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Ireland / Britain

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ireland / britain / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Tuesday May 28, 2013 20:34 bySean Matthews   image 1 image
The media charm offensive has began as our local corrupt political class roll out the the red carpet to the notorious gang of eight, dealers of austerity, state terror and imperialism. The beautiful, tranquil lakes of Fermanagh will be turned into a "ring of steel" with security fencing extending for miles, protected by an army of professional thugs and watchtowers to keep the rest of us plebs at bay. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
Minister for public expenditure & reform, Brendan Howlin
ireland / britain / economy / opinion / analysis Monday May 27, 2013 21:17 byGregor Kerr   image 1 image
The "Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Bill 2013", published by the government on Thursday last (23rd May), is a clear attempt to bully public sector workers into voting for the re-hashed terms of the Croke Park II deal emphatically rejected by them just a couple of weeks ago. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
Tassa sulla casa: pagata in rosso, non pagato/non registrato in verde
irlanda / gran bretagna / economia / opinione / analisi Monday May 27, 2013 21:09 byDermot Freeman   image 1 image
A dispetto di una una lunga e pervicace campagna antipopolare condotta sull'imposizione di questa ingiusta e crudele tassa sulla casa, oltre 650.000 famiglie al 22 maggio 2013 non avevano ancora provveduto al pagamento della tassa. Né una legge draconiana né le minacce di multe hanno portato la gente a recarsi volontariamente agli uffici del catasto. [English] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
ireland / britain / the left / review Saturday May 25, 2013 22:49 byGlykosymoritis   image 1 image
Review, by Barry Biddulph of Trotsky, Trotskyism and Trotskyists, a Communist Workers Organisation Pamphlet. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
ireland / britain / economy / opinion / analysis Friday May 24, 2013 19:03 byDermot Freeman   image 1 image
In spite of a long and consistent campaign which has been waged against people in relation to the imposition of this unjust and unfair tax on homes, over 650,000 households have not registered with revenue [22.05.2013]. Draconian legislation and the threats of fines has not resulted in people volunteering their information to the revenue. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / press release Thursday May 23, 2013 16:29 byGlykosymoritis   image 1 image
In response to yesterday’s Irish News (Mon 20 May 2013) front page article, “Police to Occupy hundreds of vacant premises in Belfast during G8”, the Workers Solidarity Movement condemned security forces scaremongering in the media. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
irlanda / gran bretagna / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Wednesday May 22, 2013 16:10 byEric Chester   image 1 image
Lo Scottish National Party (SNP) ha ribadito che una Scozia indipendente sarebbe un paese libero da armi nucleari. Questa posizione riflette il fatto che l'opinione pubblica scozzese è nella stragrande maggioranza contraria alla presenza del sistema di sottomarini Trident a Faslane. Questi sottomarini, un residuo della Guerra Fredda, sono a propulsione nucleare e trasportano missili balistici armati con ordigni nucleari. Questa campagna dello SNP per liberare la Scozia dalle armi nucleari è stato uno dei pochi argomenti salienti per l'indipendenza scozzese. [English] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
ireland / britain / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Tuesday May 21, 2013 21:44 byEric Chester   image 1 image
The Scottish National Party has insisted that an independent Scotland would be free of nuclear weapons, says Eric Chester. This position reflects the fact that Scottish popular opinion is overwhelmingly opposed to the stationing of the Trident submarine system at Faslane. These subs, a leftover from the Cold War days, are nuclear powered and carry ballistic missiles armed with nuclear weapons. The SNP campaign to rid Scotland of nuclear weapons has provided one of the few salient arguments for independence. [Italiano] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
ireland / britain / community struggles / opinion / analysis Wednesday May 15, 2013 20:15 byJames McBarron   image 1 image
Dublin City Council have new by laws to permit officials to interrogate members of the public as to how they are disposing of their rubbish. When the councils started charging for waste disposal years back numerous people refused to pay, the councils then withdrew their collections and ultimately the service was privatised. At the time of the introduction of a fee for rubbish collection some environmentalists argued it was a good thing that would lead to greater recycling and lower waste production. The councils began charging for recycling also of course. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
ireland / britain / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Friday March 22, 2013 20:17 byAndrew Flood   image 1 image
We have to ask ourselves how we have found ourselves in unions where the leadership was allowed take such an approach. And we have to work out how we create unions that we control and which will help us organise together to defend our common interests. How has it come to this? leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
ireland / britain / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Wednesday March 20, 2013 20:09 byAndrew Flood   image 1 image
The government says if we Vote no to Croke Park they will impose it anyway. Many of the union leadership try and scare us into voting Yes with this threat and by saying the only alternative is strike action. Both are right. If we just vote no than the government will attack us. And when they do the only way we can win is if we are willing to fight back - that will mean industrial action. It will almost certainly mean at least the credible threat of an indefinite strike. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
irlande / grande-bretagne / luttes en milieu de travail / opinion / analyse Sunday March 10, 2013 22:42 byMark Hoskins   image 1 image
Les responsables des syndicats irlandais viennent d'approuver un programme d'austérité pour les travailleurs du secteur public. Le Workers Solidarity Movement s'oppose à cet accord. Cet article fournit des détails et des arguments contre cette attaque envers les travailleurs. [English] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
irlanda / gran bretagna / lotte sindacali / opinione / analisi Monday March 04, 2013 20:57 byMark Hoskins   image 1 image
I dirigenti sindacali irlandesi hanno siglato un accordo per un programma di austerity che riguarda i lavoratori del settore pubblico.Il WSM sta contestando questo accordo. In questo articolo dettagli sull'accordo e sulle nostre contestazioni a questo attacco ai lavoratori. [English] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
ireland / britain / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Sunday March 03, 2013 21:30 byMark Hoskins   image 1 image
Irish trade union leadership have agreed an austerity programme for public sector workers. WSM is arguing against this deal. This article gives some of the details and our arguments against this attack on workers. [Italiano] [Français] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
ireland / britain / economy / opinion / analysis Wednesday February 27, 2013 20:12 byMark Hoskins   image 1 image
Early yesterday morning, the leadership of the public sector committee of ICTU emerged from talks with the government claiming they had achieved the best possible outcome from the negotiations. The best possible outcome in question involves extra hours at work, cuts in overtime rates and allowances for unsociable hours, delayed increments and revisions to flexitime arrangements and work-sharing patterns. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
Una lavanderia Magdalen negli anni '40.
irlanda / gran bretagna / vari / cronaca Wednesday February 06, 2013 23:07 byNestor McNab   image 1 image
Dopo 18 mesi di investigazioni, la commissione governativa - presieduta dal senatore Martin McAleese - nominata dal governo per stabilire i fatti riguardanti il coinvolgimento dello Stato irlandese nelle lavanderie Magdalen ha pubblicato la sua relazione finale (1). Il documento non ha disatteso le aspettative e stabilisce infatti che lo Stato era coinvolto direttamente nel sistema gestito dalle Case Magdalen, a gestione di ordini di suore cattoliche. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
ireland / britain / anarchist movement / press release Tuesday February 05, 2013 03:49 byRelations internationales de la CGA   image 1 image
Solidarity Statement with "Freedom" leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
irlande / grande-bretagne / mouvement anarchiste / communiqué de presse Tuesday February 05, 2013 03:44 byRelations internationales de la CGA   image 1 image
Communiqué de solidarité avec Freedom leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
Irish parliamentarian, Clare Daly
ireland / britain / the left / opinion / analysis Thursday January 31, 2013 00:18 byKevin Doyle   text 2 comments (last - thursday january 31, 2013 23:27)   image 1 image
Clare Daly’s was elected to the Dáil in 2011. A founder member of the Socialist Party, Daly was initially hailed as a bright new voice for Ireland’s parliamentary Left. But in strange and controversial circumstances, Daly left the Socialist Party in 2012 on foot of her defence of fellow TD and tax fraud, Mick Wallace. In this first post from the Anarchist Lens, Daly’s about turn is examined from an anarchist point of view. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
Lui vota "a favore della vita"
irlanda / gran bretagna / genero / cronaca Wednesday January 23, 2013 23:06 byandrew   image 6 images
Sabato a Dublino ha visto un altro disperato tentativo da parte della coalizione "anti-scelta" [ossia contro la scelta della donna di decidere - ndt.] di evitare che il Dáil (la Camera irlandese) introduca legislazione che permetterebbe l'aborto in casi in cui la vita della donna è in pericolo. Nonostante mesi di preparazione, comportando una spesa che deve essere stato vicino a un milione di euro, e nonostante che i parroci, durante la messa in ogni parocchia, abbiano reso obbligatorio la partecipazione a tutti i cattolici, meno di 15.000 si sono presentati alla manifestazione. Rispetto alle 150.000 donne che hanno dovuto viaggiare per ottenere aborti negli ultimi decenni, ciò equivale a quasi nulla, un pugno di fanatici trasportati in autobus da tutto il paese. [English] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
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Ireland / Britain

Wed 17 Apr, 05:45

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wardens1.jpg image30 years Haringey Solidarity Group 17:56 Fri 21 May by Haringey Solidarity Group 0 comments

30 years Haringey Solidarity Group: A Celebration of 30 years of radical ideas
and campaigning in Haringey and beyond

_117840122_mediaitem117839610.jpg imageA Statement about Kill the Bill 18:09 Mon 03 May by A few members of Haringey Solidarity Group 0 comments

Haringey Solidarity Group supports this campaign Kill the Bill# and all struggles everywhere that seek to bring about more equality, autonomy, self- determination, and freedom for all people, we want to build a better world that liberates all.

nhs_demo.jpg imageCOVID-19: Not going back to “business as usual” 19:58 Tue 12 May by Haringey Solidarity Group 0 comments

We might all have our own campaigns. Some may see disability rights as most important; some housing; others refugees. All are equally important. We don’t want a hierarchy of needs. Fight for your particular cause yes – but link up with others. An injury to one is an injury to all. The state always tries to divide us. Too often we fight amongst ourselves and miss the real enemy. We need to stick together because once Covid-19 is over the state will come for us like they have never done before. And we need to be ready and supporting each other.

270162740imagea12_1586461103651.jpg image“Clap for Carers” but now they want our money as well 06:40 Mon 13 Apr by HSG 0 comments

This is a statement from some activists from Haringey Solidarity Croup express its support and solidarity to UK National Health Service (NHS) and other workers. In the meantime expresses its anger about that people been asked to pay the money to NHS while the health system is being suffered for almost two decades on the hands of the current government of conservative party and the former one of Labour. The demand is unreasonable while the UK is 3rd richest country in Europe and 6th richest country the world. The statement clarifies the current position of NHS and treatment of the government to NHS.

r0_0_800_600_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg imageDefend Julian Assange 23:17 Mon 13 May by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Grouptri 0 comments

The MACG thus defends Julian Assange, not because of his politics, which have curdled and are now quite suspect, nor because we consider him innocent of the Swedish accusations. The US ruling class has no objection to his politics, because they are riddled with the sort of people with whom he has been collaborating. And neither do they have any objection to sexual assault – if they did, Donald Trump would not be President. The United States wants to punish him, not for any crimes he might have committed, but for his good deeds. The MACG defend Assange for those same good deeds.

alan_1.jpg imageAlan MacSimóin (1957-2018): pionero del anarquismo en Irlanda 19:07 Wed 26 Dec by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

El 5 de Diciembre nos embargó un dolor inmenso al escuchar de la inesperada muerte de Alan MacSimóin, veterano anarquista, sindicalista y luchador infatigable de Irlanda. El 13 de Diciembre le despedimos en el cementerio de Glasnevin en Dublín, donde yacen muchos otros revolucionarios que lo precedieron. Será recordado, sin lugar a dudas, como una de las figuras más influyentes en la izquierda irlandesa de las últimas décadas. Fue parte de un puñado de personas que comenzaron a hablar de anarquismo en Irlanda en la década de 1970 y 1980. Su trabajo para crear un espacio para la izquierda libertaria en un país dominado por el conservadurismo político y religioso, cambió por siempre la cara de la política irlandesa por siempre. Ya no sería más un asunto exclusivo de los partidos tradicionales. Si la sociedad irlandesa ha avanzado, en algún grado, durante las últimas décadas, en gran medida se lo debemos a los esfuerzos de personas como Alan.

alan.jpg imageAlan MacSimóin (1957-2018): a pioneer of anarchism in Ireland 08:34 Fri 14 Dec by José Antonio Gutiérrez D. 0 comments

On December 5th we were pained to hear about the untimely death of Alan MacSimóin, veteran anarchist, trade unionist and tireless organiser in Ireland. Today we said farewell to him at Glasnevin cemetery in Dublin, where many other revolutionaries before him have been put to rest. Many friends and comrades from all parties and movements of the left joined his family to bid farewell to this exceptional man. SIPTU, his trade union, had arranged a guard of honour for him. The previous night, the wake at the Teachers’ Club was equally well attended by comrades of all persuasions: from the Communist Party, the Socialist Party and the Socialist Workers Party, Sinn Féin, Workers Solidarity Movement, Workers’ Party, even Labour. He, as a true non-sectarian, had friends in every single left-wing party, a friendship nurtured in decades of activism.

Alan at anti-fascist demo in the 1990s. imageAlan MacSimóin (1957-2018) – Dublin Historian and Political Activist 16:02 Thu 06 Dec by Sam 1 comments

We learned at lunchtime today of the tragic news that Alan MacSimóin has died. It was sudden and hit us hard. Alan was a social historian, political activist, trade unionist and great supporter of the Come Here To Me! project from day one.

wsmclgenderviolence.jpg imageWSM marks International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women at their strategy gatherin... 21:12 Mon 26 Nov by Andrew 0 comments

The WSM took some time out from our future directions discussions session at Cloughjordan eco village over the week to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

repealbanner.jpg imageWSM International Women’s Day Message - 2018 19:13 Thu 08 Mar by WSM women 0 comments

International Working Women’s Day is steeped in the radical history of women demanding improvement in our daily lives and in our working conditions. IWWD dates back to 1857 in New York City. Women garment workers went on strike to demand a 10-hour working day, better working conditions and equal rights.  In honour of this strike, another was held  in 1908 by women needle trade workers.  They demanded voting rights and, an end to sweatshops and child labour. Two years later, the socialist, Clara Zetkin, proposed that the 8th of March be commemorated as International Working Women’s Day.  It was first celebrated nationally in the Soviet Union after the, a  revolution which  began with a strike  of women textile workers. On, women stand in solidarity with each other against oppression. We demand control over our lives. We demand We demand freedom.

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imageIt is now or we have to wait for a long time Apr 21 by Zaher Baher 1 comments

We can contact other local groups wherever they are and make our campaign bigger and nationwide. We can win the price war. Nowadays, organising ourselves and creating campaigns are much easier than thirty years ago during the poll tax era. New technology and social media platforms have given us more opportunities to call and contact people, whilst providing more and better skills to plan and organise.

imageWhy anarchism isn’t a popular idea? Jul 13 by Zaher Baher 0 comments

This is a very tiny contribution about the factors that caused the weakness of anarchism and the anarchist movement. Once we establish our weakness perhaps it won’t be difficult to overcome our problems. This article covers only three of our weak areas.

imageScrubs: The Story from the Bottom Up Apr 29 by Anonymous 0 comments

We need to politicise the struggle with a clear internationalist response that unifies all of us, our work, our mutual aid and our care. For as long as profit rules, there can be no peace. We need to requisition all health, manufacturing and transport sectors and provide all workers, currently unpaid or paid with fair wages and safe working conditions. This is not a public relations crisis with seemingly unfortunate logistical difficulties, this is an emergency stoked by the greed of those for whom our deaths are only a motivation for the accumulation of their capital.

textIsolation is Communal - Covid19 Apr 04 by WSM 0 comments

It is within times of crisis when the thin veil of neoliberalism slips to reveal the emperor is not wearing any clothes. It exposes the sheer inefficacy of capitalism to cope with human crises and cater for the most basic human needs. In these times, when the capitalist state is left reeling, we see glimpses of community, solidarity and interdependence emerge once again - the very ideals neoliberalism has for the last 40 odd years attempted to erode and eradicate. It exposes that the ‘common sense’ manner of organising our lives, work and economy is entirely at odds with the will of the people but also, very importantly, it provides us with the opportunity to imagine a transformed world

textThe struggle against Covid-19 is also political Apr 04 by WSM 0 comments

The Covid-19 global health crisis is one that required a global response led by health workers but with the consensus of almost everyone. Instead we face a piecemeal response, often in the form of repressive policing solutions that are not even particularly effective and where the borders between the states have undermined collective action and allowed the virus to multiply in the gaps.

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image30 years Haringey Solidarity Group May 21 0 comments

30 years Haringey Solidarity Group: A Celebration of 30 years of radical ideas
and campaigning in Haringey and beyond

imageA Statement about Kill the Bill May 03 0 comments

Haringey Solidarity Group supports this campaign Kill the Bill# and all struggles everywhere that seek to bring about more equality, autonomy, self- determination, and freedom for all people, we want to build a better world that liberates all.

imageCOVID-19: Not going back to “business as usual” May 12 0 comments

We might all have our own campaigns. Some may see disability rights as most important; some housing; others refugees. All are equally important. We don’t want a hierarchy of needs. Fight for your particular cause yes – but link up with others. An injury to one is an injury to all. The state always tries to divide us. Too often we fight amongst ourselves and miss the real enemy. We need to stick together because once Covid-19 is over the state will come for us like they have never done before. And we need to be ready and supporting each other.

imageDefend Julian Assange May 13 1 of Anarkismo Editorial Group 0 comments

The MACG thus defends Julian Assange, not because of his politics, which have curdled and are now quite suspect, nor because we consider him innocent of the Swedish accusations. The US ruling class has no objection to his politics, because they are riddled with the sort of people with whom he has been collaborating. And neither do they have any objection to sexual assault – if they did, Donald Trump would not be President. The United States wants to punish him, not for any crimes he might have committed, but for his good deeds. The MACG defend Assange for those same good deeds.

imageWSM International Women’s Day Message - 2018 Mar 08 Workers Solidarity Movement 0 comments

International Working Women’s Day is steeped in the radical history of women demanding improvement in our daily lives and in our working conditions. IWWD dates back to 1857 in New York City. Women garment workers went on strike to demand a 10-hour working day, better working conditions and equal rights.  In honour of this strike, another was held  in 1908 by women needle trade workers.  They demanded voting rights and, an end to sweatshops and child labour. Two years later, the socialist, Clara Zetkin, proposed that the 8th of March be commemorated as International Working Women’s Day.  It was first celebrated nationally in the Soviet Union after the, a  revolution which  began with a strike  of women textile workers. On, women stand in solidarity with each other against oppression. We demand control over our lives. We demand We demand freedom.

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