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greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / feature Monday October 01, 2018 19:47 byPaddy Rua   image 1 image
As repression keeps mounting in Turkey amidst a generalised economic crisis, we had the chance of discussing with a member of Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF), a Turkey-based anarchist organisation, the current situation under Ergogan and its implications in the ongoing Syrian conflict and the new balance of power which is being created out of this civil war. Their perspectives are of interest to militants everywhere in the Globe. read full story / add a comment
france / belgique / luxembourg / divers / critique Monday October 01, 2018 00:21 byLukas Stella
Nous oublions trop souvent que nos points de vue varient selon les situations, notre histoire et notre culture. Si notre mode de vie influe sur nos perceptions, voir d’une certaine façon crée sa propre réalité. Nous survivons sous influence d’un système qui formate nos conditions d’existences. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Friday July 13, 2018 19:42 byAWSM
Simon Bridges is the leader of the National Party, one of the two main traditional parties of government in Aotearoa/New Zealand. He is currently touring the regions of the country. This is a report of one of the public meetings held on the tour. read full story / add a comment
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Tuesday July 10, 2018 01:02 byDAF   image 1 image
Yine bir seçim ve yine bir seçim öncesi gerilimli günleri bu coğrafyada yaşayanlar olarak deneyimlemekteyiz. Yaşadığımız coğrafyada ya da diğer coğrafyalarda, seçim denilen siyasi sürecin yarattığı şey, oluşan yeni “gerçekliğin” bir sonraki seçimlere kadar süreceğidir. Siyasal iktidarın şekillendiği seçimler sürecinde, seçimler sosyal ve ekonomik gerçeklikte şekillenir, toplumun iktidarını isteyen tarafların bireye sunduğu vaatlerle geçen bu seçim gerçekliği, iktidarın kazanılmasıyla sonlanacaktır.
Seçim ismi verilen siyasal sürecin, toplumun sosyal ve ekonomik ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması için organize edildiği iddiasının gerçek olup olmadığını soru ve cevaplarla tartışarak içselleştirmeliyiz. Çünkü katılacağımız ya da katılmayacağımız seçim süreci gerçekliğinin iddiası şudur; katılmamamız durumunda toplumun sosyal ve ekonomik işleyişine dair söz söyleyemeyiz.
Peki katılmamız durumunda bu işleyişe dair söz söyleyebilir miyiz? Toplum içinde siyasal etken bir birey olmanın şartı olarak karşımıza konan seçimlerin dışında başka bir yol yordam yok mu? Toplumun bütünlüğünü önemseyen, sosyal ve ekonomik kararlarının bir parçası olan, adalet ve özgürlüğü sağlayan bir birey olmanın tek yol yordamı seçimlerde seçmen olmak mı?
Sorular ve cevaplarıyla, Haziran 2018 seçimlerinde seçmen olup olmama, oy kullanıp kullanmama şeçimini yapmak için yani gerçek seçimi yapmak için siyasal süreci, bu süreçte olanları ve olasılıkları değerlendirelim. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday June 13, 2018 10:15 byPink Panther   image 1 image
This article looks at the moral panic surrounding supposed drug use by tenants of state housing in Aotearoa/New Zealand. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Διάφορα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Wednesday May 30, 2018 20:34 byΚώστας Δεσποινιάδης   image 1 image

Καθήκον μας σήμερα να διαλυθούν κατά το δυνατόν αυτές οι «γκρίζες ζώνες», ο φονιάς και το θύμα να μην είναι αγκαλιά.

Στον βράχο του Προμηθέα, ξέρουμε με ποιανού τη μοίρα ταυτιζόμαστε. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Wednesday May 30, 2018 05:05 byZaher Baher   image 1 image
This article covers the similarity between President Trump and President Erdogan . It tells the readers that President Erdogan has been dangerous to the world too and probably there is no comparison between him and Trump. The article also covers the role of UK Media about Trump as the most dangerous man in the world but very little about Erdogan while he is more dangerous than Trump.
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Διεθνή / Διάφορα / Νέα Wednesday May 09, 2018 21:53 byεκδ. Σκαντζόχοιρου   image 1 image

Σε αυτόν τον δρόμο, αντιλαμβανόμαστε το Σκαντζόχοιρο σαν το δοχείο που αποτυπώνει μια περιπέτεια παραγωγής ιδεών, στον βηματισμό ενδιάμεσων —ποτέ τελικών— πορισμάτων μιας διαρκούς αναζήτησης, με στόχο την απελευθέρωση της ανθρώπινης πράξης και επιθυμίας. Γι’ αυτό και στην φωλιά του Σκαντζόχοιρου ψάχνουμε να ζεστάνουμε κείμενα, ποιήματα και δημιουργίες που πάνω τους θα φέρουν ακόμα τα αίματα και τις αγωνίες αυτών που τα έφτιαξαν• που πάνω τους θα αποτυπώνεται η αβέβαιη πάλη των δημιουργών τους με τις λέξεις, τις ιδέες, τα χρώματα, τις μορφές. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Διάφορα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Sunday April 29, 2018 22:31 byΕρρίκο Μαλατέστα   image 1 image
Η αποστολή της επιστήμης είναι να ανακαλύπτει τους φυσικούς νόμους και να προσδιορίσει τα όρια που τελειώνει το αναπόφευκτο και αρχίζει η ελευθερία. Η μεγαλύτερη χρησιμότητά της έγκειται στο να απαλλάξει τον άνθρωπο από την ψευδαίσθηση πως μπορεί να κάνει ό,τι θέλει. Όσο οι νόμοι της βαρύτητας ήταν άγνωστοι, ο άνθρωπος μπορεί να θεωρούσε πιθανό ότι γινόταν να πετάξει αν το ήθελε, αλλά παρέμενε στο έδαφος. Όταν η επιστήμη βρήκε τους τρόπους βάσει των οποίων μπορεί κάποιος να επιπλέει ή να κινείται στην ατμόσφαιρα, τότε ο άνθρωπος απέκτησε την ελευθερία να πετάει. read full story / add a comment
américa central / caribe / miscellaneous / opinião / análise Wednesday April 25, 2018 03:30 byBrunoL   image 1 image
A América Latina está diante de uma nova guinada à direita, em um período quando o mecanismo eleitoral, a frágil soberania popular parcialmente tolerada pela democracia indireta liberal-burguesa, se vê ameaçado. Até a ilusão de indicar um mandatário em formato quase plebiscitário está concorrendo contra sutis manipulações (através de algoritmos e fake news) culminando com fraudes escancaradas e grosseiras, como é o caso atual de Honduras. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Tuesday April 24, 2018 08:06 byPink Panther   image 1 image
The new Labour lead coalition government in Aotearoa/New Zealand has made a number of announcements regarding housing. The reality falls short of these announcements of progress. read full story / add a comment
région sud de l'afrique / divers / opinion / analyse Monday April 16, 2018 17:56 byLeroy Maisiri   image 1 image
Cela fait environ cent jours depuis la naissance du "nouveau" Zimbabwe. Cent jour qu'il en est enfin fini des 37 ans de règne autoritaire par Robert Mugabe, chef d'état depuis 1980. Le Zimbabwe a un nouveau président, Emmerson Mnangagwa, qui a accédé au pouvoir grâce à un coup d'état militaire "soft" contre Robert Mugabe et son successeur choisi, Grace Mugabe. Récemment le Zimbabwe a également pleuré la mort de Morgan Tsvangirai, un leader de l'opposition, issu du syndicalisme, qui a passé la plus grande partie de sa vie à se battre contre Mugabe. read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / miscellaneous / opinión / análisis Monday April 16, 2018 00:55 byFederación Anarquista Uruguaya   image 1 image
La Carta Opinión de la Federación Anarquista Uruguaya del mes de marzo. read full story / add a comment
ibèria / miscellaneous / comunicat de premsa Friday April 13, 2018 03:31 bySecretariat Permanent del Comitè Regional   image 1 image
Davant l’actual situació política a Catalunya i els fets d’aquests darrers temps, els Sindicats de la CNT de Catalunya i Balears entenem que: read full story / add a comment
iberia / miscellaneous / comunicado de prensa Friday April 13, 2018 03:28 bySecretariado Permanente del Comité Regional   image 1 image
Ante la actual situación política en Cataluña y los hechos de estos últimos tiempos, los Sindicatos de la CNT de Cataluña y Baleares entendemos que: read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / news report Friday March 23, 2018 20:34 byDAF   image 7 images
Do you think the fight of Kawa will last? Do you think the fire that he burned will be put out?

Hundreds of Dehaqs, in thousands of years, tried to put out that fire which is the struggle of freedom and justice.

Do you think that Kawa was just a statue that you can destroy?

No masters, in many geographies, had ability to destroy the ideas and the struggle of Kawa's, with their invasions or destructions.

Every winter has an end and the winters of the Dehaq's will be beaten by the fire of the spring and the fire of Kawas'.

Now it is time to make the fire of Kawa bigger, now it is time to make the fire of freedom bigger, now is Newroz time!

Em Hemû Kawane Li Dijî Dehaqan!
Dehaqlara Karşı Hepimiz Kawayız!
Newroz Pîroz Be!

Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet
DAF read full story / add a comment
southern africa / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Saturday March 17, 2018 21:59 byLucien van der Walt   image 1 image
This commentary, an input at a Globalization School debate in Cape Town, engages current labor and Left debates on building alternatives, drawing on the experiences of the radical wing of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, and on anarchism and syndicalism. It argues for a strategy of bottom-up mobilization based on debate and pluralism, and building structures of counter-power and a revolutionary counter-culture that can prefigure and create a new social order. The aim is to foster a class-based movement against exploitation, domination, and oppression, including national oppression, that can win reforms through self-activity, unite a range of struggles against oppression, and develop the capacity and unity needed for deep social change. This should be outside parliament, the political party system and the state. The outcome, ultimately, would be the replacement of capitalism, the state, and social and economic inequality, by a universal human community based on self-management, the democratization of daily life, participatory economic planning, and libertarian socialism. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Sunday March 11, 2018 22:55 byJerome Roos   text 1 comment (last - thursday april 05, 2018 14:40)   image 1 image
Trump’s erratic presidency is a manifestation, not the cause, of democratic decay. The unfolding political crisis will outlast him. So must the resistance. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Thursday March 08, 2018 05:57 byLeroy Maisiri   image 1 image
It’s been around 100 days since the birth of a “new” Zimbabwe: 37 years of authoritarian rule by Robert Mugabe ended when Emmerson Mnangagwa took power through a soft military coup . But what has changed, what we can we expect now? This paper argues that no deep changes are taking place. The slight liberalizing of political life and some promises of economic reform (good and bad) do matter. But the changes in the White House of Zimbabwe centre on removing one vicious state capitalist manager to make way for another, and will not bring liberation for the masses. This replacement does not address the problems Zimbabwe faces: a ruthless ruling class, a predatory state, crisis-ridden capitalism and imperialism. The problem is not individuals: the system is the problem. This paper argues against Mugabe and Mnangagwa, but also against the state as a form of social organization and against the idea that states can be used for liberating the people. All states oppress the working class, peasantry and poor, and the state in Zimbabwe is just an extreme example of how states are based on repression, corruption and promoting the interests of economic and political elites (the ruling class). It rejects the notion that Mugabe was a champion of the poor and landless, and the claim that his ousting was a defeat for progressive forces. But it has no illusions in Mnangagwa. True, real freedom will never come through parliament, or military take- overs, or old men who take turns to spout out neo-liberal or ultra-nationalist rhetoric, while their hands are covered in blood. It can only come from mass action and organising, the transformative engine to build real democratic, stateless socialism based on self-management, freedom political tolerance and common property (anarchism).
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