născut în 1991, fusese înjunghiat de 61 ori. Acum, familia sa are nevoie de suport. La ora 8:00 trupul a fost găsit de poliţie şi la ora 11:00 poliţia a contactat mama victimei. Potrivit mamei, Nikita a fost înjunghiat de 61 ori, pe lângă asta, coastele sale au fost fracturate de mai multe ori, iar capul a fost ranit. Nu a fost furat niciun bun. În prezent, un suspect este arestat, sângele lui Nikita a fost gasit pe hainele celui arestat. [English]

textPalestina-Israele, 10 anni di lotta unitaria a partire dall'inizio del muro della separazione 20:00 Fri 24 Feb by Ilan S. 0 comments

All'inizio ci fu il campeggio unitario a Mas'ha di anarchici israeliani con attivisti palestinesi locali. Ci sono voluti 2 anni di sporadiche lotte prima che prendesse vita la lotta persistente del villaggio di Bil'in. Dopo 3 anni di lotte alterne in parallelo con Bil'in è stata la volta di Ni'lin ad unirsi come secondo villaggio di lotta persistente... [English]

afffr_1.jpg imageΔεν πληρώνουμε τα χ&... 19:45 Fri 24 Feb by Δίκτυο EuroAnarkismo 0 comments

Ανακοίνωση Δικτύου EuroAnarkismo: Δεν πληρώνουμε τα χρέη τους – Ας φύγουμε από τον καπιταλισμό [English]

samara.jpg imageAntifascista anarchico ucciso a Samara, in Russia 19:32 Fri 24 Feb by 0 comments

Lo scorso 9 febbraio alle 6.30 del mattino, nell'area dell'Istituto "FIAN", un bidello ha trovato il corpo di Nikita Kalin, nato nel 1991. Alle 8:00 è arrivata la polizia che solo alle 11.00 ha avvisato la madre della vittima.Secondo la madre, Nikita avrebbe ricevuto 61 coltellate; inoltre le sue costole presentavano fratture multiple, ed anche la testa presentava ferite. Non gli è stato rubato niente. Attualmente, c'è un sospettato di omicidio in stato si arresto, dato che sui suoi abiti sono state trovate tracce del sangue di Nikita. [English]

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imageΟικονομική ύφεση, ε&... Feb 26 by nekatomata 0 comments

Οι απολύσεις και οι εργοδοτικές αυθαιρεσίες συνεχίζονται καθώς η ύφεση όχι μόνο δεν υποχωρεί αλλά φαίνεται να βαθαίνει. Παγώματα μισθών, αποκοπές ωφελημάτων ακόμα και μειώσεις μισθών παρατηρούνται σε διάφορους κλάδους του ιδιωτικού τομέα ειδικότερα στο λιανικό εμπόριο όπου η συνδικαλιστική δύναμη είναι σχετικά μικρή.

imageLe capitalisme est en crise… Aidons-le à s’écrouler! Feb 23 by Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

En Grèce comme en France, les politiciens gouvernent pour les profits des capitalistes et contre l’intérêt de la population. Ils cassent les services publics, démolissent peu à peu le marché du travail et augmentent les taxes pour nous faire payer la facture. Ils sont prêts à tout pour maintenir le système en place, même s’il faut pour cela nous enfoncer dans la misère. Alors la révolution c’est pour quand?

imageCan Campaign Finance Reform Save Us? Feb 22 by John E Jacobsen 0 comments

Will "getting the money out of politics" really "get the money out of politics"?

imageLa contrarrevolución laboral en el estado español Feb 21 by José Luis Carretero 0 comments

La semana pasada el recién estrenado gobierno del Partido Popular aprobó una reforma laboral tremendamente regresiva para las clases populares, que contribuirá a agravar aún más su situación y a seguir aumentando las cifras de desempleados. Este fin de semana tuvieron lugar manifestaciones en las principales ciudades españolas que agruparon a más de un millón de personas en protesta contra este nuevo ataque con la excusa de la crisis, una crisis que por el momento sólo está afectando a los de abajo, mientras las grandes empresas presentan cuentas de resultados sin precedentes. "Los ricos más ricos y los pobres más pobres".

Publicamos las respuestas al cuestionario que en su último número le presentó al respecto el periódico "Diagonal" a José Luis Carretero, colaborador habitual de, profesor de Formación y Orientación Laboral, militante de la Confederación Sindical Solidaridad Obrera y autor de varios libros sobre políticas económicas en el estado español.

imageΓια την τοπική “αυτο... Feb 19 by Dimitri (MACG - personal capacity) 0 comments

Το κείμενο αυτό δημοσιεύρηκε με τον τίτλο “Να οργανώσουμε τις ελεύθερες ανεξάρτητες κι αλληλέγγυες κομμούνες” στο τεύχος 38, 11 Οκτώβρη 1990, του Δελτίου Πληροφόρησης “Ο Αναρχικός”.

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imageRevogar o aumento das passagens pela Força das Ruas! Feb 27 FAG 0 comments

Já foram 5 atos de rua contra o aumento das passagens e pela sua revogação em Porto Alegre: trancando as vias de circulação e os terminais de ônibus, cantando palavras de ordem e fazendo batucada, panfleteando o porquê de nossa mobilização, escrachando a prefeitura municipal com uma chuva de fruta podre e afirmando na rua que não vamos deixar passar mais um roubo contra nós.

textStatement on the murder of Nikita Kalin Feb 27 Coordination des Groupes anarchistes 0 comments

The International Relations of the Coordination of Anarchist Groups condemns the murder of Nikita Kalin, anarchistic and antifascist activist of Samara, murder committed by a group of fascists, with which one of the members referring of " National socialism ", would have been arrested. [Français]

textCommuniqué sur l'assassinat de Nikita Kalin Feb 27 Coordination des Groupes anarchistes 0 comments

Le Secrétariat aux Relations Internationales de la Coordination des Groupes anarchistes condamne l'assassinat de Nikita Kalin, militant anarchiste et antifasciste de Samara, assassinat perpétré par un groupe de fascistes, dont un des membres se réclamant du « National socialisme », aurait été arrêté.

imageΣύντροφός μας θύμα &... Feb 27 0 comments

Ο σύντροφός μας Παναγιώτης Γιαννικάκης, έπεσε θύμα της άγριας καταστολής των δυνάμεων της “τάξης”, προσήχθη στη ΓΑΔΑ και κακοποιήθηκε.

imageΚάλεσμα αλληλεγγύ ... Feb 26 0 comments


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