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1504445232185.jpg imageStatement on Marriage Equality Survey 20:50 Thu 05 Oct by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 0 comments

The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group supports a YES vote in the postal survey on marriage equality now in progress in Australia. We do this, not because we endorse the institution of marriage, but because the survey will have concrete results and we need to choose which results we favour. The postal survey is a flawed process of direct democracy, something far inferior to an authentic plebiscite on a concrete proposal. We didn’t choose this battlefield, but it’s a battle we must win. Vote YES for liberty, equality and solidarity. Vote YES and prepare to take the struggle further.

dleinfzwaaacr5l_2.jpg imageAfter the 3-O strike, CNT calls for extending the social response 07:39 Wed 04 Oct by CNT 0 comments

Facing Tuesday’s general strike in Catalonia, CNT wants to show its satisfaction with the response which thousands of workers have given throughout the day and across trades. Popular mobilization responds again against the severe repression which Catalan society is living. Worker’s solidarity shows once again that it can do anything.

dleinfzwaaacr5l_1.jpg imageDesprés de la vaga del 3-O, CNT crida a estendre la resposta social 07:35 Wed 04 Oct by CNT 0 comments

Davant la jornada de vaga general realitzada aquest dimarts a Catalunya, la CNT vol mostrar la seva satisfacció per la resposta que, al llarg d’avui, estan donant milers de treballadores i treballadors als diferents sectors laborals. La mobilització popular torna a respondre davant la greu situació de repressió que viu la societat catalana. La solidaritat obrera, un cop més, demostra que ho pot tot.

dleinfzwaaacr5l.jpg imageTras la huelga del 3-O, CNT llama a extender la respuesta social 07:34 Wed 04 Oct by CNT 0 comments

Ante la jornada de huelga general realizada este martes en Catalunya, la CNT quiere mostrar su satisfacción por la respuesta que a lo largo de hoy están dando miles de trabajadoras y trabajadores en los distintos sectores laborales. La movilización popular vuelve a responder frente a la grave situación de represión que vive la sociedad catalana. La solidaridad obrera, una vez más, demuestra que lo puede todo.

textSolidarity with the strike in Catalonia! Madrid against the repression of the Catalan people. 00:00 Wed 04 Oct by Several Organisations 0 comments

The unions and social organisations who support this manifest fully share the motives who are at the start of the call for a General Strike in Catalonia : the continuous loss of rights for the working class and the repressive situation with more than 800 wounded people, some of them in heavy states and more than 40 arrests from different State police corps. A loss of social and labor rights that can’t be tolerated.

textSolidarité avec la grève en Catalogne. Madrid contre la répression du peuple catalan. 23:48 Tue 03 Oct by Plusieurs organisations 0 comments

Les organisations syndicales et sociales qui appuient ce manifeste partagent pleinement les motivations qui ont animé la convocation de la Grève Générale en Catalogne : la perte continue des droits pour la classe ouvrière ainsi que la situation répressive avec plus 800 blessé-e-s, dont certain-e-s dans un état grave et plus de 40 arrestations de la part de différents corps de l’État. Une perte de droits sociaux et droits dans le monde du travail qui ne peut être tolérée.

dkwkl7w0aawebr.jpg imageHuelga general o paro. ¿A quién conviene la confusión? 23:01 Tue 03 Oct by CGT Ensenyament Catalunya 0 comments

Está claro que el "paro general" no pretende reforzar la huelga general: tiene un planteamiento alternativo si no opuesto, particularmente por los intereses de patronal y la administración.

dlmbk1w4aan6r6.jpg imageCatalunya: Cobertura 3-O 21:36 Tue 03 Oct by ALB 0 comments

Numerosas autopistas cortadas desde primera hora de la mañana (doce según la prensa burguesa, que se convertirán en 57 a mediodía, con retenciones kilométricas). El Servicio Catalán de Tráfico ( @transit) está informando a través de su cuenta de Twitter de cuáles son las carreteras afectadas. A su vez, ha sido suspendido el de autobuses y de metro hasta las 17.00 horas.

img20171002wa0003.jpg imageSolidaridad con la huelga en Cataluña. Madrid contra la represión al pueblo catalán. 18:30 Tue 03 Oct by Varias organizaciones 0 comments

Las organizaciones sindicales y sociales que secundan este manifiesto, compartimos plenamente los motivos que llevan a la convocatoria de la Huelga General en Cataluña: la continua pérdida de derechos para la clase obrera, unida a la situación represiva con más de 800 heridos, algunos muy graves y más de 40 detenciones por parte de los diferentes cuerpos del estado. Pérdida de derechos sociales y laborales que no se pueden consentir.

textWhat is happpening in Catalonia ? 08:23 Tue 03 Oct by Embat 0 comments

At a juncture of structural crisis, in Spain, there are more and more Catalans who no longer want to be part of this state: today, a country ruled by a corrupt party (The Partido Popular or PP), with a government and a deep state that has not broken with Francoism, of which the monarchy is the faithful representation of this continuity; and this would be added to urbanistic ballots, bank bailouts, austerity policies, high unemployment rates and a lack of guarantees and opportunities. All this is the image and reality of the so-called Regime of ’78; a political framework marked by a pact of silence so that the crimes of the Franco regime did not come to light and were never prosecuted. The remains of Franco were never cleared from the state institutions. It was the time called “Transition” to a democracy that never came and a Constitution that many people have not voted for. Some because we opposed at the time the political reform of Franco, and others because of a mere question of age, since it has been four decades since then.

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imageA Nova República acabou: a esquerda ainda não ressurgiu e o fascismo de mercado insiste em protagoni... Oct 07 by BrunoL 0 comments

Quem se dedica à análise política do Brasil contemporâneo costuma se debruçar sobre os fatores da crise e a ruptura do pacto de classes que marcou o período lulista. Ao mesmo tempo há certo consenso em afirmar que a “Nova República” acabou e as bases constitucionais de 1988 estão sob um ataque direto. Simultaneamente, a crise de arrecadação dos níveis de governo, da quase falência – forçosa – do aparelho de Estado e o recente (nos últimos três anos) enxugamento das políticas públicas implica uma brutal concentração de renda, aumentando um fosso que já era abissal, embora atenuado pelo período de crescimento econômico sem desenvolvimento.

image[Catalunya] De qué lado estamos. Una posición anarcosindicalista. Oct 04 by Martín Paradelo 0 comments

España cae. Los restos ruinosos de un imperio degradado, en descomposición, se fragmentan. El simple hecho de presenciar la forma en que el imperio expresa sus últimos gestos de supervivencia debería ser suficiente para convencer a cualquier persona de ideas libertarias de cual debe ser su posición.

textThe Catalan Powder Keg: "Rajoy Or República" Oct 03 by José Luis Carretero Miramar 0 comments

We entered a decisive week for the future development of the so-called "Catalan conflict". This Sunday will be the referendum called by the Generalitat, with a more or less plausible and guarantor result depending on the repression that the Spanish government decides against. We have been through weeks of tension, in which the massiveness and social rooting of Catalan protest, as well as the overtly authoritarian and repressive drift of the Spanish State, have become evident.

imageStatement on Marriage Equality Survey Oct 05 Anarkismo 0 comments

The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group supports a YES vote in the postal survey on marriage equality now in progress in Australia. We do this, not because we endorse the institution of marriage, but because the survey will have concrete results and we need to choose which results we favour. The postal survey is a flawed process of direct democracy, something far inferior to an authentic plebiscite on a concrete proposal. We didn’t choose this battlefield, but it’s a battle we must win. Vote YES for liberty, equality and solidarity. Vote YES and prepare to take the struggle further.

imageAfter the 3-O strike, CNT calls for extending the social response Oct 04 0 comments

Facing Tuesday’s general strike in Catalonia, CNT wants to show its satisfaction with the response which thousands of workers have given throughout the day and across trades. Popular mobilization responds again against the severe repression which Catalan society is living. Worker’s solidarity shows once again that it can do anything.

imageDesprés de la vaga del 3-O, CNT crida a estendre la resposta social Oct 04 0 comments

Davant la jornada de vaga general realitzada aquest dimarts a Catalunya, la CNT vol mostrar la seva satisfacció per la resposta que, al llarg d’avui, estan donant milers de treballadores i treballadors als diferents sectors laborals. La mobilització popular torna a respondre davant la greu situació de repressió que viu la societat catalana. La solidaritat obrera, un cop més, demostra que ho pot tot.

imageTras la huelga del 3-O, CNT llama a extender la respuesta social Oct 04 0 comments

Ante la jornada de huelga general realizada este martes en Catalunya, la CNT quiere mostrar su satisfacción por la respuesta que a lo largo de hoy están dando miles de trabajadoras y trabajadores en los distintos sectores laborales. La movilización popular vuelve a responder frente a la grave situación de represión que vive la sociedad catalana. La solidaridad obrera, una vez más, demuestra que lo puede todo.

textSolidarity with the strike in Catalonia! Madrid against the repression of the Catalan people. Oct 04 0 comments

The unions and social organisations who support this manifest fully share the motives who are at the start of the call for a General Strike in Catalonia : the continuous loss of rights for the working class and the repressive situation with more than 800 wounded people, some of them in heavy states and more than 40 arrests from different State police corps. A loss of social and labor rights that can’t be tolerated.

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