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southern africa / miscellaneous / feature Tuesday August 03, 2021 21:28 by Mandy Moussouris and Shawn HaTTingh   text 21 comments (last - friday april 05, 2024 23:05)   image 1 image
Everything we are now is built upon all that we were and where we came from. The same can be said for countries, any analysis has to look backwards before it can begin to understand the influences and causes of the present. This makes analysis intrinsically complex and often, almost impossible. At some point we are forced to simplify, look for patterns and analyse situations with a focus on where the key locus of power lies. An analysis of the recent events taking place primarily in Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng has to be done with this in mind. It is impossible to follow every strand of the complexity that is South Africa, but at the same time the link between the spate of large scale looting that took place and two very obvious conflicting ruling class power bases that currently exist in the country is undeniable. To claim that there was an exercising of working class power is to fundamentally misunderstand the powers at play and where the locus of power at this point in history actually lies. read full story / add a comment
H Trinidad Garcia και άλλοι αναρχικοί δημιούργησαν τις δικές τους ομάδες υπό την ομπρέλα της αναρχικής Διεθνούς Αντιφασιστικής Αλληλεγγύης (International Antifascist Solidarity) και έστειλαν τις δωρεές τους σε αυτήν την ομάδα. read full story / add a comment
O Arshinov όταν ήταν νέος
Οι αναρχικοί ήταν εξαιρετικά σκληροί στην κριτική τους προς τον Αρσίνωφ. Ο παλιός φίλος του Νέστωρ Μάχνο έγραψε πικρόχολα ότι «ήταν ματαιόδοξος και επιζητούσε εξουσία. Άγνωστος στη ρωσική επανάσταση μέχρις ότου ξύπνησε από την άχρηστη εργασία του στη Μόσχα το 1919 στη θύελλα των επαναστατικών πράξεων... αργότερα πήγε μακριά για να γράψει την ιστορία της Μαχνοβτσίνας. Κατά συνέπεια, έγινε ένα από τα ενεργά στελέχη του διεθνούς αναρχικού κινήματος και άρχισε να σκέφτεται τον εαυτό του ως τον ηγέτη του αναρχισμού, μια θέση που την επιδίωξε και βρήκε τα θεωρητικά θεμέλια γι’ αυτήν. Ήταν ένα εύκολο βήμα, τόσο εύκολο όσο και ο μπολσεβικισμός». read full story / add a comment
ibèria / història de lanarquisme / comunicat de premsa Friday July 23, 2021 22:06 by OrganiTzacions anarquisTes   image 1 image
El 19 de Juliol de 1936 el poble va aconseguir una victòria històrica enfront d’un aixecament militar que s’alçava contra el govern i la República espanyola. L’aixecament era una trama militar i civil que comptava amb el suport de tots els sectors reaccionaris de la societat (Església, carlistes, falangistes, conservadors, terratinents o industrials) i amb el finançament de banquers dretans o fins i tot de la Itàlia de Mussolini. read full story / add a comment
internacional / historia del anarquismo / portada Friday July 23, 2021 21:50 by Vários organizaciones anarquisTas   text 7 comments (last - sunday april 07, 2024 08:28)   image 1 image
El 19 de Julio de 1936 el pueblo logró una victoria histórica frente a un levantamiento militar que se alzaba contra el gobierno y la República española. El levantamiento era una trama militar y civil que contaba con el apoyo de todos los sectores reaccionarios de la sociedad (Iglesia, carlistas, falangistas, conservadores, terratenientes o industriales) y con la financiación de banqueros derechistas o incluso de la Italia de Mussolini. read full story / add a comment
internacional / história do anarquismo / opinião / análise Thursday July 22, 2021 01:21 by VARIOUS ANARCHIST ORGANIZATION   text 1 comment (last - thursday july 22, 2021 04:33)   image 1 image

Em 19 de julho de 1936, o povo conseguiu uma vitória histórica frente a um levantamento militar que se organizava contra o governo e a República espanhola. O levante era uma trama militar e civil que contava com o apoio de todos os setores reacionários da sociedade (Igreja, carlistas, falangistas, conservadores, latifundiários e industriais) e com o financiamento de banqueiros direitistas e inclusive da Itália de Mussolini.
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international / histoire de l'anarchisme / opinion / analyse Wednesday July 21, 2021 22:46 by VARIOUS ANARCHIST ORGANIZATION   image 1 image
Le 19 juillet 1936, le peuple a remporté une victoire historique face à un soulèvement militaire qui s’est élevé contre le gouvernement et la République espagnole. Ce complot militaire et civil était soutenu par tous les secteurs réactionnaires de la société (Église, carlistes, falangistes, conservateurs, propriétaires terriens ou industriels) et financé par les banquiers de droite ou encore l’Italie de Mussolini.
Face à ce complot bien organisée visant à renverser un gouvernement, il n’y avait qu’une poignée de soldats loyaux et de forces de l’ordre douteuses. Cependant, le peuple a parfaitement compris son rôle historique et sa résistance a surpassé toutes les prévisions. Les masses populaires ont pris le contrôle de villes entières comme Barcelone, Madrid, Gijón, San Sebastián et Valence. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Wednesday July 14, 2021 05:57 by Melbourne AnarchisT CommunisT Group   image 1 image
The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group’s solution to the oppression of the Palestinians is the same as for oppression everywhere. The problems of capitalism can only be solved by workers’ revolution.In Palestine, that means defeating Zionism and replacing it with the No State Solution, a society of libertarian communism that operates on the basis of consistent federalism. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / crime prison and punishment / opinion / analysis Friday July 02, 2021 21:32 by Pink PanTher   text 1 comment (last - tuesday march 19, 2024 22:26)   image 1 image
A look at the role of gangs in contemporary Aotearoa. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / community struggles / opinión / análisis Friday July 02, 2021 08:13 by STeven Crux   image 6 images
Era la noche del 1 de mayo, cuando el alcalde del municipio de Madrid, a escasos 20 kilómetros de la capital del país, llamó a los habitantes a no salir de sus casas y dejar las calles solas, según él, dado que los enfrentamientos que se estaban presentando entre la policía local y grupos de manifestantes estaban escalando y era inevitable que se presentará un ataque a la estación de policía que podría dejar uniformados en riesgo. No solamente no se dio dicho ataque más que con piedras y palos, ni siquiera hubo policías heridos más allá de algunos con uno que otro moretón, sino que el saldo se hizo del otro lado de la balanza: fue la policía quien mató a dos jóvenes madrileños en esta jornada. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / a esquerda / policy statement Friday July 02, 2021 02:22 by seguimosnaluTasc   image 1 image
A presente carta foi escrita durante o mês de Abril de 2021 com objetivo de ser restrita a militância da FOB (Federação das Organizações Sindicalista Revolucionárias do Brasil), por esse motivo tivemos de editá-la e suprimir alguns trechos que poderiam expor militantes e a organização, sendo assim já advertimos que a leitura pode ficar dificultada para a militância externa a FOB. Decidimos publicizar nossa carta de ruptura após recebermos uma resposta a mesma no início de Junho, onde ficou explícito o não compromisso com a verdade, a responsabilização individualizada sobre alguns dos ex-militantes e a tentativa de descredibilizar nossas ações a fim de evitarmos chegar ao ponto da ruptura. Para além disto a resposta da FOB à nossa carta não responde nenhuma das críticas apontadas, sendo assim resolvemos deixar público o esclarecimento sobre o motivo de nossa desfiliação para que a base da nossa ex-organização tenha acesso ao real motivo de nossa saída das fileiras desta.


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international / gender / feature Tuesday June 29, 2021 06:27 by Various anarchisT organisaTions   text 37 comments (last - tuesday april 09, 2024 16:29)   image 2 images
Am 28. Juni 1969 trafen Polizisten im Stonewall Inn in New York ein. Diese Bar war in der Schwulen-, Lesben-, Bi- und Trans-Community dafür bekannt, dass sie auch die am meisten Ausgegrenzten willkommen hieß. Wie üblich verdarb die Polizei die Party. read full story / add a comment
internacional / gender / comunicat de premsa Tuesday June 29, 2021 04:54 by Diverses organiTzacions anarquisTes   image 1 image
El 28 de juny del 1969, la policia va arribar al bar “Stonewall Inn” de Nova York. Aquest bar és reconegut per les comunitats gais, lesbianes, bisexuals i trans per donar la benvinguda fins i tot als més marginats. La policia, com de costum, va arruïnar la festa. read full story / add a comment
international / gender / press release Tuesday June 29, 2021 04:46 by Various anarchisT organisaTions   text 16 comments (last - tuesday march 19, 2024 22:24)   image 1 image
On 28 June 1969, cops arrived at the Stonewall Inn in New York. This bar is renowned in the gay, lesbian, bi and trans communities for welcoming even the most marginalised. As usual, the police spoils the party. read full story / add a comment
internacional / género / comunicado de prensa Tuesday June 29, 2021 04:15 by Vários organizaciones anarquisTas   image 1 image
El 28 de junio de 1969, la policía llegó al Stonewall Inn de Nueva York. Este bar es reconocido en las comunidades gay, lesbiana, bisexual y trans por dar la bienvenida incluso a los más marginados. Como de costumbre, la policía estropeó la fiesta. read full story / add a comment
international / genre / communiqué de presse Tuesday June 29, 2021 04:04 by Diverses organisaTions anarchisTes   image 1 image
Le 28 juin 1969, des flics débarquent au Stonewall Inn, à New York. Ce bar est réputé dans les communautés gaies, lesbiennes, bies et trans pour accueillir y compris les plus marginalisé·es. Comme souvent, c’est la venue de la police qui gâche la fête. read full story / add a comment
Για να πάρουν σάρκα και οστά αυτά τα προτάγματα, για να γίνουν εφικτά μέσω της οικοδόμησης και εφαρμογής ενός σύγχρονου επαναστατικού προγράμματος, για να αναπτυχθεί μια μαζική αναρχική πολιτική οργάνωση που θα τα προωθήσει, απαιτείται αγώνας, απαιτείται πίστη για έναν καλύτερο κόσμο. Αυτή η “πίστη” στις εποχές που διανύουμε απουσιάζει όσο ποτέ άλλοτε στην ιστορία. Αλλά είναι στο χέρι μας, να γίνει ζωντανός φάρος, σταθερός οδοδείκτης για τις νέες γενιές, για όλη την εργατική τάξη, για όλη την καταπιεσμένη κοινωνία. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Φύλο / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday June 19, 2021 08:43 by alerTa   image 1 image
Η πατριαρχία, ο καπιταλισμός κι η ιδιοκτησία είναι κοινωνικά φαινόμενα που δεν έχουν την ίδια αφετηρία κι ιστορία, συμπλέκονται όμως μεταξύ τους συμπληρώνοντας το ένα το άλλο. Όσο λοιπόν διατηρούμε ατόφια την έννοια της ιδιοκτησίας, αυτού του ανελεύθερου θεσμού που κρατάει την ανθρωπότητα δέσμια της προϊστορίας της, κανείς και καμιά δεν μπορεί να είναι ελεύθερη/ος και ασφαλής. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Friday June 18, 2021 04:38 by InTernaTional DelegaTion for Peace and Freedom   image 1 image
The UCL participated in the European delegation to observe the Turkish war crimes in Iraqi Kurdistan.
This delegation is taking place at a time when Erdogan is received at the NATO summit. His formal meeting with Macron does not hide his objective, which is obviously to legitimize his illegal invasion of Iraq, and to obtain from NATO a blank check to continue his military campaign.
His pretext: to eradicate the PKK, a "terrorist organization" according to the Council of Europe's blacklist.
His strategy: to intimidate European nations, to maintain bombings, military pressure and destruction of crops in Iraqi Kurdistan, to force Mahmoud Barzani's KDP to collaborate openly with him, against its brothers and sisters in Kurdistan.
At the time of publishing this information, the conference of the delegation has been prevented by the KDP, the hotel where it is held is surrounded by the military, and our comrades have been sent back to France after interrogation by the police of the KDP, traitor to the Kurdish cause. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Thursday June 17, 2021 05:56 by Algunas miembras de la la delegación KurdisTan   image 1 image
Unxs activistas de la UCL formaron parte de la delegación de observadores en Erbil. Apena bajaron del avión, fueron interrogados y devueltos a París, al igual que las decenas de funcionarios, cargos electos, activistas y periodistas de más de 10 países, que también fueron rechazadxs nada más al llegar. Además, se impidió la salida de Alemania a 25 delegadxs que estaban preparadxs para abandonar Düsseldorf. La sombra de Erdogan se extiende hasta Berlín, París, Bruselas…

Narración y análisis de la situación por miembras de la UCL que fueron parte de la delegación de observadores en Erbil. read full story / add a comment
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