
Kommende Veranstaltungen

The Left

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international / the left / review Wednesday November 22, 2023 05:26 bei Wayne Price   text 6 comments (last - tuesday april 09, 2024 16:21)   image 1 image
Trotsky's "Transitional Program" has both strengths and weaknesses from the viewpoint of revolutionary anarchist-socialism. It is an important document of historical socialism, although deeply flawed. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
For a wild Pride!
international / the left / opinion / analysis Wednesday June 28, 2023 19:29 bei Ara Avasin   text 3 comments (last - tuesday november 28, 2023 11:24)   image 1 image
Critical reflections on identity politics and separatism, acknowledging intersectionality and getting inspiration from the revolutionary struggles in Turkey and Kurdistan.
Aiming to reflect common strategies to move forward in our revolutionary organizing. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
international / the left / opinion / analysis Saturday March 19, 2022 11:18 bei Wayne Price   text 6 comments (last - tuesday april 02, 2024 12:03)   image 1 image
Marx & Engels Communist Manifesto from the perspective of an anarchist. Most of its class analysis is still valuable, but anarchists reject much of its political and economic program. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
north america / mexico / the left / review Monday February 14, 2022 06:16 bei Wayne Price   image 1 image
An anarchist review of Mark R. Levin's far-right best-seller, American Marxism (2021) NY: Threshold Editions/Simon & Schuster
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aotearoa / pacific islands / the left / opinion / analysis Thursday July 08, 2021 13:15 bei AWSM   text 1 comment (last - tuesday march 19, 2024 22:28)   image 1 image
A rant about the 105th anniversary of the NZ Labour Party. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / a esquerda / policy statement Friday July 02, 2021 02:22 bei seguimosnalutasc   image 1 image
A presente carta foi escrita durante o mês de Abril de 2021 com objetivo de ser restrita a militância da FOB (Federação das Organizações Sindicalista Revolucionárias do Brasil), por esse motivo tivemos de editá-la e suprimir alguns trechos que poderiam expor militantes e a organização, sendo assim já advertimos que a leitura pode ficar dificultada para a militância externa a FOB. Decidimos publicizar nossa carta de ruptura após recebermos uma resposta a mesma no início de Junho, onde ficou explícito o não compromisso com a verdade, a responsabilização individualizada sobre alguns dos ex-militantes e a tentativa de descredibilizar nossas ações a fim de evitarmos chegar ao ponto da ruptura. Para além disto a resposta da FOB à nossa carta não responde nenhuma das críticas apontadas, sendo assim resolvemos deixar público o esclarecimento sobre o motivo de nossa desfiliação para que a base da nossa ex-organização tenha acesso ao real motivo de nossa saída das fileiras desta.


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«Μια επανάσταση αρουραίων» του Diều Hâu
Νοτιοανατολική Ασία / Αριστερά / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Thursday May 13, 2021 19:43 bei Βιετναμέζοι αναρχικοίi   image 1 image
Τελικά, η ίδια η ύπαρξη είναι από μόνη της μια νίκη, επομένως, ένας ρόλος εκδηλώνεται από μόνος του, ένας ρόλος που να εκπροσωπήσει τις φωνές των βιετναμέζων ριζοσπαστών. Στοχεύουμε στη μελλοντική εργατική τάξη, στη νεολαία, που διαιωνίζουν τον καπιταλισμό και το κράτος και καταπιέζονται από αυτούς, ώστε να μπορούν να σπάσουν τις καταπιεστικές του αλυσίδες. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / la izquierda / comunicado de prensa Wednesday May 12, 2021 02:21 bei Frente Anarquista Organizado   image 3 images
Declaración del Frente Anarquista Organizado (FAO) de la Región Chilena, solidarizando con el pueblo colombiano y su levantamiento popular. Mandamos un fraternal saludo a las y los militantes comunistas anárquicos que bregan por construir pueblo organizado desde las bases del mundo social; también, solidarizamos con la clase trabajadora del Estado colombiano y hacemos un llamado, pese a la censura en las redes sociales y en los medios, a seguir en las calles. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
“A Rats' Revolution” by Diều Hâu
south-east asia / the left / feature Sunday May 09, 2021 21:13 bei Vietnamese Anarchists   text 155 comments (last - friday april 12, 2024 14:36)   image 1 image
... to exist is in itself a victory, thus a role manifests itself, a role to represent the voices of Vietnamese radicals. We aim at the future working class, the youth, who are both perpetuating and oppressed by capitalism and the state so that they can break through its oppressive chains.
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france / belgique / luxembourg / la gauche / article de fond Tuesday May 04, 2021 06:53 bei Union Communiste Libertaire   text 45 comments (last - saturday october 21, 2023 19:34)   image 5 images
Le 1er mai en France a globalement été une réussite, dans les différentes villes où l'UCL est implantée, comme en témoignent les différentes photos que nous ont fait parvenir les camarades et que nous relayons dans cet article. Dans la plupart des manifestations, il a été l'occasion de débattre et d'exposer nos revendications, particulièrement autour de la réforme de l'assurance-chômage puisque les précaires du secteur de la culture continuent d'occuper les lieux culturels à travers toute la France contre cette réforme inique.

Malheureusement, le Premier Mai parisien a été émaillé de violences inacceptables contre le mouvement ouvrier, en particulier contre la CGT. A Lyon et Nantes également, une partie des manifestant-es de ce qu'on a coutume d'appeler "le cortège de tête" a pris à partie les syndicats et les intermittent-es et précaires en lutte. La répression policière contre le mouvement social n'était pas suffisante, il a fallu que des gens aient la bonne idée de s'attaquer en plus aux organisations syndicales...

Nous relayons ici le communiqué de l'Union Communiste Libertaire suite à ces événements et apportons par la même occasion notre entière solidarité aux camarades blessé-es et évidemment choqué-es.
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international / the left / opinion / analysis Monday February 01, 2021 21:39 bei Shawn Hattingh   text 3 comments (last - thursday march 28, 2024 07:59)   image 1 image
We are living in a world that for most people is broken and that has broken most people. It is not a god given world, but one that has been constructed by those in power and that has left most people mired in deprivation. Under COVID-19, this world has sunk to new lows. All is not lost though. There has historically been a section within the progressive movement – in different parts of the world and in South Africa – based around forms of radically democratic socialism that has not only tapped into the righteous anger of the working class, but has also sought to create a home and sense of belonging for people based on progressive values and principles such as mutual aid, solidarity and even love. If we want a better world, we need to revive the popularity of the types of politics, ethics, values, principles and practices that formed the essence – at their best – of such movements and update it for the context of the 21st century. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
north america / mexico / the left / opinion / analysis Wednesday December 30, 2020 07:55 bei Wayne Price   text 9 comments (last - wednesday february 10, 2021 07:18)   image 1 image
Liberals and others declare that the defeat of Donald Trump and of his coup-attempts demonstrate that "the system works," that the U.S.A. has an effective "democracy." I cannot see it that way. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
international / the left / opinion / analysis Saturday November 14, 2020 11:12 bei Wayne Price   text 2 comments (last - sunday march 03, 2024 03:22)   image 1 image
A fundamental thesis which all varieties of revolutionary socialists and anarchists once generally accepted: this state cannot be used to create socialism (communism or anarchism). It must be overturned, destroyed, and replaced by alternate social forms. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
international / the left / opinion / analysis Monday September 28, 2020 10:38 bei LAMA   image 1 image
A review of the selected writings of Maurice Brinton. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
international / the left / opinion / analysis Monday June 29, 2020 22:48 bei Shawn Hattingh   image 1 image
The ongoing capitalist crisis, and the impacts of COVID19, have made it clear that the capitalist and state system we live under is neither efficient nor just. Inequality has hit record levels and a small elite has more wealth than ever, while the very basics – such as a decent healthcare, water, housing, sanitation, food and electricity – cannot be effectively financed, run nor delivered. Politicians in every state abuse their power too and corruption is rife, only its severity varies. We see this even when there is a pandemic – some local politicians have even sold food parcels meant to alleviate people’s hunger during the COVID 19 lockdown. Parliamentary democracy is largely hollow with a majority of people having no real political power. The oppression of women and people of colour continues unabated and imperialism deepens everyday. Due to the ever-expanding nature of capitalism the ecology is on the verge of collapse. It is clear a movement for change and an alternative to capitalism and the state system is needed. One alternative that is proving to be viable in large parts of the Kurdish majority areas of the Middle East is Democratic Confederalism. In South Africa there is much we can learn, adopt and adapt from Democratic Confederalism for local movement building. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Διεθνή / Αριστερά / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Tuesday June 16, 2020 20:45 bei Matthew Crossin   image 1 image
Αν και ο Μαρξ σκόπευε να αφιερώσει έναν τόμο του «Κεφαλαίου» στο ζήτημα του «Κράτους», πέθανε προτού ακόμη μπορέσει να ξεκινήσει αυτό το έργο. Έχουμε, λοιπόν, αφεθεί στην αναδιατύπωση της «μαρξιστικής θεωρίας του κράτους» από διάσπαρτες αναφορές που λανθάνουν σε διάφορα από τα συλλεχθέντα έργα του Μαρξ και του Ένγκελς. Η ανάλυσή μου διερευνά τις μετατοπίσεις και τις αντιφάσεις στη σκέψη τους, καθώς και τη χρησιμότητα αυτών των αντιφάσεων που εξυπηρετούν την εσφαλμένη παρουσίαση της αναρχικής εναλλαγής. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / a esquerda / opinião / análise Monday June 15, 2020 08:15 bei BrunoLR   image 1 image
Por Bruno Lima Rocha – 14 de junho de 2020
Ao longo das últimas duas semanas venho promovendo na coluna que produzo para algumas emissoras livres e comunitárias um debate direto e tranquilo. Trata-se de aderir ou não (fisicamente) aos atos antifascistas e antirracistas. Também abordo o tema da unidade possível e do leque de alianças desejável. Não me refiro em momento algum a quem está preocupado com a pandemia e como todas e todos nós, entendemos que a orientação da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para o isolamento social está correta. Se a preocupação maior for a de evitar a propagação do contágio por aglomeração e contato físico, não há sombra de dúvida que é uma posição sólida e honesta intelectualmente. Tampouco na crítica, jamais me refiro a individualidades e sempre a lideranças consolidadas, com cargos eletivos ou postos de direção em partidos e movimentos. Também fica a crítica para as celebridades e subcelebridades, acadêmicas, artísticas ou esportivas que, sem compromisso político, aproveitam momentos de organização social para se promover.
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international / the left / review Friday May 15, 2020 08:36 bei Wayne Price   image 1 image
During the late 1930s, Leon Trotsky and John Dewey, a leading U.S. liberal, wrote essays on the relation of means and ends in politics, and on whether Leninism led to Stalinism. I am going to discuss these works from an anarchist perspective.
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Διεθνή / Αριστερά / Κριτική / Παρουσίαση Wednesday January 22, 2020 19:40 bei Dmitri (MACG - personal capacity)   image 1 image
Αυτή η εκπληκτικά πρώιμη όσο και ρηξικέλευθη κριτική απόρριψη της μαρξικής θεωρίας καθώς και του πρώτου της βλαστού, της σοσιαλδημοκρατίας, από τον εν πολλοίς λησμονημένο αναρχικό επαναστάτη και ουμανιστή Πιερ Ράμους -φιλολογικό ψευδώνυμο του Αυστριακού Ρούντολφ Γκρόσμαν- γράφτηκε εν μέσω του Πρώτου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, το 1916, και εκδόθηκε τρία χρόνια μετά. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
north america / mexico / the left / opinion / analysis Monday January 13, 2020 10:26 bei Wayne Price   image 1 image
What happens next after Trump's impeachment and trial? What is the Democratic vs. Republican conflict really about? Does the Constitution provide any guidance? How should anarchists and other radicals position themselves politically? Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
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The Left

Thu 18 Apr, 19:37

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fao1.jpg imageSolidaridad Con El Pueblo Colombiano Y Su Levantamiento Popular 02:21 Wed 12 May by Frente Anarquista Organizado 0 comments

Declaración del Frente Anarquista Organizado (FAO) de la Región Chilena, solidarizando con el pueblo colombiano y su levantamiento popular. Mandamos un fraternal saludo a las y los militantes comunistas anárquicos que bregan por construir pueblo organizado desde las bases del mundo social; también, solidarizamos con la clase trabajadora del Estado colombiano y hacemos un llamado, pese a la censura en las redes sociales y en los medios, a seguir en las calles.

selbysemela.jpg imageΈφυγε ένας Νοτιοαφ&#... 14:21 Sat 01 Sep by ZACF 0 comments

Ο Selby Semela, ηγετική φυσιογνωμία της εξέγερσης του 1976 εναντίον του απαρτχάιντ, πολιτικός εξόριστος και συγγραφέας (με τους Sam Thompson και Norman Abraham έγραψε το «Reflections on the Black Consciousness Movement and the South African Revolution» - «Σκέψεις για το Κίνημα Μαύρης Συνειδητοποίησης και τη Νοτιοαφρικανική Επανάσταση»), πέθανε την Τετάρτη, 22 Αυγούστου 2018, σε ηλικία 60 ετών.

Selby Semela, 1958-2018 imageA South African Revolutionary Passes: Jabisile Selby Semela, 1958-2018 08:14 Thu 30 Aug by ZACF 0 comments

Selby Semela, a leading figure in the 1976 revolt against apartheid, political exile, and author (with Sam Thompson and Norman Abraham), of “Reflections on the Black Consciousness Movement and the South African Revolution”, passed away on Wednesday, 22 August, 2018, aged but 60 years.

dscn1721.jpg imageLa compañera kurda Melike Yasar visitó Valparaíso, Chile 17:58 Mon 23 Nov by Acción Libertaria 0 comments

En la tarde del 19 de Noviembre se realizó el encuentro organizado por Acción Libertaria-Valparaíso , el Comité Provisorio de Solidaridad con Rojava 2015 y el Comité Chileno-Mapuche de Solidaridad con Kurdistán, con Melike Yasar en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de Valparaíso.

2434769c7a4250aa1b7bf00b28751c5d.jpg imageΚοινότητες αγώνα σ&#... 18:32 Thu 17 Sep by Αναρχικό/Αντιεξουσιαστικό Στέκι Αντίπνοια 0 comments

Η άνοδος του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στην εξουσία ήρθε σε μία κρίσιμη για το κεφάλαιο χρονική περίοδο, αφού προηγουμένως, είχαν εφαρμοστεί σκληρά μέτρα από τις προηγούμενες κυβερνήσεις και η κοινωνία είχε φτάσει σε ασφυκτικό τέλμα. Έτσι ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ήταν το τελευταίο χαρτί της αστικής τάξης προκειμένου να διαφυλάξει την ακεραιότητα του καπιταλιστικού μοντέλου. Ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ που μέχρι τότε αυτοπροσδιοριζόταν ως κομμάτι του κινήματος ήταν η βέλτιστη επιλογή προκειμένου να δράσει εκτονωτικά, αρχικά ως έμπορος ελπίδας, στην συνέχεια καπηλευόμενος αγώνες των κινημάτων και τέλος καθοδηγώντας και εκμηδενίζοντας την κοινωνική οργή.
Καλλιέργησε αυταπάτες, οι οποίες όμως σύντομα κατέρρευσαν.

10933810_1098653513483989_8172575092281804228_n.jpg imageCon el mundo patas arriba, Se fue Galeano. 00:34 Tue 21 Apr by Colectivo Contrainformativo SubVersión 0 comments

Hoy el mundo está más que nunca patas arriba, se fue a la eternidad el hombre que hizo de sus letras rebeldía y dignidad, aquel inclaudicable luchador que con su prosa emancipada atravesó el latir insubordinado de aquellas que hacemos de nuestras vidas lucha constante e intransigente contra el capital. Se fue el escritor uruguayo Eduardo Galeano.

exfel.png imageComunicado Renuncia FeL-Chile 14:52 Wed 02 Apr by Ex - militantes del Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios 0 comments

Transcurridos una serie de acontecimientos, acompañados cada uno por sus respectivas reflexiones y aprendizajes, es que los militantes libertarios que suscribimos esta declaración, y ante el quiebre ideológico que atraviesa al conjunto de los libertarios y libertarias tomamos la decisión de separarnos del Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios - Chile asumiendo, con nuestras palabras y acciones , las consecuencias políticas de tal decisión y decididos por tanto a seguir construyendo en el camino revolucionario de nuestro pueblo.

paperdragons1.jpg imageStatement of left and anarchist organizations about "Borotba" organization 15:19 Thu 06 Mar by Left and anarchist organizations 1 comments

We, the collectives and members of Ukrainian leftist and anarchist organizations, announce that “Borotba” union is not a part of our movement. During the whole time of this political project’s existence, its members tended to be committed to the most discredited, conservative and authoritarian “leftist” regimes and ideologies, which do not represent the interests of working classes in any way.

368235_114948_1.jpg imageApuntes ante la actual coyuntura de destitución del Alcalde de Bogotá 21:20 Tue 17 Dec by Grupo Libertario Vía Libre 0 comments

Posicionamiento del Grupo Libertario Vía Libre ante la destitución e inhabilitación del alcalde bogotano Gustavo Petro.

alejandroordonezygustavopetro549x345.jpg image¡Ni con Petro ni con Ordóñez! 08:27 Sun 15 Dec by Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista 2 comments

Sin lugar a dudas uno de los sucesos que más ha dado de que hablar en los últimos días es la destitución de Gustavo Petro como alcalde de la ciudad de Bogotá y su inhabilitación para ejercer cargos públicos durante 15 años según un fallo emitido por la Procuraduría General de la Nación. Según este órgano de vigilancia estatal, la medida obedece a las presuntas irregularidades presentadas en el cambio de esquema para la recolección de basuras implementado mediante un decreto en Diciembre del año 2012. La decisión fue dada a conocer a la opinión pública en boca del procurador Ordóñez a comienzos de esta semana y desde ese momento las distintas reacciones no se han hecho esperar.

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imageReflections on Identity Politics and Revolutionary Organizing Jun 28 by Ara Avasin 3 comments

Critical reflections on identity politics and separatism, acknowledging intersectionality and getting inspiration from the revolutionary struggles in Turkey and Kurdistan.
Aiming to reflect common strategies to move forward in our revolutionary organizing.

imageAn Anarchist Guide to The Communist Manifesto of Marx & Engels Mar 19 by Wayne Price 6 comments

Marx & Engels Communist Manifesto from the perspective of an anarchist. Most of its class analysis is still valuable, but anarchists reject much of its political and economic program.

imageParty for a Dinosaur Jul 08 by AWSM 1 comments

A rant about the 105th anniversary of the NZ Labour Party.

imageΟι ανεκπλήρωτες υπ&#... May 13 by Βιετναμέζοι αναρχικοίi 0 comments

Τελικά, η ίδια η ύπαρξη είναι από μόνη της μια νίκη, επομένως, ένας ρόλος εκδηλώνεται από μόνος του, ένας ρόλος που να εκπροσωπήσει τις φωνές των βιετναμέζων ριζοσπαστών. Στοχεύουμε στη μελλοντική εργατική τάξη, στη νεολαία, που διαιωνίζουν τον καπιταλισμό και το κράτος και καταπιέζονται από αυτούς, ώστε να μπορούν να σπάσουν τις καταπιεστικές του αλυσίδες.

imageBroken world, broken people – we need a path to a better future Feb 01 by Shawn Hattingh 3 comments

We are living in a world that for most people is broken and that has broken most people. It is not a god given world, but one that has been constructed by those in power and that has left most people mired in deprivation. Under COVID-19, this world has sunk to new lows. All is not lost though. There has historically been a section within the progressive movement – in different parts of the world and in South Africa – based around forms of radically democratic socialism that has not only tapped into the righteous anger of the working class, but has also sought to create a home and sense of belonging for people based on progressive values and principles such as mutual aid, solidarity and even love. If we want a better world, we need to revive the popularity of the types of politics, ethics, values, principles and practices that formed the essence – at their best – of such movements and update it for the context of the 21st century.

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imageSolidaridad Con El Pueblo Colombiano Y Su Levantamiento Popular May 12 FAO 0 comments

Declaración del Frente Anarquista Organizado (FAO) de la Región Chilena, solidarizando con el pueblo colombiano y su levantamiento popular. Mandamos un fraternal saludo a las y los militantes comunistas anárquicos que bregan por construir pueblo organizado desde las bases del mundo social; también, solidarizamos con la clase trabajadora del Estado colombiano y hacemos un llamado, pese a la censura en las redes sociales y en los medios, a seguir en las calles.

imageΈφυγε ένας Νοτιοαφ&#... Sep 01 Anarkismo 0 comments

Ο Selby Semela, ηγετική φυσιογνωμία της εξέγερσης του 1976 εναντίον του απαρτχάιντ, πολιτικός εξόριστος και συγγραφέας (με τους Sam Thompson και Norman Abraham έγραψε το «Reflections on the Black Consciousness Movement and the South African Revolution» - «Σκέψεις για το Κίνημα Μαύρης Συνειδητοποίησης και τη Νοτιοαφρικανική Επανάσταση»), πέθανε την Τετάρτη, 22 Αυγούστου 2018, σε ηλικία 60 ετών.

imageA South African Revolutionary Passes: Jabisile Selby Semela, 1958-2018 Aug 30 ZACF 0 comments

Selby Semela, a leading figure in the 1976 revolt against apartheid, political exile, and author (with Sam Thompson and Norman Abraham), of “Reflections on the Black Consciousness Movement and the South African Revolution”, passed away on Wednesday, 22 August, 2018, aged but 60 years.

imageΚοινότητες αγώνα σ&#... Sep 17 0 comments

Η άνοδος του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ στην εξουσία ήρθε σε μία κρίσιμη για το κεφάλαιο χρονική περίοδο, αφού προηγουμένως, είχαν εφαρμοστεί σκληρά μέτρα από τις προηγούμενες κυβερνήσεις και η κοινωνία είχε φτάσει σε ασφυκτικό τέλμα. Έτσι ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ήταν το τελευταίο χαρτί της αστικής τάξης προκειμένου να διαφυλάξει την ακεραιότητα του καπιταλιστικού μοντέλου. Ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ που μέχρι τότε αυτοπροσδιοριζόταν ως κομμάτι του κινήματος ήταν η βέλτιστη επιλογή προκειμένου να δράσει εκτονωτικά, αρχικά ως έμπορος ελπίδας, στην συνέχεια καπηλευόμενος αγώνες των κινημάτων και τέλος καθοδηγώντας και εκμηδενίζοντας την κοινωνική οργή.
Καλλιέργησε αυταπάτες, οι οποίες όμως σύντομα κατέρρευσαν.

imageStatement of left and anarchist organizations about "Borotba" organization Mar 06 1 comments

We, the collectives and members of Ukrainian leftist and anarchist organizations, announce that “Borotba” union is not a part of our movement. During the whole time of this political project’s existence, its members tended to be committed to the most discredited, conservative and authoritarian “leftist” regimes and ideologies, which do not represent the interests of working classes in any way.

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