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iberia / lotte sindacali / recensione Tuesday June 15, 2021 06:13 byLucio Di Stefano
Recensione del romanzo storico dedicato alle lotte sindacali a Barcellona: "1907 di Fulvio Caporale read full story / add a comment
iberia / movimiento anarquista / news report Saturday February 22, 2020 00:57 byComunicació CGT PV
CGT València en el marco preparativo para el 8M, día internacional de la mujer trabajadora, ha realizado una charla-taller sobre anarcofeminismo a cargo de Vicky Criado, compañera de CGT Alacant. El acto organizado por la secretaría de la mujer de la federación local de València se ha celebrado en la sede del sindicato en la avenida del Cid 154. read full story / add a comment
iberia / movimento anarquista / other libertarian press Friday May 17, 2019 02:58 byPedro Wandelli Góis   text 2 comments (last - wednesday august 02, 2023 13:46)
Ao longo deste ensaio, desenvolverei o conceito de “Sistemas de Poder” ou “Sistemas Políticos” como ideologia política, sujeito imaterial e indivisível nas relações sociais. A partir da compreensão deste conceito, situarei os quatro Modelos de Governação existentes na história política da humanidade. Os Modelos de Governação podem ter maior ou menor impacto nos governos ao longo da História, tendo em vista as suas próprias necessidades de buscar, em outros Modelos de Governação, soluções inexistentes em si para as demandas e necessidades específicas de cada sociedade, em cada época distinta. read full story / add a comment
iberia / antifascismo / non-anarchist press Wednesday December 20, 2017 17:26 byVicenç Navarro

Hace ya años hubo un debate muy vivo e intenso en círculos politológicos en nuestro país sobre el tipo de régimen político que existía en España durante el periodo 1939-1978. Algunos politólogos, como el Sr. Juan Linz, de la Universidad de Yale (muy influyente en España, maestro de muchos de los profesores de Ciencias Políticas más conocidos en este país), sostenían que aquel régimen había sido un régimen autoritario, o lo que podría llamarse una dictadura a secas, sin más. Su misión era mantener el orden y la autoridad, siendo su dimensión represiva la más acentuada. Dirigida por un caudillo al que el régimen consideraba que tenía dotes casi sobrehumanas (“Caudillo por la gracia de Dios”, se decía en España para definir al Caudillo), tal tipo de Estado recibía el nombre de caudillista, siendo la forma de dictadura más común en América Latina, y que, según tales autores, incluía también la dictadura en España llamada franquista. read full story / add a comment
iberia / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Friday November 10, 2017 18:02 byDick Nichols
Judge Carmen Lamela of Spain's National High Court – direct descendant of the fascist Franco-era Court of Public Order – took the war of the Spanish state against the Catalan pro-independence government to a new level of judicial violence on November 2. read full story / add a comment
ibérie / divers / communiqué de presse Wednesday November 08, 2017 01:13 bySeveral Organizations
Communiqué conjoint entre la CNT-e, la CGT-e et Solidaridad Obrera read full story / add a comment
iberia / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Wednesday November 01, 2017 16:01 byAnticapitalistas
1. On 27 October, in fulfilment of the mandate of the referendum of 1 October in which despite police repression more than two million people participated, the Catalan Parliament proclaimed the Catalan Republic. In a Spain with a monarchy that is a direct successor of the dictator Franco, a Republic that opens up a constituent process is without doubt a proposal that breaks with the 1978 regime, with its political consensus and with a constitutional order that serves the elites. This proclamation occurs in a context of constant threats to apply article 155 and impose an authoritarian outcome on a conflict that demands an eminently political and democratic solution. In fact, in recent days the application of 155 had come to be threatened no matter what happened. We call for the application of article 155 to be rejected and for democratic, peaceful and disobedient defence of the will of the Catalan people and of their right to decide. read full story / add a comment
iberia / antifascismo / non-anarchist press Wednesday November 01, 2017 15:59 byAnticapitalistas
1- El 27 de Octubre, cumpliendo el mandato del referéndum del 1 de Octubre en el que participaron más de 2 millones de personas a pesar de la represión policial, el Parlament de Catalunya proclamó la Republica Catalana. En una España con una monarquía sucesora directa del dictador Franco, una República que abre un proceso constituyente es sin duda una propuesta que rompe con el régimen del 78, con sus consensos políticos y con un orden constitucional al servicio de las élites. Esta proclamación se produce en un contexto de amenazas constantes para aplicar el 155 y darle una salida autoritaria a un conflicto que tiene que tener una salida eminentemente política y democrática. De hecho, en los últimos días se había llegado a amenazar con la aplicación del 155 pasara lo que pasara, se hiciera lo que se hiciera. Llamamos a rechazar la aplicación del artículo 155 y a la defensa democrática, pacífica y desobediente de la voluntad del pueblo catalán y su derecho a decidir. read full story / add a comment
iberia / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Monday October 30, 2017 15:47 byRichard Fidler
The Declaration begins by reciting the full text of a resolution adopted October 10 by the parliamentary representatives of the pro-independence parties. The resolution recalls the repeated and frustrated attempts by Catalonia since the adoption of the post-Franco Spanish constitution of 1978 to expand the very limited administrative autonomy it grants into political recognition as a nation within the Spanish state. read full story / add a comment
iberia / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Monday October 30, 2017 15:46 byDick Nichols
Just after 3pm on October 27, the Catalan parliament voted to ratify the results of the country's October 1 referendum on self-determination, proclaiming Catalonia “an independent state in the form of a republic.” read full story / add a comment
ibérie / divers / communiqué de presse Thursday October 26, 2017 21:23 byConfederacion General del Trabajo
" La CGT (espagnole) est absolument opposée à l’escalade répressive mise en œuvre par le gouvernement de l’État espagnol contre la population de Catalogne, et nous défendrons les personnes réprimées de notre classe d’où que la répression vienne. [...] La CGT fait partie de la classe ouvrière et n’accepte pas de participer à des processus interclassistes de gestion territoriale [...] nous ne l’acceptons pas, parce que nous sommes une organisation de classe, autonome, fédéraliste, internationaliste, autogestionnaire et libertaire, ce que nous définissons comme anarcho-syndicaliste." read full story / add a comment
iberia / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Wednesday October 11, 2017 16:55 byJosep Maria Antentas
October 1 has passed, closing a period of the shared history between Catalonia and the Spanish state and beginning an uncertain future. It was a day when all the tension building over the five-year independence process came to a head.

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iberia / repression / prisoners / press release Wednesday October 04, 2017 00:00 bySeveral Organisations
The unions and social organisations who support this manifest fully share the motives who are at the start of the call for a General Strike in Catalonia : the continuous loss of rights for the working class and the repressive situation with more than 800 wounded people, some of them in heavy states and more than 40 arrests from different State police corps. A loss of social and labor rights that can’t be tolerated. read full story / add a comment
ibérie / répression / prisonniers et prisonnières / communiqué de presse Tuesday October 03, 2017 23:48 byPlusieurs organisations
Les organisations syndicales et sociales qui appuient ce manifeste partagent pleinement les motivations qui ont animé la convocation de la Grève Générale en Catalogne : la perte continue des droits pour la classe ouvrière ainsi que la situation répressive avec plus 800 blessé-e-s, dont certain-e-s dans un état grave et plus de 40 arrestations de la part de différents corps de l’État. Une perte de droits sociaux et droits dans le monde du travail qui ne peut être tolérée. read full story / add a comment
iberia / anti-fascism / press release Tuesday October 03, 2017 08:23 byEmbat
At a juncture of structural crisis, in Spain, there are more and more Catalans who no longer want to be part of this state: today, a country ruled by a corrupt party (The Partido Popular or PP), with a government and a deep state that has not broken with Francoism, of which the monarchy is the faithful representation of this continuity; and this would be added to urbanistic ballots, bank bailouts, austerity policies, high unemployment rates and a lack of guarantees and opportunities. All this is the image and reality of the so-called Regime of ’78; a political framework marked by a pact of silence so that the crimes of the Franco regime did not come to light and were never prosecuted. The remains of Franco were never cleared from the state institutions. It was the time called “Transition” to a democracy that never came and a Constitution that many people have not voted for. Some because we opposed at the time the political reform of Franco, and others because of a mere question of age, since it has been four decades since then.

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iberische halbinsel / antifaschismus / pressemitteilung Tuesday October 03, 2017 08:21 byEmbat
Wir befinden uns an einer Stelle der strukturellen Krise in Spanien, in der es mehr und mehr Katalanen gibt, die nicht mehr Teil dieses Staates sein wollen. Spanien ist heute ein Land, das von einer korrupten Partei regiert wird; ein Land, das einen tiefen Staat und bis heute nicht mit dem Franquismus gebrochen hat; ein Land, in dem die Monarchie die treue Darstellung dieser Realität ist. Es existieren städtische Ballungsgebiete, Bankenrettungs-Pakete, Sparmaßnahmen, eine hohe Arbeitslosenquote und wenig Chancen auf Verbesserung. read full story / add a comment
iberia / indigenous struggles / press release Tuesday October 03, 2017 07:05 byAnarchist Catalonia
"Unions, organisations and collectives here signing this call intend to communicate to the workers and to all the popular classes our position about recent events that occured in the streets of our villages, towns and cities."

United call for general strike from libertarian unions, organisations and assemblies of Catalonia read full story / add a comment
iberia / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Tuesday October 03, 2017 05:46 byJosé Luis Carretero Miramar
We entered a decisive week for the future development of the so-called "Catalan conflict". This Sunday will be the referendum called by the Generalitat, with a more or less plausible and guarantor result depending on the repression that the Spanish government decides against. We have been through weeks of tension, in which the massiveness and social rooting of Catalan protest, as well as the overtly authoritarian and repressive drift of the Spanish State, have become evident.

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ibérie / luttes des peuples autochtones / communiqué de presse Tuesday October 03, 2017 01:54 byCatalogne Anarchiste
Appel commun des syndicats, organisations spécifiques et assemblées anarchistes de Catalogne pour la grève générale du mardi 3 octobre 2017. read full story / add a comment
ibèria / indigenous struggles / feature Tuesday October 03, 2017 01:01 byCatalunyanarquista
"Els sindicats, organitzacions i col·lectius aquí firmants volem comunicar a les treballadores i al conjunt de les classes populars el nostre posicionament davant els diferents esdeveniments que s’estan produint els darrers dies als carrers de les nostres ciutats i pobles."

Crida dels sindicats i organitzacions llibertàries de Catalunya per la vaga general del 3-O read full story / add a comment

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