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Κείμενο για την »Καμπάνια Αλληλεγγύης – Οικονομικής Ενίσχυσης Συλλογικοτήτων από την Τουρκία – Ελλάδα και από το Κομπάνι για να Χτίσουμε το Δημοκρατικό – Ελευθεριακό Σχολείο για τα Παιδιά του Κομπάνι» που έκανε εκδήλωση την Πέμπτη 21 Μαΐου στο Εργατικό Κέντρο της Χαλκίδας. read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / community struggles / news report Monday June 08, 2015 20:14 by Solidaridad   image 1 image
En el sur del país se produjeron quema de urnas y tomas de edificios estatales. La población protesta en contra de la corrupción en las que se han visto involucrados gran parte de los políticos mexicanos. La represión no se ha hecho esperar y mantiene a numerosos municipios militarizados. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Sunday June 07, 2015 17:32 by Ilan S.
Le azioni unitarie non-violente - principalmente alcune manifestazioni del venerdì - non sono così impegnative per le forze armate israeliane. Tuttavia, l'attenzione dei media su queste lotte ed ancor di più la partecipazione ad esse di attivisti internazionali che poi rilanciano nei loro paesi la lotta internazionale, sono un fattore reale di preoccupazione per Israele. I controlli ai confini, che riuscivano ad impedire l'ingresso degli attivisti, non sono più tanto efficaci. La classe dirigente israeliana non è ancora nel panico, ma di recente appare molto preoccupata. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Wednesday June 03, 2015 15:22 by Ilan S.
La vittoria elettorale che doveva essere la risposta di Netanyahu alla rivolta in seno alla classe dirigente - gravida di minacce di ridimensionamento verso il suo giornale - si è rivelata una sconfitta parziale. Netanyahu dipende ora dall'appoggio del partito del centro-destra e dai partiti ortodossi e sta cercando disperatamente di riconquistare il controllo della situazione. La montante pressione su Israele minaccia di accelerare rapidamente. Ve ne sono le avvisaglie nella minaccia di espellere Israele dalla FIFA e nell'intervento della Corte dell'Aja. E' prossima l'iniziativa della Francia all'interno del consiglio di sicurezza dell'ONU. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Tuesday June 02, 2015 05:57 by Ilan S.
The non armed joint actions - mainly few Friday demos, do not cause the Israeli armed forces much load. However, the focusing of the media on these, and more so the international activist participating in them who enhance the international struggle when they return home, really worry the Israeli authorities. Their borders screening which succeed to prevent the entry of activists is not much effective. The Israeli ruling elite is not in panic yet, but lately they worry a lot. The president of Israel warn that the development of the B.D.S. must cause a real concern. The threat of the expulsion from the FIFA cause Israel to make concession to prevent the voting and even agreed to a special monitoring comity. The subject of the B.D.S. is more and more in the media and many of the speaker admit their fear from its intensifying. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Sunday May 24, 2015 18:31 by Ilan S.
La crescente pressione operata dalla campagna B.D.S. non solo preoccupa la classe dirigente israeliana, ma ne ha già provocato una spaccatura. Che si era manifestata nelle dimissioni del governo di Netaniahu e nell'indizione di nuove elezioni. L'esito è stato persino peggiore per lui. Ha perso la maggioranza all'interno della destra. Il suo 61% (contro il 59%) è stato ottenuto solo coalizzandosi con il centro-destra di Kakhlon che aveva già bloccato le mosse della destra tradizionale e di alcune tendenze di neoliberismo radicale. Un nuovo equilibrio di potere all'interno della classe dirigente israeliana potrebbe portare nel futuro immediato ad una coalizione con il partito di pseudo-sinistra della lista sionista o addirittura ad una diversa coalizione senza Netaniahu o persino senza il partito Licud. In questo contesto proseguono gli sgomberi di palestinesi - sia in Israele che in Cisgiordania. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Saturday May 23, 2015 00:57 by Ilan S.
The election which was a response to rebellion in the elite - threatening to restrict his daily newspaper - resulted in a partial defeat. He is dependant now on the support of the center-right party and the orthodox parties,and now he is trying desperately to regain control. The mounting pressure on Israel threatens to take a fast escalation. It is already expressed in the threat to expel Israel from FIFA and of intervention of the Hague Court. The French initiative in the UN security council is approaching. The escalation in transfer actions - both within Israel and the West Bank is an effort to recruit at least the support of orthodox parties and the extreme right. In spite of harsher efforts to repress the Palestinian struggle - both in occupied east Jerusalem and the popular non-armed struggle the struggle continues. The very optimistic activists already feel the approaching victory. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
Ποτέ δεν εiναι αργά για να ανατραπεί η κατάσταση, όλα είναι στο χέρι μας, όλα μπορούν να ανατραπούν. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό χαιρετίζουμε και στηρίζουμε κάθε πρωτοβουλία αγώνα προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση. Για την χειραφέτηση των ανθρώπων! Για έναν κόσμο χωρίς αφεντικά.
Η αδικία σε έναν είναι αδικία σε όλους και αυτή είναι η δύναμη των εργαζομένων πάντα και παντού. read full story / add a comment
Photo by Jacob Potlaki (Casual Workers Advice Office)
southern africa / community struggles / opinion / analysis Thursday May 21, 2015 16:50 by Jonathan Payn   image 1 image
The xenophobic violence and looting following King Zwelithini’s statement that foreigners “pack their bags and leave” spread to cities and townships across the country. However, the recent attacks are not an isolated incident; nor is Zwelithini solely responsible for fomenting it. Local elites – particularly those linked to the ruling party – also encourage anti-immigrant attitudes and actions. This article, based on discussions with Abahlali baseFreedom Park activists, looks at how local elites stimulate ‘xenophobia’ to protect their class interests, as well as how progressive working class activists have responded.
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Ο Άγις Στίνας (Σπύρος Πρίφτης)
Διεθνή / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Tuesday May 12, 2015 20:49 by Άγις Στίνας (Σπύρος Πρίφτης)   image 1 image
Το καθήκον των επαναστατών και στην «ειρήνη» και στον πόλεμο είναι να βοηθήσουν τις μάζες να πάρουν συνείδηση του σκοπού και των μέσων του κινήματός τους, να αποδεσμευτούν από την κηδεμονία της κομματικής και συνδικαλιστικής γραφειοκρατίας, να πάρουν οι ίδιες την υπόθεσή τους στα χέρια τους, να μην εμπιστεύονται άλλη «ηγεσία» έξω από τα δικά τους εκτελεστικά όργανα που τα εκλέγουν και τα ανακαλούν οι ίδιες οποτεδήποτε, να αποκτήσουν οι ίδιες το αίσθημα της πολιτικής ευθύνης και προ παντός και πάνω απ’ όλα να χειραφετηθούν πνευματικά από την εθνική και πατριωτική μυθολογία.
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venezuela / colombia / community struggles / news report Monday May 11, 2015 09:52 by Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista   image 1 image
Este 1 de mayo, el Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista, junto con algunos procesos barriales, salió a las calles a conmemorar el día de la clase trabajadora. Ondeando nuestras banderas rojinegras y gritando consignas en contra del Estado opresor y el capital explotador, las mentes libertarias que se resisten al olvido y que siguen luchando por la creación de mundos nuevos antiautoritarios nos congregamos en el sur de la ciudad para manifestar nuestra inconformidad frente a este sistema injusto y desigual que sigue viviendo de la expropiación, el expolio y el pillaje. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Sunday May 10, 2015 21:10 by Dmitri (republishing)   image 1 image
Η εθνική Βραζιλίας δέχεται ταπεινωτική ήττα με 7-1 από τη Γερμανία. Οπαδοί της Σελεσάο κατεβαίνουν στους δρόμους, συγκρούονται με τις δυνάμεις καταστολής, τραυματίζουν έναν έφιππο αστυνομικό, λεηλατούν μαγαζιά και σουπερμάρκετ, πυρπολούν λεωφορεία και καίνε τη βραζιλιάνικη σημαία. Η μιντιακή διαχείριση των γεγονότων για ακόμα μια φορά τείνει προς την αβλαβή ερμηνεία των ταραχών: για όλα φταίει η απογοήτευση απ’ τη συντριπτική ήττα. Οι εικόνες των συγκρούσεων και των καταστροφών, όμως, δεν είναι η εξαίρεση για τη Βραζιλία. Εδώ κι ενάμιση περίπου χρόνο η χώρα βιώνει μια κατάσταση διαρκούς προλεταριακής εξέγερσης ενάντια στην αριστερή κυβέρνηση του Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT- Κόμμα Των Εργατών). Μια εξέγερση ενάντια στην κυβέρνηση- πρότυπο για τους εν Ελλάδι επίδοξους διαχειριστές της αριστεράς του κεφαλαίου... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / community struggles / feature Friday May 08, 2015 02:15 by Romina Akemi   image 1 image
In the last couple of weeks, the Black community in Baltimore has mobilized protests in response to the brutal murder of Freddie Gray by the Baltimore Police Department (BPD). The news footage of Baltimore’s Black youth resisting riot cops is reminiscent of images from the Ferguson protests last summer. Yet, they are also reminiscent of the 1992 Los Angeles Uprising, as well as the many eruptions of popular unrest across the U.S. in 1968 against racist police violence. And we can go farther and farther back into history. The stories are many. The death toll to racist state violence is vast. And many are wondering: Is this our moment to bring down the racist capitalist system? [Castellano] [Français] read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / community struggles / opinión / análisis Friday May 08, 2015 02:13 by Romina Akemi   image 1 image
El procesamiento de los policías por el crimen de Freddie Gray demostró el impacto de las manifestaciones ante las injusticias que vive la comunidad negra de Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, la cifra de muertos a causa de la violencia del Estado racista es enorme. La soga del Ku Klux Klan continúa aterrorizando en la llamada “tierra de la libertad”. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Friday May 08, 2015 01:20 by Ilan S.
The B.D.S. which intensify the pressure not only worry the Israeli elite - it already caused a split in it. The split expressed in the initiation of law against the Netaniahu daily caused him to dismantle his coalition and call for election. The result was even worse for him. He lost the majority of the hard core right. The 61 (versus 59) coalition was achieved only with Kakhlon center-right that already blocked the main rightist moves and some of the extreme neoliberal tendency. A new power balance in the Israeli elite may result with a near future coalition with the pseudo left party Zionist List or even entirely different coalition without Netaniahu or even without the Licud party. With this back ground, transfer of Palestinians intensify - both citizens of Israel and in the occupy west bank... And the repression and struggle continue in Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Nebi Saleh, Qadoom, Ma'asarah, Sheikh Jarrah, South Hebron Hills and sporadicly in other places. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
era um racional estado de pânico para a massa assalariada brasileira; as condições de resistência estão prejudicadas pelo peleguismo histórico e a adesão governista da última década.
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / community struggles / opinião / análise Friday May 01, 2015 11:24 by BrunoL   image 1 image
30 de maio de 2015, Bruno Lima Rocha

Abertura – Na semana de 1º de maio de 2015, vivemos um momento ímpar. A classe trabalhadora pode estar diante da pior derrota na história recente do país desde a traição de João Goulart (quando este optou por não resistir) quando do golpe de 1º de abril de 1964. O absurdo é estarmos vivendo esta circunstância em função de um governo frágil, que fez campanha por esquerda (em especial no 2º turno), ganhou raspando – acertadamente polarizando o país – e já entregara quase tudo ainda no ano de 2014. A conjuntura é tensa porque esta mudança vinda do Projeto Lei 4330 na prática altera – e para o bem da acumulação dos patrões e empregadores, além de rentistas que se beneficiam dos recursos coletivos da União – a estrutura das relações de trabalho no Brasil. Logo, quando uma conjuntura pode influir de modo estrutural e desestruturante, esta se torna estratégica. Eis a arena onde as maiorias brasileiras hoje se encontram. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sul territorio / comunicato stampa Monday April 27, 2015 00:44 by Alternativa LIbertaria/FdCA   image 1 image
1 Maggio manifestazione internazionale a Milano

contro un'altra grande opera inutile,

contro 6 mesi di menzogne e annichilimento dei diritti,

per liberare l'agricoltura dal profitto e dallo spreco

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venezuela / colombia / community struggles / opinión / análisis Sunday April 26, 2015 16:34 by Walter Guadalupe   image 2 images
En lo poco que va del 2015 en Colombia, según la defensoría del pueblo, se han registrado, en todo el territorio dominado por el estado colombiano, un poco más de 283 movilizaciones. Plantones, concentraciones, marchas, bloqueos de vías, enfrentamientos directos con las fuerzas de seguridad, cese de actividades, han sido algunas de las expresiones de inconformidad de diversos sectores de la sociedad. Las acciones colectivas o de protesta de las comunidades organizadas han llamado la atención sobre temas tan diversos como la educación, la salud, el trabajo, la defensa del territorio, entre otros. Las respuestas del estado a las demandas de la comunidad no se han salido del libreto: dilación, represión y terror. read full story / add a comment
Neste mega-comício e celebração popular, os organismos políticos do PYD-PKK fazem valer o programa do Confederalismo Democrático, garantindo o poder de fato que vem do Grupo de Comunidades do Curdistão (KCK), verdadeiro organismo social da revolução curda
internacional / community struggles / opinião / análise Friday April 24, 2015 05:47 by BrunoL   image 1 image
Pontes e aproximações entre o anarquismo e o Confederalismo Democrático.

23 de abril de 2015 – Bruno Lima Rocha

Segue a introdução escrita por Pablo Misraji, responsável pela radução do segundo artigo de uma série sobre a questão da Revolução Social contemporânea de Rojava, no Curdistão. Neste ensaio, as distinções e proximidades teórico-práticas com outras experiências de autogestão econômica e política, são apresentadas e permitem que os projetos políticos de transformação social continuadamente catalisem a força social e se condicionem às metodologias da realidade.

Introdução para esta questão em particular

Nesta seção eu vou expor algumas informações históricas básicas sobre o modelo de organização política anarquista e, no final, fazer uma comparação entre essas experiências e na contemporaneidade, com a estratégia da organização política que pretende ser a catalisadora de uma transformação social pelo Confederalismo Democrático.
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mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Saturday April 18, 2015 19:56 by Ilan S.
With the conviction that our main contribution is not so much in changes on the ground but in the spirit of the struggle of the participants and the fulcrum we provide to the international lever. The gradual increase in international pressure which the Israeli high court verdict is that is a criminal act for Israeli to promote causing already much of damages in the economy of occupation and concern of the Zionist-colonialist Israeli ruling Elite. We see here again how small number of activists can initiate a turn in the course of history when it is applied in the ripe cross-road. It started in a small joint camp in Masha 2003 for struggle against the separation fence, after the idea raised half a year earlier in the European People Global Action conference in Leiden - in which activists from the East of the Mediterranean region participated too. The camp initiated struggles in various villages that riped at 2005 in the Bil'in struggle... which expanded and expanded... read full story / add a comment
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