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Imperialism / War

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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Friday October 11, 2019 02:00 byKAF   image 1 image

There is no doubt ignoring the experiences of history will lead to the same experiences being repeated. What is happening at the moment in Rojava proves this statement. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
internacional / imperialismo / guerra / opinião / análise Monday September 09, 2019 10:05 byBrunoL   image 1 image
Alguns debates são urgentes, não podem ficar para outro dia. Quanto mais urgente é sua temporalidade, mais rigor e cuidado é necessário para avançar teoricamente. Se a meta for fazer campanha, panfleto, difusão doutrinária, algo muito relevante, aí a pressa é outra e tudo fica para o curtíssimo prazo. Não é o caso dos textos deste analista quando faz análise. Nas redes sociais a presença é outra, mas na palavra escrita, toda a precisão é fundamental. Como já foi por mim descrito na primeira parte do debate, imperialismo se contrapõe, imperialismo se contrapõem e nacionalismo tem um significado nos países que são ou foram potência – e tem vocação, pretensões de expansionismo – e outro em países do Sul Global, da periferia do planeta e por vezes também na Semiperiferia, tal é o caso brasileiro. Cabe ressaltar que o tema do desenvolvimento capitalista também pode ser anti-imperialista, mas jamais rompe em si com a dominação interna e tampouco supera a luta de classes em sua versão latino-americana, a luta popular. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Wednesday September 04, 2019 23:49 byJosé Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
Los principales responsables de lo que está sucediendo en Colombia no hay que buscarlos en el monte ni muchos menos en Venezuela. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
internacional / imperialismo / guerra / opinião / análise Monday August 26, 2019 07:34 byBrunoL   image 1 image
Preciso começar esta nova série (creio eu) em função de algumas razões óbvias. A primeira e a mais sensível das razões porque os conceitos são reais, ou ao menos intentam interpelar, interpretar o real vivido como experiência concreta e não apenas o universo imaginário (que também forma o real vivido). Ou seja, isso existe, existe imperialismo e existem potências - no plural sim - imperialistas. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / anarchist communist event Tuesday April 02, 2019 10:46 byViaLibre   image 1 image
Semana contra el Apartheid Israelí (2-5 de abril)
En Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino
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Η γλώσσα της κυριαρχίας δεν είναι η δική μας γλώσσα. Κανένα έθνος δεν μας ενώνει, κανένα σύνορο δεν μας χωρίζει, κανένα κράτος δεν είναι δικό μας. --- Εκδήλωση-Συζήτηση: Εθνικισμός, πατριωτισμός, μιλιταρισμός τα συνεκτικά εργαλεία του κράτους - 12 Απρίλη στις 18.00 στο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Στέκι Φιλοσοφικής (8ος όροφος, αίθουσα 819) - Συνδιοργάνωση: Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Στέκι Φιλοσοφικής και Ανθός – Ελευθεριακό Φοιτητικό Σχήμα leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
vénézuela / colombie / impérialisme / guerre / communiqué de presse Wednesday March 27, 2019 02:36 byFAU y CAB   image 1 image
Traduction en français de l'article de la FAU/CAB sur la situation au Vénézuela. bast, Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Thursday February 07, 2019 17:13 byFAU y CAB   image 1 image
Nuevamente Venezuela está en la mira y en el centro de los debates. Rimbombantes declaraciones en todos los medios de prensa de diversos actores condenando al gobierno de Maduro, algunos reconociendo a Guaidó como Presidente, otros distanciándose de ambos, como si todo lo que está en juego en Venezuela ahora mismo, se dirimiera en el reconocimiento o no de un gobierno determinado. El tema es mucho más de fondo, y como ya lo hemos abordado en otras ocasiones, intentaremos aquí hacer un análisis coyuntural específico cuya trama es mucho más compleja. Un análisis que realizamos con el máximo rigor posible pero siempre parados en nuestra concepción Anarquista y Especifista, como parte de los pueblos latinoamericanos que resisten a diario todas las estructuras del sistema capitalista y de toda política imperialista, especialmente la del imperialismo norteamericano, presente desde hace casi dos siglos en nuestra región. Con su monroísmo y su pretensión de que sea Latinoamérica su patio trasero. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
Στην Ελλάδα ειδικά, ο φασισμός έχει ένα επιπλέον όπλο που λέγεται Μακεδονικό το οποίο δημιουργήθηκε λόγω των ειδικών ιστορικών συνθηκών του εμφυλίου και της εκστρατείας της ντροπής των αρχών της δεκαετίας του 90. Αυτή η ιδιαιτερότητα δεν αλλάζει σε τίποτα την ουσία του. Όπως παντού έτσι κι εδώ οι φασίστες και οι εθνικιστές στο όνομα του έθνους είναι οι νεκροθάφτες του πλανήτη και της ανθρωπότητας. Είναι ακόμη πιο σιχαμένοι από τους φασίστες του 30 και πολύ πιο επικίνδυνοι. Σε αντίθεση με το 30, ο αγώνας για να τους συντρίψουμε είναι πια συνυφασμένος και με τον αγώνα να σώσουμε τον πλανήτη. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / comunicado de prensa Monday January 21, 2019 08:21 byGrupo Estudiantil Anarquista   image 1 image
Ahora, cabe preguntarse por la suerte de Colombia en un inminente escalonamiento del conflicto armado, represión y persecución a otro nivel para líderes y el movimiento social en general, y así mismo, responsabilizamos al Gobierno Nacional por lo que viene. Pero, como nunca hemos querido que la suerte decida, nos empoderamos de las condiciones para proponer y movilizarnos por la vida digna, para que nunca más haya jóvenes en las filas de ningún ejército o fuerza represiva; para que sus sueños y los nuestros -claro está- sean los de servir al pueblo desde cualquier ocupación u oficio, pero nunca más como actores armados. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra / cronaca Friday January 18, 2019 02:57 byGianni Sartori   image 1 image
Dagli intervento su "scala industriale" operati da Ankara in Bakur e Rojava, all'apparente modesta "attività artigianale2 della repressione operata da Teheran, per il popolo curdo è sempre perenne emergenza... leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
grecia / turchia / cipro / imperialismo / guerra / cronaca Friday January 11, 2019 00:46 byGianni Sartori   image 1 image
Dalla testimonianza di un ex appartenente alla forze speciali, emerge tutto l'orrore della repressione operata dallo stato turco contro la popolazione civile curda leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Sunday December 30, 2018 18:50 byΠρωτοβουλία για την Ολική Άρνηση Στράτευσης   image 1 image
Κείμενο που μοιράστηκε στις 17/12 σε εκατοντάδες αντίτυπα στο κέντρο της Αθήνας κατά τη διάρκεια αντιεθνικής παρέμβασης αλληλεγγύης στους ολικούς αρνητές στράτευσης. Αναδημοσίευση από το blog της Πρωτοβουλίας για την ολική άρνηση στράτευσης. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
international / imperialism / war / debate Saturday December 22, 2018 15:30 byDavid Van Deusen   text 11 comments (last - friday december 27, 2019 22:53)   image 1 image
The YPG/YPJ have also held the dictatorship at bay (and they have brought a relative stability to this region of Syria). But what deserves our respect is not simply their military prowess, but rather the type of society which they seek to create in liberated areas. They hold socialist tendencies, but what sets them apart is their desire to organize their world according to directly democratic means; something like a secular, decentralized, Town Meeting system where all the people have an actual voice and an unabstracted vote concerning the issues that face them as a people and as a community. Here they take political influence from the anarchist Vermont sociologist Murray Bookchin. Their vision, similar to that espoused by the EZLN & the Zapatistas (Chiapas, Mexico), is as far reaching as that which was dreamed of on CNT/FAI barricades in Spain from 1936-1939. Their fight has parallels to Mahkno and his brigades in the Ukraine in 1919. They do not fight for an ethic Kurdish state, but rather for a new social formation whereby the individual and the community collectively control the world in which they live. Their dreams, perhaps, are not dissimilar those who manned the walls of the Paris in 1871. And to this very point in time, remarkably, they have been winning.
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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday December 21, 2018 07:41 byKhaled Aboud   image 1 image
The announcement of Trump that the US would immediately stop aerial bombardments and withdraw their diplomatic personnel, while their troops would all withdraw within 3 months, officially signalled the end of the Syrian war, a war which has been portrayed as a “civil war” but one in which all of the world participated. While major powers, such as Russia, France, the UK, and the US, and regional powers such as Iran, Israel and Turkey participated directly, they had their Syrian proxies to fight against one another. The conflict, in the first place, wouldn’t have erupted without the decisive funding and support given by Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Turkey and Jordan to a frightful collection of armed jihadist lunatics. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday December 07, 2018 14:03 byKhaled Aboud   image 1 image
As everyone watches in horror and disbelief the unparalleled Saudi atrocities in Yemen and the unspeakable barbaric assassination of the journalist Jamal Kashoggi, the Saudi royals are increasingly isolated in the world. However, in the Middle East, they have made new friends: the Kurdish of Syria. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
Συνεπώς, υποστηρίζουμε:
-ενότητα για τον αντιφασισμό πέρα ​​από τις δημοσκοπήσεις, στους λαούς και στους δρόμους. Ο αγώνας θα καθορίσει τι πρόκειται να έρθει. Η ενότητα θα επιτυγχάνεται σε ενέργειες, κινητοποιήσεις ενάντια στις νεοφιλελεύθερες επιθέσεις και τη βαρβαρότητα που προωθούνται από τον bolsonaro και τους ομολόγους του.
-αγώνας για την υπεράσπιση των κοινωνικών δικαιωμάτων. Καταπολέμηση των ιδιωτικοποιήσεων και των επιθέσεων κατά των καταπιεσμένων. Καταπολέμηση των επιθέσεων στην εκπαίδευση, τη συνταξιοδοτική μεταρρύθμιση, καταπολέμηση του αυξανόμενου κόστους ζωής, την ποινικοποίηση των κοινωνικών κινημάτων και τη διαδικασία γενοκτονίας των μαύρων, περιφερειακών και ιθαγενών.
-οικοδόμηση γενικής απεργίας ενάντια στην πρόοδο του φασισμού και των επιθέσεων στα δικαιώματα των εργαζομένων, που είναι η ατζέντα του ιμπεριαλισμού στην επόμενη περίοδο, των επιχειρηματικών και πολιτικών ελίτ ανεξάρτητα από τις εκλογές. [Português] [Castellano] [English] [Italiano] leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / imperialismo / guerra / feature Tuesday October 16, 2018 05:41 byCoordenação Anarquista Brasileira   text 1 comment (last - wednesday october 31, 2018 21:30)   image 1 image
O atual cenário político brasileiro exige muita lucidez e frieza para o conjunto dos lutadores e das lutadoras populares e sua análise da realidade. Nós da Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira, modestamente, buscamos dar nossa contribuição a compreensão do convulsionado cenário político-social, cujo principal corte se encontra no golpe jurídico-parlamentar que derrubou Dilma Rousseff do governo. Vivemos recentemente o chamado esgotamento do pacto da Nova República de 1988. Tal pacto, mantinha a exclusão social dos/as de baixo, enquanto garantia direitos jurídicos mínimos, numa coalizão que envolveu políticos burgueses, o empresariado, os militares e parte dos setores reformistas da esquerda. A construção do Estado brasileiro, no entanto, sempre esteve mais próxima dos interesses das potências imperialistas de turno do que da maioria da população. O estado penal para os pobres sempre foi a norma das instituições da democracia burguesa. Os governos do PT, desde Lula, incrementaram a máquina criminal da ordem pública com todo um aparato legislativo-judicial que reproduziram o super-encarceramento dos pobres e negros e a parafernália repressiva que ataca as lutas sociais. O pacto de conciliação de classes foi rompido e o colaboracionismo rasgado para dar lugar à agenda agressiva do capitalismo financeiro sobre os direitos sociais, as liberdades parciais e os bens públicos, que foram conquistas históricas do movimento popular. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / debate Tuesday September 18, 2018 23:12 byKhaled Aboud   text 1 comment (last - wednesday september 19, 2018 23:27)   image 1 image
The so-called Syrian Civil War is Syrian in name only. It has seen combatants from scores of countries flooding into the jihadist fanatic armies, while Israel, Turkey, the US, France, the UK, Iran, Russia, the Arab monarchies, they all have meddled, bombarded, funded their own armed proxies and contributed in many ways to destroy the country. Syria is a shame on humanity, seen by everyone as an opportunity to flex their muscles and test each other’s red lines, limits and capacities. And we’ve been surprised to see the Russian emperor come out absolutely naked in this power-game. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Sunday September 16, 2018 19:47 byΚαθ’οδόν & mⒶnifesto   image 1 image
Απέναντι στον κόσμο της εξουσίας, απέναντι στον σύγχρονο ολοκληρωτισμό κράτους και κεφαλαίου, οφείλουμε να υψώσουμε συλλογικά ελευθεριακά αναχώματα ανάσχεσης της ολομέτωπης επίθεσής τους, αποδομώντας καταρχήν έναν από τους βασικότερους ιδεολογικούς πυλώνες του κράτους, αυτόν της εθνικιστικής-πατριωτικής ιδεολογίας. Η αποδόμηση αυτή αποτελεί ταυτόχρονα και την αναγκαία συνθήκη για την οικοδόμηση της ελευθεριακής επαναστατικής προοπτικής, που στρατηγικό της στόχο έχει την καταστροφή κράτους και κεφαλαίου και την κοινωνική και ατομική απελευθέρωση. leggi tutto / aggiungi un commento
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Imperialism / War

Fri 19 Apr, 23:05

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Support the comrades! imageUpdate on the Campaign for the Sudanese Anarchists 08:45 Thu 18 Apr by International Anarchist Organisations 0 comments

In August 2023, we, anarchist organisations from five continents, launched an international solidarity campaign. Its aim was and is to support Sudanese anarchists fleeing war and repression in their country and to ensure that they arrive safely in a destination country of their choice. Six months have now passed since our first call for solidarity. In this short text, we would like to report on the current situation and the continuation of our campaign.

resist_genocide_1.jpg imageRésister au génocide 20:28 Sat 14 Oct by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 5 comments

L’armée israélienne a ordonné aux habitants de la moitié nord de Gaza d’évacuer dans les 24 heures. Il est impossible pour plus d’un million de personnes de le faire en si peu de temps. Cet ordre ne peut être interprété que comme une formalité de relations publiques et un prélude à un génocide. Tous les travailleurs et soldats en mesure d’empêcher cela ont le devoir d’agir.

10801079108610731088107210781077108510801077_20230924_162632077min.png imageA volunteer from Kharkov was tortured by the military after trying to leave Ukraine 22:55 Wed 11 Oct by Assembly 3 comments

Full original version:
First published on Libcom:

photo6019264251958507574.jpg imageLa solidarietà è più delle parola scritta! 23:13 Sat 11 Jun by Various anarchist organisations 1 comments

Facciamo appello a tutti i militanti e simpatizzanti di essere presenti e solidali con il movimento curdo, sostenendo:
• la campagna di rimozione del PKK dall’elenco delle organizzazioni terroristiche;
• Il rilascio di Abdullah Öcalan e di tutti i prigionieri politici;
• il ritiro immediato di tutte le forze di occupazione in tutte le aree del Kurdistan;
• il riconoscimento internazionale dell’Amministrazione Autonoma della Siria del Nord e dell’Est, con la fine dell’embargo e l’inclusione nei negoziati di pace;
• Un processo internazionale ai miliziani dell’ISIS e la presa in carico dei loro paesi di origine;

tumblr_pqi19wf7wg1y0kwqyo1_r1_1280.jpeg imageAnzac Day 2022 19:55 Mon 25 Apr by MACG 8 comments

Australia’s militaristic national myth was founded on the Gallipoli landing.  The dead Anzacs are conscripted for service in all of Australia’s wars.  They have sanctified Australian imperialism in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.  This year, the national commemoration of the Anzacs will be in the service of the developing conflict with China and the drive to war.  It must not be uncontested.

textنا بۆ جەنگ، جگە ل®... 19:04 Tue 15 Mar by KAF 0 comments

جەنگ [هەموو جۆرە جەنگەکان] بە جەنگی ئایینی و نەتەوەیی، جەنگی نێوان دەوڵەتان و کۆمپانییە جیهانخۆرەکان دژ بە مرۆڤی چەوساوەیە، لێدانە لە پێداویستیی ژیانی چەوساوان، لێدانە لە وزە و توانای ئەوان، بۆ ملکەچکردنی ئەوانە بۆ ستەمی زۆرداران و دەسەڵاتخوازان و سەرمایەداران.

نا بۆ جەنگ و کوشتار و سەروەریی
بەڵێ بۆ هاوپشتی و تێکۆشانی شۆڕشگەرانەی چەوساوان دژ بە سەروەریی چینایەتی
جەنگی ئێمە دژی سەروەران و کۆمپانییەکانیان جەنگێکی کۆمەڵایەتیی جیهانییە

textNo war but the class war 19:01 Tue 15 Mar by KAF 4 comments

War, all kinds of wars, religious and national wars, wars between states and global corporations are all against oppressed people, it attacks their living means, it attacks their will and ability, in order to subjugate them to the will of oppressors, to the will of the authorities, the capitalists.
No to war, killing, and authority
Yes to the support and struggle of the oppressed revolutionaries against the class domination.
Our war against the rulers and their capitalist corporations is a global social war.

refugees_ukraine_welcome.jpg imagePour une solidarité internationale et sans frontières 04:37 Fri 11 Mar by Union Communiste Libertaire 1 comments

Depuis le 24 février, début de l’intervention militaire russe en Ukraine, les témoignages de solidarité se multiplient à travers le monde envers les réfugié·es ukrainien·nes. Comme toujours, la guerre amène avec elle son cortège macabre de mort·es et de populations obligé·es de fuir les bombes, les exactions et les carnages. La guerre impérialiste de l’État russe n’y fait pas exception.

visuel_ukraine.jpg imageUkraine : Contre le militarisme et la guerre : pour la lutte auto-organisée et la révolution sociale... 16:10 Thu 03 Mar by Diverses organisations anarchistes 0 comments

Déclaration anarchiste internationale contre la guerre impérialiste et l'invasion russe en Ukraine, datée du 25/02/2022. Également disponible sur ce site en anglais, castillan, italien et portugais.

vdatisggeq4w5gc0pve_cqpa5fckyonc8pd0wqebsn41200x640_1.jpg imageΓια την εισβολή της ... 16:35 Mon 28 Feb by Αναρχικές οργανώσεις από την Αυστραλία 0 comments

Ο πόλεμος είναι πραγματικά φρικτός, αλλά όπως όλες οι άλλες καπιταλιστικές κρίσεις, περιέχει τη δυνατότητα να πυροδοτήσει τα είδη των κοινωνικών εξεγέρσεων που ανατρέπουν ολόκληρα καθεστώτα. Πριν από έναν αιώνα η Ρωσία συμμετείχε σε έναν καταστροφικό, αιματηρό πόλεμο. Τελείωσε με μια επανάσταση της εργατικής τάξης που σόκαρε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Εναπόκειται στη διεθνή εργατική τάξη να διασφαλίσει ότι αυτός ο σημερινός πόλεμος θα τελειώσει με τον ίδιο τρόπο.

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imageA Talk on the Ukrainian-Russian War Aug 31 by Wayne Price 9 comments

A talk on the Ukrainian-Russian war, from an anarchist perspective. I reviewed my reasons for being in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. But revolutionary anarchists should give no political support to the Ukrainian government nor to the U.S. imperialists who help it.

textCapitalism’s war without end or Class War? Feb 26 by Dreyfus 16 comments

On the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine the AnarCom Network (UK) continues to argue that a new tendency is emerging - an internationalist revolutionary class struggle realignment, as a response to the reality of war and its existential threat. As Anarchist Communists we support the No War But The Class War position.

The following article originally written in 2014 by comrades in AnarCom marking the Russian occupation of Crimea in the 100th anniversary of the First World War.

imageΟι ναζιφασίστες τω&#... Nov 28 by Andrea Ferrario 0 comments

Η εξάλειψη των περισσότερων από τους φασίστες των δύο πρώτων ετών των αποσχισμένων δημοκρατιών δεν σημαίνει ότι οι τελευταίοι έχουν εκδημοκρατιστεί. Πάντα παρέμειναν δικτατορίες όπου τα βασανιστήρια, οι στοχευμένες δολοφονίες ενάντια στα σωζόμενα ψίχουλα της κοινωνίας των πολιτών, οι ομοφοβικές και φονταμενταλιστικές χριστιανικές πολιτικές ασκούνται συστηματικά. Επιπλέον, η αυτονομιστική ηγεσία κατέστρεψε την τοπική οικονομία με μια καθαρή πολιτική λεηλασίας, μη πληρώνοντας μισθούς στους εργαζόμενους ή παραδίδοντας τα περιουσιακά στοιχεία της χώρας σε μεγάλους καπιταλιστές της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας.

imageMalatesta on War and National Self-Determination Jul 29 by Wayne Price 6 comments

As far as I can tell, Ukrainian anarchists have in fact followed Malatesta’s approach. Virtually the whole country has risen up to oppose the invasion. There is voluntary organizing throughout the nation, both military and providing social services, despite chaos and destruction. Ukrainian anarchists have not made fools of themselves by opposing the resistance of the people. Instead they have merged with the broader movement of Ukrainians. Some have provided non-military services through mutual aid groups, such as food distribution. Others have formed a military unit composed of anarchists and anti-fascists. Although they have a good deal of autonomy, they coordinate with the Territorial Defense Forces.

imageSanctions against Russia: The impact is greater to Europe Mar 30 by Zaher Baher 7 comments

This article covers the impact of the sanction on all sides. But the real losers are the working class and the oppressed people. It shows the way how we can fight back against both wars: the current military one and the sanctions war.

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imageRésister au génocide Oct 14 MACG 5 comments

L’armée israélienne a ordonné aux habitants de la moitié nord de Gaza d’évacuer dans les 24 heures. Il est impossible pour plus d’un million de personnes de le faire en si peu de temps. Cet ordre ne peut être interprété que comme une formalité de relations publiques et un prélude à un génocide. Tous les travailleurs et soldats en mesure d’empêcher cela ont le devoir d’agir.

imageLa solidarietà è più delle parola scritta! Jun 11 1 comments

Facciamo appello a tutti i militanti e simpatizzanti di essere presenti e solidali con il movimento curdo, sostenendo:
• la campagna di rimozione del PKK dall’elenco delle organizzazioni terroristiche;
• Il rilascio di Abdullah Öcalan e di tutti i prigionieri politici;
• il ritiro immediato di tutte le forze di occupazione in tutte le aree del Kurdistan;
• il riconoscimento internazionale dell’Amministrazione Autonoma della Siria del Nord e dell’Est, con la fine dell’embargo e l’inclusione nei negoziati di pace;
• Un processo internazionale ai miliziani dell’ISIS e la presa in carico dei loro paesi di origine;

imageAnzac Day 2022 Apr 25 Anarkismo 8 comments

Australia’s militaristic national myth was founded on the Gallipoli landing.  The dead Anzacs are conscripted for service in all of Australia’s wars.  They have sanctified Australian imperialism in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.  This year, the national commemoration of the Anzacs will be in the service of the developing conflict with China and the drive to war.  It must not be uncontested.

textنا بۆ جەنگ، جگە ل®... Mar 15 KAF 0 comments

جەنگ [هەموو جۆرە جەنگەکان] بە جەنگی ئایینی و نەتەوەیی، جەنگی نێوان دەوڵەتان و کۆمپانییە جیهانخۆرەکان دژ بە مرۆڤی چەوساوەیە، لێدانە لە پێداویستیی ژیانی چەوساوان، لێدانە لە وزە و توانای ئەوان، بۆ ملکەچکردنی ئەوانە بۆ ستەمی زۆرداران و دەسەڵاتخوازان و سەرمایەداران.

نا بۆ جەنگ و کوشتار و سەروەریی
بەڵێ بۆ هاوپشتی و تێکۆشانی شۆڕشگەرانەی چەوساوان دژ بە سەروەریی چینایەتی
جەنگی ئێمە دژی سەروەران و کۆمپانییەکانیان جەنگێکی کۆمەڵایەتیی جیهانییە

textNo war but the class war Mar 15 KAF 4 comments

War, all kinds of wars, religious and national wars, wars between states and global corporations are all against oppressed people, it attacks their living means, it attacks their will and ability, in order to subjugate them to the will of oppressors, to the will of the authorities, the capitalists.
No to war, killing, and authority
Yes to the support and struggle of the oppressed revolutionaries against the class domination.
Our war against the rulers and their capitalist corporations is a global social war.

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