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hungary / romania / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday February 07, 2017 04:52 by Ravna
An anarchist communist approach of the recent protests in Romania
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ungaria / românia / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Monday February 06, 2017 06:23 by RAVNA
În cele ce urmează vom încerca să formulăm câteva idei dintr-o perspectivă anarhist comunistă, în măsura în care se poate realiza într-o manieră coerentă acest lucru în prezent, asupra protestelor recente împotriva deciziilor luate de partidul de guvernământ și percepute ca un atac la adresa „statului de drept”, a parcursului post-decembrist al României și a „progreselor” înregistrate în ultimii 27 de ani.
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ungaria / românia / workplace struggles / appeal / petition Saturday January 28, 2017 00:10 by Karra
Cu câteva zile înainte de sărbătorile de iarnă, 21 din cele 23 de persoane care lucrau pe banda de producţie Brown au intrat într-o grevă spontană prin care cereau să le fie oferit bonusul promis tuturor muncitorilor din fabrică. La începutul grevei, angajatorul (prin personalul de la departamentul de resurse umane şi superiorii ierarhici ai angajaţilor/telor ce protestau) le-a cerut greviştilor să părăsească incinta unităţii. În cursul grevei, angajatele au primit ameninţări că vor suporta consecinţele acțiunii lor şi vor fi concediate. read full story / add a comment
hungary / romania / workplace struggles / appeal / petition Saturday January 28, 2017 00:07 by Karra
A short timeline of the events

A few days before the winter holidays, 21 out of the 23 workers working on the Brown production line started a wildcat strike by which they were demanding to receive the bonusses that were promised to all the factory workers. At the beginning of the strike, the employer (by way of the human resources department personnel and the higher staff of the workers) asked the striking workers to leave the facility of the factory. During the strike the women workers received threats, being told that they were going to face the consequences of their actions by being fired. read full story / add a comment
hungary / romania / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Monday December 07, 2009 07:26 by Péter Konok
Short introduction of the so called "Miners March", when in 1999 angry miners of the Zhil-valley (Romania) wanted to go to the capital, to protest against their circumstances. The text focuses on the ever actual confrontation between trade union leaders and proletarian interests. read full story / add a comment
hungary / romania / economy / opinion/analysis Friday August 28, 2009 15:58 by tőkés győző
hungary / romania / economy / opinion/analysis Monday February 23, 2009 17:38 by Barikád Kollektíva
A kapitalizmus permanens válsága újabb és újabb jótéteményekkel szolgál a világ munkásosztálya számára: most épp a hitelpiacok dőltek be, világszerte visszaesik a termelés volumene és folyamatosak az elbocsátások. Magyarországon is szedi áldozatait a recesszió. Az itteni helyzet azonban annyiban különbözik a nyugat-európaitól, hogy a magyar burzsoázia már jóval korábban megindította a munkásosztály életfeltételei elleni frontális támadását. 2006 nyarától brutális adó- és áremelések kezdődtek, az élelmiszereken, a gázon, villamos energián, benzinen át a tömegközlekedésig szinte minden jóval drágább lett. [Italiano] [English] read full story / add a comment
ungheria / romania / economia / opinione / analisi Monday February 23, 2009 17:24 by Barikád Kollektíva
La crisi permanente del capitalismo riserva una bella batosta dopo l'altra alla classe lavoratrice mondiale: č di questi tempi il collasso dei mercati finanziari, il volume della produzione cala ovunque in tutto il mondo, ci sono continue serrate. La recessione chiede dazio anche in Ungheria. Tuttavia, la situazione ungherese differisce da quella dell'Europa Occidentale per il fatto che la borghesia magiara ha iniziato il suo attacco frontale contro le condizioni di vita della classe lavoratrice ben prima di quanto abbiano fatto le borghesie dell'occidente europeo... [English] read full story / add a comment
Οι Ούγγροι αναρχικοί πολέμησαν στην αντίσταση κατά των ναζί και αργότερα κατά των Ρώσων κατακτητών μέχρι την καταστολή τους από τους κομμουνιστές. read full story / add a comment
macaristan / romanya / tarih / opinion/analysis Wednesday November 01, 2006 16:30 by Dicle Bozdağ
Kara Kızıl Notlar Dergisi'nin Temmuz-Ağustos-Eylül 2006 Sayısından Alınmıştır. read full story / add a comment
Ουγγαρία / Ρουμανία / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Wednesday October 18, 2006 10:01 by «Άνθρωποι από τον πύργο της Βαβέλ»   text 1 comment (last - wednesday october 18, 2006 10:04)
Αυτό το κείμενο μιλάει περιληπτικά για ό,τι έγινε στην Ουγγαρία το Σεπτέμβρη. Δημοσιεύτηκε στο κεντρικό indymedia, είναι γραμμένο από ένα μέλος της κολεκτίβας του Indymedia Ουγγαρίας. read full story / add a comment
hungary / romania / community struggles / opinion / analysis Wednesday September 27, 2006 21:17 by Barikád Kollektíva   text 5 comments (last - tuesday november 21, 2023 15:49)
An analysis by the Hungarian Barikád Kollektíva (Barricade Collective) on the recent events in Hungary following prime minister Gurcsány's admissions of lying and the subsequent riots. read full story / add a comment
hungary / romania / economy / opinion / analysis Friday July 21, 2006 18:33 by Barricade Collective
Today fourth of the wageworkers (1 million persons) in Hungary are working as black labourer. They are totally exploited and exposed who won't get any bourgeois rights, when they accomplish the retirement age (in fact they usually die before this). They are pensionless and don't have any health insurance - afterwards devils of the body, the laughing capitalist bacilli of the diseases will carouse on them. Spend your blood in order that capitalist factory can operate on! read full story / add a comment
hungary / romania / history of anarchism / press release Friday July 14, 2006 17:26 by KSL
The latest KSL pamphlet gives you a chance to learn about Hungarian anarchists in the Budapest Commune of 1919, and the stories of figures like Ervin Szabo (anarchist librarian and anti-war conspirator), Otto Korvin (agitator) and Ilona Duczynska (the assassin who didn't). read full story / add a comment
hungria / roménia / movimento anarquista / chamada / petiçăo Friday May 05, 2006 22:00 by Colectivo Barricade
Pedimos ajuda em nome da solidariedade de classe. A livraria Gondolkodó Antikvárium arrisca-se ser fechada. o que seria uma perda importante para o movimento na Hungria! read full story / add a comment
ungheria / romania / movimento anarchico / appello / petizione Friday May 05, 2006 20:31 by Collettivo Barricada   text 1 comment (last - friday may 05, 2006 20:33)
Con questa lettera vi chiediamo aiuto al nome della solidarietŕ di classe. Per favore rispondeteci! La libreria Gondolkodó Antikvárium rischia la chiusura, il che sarebbe una perdita enorme per il movimento in Ungheria! Chiediamo un aiuto finanziaria per poter rimediare alla situazione. read full story / add a comment
hungary / romania / anarchist movement / appeal / petition Friday May 05, 2006 20:14 by Barricade Collective   text 1 comment (last - friday may 05, 2006 20:32)
In this letter we ask help in the name of class solidarity. Answer us, please! The Gondolkodó Antikvárium movement distributing place (bookshop) risks being closed, which would be a huge loss also to the movement in Hungary! We ask you to give financial help in order to solve that situation. read full story / add a comment
Μετάφραση Ν.Φ. Επιμέλεια «Ούτε Θεός-Ούτε Αφέντης», Μελβούρνη, Γενάρης 2006 read full story / add a comment
Ουγγαρία / Ρουμανία / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Κριτική / Παρουσίαση Tuesday January 24, 2006 11:56 by A.F.   text 1 comment (last - tuesday january 24, 2006 11:57)
Μετάφραση Ν.Φ. Επιμέλεια «Ούτε Θεός-Ούτε Αφέντης», Μελβούρνη, Γενάρης 2006 read full story / add a comment
Μετάφραση Ν.Φ. Επιμέλεια «Ούτε Θεός-Ούτε Αφέντης», Μελβούρνη, Γενάρης 2006 read full story / add a comment
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