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international / anarchist movement / feature Friday August 12, 2022 23:44 by FeLipe Corrêa   text 249 comments (last - thursday march 28, 2024 20:16)   image 8 images
The steady revival of organized Anarchism in the anglosphere has led to a re-engagement with the fundamental strategic questions of Anarchism. In what way should a revolutionary organization be structured? How should a revolutionary organization struggle for reforms? What role does the revolutionary organization play in the revolutionary process? In grappling with these questions the most novel contemporary insights have undoubtedly come from the Anarchist movement in Latin America, where the tradition of organized, class struggle anarchism was growing and successfully struggling whilst in the anglosphere it was languishing in a long period of decline. In the spirit of clarifying and spreading the debates of Latin American Anarchism to the anglosphere, I contacted Felipe Correa in early 2022 and asked him questions that various comrades had raised during reading groups and informal discussions concerning the tendency – questions that could not be easily answered by the texts available to us. His extensive response to my questions, ranging from the notion of power, the role of organizations, and the relation between Anarchism and class politics, offers valuable and unique insight into this important tendency.
[Português] read full story / add a comment
internacional / movimento anarquista / entrevista Friday July 29, 2022 01:28 by FeLipe Corrêa   text 4 comments (last - friday august 04, 2023 22:28)   image 4 images
A constante renovação do anarquismo organizado no mundo anglófono levou a um reengajamento com as questões estratégicas fundamentais do anarquismo. De que maneira uma organização revolucionária deve estruturar-se? Como uma organização revolucionária deve lutar pelas reformas? Qual é o papel da organização revolucionária no processo revolucionário? Ao lidar com essas questões, os insights contemporâneos têm vindo, indubitavelmente, do movimento anarquista na América Latina, onde a tradição do anarquismo organizado e classista vem crescendo e obtendo bons resultados na luta, enquanto no mundo alglófono essa tradição tem estado em declínio há um longo período. No espírito de esclarecer e difundir os debates do anarquismo latino-americano para o mundo anglófono, contatei Felipe Corrêa no início de 2022 e fiz a ele um conjunto de questões que vários companheiros levantaram nos grupos de leitura e nas discussões informais acerca do especifismo – questões que não podiam ser facilmente respondidas pelos textos disponíveis para nós. Suas extensas respostas às minhas questões – que abordam temas como conceito de poder, o papel das organizações e a relação entre anarquismo e política classista – oferecem insights valiosos e únicos dessa tendência contemporânea.
[English] read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Wednesday June 01, 2022 21:09 by FeLipe Corrêa and Rafael Viana da Silva   text 15 comments (last - thursday november 10, 2022 23:35)   image 1 image
The present text —the core of which was taken from the introduction that we wrote for the French edition of Social Anarchism and Organization, by the Anarchist Federation of Rio de Janeiro (FARJ)[1]— aims to discuss the question of the specific anarchist political organization, based on the contributions of Mikhail Bakunin, Errico Malatesta and the Organizational Platform for a General Union of Anarchists, written by militants organized around the magazine Dielo Trudá, among whom were Nestor Makhno and Piotr Archinov. We are going to take up the contributions of Bakunin and Malatesta to establish a dialogue between them and the Platform, trace the similarities and differences between the proposals of anarchists who advocate an organizational dualism and those of the Bolsheviks, and we will see the proximity of Malatesta with the Synthesis, as well as the historical impact of the Platform, which will make it possible to elucidate the positions that have been disseminated about this debate. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Tuesday May 03, 2022 23:02 by FeLipe Corrêa   text 5 comments (last - saturday september 10, 2022 15:23)   image 1 image
The present text aims to discuss, from a theoretical-historical perspective, some organizational issues related to anarchism. It responds to the assertion, constantly repeated, that anarchist ideology or doctrine is essentially spontaneous and contrary to organization. Returning to the debate among anarchists about organization, this article maintains that there are three fundamental positions on the matter: those who are against organization and / or defend informal formations in small groups (anti-organizationism); supporters of organization only at the mass level (syndicalism and communitarianism), and those who point out the need for organization on two levels, the political-ideological and the mass (organizational dualism). This text delves into the positions of the third current, bringing theoretical elements from Mikhail Bakunin and then presenting a historical case in which the anarchists held, in theory and in practice, that position: the activity of the Federation of Anarchist Communists of Bulgaria (FAKB) between the twenties and forties of the twentieth century. [Português] [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Monday April 25, 2022 21:00 by FeLipe Corrêa   text 3 comments (last - wednesday august 02, 2023 13:38)   image 1 image
To begin the discussion on popular power it is important to return to the idea of a strategy of social transformation, since our political practice, as anarchists, is what could point toward this transformation. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Thursday February 17, 2022 20:25 by FeLipe Corrêa   image 1 image
The theoretical elements and historical experiences discussed undergird the theses developed throughout this article. Anarchists have a conception of power and a general project around it that forms their conception of class, understood in relation to a certain type of power (domination), and constitutes the foundation of their notion of social change, which is characterized by: their belief in the capacity for action of the subjects that are part of the distinct oppressed classes, their implication in the transformation of that capacity into social force, their commitment to permanent growth of this force, and their defense of a revolutionary process that allows for overcoming enemy forces and replacing the power of domination over society by a self-managing power. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Monday January 17, 2022 21:16 by FeLipe Corrêa   text 21 comments (last - monday april 15, 2024 13:55)   image 1 image
First of all, I would like to acknowledge the invitation from the comrades at Ekintza Zuzena magazine, who, after reading the book Anarchism and Popular Power: South American Theory and Practice, were interested in the present topic and decided to put it up for debate. For me and for the anarchist current to which I belong, especifista anarchism, the debate on power in general and popular power in particular is of the utmost importance, not only for a rereading of anarchist classics, but also for political practice of a revolutionary character. Therefore, we must salute and celebrate the decision. In Latin America there is some controversy around these issues, but in different countries and for many groups and organizations—this is the case, for example, for the nine Brazilian organizations that make up the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination [Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira] (CAB) and the Uruguayan Anarchist Federation (FAU)—there has been broad agreement for some years now. It is important that this debate continues to take place in Europe, and that in some way links up with others that are taking place, such as the one that the Federation of Anarchist Communists (FdCA) is conducting based on the contributions of the Brazilian CAB. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / feature Friday December 31, 2021 06:06 by FeLipe Corrêa   text 148 comments (last - thursday april 18, 2024 08:54)   image 1 image
The objective of this article is to present a summary of research carried out for some years, which culminated in the publication of the book Bandeira Negra: rediscutindo o anarquismo [Black Flag: Rediscussing Anarchism].[1] As part of a collective process of global research on anarchism, developed by researchers from different parts of the world within the Institute for Anarchist Theory and History (IATH), this book has a general objective: to answer the following question in depth, what is anarchism? read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Sunday December 04, 2016 04:02 by FeLipe Correa   image 1 image
Το άρθρο αυτό -που εξήχθη σχεδόν πλήρως από το βιβλίο μου Teoria Bakuniniana do Estado [Μπακουνική Θεωρία του Κράτους] (2)- έχει στόχο να παρουσιάσει μια σύντομη συζήτηση για τη θεωρία των κοινωνικών τάξεων και της γραφειοκρατίας έτσι όπως διατυπώθηκε από τον Μιχαήλ Μπακούνιν στην αναρχική περίοδο της ζωής του.
Ποια είναι τα κριτήρια που καθορίζουν τις κοινωνικές τάξεις; Ποιες είναι οι κοινωνικές τάξεις; Υπάρχουν κυρίαρχες και καταπιεσμένες τάξεις; Πώς μπορεί να οριστεί η ταξική πάλη; Τι είναι η γραφειοκρατία; Πώς σχετίζεται με άλλα κοινωνικά στρώματα; Αυτά είναι μερικά από τα ερωτήματα στα οποία το κείμενο προσπαθεί να απαντήσει. read full story / add a comment
En el sentido horario, desde cima, a la izquierda: Bakunin, Malatesta, Arshinov, Makhno
internacional / movimiento anarquista / opinión / análisis Tuesday March 08, 2016 21:50 by FeLipe Corrêa e Rafael Viana da Silva   image 1 image
En este artículo, los autores desarrollan una discusión en torno a la organización política anarquista. Parten de las contribuciones relativas al tema de Mikhail Bakunin y Errico Malatesta mostrando que hay similitudes entre ellas y la Plataforma Organizacional de la Unión General de los Anarquistas. De acuerdo a lo que señalan, Bakunin construye la base teórica de la Plataforma y Malatesta tiene posiciones que a veces se acercan a ella y otras veces a la Síntesis Anarquista. Consideran, así que ninguna de las posiciones en cuestión puede ser coherentemente inscripta en el campo del marxismo/bolchevismo o de un supuesto “anarcobolchevismo”. Los autores analizan el debate entre Malatesta y Nestor Makhno sobre la Plataforma, mostrando donde, realmente, están las divergencias entre ambos. Por medio de una reflexión histórica del impacto de la Plataforma, demuestran como las criticas establecidas en los años 1920, en gran medida realizadas por lecturas ideologizadas, sumadas a las experiencias prácticas de los años 1950 y la hegemonía francesa en la discusión en el tema, viene pautando erróneamente el debate. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Tuesday December 01, 2015 16:46 by FeLipe Correa   image 1 image
Αυτό πρέπει να κατανοείται ως: α) ικανοποίηση όλων των υλικών αναγκών του κάθε ενός από εμάς και β) να γίνει το επίτευγμα της απρόσκοπτης ανάπτυξης όλων των δυνατοτήτων μας, απαλλαγμένης από την καταπίεση του κεφαλαίου και τους Κράτους, ελευθερία για όλους και όχι μόνο για μια συγκεκριμένη ομάδα. Ας αφήσουμε τις εκλογές κατά μέρος. Δεν εξυπηρετούν κανένα σκοπό. Ας συμμετάσχουμε τώρα στην πολιτική, εδώ, όπου ζούμε. read full story / add a comment
internacional / história do anarquismo / feature Monday June 01, 2015 18:49 by FeLipe Corrêa e Rafael Viana da Silva   image 1 image
Nesse artigo, os autores realizam uma discussão da organização política anarquista. Partem das contribuições relativas ao tema de Mikhail Bakunin e Errico Malatesta mostrando que há similaridades entre elas e a da Plataforma Organizacional da União Geral dos Anarquistas. Conforme apontam, Bakunin constitui a base teórica da Plataforma e Malatesta possui posições que alguma vezes aproximam-se dela e outras da Síntese Anarquista. Consideram, assim, que nenhuma das posições em questão pode ser coerentemente inscrita no campo do marxismo/bolchevismo ou de um suposto “anarcobolchevismo”. Os autores analisam o debate entre Malatesta e Nestor Makhno sobre a Plataforma mostrando onde, realmente, estão as divergências entre ambos. Por meio de uma reflexão histórica do impacto da Plataforma, demonstram como as críticas estabelecidas nos anos 1920, em grande medida realizadas por leituras ideologizadas, somadas a duas experiências práticas dos anos 1950 e a hegemonia francesa na discussão do tema, vêm pautando erroneamente o debate. read full story / add a comment
Bakunin y Gerdzhikov
internacional / historia del anarquismo / opinión / análisis Monday May 19, 2014 03:40 by FeLipe Corrêa   image 1 image
Publicado originalmente en la revista académica "Espaço Livre" (, num. 15, de 2013, ese texto tiene por objetivo discutir, desde una perspectiva teórico-histórica, algunas cuestiones organizativas relativas al anarquismo. [Português] read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Saturday March 08, 2014 20:11 by FeLipe Corrêa   text 1 comment (last - sunday march 09, 2014 06:18)   image 1 image
This text is divided into four main parts for the presentation of Malatesta’s political thought: a.) a brief description of the author’s life, the political environment in which he found himself and his main interlocutors; b.) a theoretical-epistemological discussion, which differentiates science from doctrine/ideology and, therefore, the methods of analysis and social theories of anarchism. A notion that will be applied to the discussion of Malatestan thought itself; c.) theoretical-methodological elements for social analysis; d.) conception of anarchism and strategic positions. [Português] read full story / add a comment
Guerrilleras kurdas de las YPG. La mujer cumple un rol fundamental en la revolución impulsada por la izquierda en el Kurdistán.
internacional / la izquierda / portada Wednesday August 28, 2013 21:25 by FeLipe Ramírez   text 1 comment (last - tuesday june 20, 2023 20:06)   image 1 image
Desde el año 2011 que el Norte de África y Oriente Medio se encuentran convulsionados por una ola de protestas y luchas democráticas impulsadas por amplias capas de la población, que sacudieron los cimientos de varios gobiernos que parecían inamovibles desde hace años. Resulta claro que lo que occidente ha llamado “primavera árabe” ha transformado –y continúa transformando- el escenario político de la región desde esa tarde en que Mohamed Bouazizi, joven tunecino vendedor ambulante, se prendió fuego en la ciudad de Sidi Bouzid en protesta porque la policía le había confiscado su mercancía. La izquierda, lamentablemente más fuerte en los extremos de la región -Túnez y el Kurdistán- se enfrenta a momentos decisivos en Siria, Túnez y Egipto en medio de esfuerzos renovados del imperialismo por retomar el control de la situación e imponer su agenda propia. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
M. Bakunin e M. Gerdzhikov
internacional / história do anarquismo / feature Sunday August 18, 2013 19:05 by FeLipe Corrêa   image 1 image
Publicado originalmente na revista acadêmica "Espaço Livre" (, num. 15, de 2013, esse texto tem por objetivo discutir, desde uma perspectiva teórico-histórica, algumas questões organizativas relativas ao anarquismo. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
(Schmidt e van der Walt, 2009, p. 171)
internacional / história do anarquismo / opinião / análise Saturday January 19, 2013 04:00 by FeLipe Corrêa   image 6 images
Esse texto apresenta uma breve história do surgimento e do desenvolvimento do anarquismo. Constitui, mais do que um grande tratado ou um estudo de fontes primárias, uma tentativa de compilar e resumir estudos históricos sobre o tema, de maneira apresentar um mapa geral dos acontecimentos fundamentais que envolveram o anarquismo, desde seu surgimento até o presente, e indicar bibliografia aos leitores. read full story / add a comment
international / mouvement anarchiste / opinion / analyse Thursday May 24, 2012 00:19 by FeLipe Corrêa   image 1 image
« Vers une Théorie Libertaire du Pouvoir » est une série de compte-rendu de livres ou d’articles par des auteur-e-s du camp libertaire qui traitent du pouvoir. Son objectif est de présenter une littérature contemporaine des auteur-e-s traitant du thème en question et de contribuer par des éléments à l’élaboration d’une théorie libertaire du pouvoir, qui pourrait contribuer à l’élaboration d’une méthode d’analyse de la région et des stratégies sur une base libertaire, pour être utilisée par des individus et des organisations. Publié originalement en portugais sur le site Estratégia e Análise. [Português] read full story / add a comment
internacional / história do anarquismo / opinião / análise Wednesday March 21, 2012 01:42 by FeLipe Corrêa   image 1 image
O sentido comum e a opinião pública em torno do anarquismo podem ser compreendidos, em parte, por meio da leitura de obras teóricas que, entre os séculos XIX e XX, contribuíram para reforçar o sentido de anarquismo como sinônimo de destruição, caos, desorganização, relacionando-o, frequentemente, com o crime e a loucura. Dois autores demonstram essa relação: Cesare Lombroso e Gustave Le Bon. read full story / add a comment
internacional / a esquerda / opinião / análise Tuesday December 27, 2011 05:10 by FeLipe Corrêa   text 1 comment (last - sunday january 01, 2012 03:48)   image 1 image
As estratégias de transformação social que se fundamentam na utilização do Estado como meio vêm demonstrando historicamente sua incapacidade de criar poderes autogestionários; tanto aquelas que defendem a atuação por meio das eleições e das reformas, quanto aquelas que sustentam sua tomada revolucionária. read full story / add a comment
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