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textLa Venganza de Salem 06:50 May 31 0 comments

Monumento a los mártires de Loughgall McKearney y Lynagh en Drumfurrer, Monaghan (Imagen de José Antonio Gutiérrez D.)
irlanda / gran bretaña / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Tuesday June 26, 2018 18:26 par José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 3 images
Publicado originalmente en el número 1 de la revista anarquista chilena Vida Libre, Abril de 2018. read full story / add a comment
Ο Κούρδος δημοσιογράφος Behrouz Boochani, εγκατέλειψε το Ιράν, όταν η αστυνομία ξεκίνησε να συλλαμβάνει τους συνεργάτες του. Κρατείται στο νησί Μάνους εδώ και περισσότερα από τέσσερα χρόνια, σύμφωνα με την πολιτική προστασίας συνόρων της Αυστραλίας. Σε επιστολή του, που δημοσιεύτηκε στο CNNi, περιγράφει την κατάσταση που επικρατεί στις κρατικές φυλακές, εκφράζοντας την απόγνωση που νιώθουν όσοι κρατούνται εκεί.  read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / migration / racism / opinion / analysis Sunday June 24, 2018 21:15 par musaferat   image 1 image
In this situation, where more and more detention centers and populations are in a state of exclusion, it is imperative to stand with all our strength next to the persecuted. Despite the efforts of the authorities, the isolation imposed on them is broken, encouraging them to continue their resistances but also linking them with local movements in the direction of common struggles. In practice, it may seem impossible to follow all the judiciary cases. The judicial prosecution industry is built to overwhelm the time and material capabilities of the movements. But solidarity needs to be present in as many points as possible, building these bridges. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Saturday June 23, 2018 15:25 par Ερρίκο Μαλατέστα   image 2 images
Εν τέλει, γνωρίζουμε καλούς γιατρούς οι οποίοι εκφράζουν αναρχικές ιδέες˙ ωστόσο, δεν μιλούν για την αναρχία όταν ασκούν την επιστήμη ή μιλούν για αυτήν μόνο όταν ένα επιστημονικό ζήτημα  καθίσταται κοινωνικό ζήτημα, δηλαδή όταν διαπιστώνουν ότι η παρούσα κοινωνική οργάνωση παρακωλύει την πρόοδο της ιατρικής και την εμποδίζει να εφαρμοστεί προς όφελος όλης της ανθρωπότητας. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / workplace struggles / portada Sunday June 17, 2018 17:07 par Grupo Libertario Via Libre   image 1 image
La más reciente contienda electoral por la cabeza del Poder Ejecutivo en Colombia tuvo un lugar central en el debate político y social del país, llegando a convertirse en el pan de cada día de la población. La generalización de las redes sociales, la vasta propaganda eleccionaria y el intenso cubrimiento informativo, pusieron a la gente a discutir de política con una intensidad especial. Finalmente, el pasado domingo 27 de mayo de 2018, se realizó la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia para elegir el presidente número 60 del Estado, que definió como contendientes de una segunda vuelta a los candidatos Iván Duque y Gustavo Petro.

Como Grupo Libertario Vía Libre nos parece una tarea urgente presentar algunas líneas de análisis sobre el actual panorama electoral, con el objetivo de trazar rutas de acción común. Por tal motivo, a partir de la información sobre los resultados de esta elección contenida en el boletín 54 de pre conteo de votos emitido por la Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil, queremos adelantar las siguientes reflexiones. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / review Saturday June 16, 2018 03:28 par Wayne Price   image 1 image
Rev. Dr. William J. Barber is an important organizer of North Carolina's Moral Monday movement and now of the national Poor People's Campaign. He and his co-workers have organized large scale demonstrations and civil disobedience at statehouses across the U.S. He has worked to build a fusion coalition of oppressed and exploited people. This book provides a view of the political and religious thinking which has motivated him and many others. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / community struggles / opinión / análisis Saturday June 16, 2018 00:16 par Rebeldía Contrainformativa - CEP Enraizando   image 1 image
En definitiva, la cuestión para nosotras no se encuentra en votar o no votar, sino en encontrarnos para luchar, en unir fuerzas de manera horizontal, solidaria y de abajo a arriba para lograr conseguir vida digna, respeto a nuestros territorios y autogestión social de nuestras comunidades. Y en ese camino ya estamos, y lo demuestran las banderas de lucha que todavía aún son vigentes y requieren de toda nuestra energía y esfuerzo, y que al día de hoy la respuesta de guerra del establecimiento ha dejado 370 luchadores sociales muertos que han caído en defensa de la Madre Tierra, contra el extractivismo minero-energético, defendiendo los derechos humanos de sus comunidades, resistiendo contra la guerra en sus territorios, dando la pelea por los derechos de mujeres y compas LGBTI, rechazando el militarismo y paramilitarismo del Estado; es allí donde debemos concentrar nuestras fuerzas, en la voz rebelde del pueblo, no en domesticar esa voz en manos de Petro ni alejarnos de las luchas. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday June 15, 2018 08:02 par Mandy Moussouris   image 1 image
The ongoing war in the Middle East, the Arab Spring followed by what seems to be a winter of war that rivals Game of Thrones has seen the death of many a revolutionary and many a revolutionary dream. Within this ongoing war are stories of struggle against tyranny, struggles by ordinary people to gain some sort of control over their lives as they get buffeted between superpowers and ideologies fuelled by greed and underlying neoliberal capitalism. The struggle of the Kurdish people of Rojava is one such story. It is not a new one and it is not a perfect one. It is a story of courage and inspiration, of brave women and men, of complexity and of huge challenges. It is a story of our age, where competing geo-political powers fuel wars in other lands and on other people to further their own interests. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / the left / opinion / analysis Friday June 15, 2018 07:57 par Shawn Hattingh   image 1 image
In this education series we look at experiments, which have arisen through working class struggles, to create alternatives to capitalism. This will include looking at present and past alternatives to capitalism. In doing this, we are not saying these experiments should be carbon copied – they have often taken place in very different times and contexts.

Rather we are trying to show that, through struggle and experimentation, new societies that overturn capitalism can be brought into being; even under very harsh conditions. This, we believe, provides hope to working class struggles: what we have today under the capitalist and state system can be ended and replaced by a better society. Experiments in alternatives show clearly how another world is possible.

In this article, the first article of the education series on alternatives to capitalism, we look at an experiment that is taking place today, known as the Rojava Revolution, to overturn capitalism and the state system in northern Syria (which is being subjected to an imperialist and civil war). In Rojava a social revolution, influenced by libertarian socialism, has been underway since 2012 and a new society has emerged in the process.
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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anti-fascismo / opinião / análise Thursday June 14, 2018 06:31 par BrunoL   image 1 image
No texto abaixo, realizo três comentários rápidos a respeito desta situação inusitada, onde a democracia indireta, liberal, representativa e delegativa no Brasil pós-golpe coxinha pode levar a um protofascista ao segundo turno, e quiçá, ao Palácio do Planalto. read full story / add a comment
Workers strike AT&T - part of a wave of short grievance strikes
north america / mexico / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Thursday June 14, 2018 03:19 par Kdog   image 1 image
But what will it take to win against this Death Star of a corporation? We need a direct action workers movement, directly controlled by its members, willing to spread the struggle beyond the shackles of labor law, and beyond the confines of the contract. read full story / add a comment
Ρωσία / Ουκρανία / Λευκορωσία / Καταστολή / Φυλακές / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Wednesday June 13, 2018 21:28 par Workers Solidarity Movement   image 1 image
Απευθύνουμε ένα κάλεσμα για μια μέρα δράσης για να δοθεί η απαραίτητη προσοχή στα βασανιστήρια και η μεταχείριση σε βάρος των Ρώσων αναρχικών και αντιφασιστών που κρατούνται μετά από εξαναγκασμένες ομολογίες για κατηγορίες που αφορούν τρομοκρατία. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday June 13, 2018 10:15 par Pink Panther   image 1 image
This article looks at the moral panic surrounding supposed drug use by tenants of state housing in Aotearoa/New Zealand. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Επίσημα Κείμενα Wednesday June 13, 2018 06:15 par Πρώτο Ιταλικό Τμήμα   image 1 image
Από το Πρώτο Ιταλικό Τμήμα της Διεθνούς Αναρχικής Κομμουνιστικής Ομοσπονδίας
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ireland / britain / repression / prisoners / feature Tuesday June 12, 2018 19:13 par WSM   image 1 image
Tuesday, June 12 (Russia Day) We are asking for a day of action to highlight the torture and detention of Russian Antifascist Anarchists who are being detained with forced confessions for charges of terrorism.

The Actions: Please take photos of yourselves with messages of support and solidarity for the Anarchist prisoners. You can include signs with the names of those detained and tortured (names are below).

Workers Solidarity Movement Ireland will be holding a demo outside the Russian embassy on the 20th of June at 7pm with such posters and signs. read full story / add a comment
Le Mardi 12 juin ( journée de la Russie) nous appelons à une journée d'action pour mettre en lumière la détention et la torture d'anarchistes antifascistes russes qui sont détenus sur la base d'aveux extorqués concernant des accusations de terrorisme.

Les actions proposées: prenez vous en photo avec un message de solidarité et de soutien aux prisoniers anarchistes. Vous pouvez inclure des panneaux comportant les noms des personnes détenues ou torturées (liste des noms ci-dessous)

Le Worker Solidarity Movement Ireland manifestera le 20 juin à 19h devant l'embassade Russe avec des panneaux de ce type. read full story / add a comment
irlanda / gran bretagna / repressione / prigionieri / evento comunista anarchico Sunday June 10, 2018 20:29 par WSM   image 1 image
Martedì 12 giugno (festa nazionale della Russia) chiamiamo a una giornata di azione per denunciare la tortura e l’incarcerazione di alcuni anarchici antifascisti russi,che al momento si trovano in carcere a seguito di confessioni estorte con la violenza.

Le azioni: postate una vostra foto con messaggi di sostegno e di solidarietà per i prigionieri anarchici. Potete includere dei cartelli con i nomi dei compagni detenuti e torturati (riportati qua sotto).

Il Workers Solidarity Movement Ireland condurrà inoltre una protesta il 20 giugno alle 7 della sera fuori dall'ambasciata russa a Dublino, con cartelli e striscioni simili. read full story / add a comment
Μια σύντομη ιστορία του αναρχισμού στη Σιβηρία, μέχρι την εξάλειψή του από την μπολσεβίκικη αντεπανάσταση. Έχει πολλές ομοιότητες με το μαχνοβίτικο κίνημα. read full story / add a comment
Ένα σύντομο άρθρο σχετικά με τη σύνδεση του μεγάλου Κινέζου μυθιστοριογράφου και αναρχικού Ba Jin, με την Οργανωτική Πλατφόρμα των Ελευθεριακών Κομμουνιστών read full story / add a comment
iberia / community struggles / entrevista Wednesday June 06, 2018 15:16 par Gavroche   image 1 image
Una de las creaciones más interesantes del proceso catalán han sido los comités de base llamados Comités de Defensa del Referéndum, posteriormente reconvertidos en Comités de Defensa de la República. Estos comités nacieron como idea hace aproximadamente un año en el espacio de la CUP ante la inminencia de la celebración del Referéndum de autodeterminación y la constatación de que el Gobierno de Rajoy lo intentaría impedir. Sin embargo, los CDR no comenzaron a funcionar hasta el día 20 de septiembre, cuando tuvo lugar una serie de movilizaciones populares contra la represión y cuando se enviaron a Cataluña 6000 policías para tratar de impedir el Referéndum. En aquel día todo el mundo comenzó a asumir que la cosa iba en serio. read full story / add a comment
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