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mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday June 15, 2012 18:16 by Ilan S.
Oltre alle manifestazioni unitarie settimanali e ad altre azioni, gli Anarchici Contro il Muro hanno partecipato alle attività per la giustizia sociale e per la solidarietà con i rifugiati africani recentemente vittime della persecuzione razziale di stato. Il picco delle lotte è stato la manifestazione per Naksa 45 a Tel Aviv con circa 1500 attivisti (per lo più a sinistra del partito comunista). [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday June 13, 2012 03:11 by Ilan S.
In addition to the weekly joint demonstrations and other joint actions the Anarchists Against the Wall activists participated in the social justice activities and solidarity with the African refugees lately under racial and state harassment. The peak was the Nacsa 45 demonstration in Tel Aviv where about one and a half thousand activists (mostly left to the communist party. State forces were surprisingly lenient and let us take the King George road for two hours, which leads from the city square to a park near the building of the ruling party. As the Summer begins, the political climate is warming the police "invitation" for interrogations activists. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday June 08, 2012 17:35 by Ilan S.
Una delle lotte a cui partecipiamo è la campagna B.D.S. (Boycott, Disinvestment, Sanctions, ndt), lanciata molto tempo fa da ambienti anticapitalisti ed antiautoritari israeliani e fatta propria nel corso degli anni da altri attivisti israeliani e dalle organizzazioni palestinesi. Negli ultimi anni ha avuto molto successo, e persino la cantante Madonna ha cercato di utilizzarla. I media hanno dato spazio ai biglietti gratuiti per il suo concerto che Madonna ha donato agli attivisti israeliani più radicali, mentre le forze di Stato hanno impedito a 2 attivisti palestinesi della lotta unitaria di Ni'lin di parteciparvi... [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday June 06, 2012 16:04 by Ilan S.
One of the joint struggles we are involved in is B.D.S., called for by long, long ago by the Israeli anti-authoritarian anti-capitalists and adopted over the years by other Israeli activists and Palestinian organizations. In the last few years it has collected momentum and though Madonna did not respect it, she tried to co-opt it. The media gave space to the turning down of free tickets donated by Madonna to the more radical Israeli activists, and the State forces' preventing two Palestinian activists from the Ni'ilin joint struggle to attend. In addition to the joint demos and activities in the regular locations in the occupied Palestinian regions and within Israel, comrades were involved in the intensified struggle for the survival of African refugees, victims of Israeli State repression and the extreme right incitement. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Thursday May 31, 2012 18:22 by Ilan S.
Oltre alle consuete località di lotte unitarie, gli Anarchici Contro il Muro hanno preso parte alla lotta contro gli attacchi razzisti portati contro i rifugiati africani. All'interno di Israele ci sono state azioni di solidarietà con i Beduini che sono sottoposti a sgomberi striscianti, di recente sempre più frequenti. A Tel Aviv e Gerusalemme lotte soprattutto con i rifugiati e per la giustizia sociale. Nella Cisgiordania occupata quinto anno di lotte unitarie per Al-Ma'sara, sesto anno per Beit Ummar, già l'ottavo anno di lotta continua per Bil'in, già il terzo anno per Nabi Salih, quasi il quarto anno per Ni'ilin, a Qaddum è iniziata quest'anno, mentre siamo già al terzo anno di lotta a Sheikh Jarrah, quartiere ad est di Gerusalemme/Al-Quds occupata. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday May 30, 2012 19:15 by Ilan S.
In addition to the regular locations of joint struggles, the Anarchists Against the Wall initiative was involved with the struggle against the racist attacks on African refugees. Within Israel there were actions in solidarity with the Bedouins who are subject to creeping transfer that has lately accelerated. In Tel Aviv and Jerusalem it was mainly with the refugees and social justice. In the occupied West Bank of Palestine it was the fifth year of Al-Ma'sara, Beit Ummar for the sixth year, in Bil'in now already in the eighth year of continued struggle, in Nabi Salih already the third year, in Ni'ilin that is just completing the fourth year, in Qaddum that started this year, and the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied east Jerusalem/Al-Quds already in the third year. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Tuesday May 22, 2012 20:51 by Ilan S.
La vittoria dei prigionieri palestinesi in sciopero della fame per la detenzione amministrativa è stata inattesa. Però la terza Intifada non si ferma qui. I contadini palestinesi accompagnati da attivisti israeliani ed internazionali si scontrano con la brutalità dei coloni protetti dalle forze di stato israeliane. Continuano le consuete manifestazioni unitarie del week end e la prossima estate sembra promettere una escalation sia delle lotte contro l'occupazione che di quelle per la giustizia sociale in Israele. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Tuesday May 22, 2012 01:51 by Ilan S.
Palestine-Israel, After the first major victory of the third Intifada the joint struggle the AAtW involved in just persist ---- The victory of the hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners and their pick of the administrative prisoners was so unexpected that the wind as if left us. However, the third Intifada do not extinguish.The Palestinian farmers accompanied by Israeli and international activists confront brutal settlers protected by Israeli state forces. The usual week end joint demos continue and the coming summer seems to promise an escalation in both the struggle against occupation and for social justice within Israel. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Monday May 14, 2012 17:35 by Ilan S.
All over the West Bank thousands of people took to the streets in support of the hunger striking prisoners. The third intifada collected momentum. It started with hunger strike of administrative prisoners held without trail, with solidarity demos, and joined by 1500 Palestinian prisoners - both in solidarity with the administrative ones and in demand for improving condition of the incarcerated. There were demos and vigils of solidarity daily - both in the occupied territories and within Israel. The weekly demonstrations made it their central theme. After nearly 80 days for the two longest hunger strikers, it seems their death is imminent after the Israeli highest court of "justice" approved of the unyielding refusal of the state to retreat from their administrative jailing. State forces vacillate between harsh repression of demos and restraining - expression of their uncertainty of the evolving third Intifada and mounting international pressure. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Tuesday May 08, 2012 04:01 by Ilan S.
The usual week end struggle of the anarchists against the wall with the grassroots popular committees was interwoven with the hunger strike of Palestinian administrative prisoners. After two strikers were released when their lives were in imminent danger, the hunger strike collected momentum in prison and out, as the few hundreds of administrative prisoners were joined by more than thousand of other Palestinian prisoners in Israeli concentration camps and prisons. Demonstrations occur daily and some of them within the 1948 borders of Israel. The Israeli state intensify the repression of both the prisoners, the demonstrations in support of them in the occupied territories, and even within Israel. The peak within Israel was the arrest and physical harassment of 17 of our comrades who were protesting in front of the prison hospital in Ramle, where two striker are dying. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Thursday May 03, 2012 17:54 by Ilan S.
La scorsa settimana c'è stata un'impennata della pressione contro i Palestinesi che vivono in località da cui Israele vuole sgomberarli - nei quartieri orientali e meridionali di Gerusalemme. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday May 02, 2012 04:31 by Ilan S.
Last week there was an escalation in the pressure against the Palestinians in chosen locations that Israel wants to transfer them from - in the south and East Jerusalem neighborhoods. After the first successful hunger strike of two Palestinian administrative detainees, the hunger strike of 1,500 administrative detainees is widescale and the demonstrations of support and solidarity hunger strikes are abundant. In addition to the weekly demonstrations promoting this theme, Ramallah and the concentration camp of Ofer are the main locations, with mounting confrontations between demonstrators and Israeli State forces. In addition to the social struggle within Israel that is gaining momentum, we had actions and solidarity demos with the African refugees. A May 1st demo with a black block will start in Tel Aviv in the early evening. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Thursday April 19, 2012 17:29 by Ilan S.
Israele è nel panico di fronte ad una eventuale terza intifada. Lo si capisce dallo sforzo eccessivo fatto per impedire a poche centinaia di attivisti internazionali di entrare nel paese. I media se ne sono strumentalmente occupati, ma grande è stata la vergogna quando si è visto in un video un colonnello israeliano colpire brutalmente un ciclista danese che stava dentro una squadra di ciclisti in una manifestazione nella Valle del Giordano. [English] read full story / add a comment
international / community struggles / anarchist communist event Thursday April 19, 2012 11:20 by Zakk Flash   text 1 comment (last - saturday may 12, 2012 07:23)
On May 1st, 2012, we will revive the May Day the ruling class has tried to erase; we will celebrate International Workers’ Day in the United States as a political manifestation of class consciousness and international solidarity. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday April 18, 2012 00:08 by Ilan S.
Israel state is in panic from the coming third Intifada. It did an overkill efforts to prevent a few hundred international activist from entering. While in media focus created by it, it had a big shame when Israeli colonel was on video showing brutal hitting of a Danish cyclist in a troop cycling in a demo along the Jordan river valley. The Bil'in seventh international conference was in the focus of the joint struggle not pushing aside the weekly joint demonstrations of the anarchists against the wall have with the popular comities of Beit Ummar, Bi'lin, Kufr A-Dik, Sheikh Jarrah, Al-Ma’sara, Nabi Saleh, Ni'ilin, Kufr Qaddum, Walaje. Week after week, more than 50 Israelis activists are mobilized with the AAtW and more than 100 other Israeli radicals with various other initiatives are promoting popular struggle against occupation and hampering transfer. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday April 13, 2012 19:13 by Ilan S.
Dopo l'appello per la terza intifada non armata lanciato dal carcere dal dirigente palestinese Marwan Barghouti, la 7a Conferenza della lotta popolare tenutasi a Bil'in è sia la celebrazione del lungo cammino fin qui fatto, sia la commemorazione dei martiri uccisi dalle forze di stato israeliane, sia la solidarietà con gli attivisti in carcere come pure un'opportunità per augurare la guarigione a tutti i feriti durante la lotta che non demorde. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Wednesday April 11, 2012 01:24 by Ilan S.
When the call for the third non armed Intifada is issued by the Palestinian leader Marwan Burguti from his jail cell, the 7th Bil'in Conference of popular struggle is both celebration the log way we made, commemoration the martyrs murdered by the Israeli state forces, solidarity with the activists in jail and opportunity for wishing health for all those injured during the non yielding struggle. Hundreds of internationals, Palestinians from the whole west bank, and two dozen Israeli activists participated in the first day of the conference. It happened after a week and of joint struggles in various locations of the occupied Palestine, and it will end in the Friday demo in Bil'in that symbolize the unyielding joint non armed struggle against the separation fence that now is on the verge of transforming into the much fiercer Intifada. (This explain the vicious attack on the Nabi Saleh, Qaddum villages and Beit Ummar whose struggle is not related to the Wall. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Tuesday April 03, 2012 05:41 by Ilan S.
The involved of the Israeli anarchists against the wall initiative and other Israeli radicals that joined us, within the popular non armed struggle of the grass root Palestinian communities, prevented the Israeli state to suppress it with rivers of blood. Now, that it collected momentum, the most popular Palestinian leader Marwan Burguti call for the third Intifada. It may take time to develop as the Palestinian authority do not seem to be happy for this development... But, may be it will not be able to put too many sticks in the wheels that start to spin. The Israeli state seems to be nearly helpless to stop this development but they vent their frustration on the heroic people of Nabi Saleh that are the symbol of the expanded of the struggle beyond the confrontations regarding the separation fence/wall.
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mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Thursday March 29, 2012 23:55 by Ilan S.
Non è una cosa facile far continuare la lotta di base popolare e non armata settimana dopo settimana, anno dopo anno... Ma, se c'è qualcosa che riesce a tenere la schiena dritta e lo spirito più alto questa è la tsumud (persistenza) nella lotta contro la repressione e le persecuzione da parte delle forze israeliane. Queste tengono in considerazione la lotta popolare, anche se sono più forti di noi, ma spesso oscillano tra feroci azioni di repressione e ritirate dovute a considerazioni più politiche. E' ancora vivo in me il ricordo di uno di questi intensi scontri. [English] read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Wednesday March 28, 2012 19:10 by Ilan S.
E' il secondo venerdì che un attivista di Anarchici Contro il Muro rimane seriamente ferito. Nel corso della manifestazione a Nabi Salih della scorsa settimana, fu un proiettile di gomma a colpire alla base del collo uno dei nostri. Il venerdì precedente fu una bomboletta di gas lacrimogeno a spezzare la gamba di un altro nostro attivista. Sembra che lo forze di stato non facciamo più differenza tra noi ed i palestinesi nel corso delle manifestazioni. Probabilmente vanno in cerca di un altro scandalo mediatico dopo il video con cui abbiamo documentato una loro aggressione contro un attivista israeliano. Sebbene non sia affatto facile, stiamo iniziando a partecipare anche alle nuove lotte persistenti iniziate in altri villaggi. Bil'in e Ni'lin che sono stati in prima fila nella lotta e nella repressione ora sono sullo sfondo. La maggiore pressione è oggi su Nabi Salih, e stiamo a vedere quello che potrebbe accadere a Qaddum ed ad-Dik. [English] read full story / add a comment
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