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Poland / Czech / Slovakia

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Poland / Czech / Slovakia

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poland / czech / slovakia / workplace struggles / news report Sunday January 13, 2008 17:20 bei ZSP
On Friday the Wroclaw section of the Union of Syndicalists (ZSP) held a solidarity picket for a fired activist of Workers' Initiative in front of an Auchan supermarket. The activist was fired from Auchan in Zielona Gora shortly after there was an action demanding better wages and work conditions there. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Πολωνία / Τσεχία / Σλοβακία / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Νέα Friday January 04, 2008 18:29 bei Εργατική Πρωτοβουλία (WI).
Η εταιρία Auchan επιτίθεται στο πολωνικό συνδικάτο Εργατική Πρωτοβουλία (WI). Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
poland / czech / slovakia / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Tuesday August 21, 2007 19:05 bei Laure Akai
In general, anarchists are on the side of the workers against capital and the state. We support and sympathize with many of their strikes, even when purely economic. However some unions are fighting to support privatizaion and the introduction of market relations in their regions. This has been particularly true in places like some Eastern European countries and in places with a strong leftist presence in the government. In Poland, the ongoing medical workers' strike is affected by the continuing debate over the privatization of health care. The doctor's union supports it - because they think it will help them earn more money. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Πολωνία / Τσεχία / Σλοβακία / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Νέα Saturday June 09, 2007 14:19 bei "Ανταποκριτής"
Δράση αλληλεγγύης από αναρχικούς της Αναρχ. Ομοσπονδάις και της Συνδικ. Ένωσης στην Πολωνία. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
poland / czech / slovakia / workplace struggles / news report Friday June 08, 2007 17:15 bei Akai47 (via alter-ee)
On June 7th, anarchists from the Union of Syndicalists and FA Praga, together with the family of one striking cashier, held the first Supermarket Critical Mass in Carrefour in support of supermarket workers who were holding a slow-down strike. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
polska / czechy / słowacja / historia anarchizmu / anarchist communist event Wednesday March 21, 2007 20:58 bei Grupa Socjalnych Anarchistów
Grupa Socjalnych Anarchistów zaprasza na wieczór poświęcony Machno. Społeczny InfoPunkt Alert, Śląska 34, Szczecin, 31 marzec. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Το κάλεσμά μας για αλληλεγγύη και οικονομική βοήθεια γίνεται επειδή τα μέλή της επιτροπής της Πρωτοβουλίας στην Impel απολύθηκαν παράνομα. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
poland / czech / slovakia / workplace struggles / news report Wednesday November 22, 2006 17:50 bei Laure Akai
Anarchists have come out in support of a mail carriers' strike in Poland. The strike is entering its second week and is spreading (and perhaps radicalizing). Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Διαμαρτυρία για την καταστολή σε βάρος συνδικαλιστών στην Πολωνία και για αλληλεγγύη με τους Πολωνούς εργαζόμενους που έχουν χάσει τις δουλειές τους. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
Πολωνία / Τσεχία / Σλοβακία / Καταστολή / Φυλακές / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Tuesday July 25, 2006 16:07 bei L. Akai – Anarchist Federation Poland
Πρέπει να μαζέψουμε χρήματα για έναν καλό δικηγόρο, που θα βοηθήσει τον Tomek να βγει από τη φυλακή. Η αλληλεγγύη είναι το όπλο μας! Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
polonya / Çekya / slovakya / anarşist hareketin / interview Friday June 02, 2006 05:35 bei Krzysztof Krol
Bu röportaj, Boston Indymedia’dan Pete Stidman tarafından Polonya Anarşist Federasyonu’ndan Krzysztof Krol ile yapıldı. Anarşist Federasyon içindeki işçi meseleleriyle ve anarko-sendikalizmle ilgilenen bir seksiyonun oluşturduğu İşçi İnisiyatifi’nin Polonya’daki faaliyetlerinden bahsediyor. Krol, bu röportajda Polonya’daki işçilerin genel durumuna dair bilgiler vermekle beraber işçilerle nasıl diyaloga geçilebileceğini ve onlarla ne tür faaliyetler yapılabileceğini anlatıyor. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
poland / czech / slovakia / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Wednesday May 31, 2006 20:27 bei Laure Akai
Thousands of health care workers are on strike in Poland. The government is threatening lockouts and claiming that medical workers should not strike. One newspaper even called the doctors "terrorists". But while the union is calling for more money from the state for the health care system, they have also published dozens of calls for the system to be privatized! Anarchists can offer another vision for running public services. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
poland / czech / slovakia / repression / prisoners / press release Friday November 04, 2005 19:23 bei Anarchist Federation Poznan section
For the past 3-4 years many activists from the anarchist, antiwar, radical left wing, workers' and ecological movements have been put on trial. It is easy to see not only the rising number of "political" cases but also how the courts are handing down more and more severe verdicts. Today the number of legal proceedings is even hard to count Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
poland / czech / slovakia / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Tuesday October 25, 2005 03:10 bei Laure Akai
As anarchists, we should avoid electoral games and manipulations and concentrate on grassroots organizing and direct action to build bases for self-management and self-organized societies without government. This is about the results of our elections and our campaign to spread our ideas, despite resistance in the most unfortunate of places - the activist community. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
polónia / chéquia / eslováquia / workplace struggles / news report Wednesday August 03, 2005 06:01 bei MB
Vimos alertá-los para os desmandos do grupo português Jerónimo Martins na Polónia, onde é proprietário da cadeia de supermercados Biedronka. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
poland / czech / slovakia / migration / racism / opinion / analysis Tuesday May 24, 2005 21:34 bei comrades from czech republic
In German published in magazine Wildcat no. 72, January 2005 Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
poland / czech / slovakia / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Tuesday May 24, 2005 21:20 bei comrades from czech republic   text 1 comment (last - thursday february 10, 2022 19:02)
The biggest class conflict in the history of Skoda Mlada Boleslav took place at the end of March and the beginning of April 2005. It was not that exciting but only one demonstration that was organized and fully controlled by the unions and production was stopped for only three hours in total. It is still worth to pay attention to this particular event as it might mean the beginning of a new round of class struggle in the Czech Republic. Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
polska / czechy / słowacja / ruch anarchistyczny / feature Thursday March 10, 2005 22:02 bei Ray
Przez wieki tysiace ludzi walczyly i umieraly za prawo do glosu w wolnych wyborach. Od walk o niepodleglosc, przez kobiecy ruch sufrazystek, po walke przeciw apartheidowi, prawo glosu bylo postrzegane jako konieczna czesc wolnosci. Przed powszechnym przyjeciem w swiecie prawa glosowania przywodcy panstw byli wybierani przez klasy wyzsze, bogaczy i Kosciol, lub byli wyznaczeni przez elity rzadzace. Dlaczego wiec, po zwyciestwie takiego waznego prawa, anarchisci mowia, ze nie powinnismy chodzic glosowac? Ganzer Artikel lesen / Kommentar hinzufügen
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Poland / Czech / Slovakia

Sat 20 Apr, 00:27

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146105633_500718777996375_385470524630171666_n.png imageΓια την ελευθερία τ&... 17:59 Sat 13 Feb by femctoria 0 comments

Ενώνουμε, λοιπόν, τις φωνές μας με όσα αγωνίζονται σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο για την επανάκτηση των σωμάτων μας και των ζωών μας, από την Πολωνία μέχρι την Αργεντινή, από την Τουρκία,μέχρι τη Βραζιλία και το Μεξικο. Η femctωria στέκεται πάντα στο πλευρό όσων γυναικών και ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ ατόμων επιθυμούν να μιλάνε τα ίδια για τα εαυτά τους.

labordayeighthours.jpg imageLa Polonia abolisce la giornata lavorativa di 8 ore 21:56 Mon 17 Jun by Akai 0 comments

L'avanguardia degli orrori neoliberisti è riuscita ad abolire la giornata lavorativa di 8 ore. [English]

labordayeighthours.jpg imagePoland does away with the 8-hour day 16:48 Sun 16 Jun by 0 comments

The avant-garde of neoliberal horrors has finally done away with the 8-hour day. [Italiano]

jolablokada.png imageHousing Activist found dead in Warsaw 18:07 Wed 09 Mar by Akai47 0 comments

On March 7 we learned that one of the most active members of the tenants' movement, Jolanta Brzeska, was found dead in the woods. Her body had been burnt beyond recognition and it is unclear whether she was alive or dead when it happened.

textVarşova Kiracılar Grevi 05:18 Tue 23 Nov by ZSP Varşova 0 comments

1 Ekim'den bu yana Varşova'da bir kira grevi söz konusu. Vahim koşullarda yaşayan bir kaç yüz kişi, greve katıldı ve direniş topluluklarını oluşturabilmeyi ve şehrin kamusal barınma politikasında bir reformu ümit ediyorlar.

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_vlepka1pz.jpg imageΔράσεις ενοικιαστ ... 18:41 Thu 07 Oct by ZSP-IWA 0 comments

Η απεργία, που καλέστηκε από την ZSP, θέτει ριζοσπαστικά αιτήματα, όπως να τεθεί η στέγαση (και κάθε τι άλλο) υπό άμεσο κοινωνικό έλεγχο και να εξοβελιστούν οι πολιτικοί. Υπάρχουν όμως και ορισμένα άλλα αιτήματα όπως η εδώ και τώρα αύξηση των εισοδηματικών ορίων που να πληροί τις προϋποθέσεις για τη δημόσια στέγαση, κατασκευή νέων κατοικιών, κλπ.

vlepka1pz.jpg imageTenants Actions and Rent Strike in Warsaw 13:38 Wed 06 Oct by Kot 0 comments

From Oct. 1 there is a rent strike action in Warsaw. The action is a protest against the anti-social housing policy of the city. In the last year there was a drastic rent increase, the city does not build new housing and every year many flats are lost from the public housing system. This is due to reprivatization, bad condition of buildings and sales. The result of this is little affordable housing, a spiral of debt, evictions and homelessness.

vlepka1pz.jpg imageHuelga de alquileres en Varsovia 17:13 Tue 05 Oct by Kot 0 comments

Desde el 1 de octubre hay una huelga en la ciudad capital.

zspbologna_1.jpg imageEducation, Capitalism, Reproduction of Social Class and Student Protests 13:47 Mon 08 Jun by Akai 0 comments

On June 6 a conference was held in Warsaw entitled "the Bologna Process: Adjusting Education to the Needs to Capital".

Enough Compromises! imageDemonstration in Krakow 19:06 Fri 05 Jun by Kot 1 comments

On 4 June 1989 there were the first "democratic" elections in Poland after the fall of the PRL. Politicians celebrated the destruction of fake communism and the introduction of fake freedom.

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textMay Day in light of the current political situation in Poland May 03 by akai 0 comments

Compared to many places in Europe, the socio-political situation in Poland is quite tragic with nearly complete right-wing ideological hegemony and attacks on workers' rights and access to public services which go years beyond the reforms just being introduced in the rest of Euope. With little social response to it. As part of one of the few organized pockets of resistance, I try to focus and try to go forward, yet taking a sober look around, the forces that are gaining as the crisis worsens are from the right and extreme right, while the left flounders and the anti-authoritarian movement struggles to keep afloat during a period of social resignation.

imageTo Noam Chomsky: Why We Boycott Elections Jun 15 by Związku Syndykalistów Polski 0 comments

Noam Chomsky is listed as a celebrity supporter of a candidate in the upcoming presidential elections in Poland.

textLionbridge: globalizing low wages Jan 22 by akai47 1 comments

In December 2007, a trade-union called “Krajowa Federacja Pracownikow (KFP)” (Worker’s Federation) was formed in Lionbridge Poland, a subsidiary of Lionbridge Technologies, a US-based multinational with subsidiaries all over the world. Lionbridge specializes in translations and adapting products to local markets (so called “globalization services”).

textThe Workers' Struggle that Opened Pandora's Box Aug 21 by Laure Akai 0 comments

In general, anarchists are on the side of the workers against capital and the state. We support and sympathize with many of their strikes, even when purely economic. However some unions are fighting to support privatizaion and the introduction of market relations in their regions. This has been particularly true in places like some Eastern European countries and in places with a strong leftist presence in the government. In Poland, the ongoing medical workers' strike is affected by the continuing debate over the privatization of health care. The doctor's union supports it - because they think it will help them earn more money.

textMedical Workers on Strike in Poland May 31 by Laure Akai 0 comments

Thousands of health care workers are on strike in Poland. The government is threatening lockouts and claiming that medical workers should not strike. One newspaper even called the doctors "terrorists". But while the union is calling for more money from the state for the health care system, they have also published dozens of calls for the system to be privatized! Anarchists can offer another vision for running public services.

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imageΓια την ελευθερία τ&... Feb 13 0 comments

Ενώνουμε, λοιπόν, τις φωνές μας με όσα αγωνίζονται σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο για την επανάκτηση των σωμάτων μας και των ζωών μας, από την Πολωνία μέχρι την Αργεντινή, από την Τουρκία,μέχρι τη Βραζιλία και το Μεξικο. Η femctωria στέκεται πάντα στο πλευρό όσων γυναικών και ΛΟΑΤΚΙ+ ατόμων επιθυμούν να μιλάνε τα ίδια για τα εαυτά τους.

imageΔράσεις ενοικιαστ ... Oct 07 0 comments

Η απεργία, που καλέστηκε από την ZSP, θέτει ριζοσπαστικά αιτήματα, όπως να τεθεί η στέγαση (και κάθε τι άλλο) υπό άμεσο κοινωνικό έλεγχο και να εξοβελιστούν οι πολιτικοί. Υπάρχουν όμως και ορισμένα άλλα αιτήματα όπως η εδώ και τώρα αύξηση των εισοδηματικών ορίων που να πληροί τις προϋποθέσεις για τη δημόσια στέγαση, κατασκευή νέων κατοικιών, κλπ.

textΑπειλούνται με εκκ&#... May 10 0 comments

Δράση αλληλεγγύης στις καταλήψεις Rozbrat kai Elba

textΑντικρίζει εκκένω ... Oct 02 0 comments

Είναι ξεκάθαρο από όλη την πληροφόρηση που παρέχεται εκεί ότι η κατάληψη αποτελεί σημαντικό μέρος του αναρχικού κινήματος της Πολωνίας.
Η αλληλεγγύη ανάμεσα στους ελεύθερους χώρους σε όλη την Ευρώπη αποκτά σημασία και πάλι.

textΟύτε σύνορα, ούτε έθ... Jun 02 0 comments

Στις 6 Ιουνίου θα διεξαχθεί μια διεθνής διαδήλωση μπροστά από την έδρα της Frontex στη Βαρσοβία.

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