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Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Μετανάστευση / Ρατσισμός / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Friday March 06, 2020 16:17 by Mercan Doğan και Furkan Çelik (DAF)   image 1 image
Η αναμονή των μεταναστών που μετακινήθηκαν στην πύλη Pazarkule στην Ανδριανούπολη (Edirne) συνεχίζεται για 4η μέρα μετά την ανακοίνωση της Τουρκίας ότι άνοιξε η συνοριακή πύλη στα σύνορα με την Ελλάδα. Υπάρχουν εκεί πέντε χιλιάδες μετανάστες που περιμένουν, ωστόσο ο αριθμός των ατόμων που εισέρχονται και επιστρέφουν είναι αρκετά υψηλός, ανέρχεται σε δεκάδες χιλιάδες. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Tuesday March 03, 2020 17:22 by DAF   image 1 image
The long-awaited developments began to happen In Idlib where is the last point of the war and also the last point of the djihadist gangs supported by TAF were stucked. The troops of the TAF were attacked by aerial strike on the night of 27 February to 28 -shortly before the “ultimatum” that T.C gave to the Syrian Army to withdraw from the places it took in Idlip- According to official figures, 34 soldiers died as a result of this airstrike, It was carried out by Syria according to T.C sources.
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grecia / turquía / chipre / imperialismo / guerra / entrevista Friday January 17, 2020 09:48 by KAF & DAF   image 1 image
Alb Noticias. Traducimos una entrevista que nos ha llegado al correo. Es una entrevista a dos partes, esta es la primera. Se trata de unas preguntas que hace la Kurdish Anarchist Federation a la DAF (Devricim Anarşist Faaliyet - Acción Revolucionaria Anarquista) de Turquía.

La entrevista trata sobre la situación actual de Turquía tras la invasión de Rojava, la reacción del pueblo turco, el impacto de la campaña de boicot a Turquía y sus mercados y en general el estado del pueblo turco.

Primera parte.
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greece / turkey / cyprus / imperialism / war / interview Tuesday January 14, 2020 02:19 by KAF & DAF   image 1 image
Interview conducted by the KAF (Kurdish-speaking Anarchists Forum ). Please see the translation of the interview in French, Spanish and Esperanto in the attachment. The translation has done by comrades from ( CNT-AIT France )

2020-01-12 Interview with a comrade of the DAF, regarding the state of Turkey’s invasion of Rojava, the reaction of the people in Turkey, the impact of the campaign of boycotting Turkish companies products, its markets and also the attitude of people in Turkey. First Part. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / workplace struggles / news report Friday May 03, 2019 02:24 by DAF   text 2 comments (last - thursday august 03, 2023 18:35)   image 10 images
As Genç İşçi Derneği (Young Workers Associtation), we were in 2019 May Day protests in Bakırköy. We raise black and red pancard on which the sentence of Lorenzo; "Every storm starts with a single raindrop". As a memory of anarchist comrade Lorenzo who had been murdered in Rojava, we use his sentence to raise the anger of the young workers.

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greece / turkey / cyprus / economy / news report Monday December 24, 2018 23:45 by DAF   image 9 images
Young Workers Association (GIDER) was in the protests against the economic crisis. GIDER walked with a pancard written "You are Crisis, We are Liberation".

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yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Tuesday July 10, 2018 01:02 by DAF   image 1 image
Yine bir seçim ve yine bir seçim öncesi gerilimli günleri bu coğrafyada yaşayanlar olarak deneyimlemekteyiz. Yaşadığımız coğrafyada ya da diğer coğrafyalarda, seçim denilen siyasi sürecin yarattığı şey, oluşan yeni “gerçekliğin” bir sonraki seçimlere kadar süreceğidir. Siyasal iktidarın şekillendiği seçimler sürecinde, seçimler sosyal ve ekonomik gerçeklikte şekillenir, toplumun iktidarını isteyen tarafların bireye sunduğu vaatlerle geçen bu seçim gerçekliği, iktidarın kazanılmasıyla sonlanacaktır.
Seçim ismi verilen siyasal sürecin, toplumun sosyal ve ekonomik ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması için organize edildiği iddiasının gerçek olup olmadığını soru ve cevaplarla tartışarak içselleştirmeliyiz. Çünkü katılacağımız ya da katılmayacağımız seçim süreci gerçekliğinin iddiası şudur; katılmamamız durumunda toplumun sosyal ve ekonomik işleyişine dair söz söyleyemeyiz.
Peki katılmamız durumunda bu işleyişe dair söz söyleyebilir miyiz? Toplum içinde siyasal etken bir birey olmanın şartı olarak karşımıza konan seçimlerin dışında başka bir yol yordam yok mu? Toplumun bütünlüğünü önemseyen, sosyal ve ekonomik kararlarının bir parçası olan, adalet ve özgürlüğü sağlayan bir birey olmanın tek yol yordamı seçimlerde seçmen olmak mı?
Sorular ve cevaplarıyla, Haziran 2018 seçimlerinde seçmen olup olmama, oy kullanıp kullanmama şeçimini yapmak için yani gerçek seçimi yapmak için siyasal süreci, bu süreçte olanları ve olasılıkları değerlendirelim. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / news report Friday March 23, 2018 20:34 by DAF   image 7 images
Do you think the fight of Kawa will last? Do you think the fire that he burned will be put out?

Hundreds of Dehaqs, in thousands of years, tried to put out that fire which is the struggle of freedom and justice.

Do you think that Kawa was just a statue that you can destroy?

No masters, in many geographies, had ability to destroy the ideas and the struggle of Kawa's, with their invasions or destructions.

Every winter has an end and the winters of the Dehaq's will be beaten by the fire of the spring and the fire of Kawas'.

Now it is time to make the fire of Kawa bigger, now it is time to make the fire of freedom bigger, now is Newroz time!

Em Hemû Kawane Li Dijî Dehaqan!
Dehaqlara Karşı Hepimiz Kawayız!
Newroz Pîroz Be!

Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet
DAF read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / communiqué de presse Thursday January 25, 2018 20:52 by DAF   image 1 image
Afrîn appartient aux peuples d’Afrîn. Les peuples vivant dans le canton d’Afrîn sont nés sur ces terres et vont mourir sur celles-ci. Vivre là-bas n’a rien à voir avec un quelconque plan ou programme. Ils ne vivent pas dans le canton d’Afrîn dans un but stratégique. Afrîn, pour eux, est l’eau, le pain, la nourriture, le jeu, l’histoire, l’amitié, la camaraderie, l’amour, la rue, la maison, le voisinage. Mais pour l’État, ce n’est qu’une stratégie. Une stratégie dénuée de souci pour la terre d’Afrîn ou ses peuples. [Türkçe] [English][Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
Afrin Halkı Kazanacak
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / emperyalizm / savaş / feature Thursday January 25, 2018 18:21 by DAF   image 1 image
Afrin, Afrinlilerindir. Afrin’de yaşayan halklar, bu topraklarda ölmüş ve bu topraklarda doğmuşlardır. Orada yaşamak, herhangi bir planla programla alakalı değildir. Bir strateji olarak Afrin’de değillerdir. Afrin onlar için su, ekmek , aş, oyun, öykü, arkadaş, dost, sevgili, sokak, ev, mahalledir. Devlet içinse sadece bir stratejidir. Afrin ve Afrinlileri umursamayan bir strateji. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Wednesday January 24, 2018 21:49 by DAF (Αναρχική Επαναστατική Δράση)   image 1 image
Μες στις δυο τελευταίες μέρες, κάθε βόμβα που έπεσε στο Afrin, κάθε σφαίρα, ήταν σφαίρα στο κορμί της ελευθερίας. Το τουρκικό κράτος, που επιθυμεί να αυξήσει το μερίδιο στο δικό του τραπέζι, ξεκίνησε την επίθεση στο Afrin. Πρόκειται για μια στρατηγική που δημιουργείται από τον εθνικισμό και τον συντηρητισμό, που βασίζεται σε αυτή την πλάνη. Δεν είναι παρά μια εκλογική στρατηγική. Είναι μια καθ’ όλα εμπορική στρατηγική. Ο πόλεμος του κράτους είναι μια στρατηγική. Αλλά ο πόλεμος των λαών είναι ελευθερία. Και κανένα κράτος δεν μπορεί να νικήσει τους λαούς που αγωνίζονται για ελευθερία. [Türkçe] [English][Castellano] [Français] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / anarşist hareketin / anarchist communist event Saturday April 29, 2017 23:52 by DAF   image 1 image
Bir oy olan Hayır değil; bir reddediş, bir karşı koyuş, bir özgürlük, bir devrim olan HAYIR’ı haykırmak için herkesi 1 Mayıs’ta Taksim Meydanı’na çağırıyoruz. read full story / add a comment
oy vermek birşeyleri değiştirseydi
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / miscellaneous / feature Monday April 17, 2017 00:50 by DAF   image 1 image
Seçimli sistemlerin tümünde, çoğunluk olan iktidar olur. Demokraside, çoğunluğun iktidarı demokratiktir. Çoğunluk olan iktidardır, azınlık olan ise iktidar olamamıştır. Çoğunluğun ve azınlığın ilişkisi, seçimler sürecince iki ayrı yöntemin tartışması şeklinde sürmüştür. Tartışmadıkları tek şey ise seçimlerdir. Seçimler bir grubun toplumu “ben-biz yönetmek istiyoruz” sözüyle başlayan, diğer grubun ise “hayır ben-biz yönetmek istiyoruz” sözüyle karşılık bulduğu bir iddiadır. Seçimler, iddianın taraflarının anlaşarak başlattığı seçmen sayma sürecidir ve seçmenler olmadan gerçekleşemez. Hangi tarafın seçmeni diğerinden çoksa, toplumun yönetimi de o tarafta olacaktır. Seçmen, bu iddialaşmada sadece sayısal bir değerdir. Bu sayısal değer gündelik yaşamında birçok sorunu çözmeye çalışarak yaşayan vatandaş için önemsenecek bir değer değildir. İddialaşmanın tarafları seçimlerdeki katılımı arttırmak için, vatandaşı, sayılan seçmen sıfatından çıkarıp iddianın içine sokmak isterler. Böylece iddiaya katılım artacaktır. Katılımın artması, bir sayı olan seçmenin, öncelikle iddiayı ve sonrasında ise seçimleri ve daha da sonrasında seçimlerin sonucunda oluşacak iktidarı içselleştirmesini sağlayacaktır. Seçmen kazansa da kaybetse de seçimin sonucunu ve seçilmiş tarafın iktidarını kabullenecektir. Vatandaşın bu kabullenmesi, seçimlerde iddialaşan her grubun kazanımıdır. Seçimi kazanan hükümetini sürdürdükçe, kaybeden de muhalefetini sürdürecek ve her iki taraf da bir dahaki seçimleri bekleyeceklerdir. [Français] [English][Ελληνικά] Also read Regarding Referendum 2 DAF Referanduma Dair 2 DAF read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / policy statement Saturday April 15, 2017 23:15 by DAF   image 1 image
On winning or losing;

For the last three elections, nearly one sixth of the voters do not participate in elections. This shows us that 10,000,000 of the nearly 60,000,000 voters will not participate in the referendum. 25,000,001 of the 50,000,000 voters will give yes vote or no vote. 24,999,999 voters will have lost with the difference of a single vote. It's that easy to win or lose in this system. [Turkçe] Also read On Referendum DAF Sur le référendum [en Turquie, NdT] DAF DAF’ın Referandum Üzerine Birinci Bildirisi Κείμενο της Επαναστατικής Αναρχικής Δράσης (DAF) read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / policy statement Wednesday April 12, 2017 21:46 by DAF   image 1 image
In all selective systems, the ones who is majority takes the power. In democracy, the power of majority is democratic. Whoever is majority takes the power, whoever is minority does not have power. The relationship between the majority and minority during the election continues as a debate between two separate methods. The only thing that they don't discuss is elections. Election is a bet which begins when a group says "I-we want to administrate society" and they are replied by another group saying "no I-we want to administrate". Election is a process of counting voters, initiated by agreement of the parties of the bet and can not occur without the voters. The government of society is owned by the side which has more voters than the other side. The voter is only a numeric value in the bet. This numeric value is not a value to care about for a citizen trying to solve the many problems of everyday life. To increase participation to elections, the parties of the bet, want to promote the citizens from the voter title into the bettor title. This should increase the participation of the bet. The increase in attendance will cause the voter, being a number, to internalize the bet and then the domination formed as a result the result of the elections. The voter will accept the result of elections and the power of the selected side, regardless of who won or lost. This acceptance of the citizens is a win for each group who bets on elections. As long as the winner of the elections continues its government, the loser will continue its opposition and both sides will wait for the next elections.
[Turkçe][Français][Ελληνικά] Also read: Regarding Referendum 2 DAF Referanduma Dair 2 DAF (in Turkish) read full story / add a comment
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday March 22, 2017 01:57 by DAF   image 7 images
Kawa’nın yüz yıllar önce yaktığı isyan ateşi, devletin Newroz’u yasaklamasına rağmen, Kürdistan’ın dört bir yanında harlanmaya devam ediyor.
Bugün, Demirci Kawa’nın zalim Dehaq’ın karşısına çıkarak “Ey Saray sahibi, seninle adalet için kavga etmeye geldim!” dediği gündür. Bugün, kavganın ve isyanın, direnerek özgürleşmenin günüdür. Bugün, Kawa’nın çıktığı yolda, aynı adalet kavgasıyla; yaşadığımız coğrafyada süren soykırım girişimlerine, kimyasal gazlarla katliamlara, zorla göç ettirmelere ve asimilasyon politikalarına karşı isyanı büyütmenin günüdür. Bugün Newroz’dur! read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Καταστολή / Φυλακές / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Saturday December 24, 2016 11:13 by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet - DAF   image 1 image
Μια έρευνα ξεκίνησε από το γραφείο του Γενικού Εισαγγελέα Κωνσταντινούπολης σχετικά με την εφημερίδα μας, σε σχέση με τα άρθρα "Τόσο η άφιξη όσο και η αναχώρηση του κράτους είναι από το φόβο", “Απαγόρευση μέχρι νεωτέρας διαταγής" και “Αναδημιουργώντας τη ζωή”, που δημοσιεύτηκαν στο τεύχος 30 της εφημερίδας μας τον Δεκέμβρη του 2015 με τη λεζάντα «Απαγορεύοντας τα πάντα". [English] [Castellano] [Türkçe] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Καταστολή / Φυλακές / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Saturday August 13, 2016 19:01 by Αναρχική Επαναστατική Δράση (DAF)   image 1 image
Εμείς, που πιστεύουμε ότι η ελεύθερη ζωή δεν μπορεί να δημιουργηθεί από ένα πραξικόπημα ή από τις εκλογές, αναγνωρίζουμε την ύπαρξη του κράτους ως ένα πραξικόπημα στην ελευθερία μας και η εξέγερσή μας θα συνεχίζεται μέχρι να δημιουργηθεί ένας ελεύθερος κόσμος. Το κράτος είναι το πραξικόπημα, η επανάσταση είναι η ελευθερία. Αυτό που έχουμε όλοι ανάγκη, δεν είναι να αντλήσουμε ελπίδα από τις μάχες μεταξύ των «αρχών», αλλά να ξέρουμε ότι η ελπίδα είναι επανάσταση για την ελευθερία. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Wednesday April 27, 2016 21:24 by DAF (Επαναστατική Αναρχική Δράση)   image 1 image
Προσπαθούν να αποτρέψουν τον αναρχικό αγώνα με την πολιτική πολέμου τους, στους δρόμους. Τρείς σύντροφοί μας συνελήφθησαν από την αστυνομία. Δεν θα μας εμποδίσουν από τον Αγώνα μας. Θα συνεχίζουμε να αγωνιζόμαστε ενάντια στο Κράτος και το Κεφάλαιο. read full story / add a comment
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