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western asia / indigenous struggles / news report Saturday May 07, 2016 13:26 byIlan S.   text 1 comment (last - tuesday may 10, 2016 05:21)
The first years of the joint struggle against the wall had some gains that drew activists to the struggle. However, for years the continuous joint struggle have much more gains, but not on the ground for people to see with their eyes. Gradually both Palestinians and Israeli activists dropped out with not so many to replace them. Still, on the weekly demonstrations the participants - Israelis, internationals, and Palestinians are far from any thought on quitting. We see the changes in the international arena. Taste of it is brought to us by the international activists who keep coming. If the weekly demos reminded activists the activity of Sisyphus of rolling a heavy rock uphill to the summit just to have it down again, it is clear to any one who see the whole picture that the rolling of the rock uphill again and again is decimating the hill and may be we are not so far from the last rolling of the rock up the hill. read full story / add a comment
western asia / indigenous struggles / news report Saturday April 02, 2016 18:13 byIlan S.
Last Friday (1.4) lot of anarchist flags again in Bil'in challenging the new efforts to put end to the Friday demos in the village. The long range tear gas cannisters prevent any interaction with the Israeli soldiers and stoped the demonstrators from exiting the village - like in the demonstrations in Bil'in eleven years ago before the intense efforts to put end to the demonstrations was replace with the contention of them; and like in the other locations - Ni'ilin, Nebi Saleh, and Qaddum where the efforts to put end to the demonstrations intensify. (So are with out the success the intense efforts to strangle the south of Hebron hills activities with other means.) People with keen ears can already hear the beginning of the countdown towards the end of the imperial settler colonial project in the East of the Mediterranean sea. May be the acceleration of the process is the result of the accumulation of the fiascos of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya... read full story / add a comment
western asia / imperialism / war / press release Monday August 24, 2015 19:22 byembatent
Different spanish and catalan organisations have signed a manifest in solidarity of the present struggle in Kurdistan and Turkey. read full story / add a comment
asia occidental / imperialismo / guerra / comunicado de prensa Monday August 24, 2015 17:19 byembatent   text 1 comment (last - thursday august 27, 2015 23:36)
Manifiesto a favor y en solidaridad con la lucha kurda y de la izquierda en Turquía read full story / add a comment
asie de l'ouest / mouvement anarchiste / entrevue Friday April 22, 2011 06:04 byBlogue du Collectif Emma Goldman
Avec le démantèlement de l’Union soviétique, de multiples petits États déclarèrent leur indépendance. La Géorgie, pays du Caucase de 4,5M d’habitant-e-s situé à la limite entre l’Europe et l’Asie, réinstaura son indépendance en 1991 et vit aujourd’hui des relations diplomatiques avec la Russie très tendues depuis la guerre en Ossétie du sud et en Abkhazie en 2008. Des militant-e-s anarchistes ont créé une section de la Confédération Révolutionnaire des Anarcho-syndicalistes de N.I. Makhno (RKAS) en 2010 dans la capitale de la Géorgie, Tbilissi. Le secrétaire local de la section a accepté de répondre à l’entretien ci-dessous. read full story / add a comment
asia occidentale / cultura / recensione Tuesday January 19, 2010 22:17 byAlternative Libertaire
Premiato all'ultimo festival del cinema di Cannes, nella categoria Un certo sguardo, il film "Gatti persiani" è il quinto film del regista iraniano di origine kurda Bahman Ghobadi, rivelatosi nel 2000 con "Il tempo dei cavalli ubriachi". "Gatti persiani" racconta il percorso di 2 giovani musicisti che cercano di organizzare un concerto a Teheran per finanziare l'acquisto di passaporti falsi allo scopo di emigrare a Londra. read full story / add a comment
western asia / imperialism / war / policy statement Thursday January 07, 2010 14:19 byWorkers Solidarity Alliance
The anti-war movement, if it is to have a chance at success, must encourage the growing resistance in the lower ranks of capitalism’s armed forces. The rank-and-file soldiers of capitalist empire, recruited from the working class, could turn against the brass to become a true workers' army dedicated to fighting the real enemy at home: the ruling class of capitalists, politicians and the middle managers who do their bidding. read full story / add a comment
western asia / miscellaneous / link to audio Thursday December 10, 2009 21:13 bys. nappalos
This is a talk and discussion on Iran hosted by Miami Autonomy and Solidarity. read full story / add a comment
asie de l'ouest / impérialisme / guerre / nouvelles Wednesday September 09, 2009 01:19 byCause commune
Ça fait combien d’années qu’on nous répète dans tous les médias de masse que la guerre en Afghanistan est noble en opposition aux barbares qui torturaient les femmes et régnaient d’une main de fer sur le pays? Que «nos soldats» donnent leur vie pour la démocratie?
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west-azië / community struggles / persbericht Sunday July 19, 2009 16:43 byFederazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
Het bloedbad dat wordt uitgevoerd door de leiders van de islamitische republiek verplettert de vreedzame oppositie van het volk, wat een einde maakt aan de mythe dat door de islam geïnspireerde staten verschillen van de zogenaamde "seculiere" staten van het Westen: als de klassen die de macht hebben, of het nu een seculiere bourgeoisie of een religieuze bourgeoisie is, door het volk op straat wordt gevraagd verantwoording af te leggen voor hun macht, hun machtsmisbruik, hun voorrechten, hun beperkingen op de vrijheid voor de oppositie, is het gevolg altijd hetzelfde - hevige repressie, mensen worden neergeschoten, veiligheidskrachten keren zich tegen het volk om de demonstranten fysiek te vernietigen, of het nu arbeiders, vrouwen of studenten zijn. [English] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] read full story / add a comment
Δυτική Ασία / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Thursday July 09, 2009 23:00 byFederazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
Το Ιράν, επίσης, έχει την κυβερνώσα καπιταλιστική του τάξη, την εκμεταλλευτική μπουρζουαζία του. Το Ιράν, επίσης, έχει τον οπισθοδρμικό κλήρο του που σκοτώνει τις ελευθερίες. Το Ιράν, επίσης, έχει τον συντριμμένο και καταπιεσμένο της λαό. Τότε λοιπόν, ας αρχίσει μια “Ιντιφάντα” ενάντια στη θεοκρατία της Τεχεράνης. Λαϊκή αντίσταση ενάντια στους καταπιεστές και δολοφόνους. Η Ιρανική εξέγερση είναι μια εξέγερση για την ελπίδα της ελευθερίας και της κοινωνικής δικαιοσύνης. Χρειάζεται όλη τη λαϊκή, αντικρατική, αντιεξουσιαστική, διεθνή αλληλεγγύη που μπορεί να δοθεί! read full story / add a comment
western asia / community struggles / press release Thursday July 09, 2009 16:51 byFederazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
The bloodbath being carried out by the leaders of the islamic republic is crushing the peaceful opposition of the people, putting an end to the myth that Islam-inspired States are different from the West's so-called "secular" States: when the classes in power, be they a secular bourgeoisie or a religious bourgeoisie, are called by the people on the streets to account for their power, their abuse of power, their privileges, their limitations on the freedom of opposition forces, the result is always the same - fierce repression, people being shot, security forces savagely launching themselves on the people to destroy the demonstrators physically, be they workers, women or students. [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] read full story / add a comment
asia occidentale / lotte sul territorio / comunicato stampa Saturday June 27, 2009 00:47 byFederazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
Il bagno di sangue con il quale i dirigenti della repubblica islamica stanno schiacciando la pacifica opposizione del popolo mette fine ad ogni pretesa alterità degli Stati di ispirazione islamica rispetto agli Stati cosiddetti "laici" dell'Occidente: quando le classi al potere, siano esse borghesie laiche o religiose, vengono chiamate dal popolo a rispondere in piazza del loro potere, degli abusi, dei privilegi, delle limitazioni della libertà che esse impongono alle opposizioni, allora inizia la repressione più feroce, si spara sulla gente, si lanciano le bestie dei corpi di sicurezza all'assalto per l'annientamento fisico dei manifestanti, siano essi lavoratori, donne, studenti. [English] [Ελληνικά] [Nederlands] read full story / add a comment
western asia / workplace struggles / opinion/analysis Thursday April 30, 2009 18:57 byهه‌ژێن
یه‌کی ئایار و چه‌کی چینایه‌تی بۆ گۆڕینی کۆمه‌ڵایه‌تییانه‌ی کۆمه‌ڵگه‌ی چینایه‌تی read full story / add a comment
west-azië / imperialisme / oorlog / persbericht Friday August 15, 2008 16:34 byFederazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
Er zal geen vrede of stabiliteit in de Kaukasus zijn totdat de volkeren volledige autonomie en zelfbeschikking over hun eigen lot krijgen en totdat ze in solidariteit samenwerken bij de productie en het verschepen van grondstoffen, tegen dictators en lokale heersende klassen, tegen alle vormen van nationalisme, tegen alle vormen van imperialisme en tegen het kapitalisme. read full story / add a comment
western asia / imperialism / war / press release Wednesday August 13, 2008 08:53 byFederazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
There will be no peace or stability in the Caucasus until its peoples obtain full autonomy and self-determination of their own destinies and until they cooperate in solidarity in the production and shipping of raw materials, against dictators and local ruling classes, against all forms of nationalism, against all forms of imperialism and against capitalism. read full story / add a comment
asia occidentale / imperialismo / guerra / comunicato stampa Wednesday August 13, 2008 07:54 byFederazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
Non ci sarà pace, né stabiltà nel Caucaso finché i popoli non riacquisteranno piena autonomia ed autodeterminazione sui loro destini e non coopereranno per la produzione e la veicolazione solidale delle materie prime, contro i dittatori e le classi dominanti locali, contro ogni nazionalismo, ogni imperialismo, contro il capitalismo. [English] [Português] [ Ελληνικά] read full story / add a comment
western asia / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Monday February 13, 2006 19:56 byAnarcho   text 2 comments (last - thursday february 16, 2006 04:58)
The Iraq WMD farce has not stopped Bush and Blair attacking Iran using the same arguments read full story / add a comment
Κείμενο του Michael Schmidt, μέλος της Bikisha Media Collective, της Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Federation (ZACF) της Ν. Αφρικής. Μετάφραση «Ούτε Θεός-Ούτε Αφέντης», 5 Ιανουαρίου 2006, Μελβούρνη. read full story / add a comment
asie de l'ouest / genre / opinion / analyse Saturday November 12, 2005 01:36 byBeth Travis
Une camarade du Trouble a passé quelques temps en Asie Centrale et nous avons cru bon de publier ce texte traitant du "bride kidnapping" au Kirghizstan. Ce texte apporte des infos sur une région inconnue de la plupart des occidentaux et dénonce un système capitaliste et patriarcal qui n'est certes pas unique à ce coin du globe. read full story / add a comment

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