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internacional / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Tuesday April 18, 2017 16:52 by Arnoldo Díaz   image 1 image
La reciente declaratoria de guerra de Corea del Norte a Estados Unidos y su vecino Corea del Sur suscita opiniones encontradas. Están quienes defienden la retórica de Estados Unidos porque el país asiático está armándose “hasta los dientes”. Otros, como la izquierda del capital, llaman a defenderla ante la amenaza del imperialismo norteamericano. Sin embargo, ¿cuál es el interés que tiene la clase obrera en este conflicto? read full story / add a comment
internazionale / storia / opinione / analisi Tuesday April 18, 2017 03:32 by Gianni Sartori
Sono passato ormai ottanta anni dal bombardamento di Gernika, universalmente noto, opera dell'aviazione nazista tedesca.
Meno noti (o meglio: elegantemente rimossi) analoghi devastanti bombardamenti sulla popolazione civile operati dall'aviazione fascista italiana durante la Guerra civile spagnola. Per non dimenticare. read full story / add a comment
russia / ucraina / bielorussia / repressione / prigionieri / cronaca Monday April 17, 2017 02:07 by Revolución Internacional / World Revolution
Mikola Dziadok è un giovane militante libertario, avvocato e scrittore che vive in Bielorussia. Fa parte della alleanza "Revolución Internacional / World Revolution - Прамень 'Pramen'" con cui collabora traducendo testi e saggi in russo e bielorusso sull'autogoverno, sui processi di comunità e sui movimenti sociali nel mondo. ma anche di storia, scienze sociali e pensiero critico, tematiche che dall'America Latina hanno suscitato l'interesse di molte organizzazioni e molti compagni in Europa. [Castellano][Français] read full story / add a comment
russie / ukraine / biélorussie / répression / prisonniers et prisonnières / communiqué de presse Monday April 17, 2017 01:48 by Revolución Internacional / World Revolution
Mikola Dziadok est un jeune militant libertaire, avocat et écrivain en Belarus. Il fait partie de l’alliance "Revolución Internacional / World Revolution - Прамень 'Pramen'" et collabore avec [Revolución Internacional / World Revolution] en traduisant des textes et des essais vers le russe et le biélorusse sur l’autogouvernement, les processus communautaires et les mouvements sociaux dans le monde, que ce soit des écrits historiques, de sciences sociales ou de pensée critique, autant de thématiques qui ont attiré l’attention de nombreuses organisations et de nombreux-ses camarades d’Europe vers l’Amérique Latine. [Castellano][Italiano] read full story / add a comment
oy vermek birşeyleri değiştirseydi
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / miscellaneous / feature Monday April 17, 2017 00:50 by DAF   image 1 image
Seçimli sistemlerin tümünde, çoğunluk olan iktidar olur. Demokraside, çoğunluğun iktidarı demokratiktir. Çoğunluk olan iktidardır, azınlık olan ise iktidar olamamıştır. Çoğunluğun ve azınlığın ilişkisi, seçimler sürecince iki ayrı yöntemin tartışması şeklinde sürmüştür. Tartışmadıkları tek şey ise seçimlerdir. Seçimler bir grubun toplumu “ben-biz yönetmek istiyoruz” sözüyle başlayan, diğer grubun ise “hayır ben-biz yönetmek istiyoruz” sözüyle karşılık bulduğu bir iddiadır. Seçimler, iddianın taraflarının anlaşarak başlattığı seçmen sayma sürecidir ve seçmenler olmadan gerçekleşemez. Hangi tarafın seçmeni diğerinden çoksa, toplumun yönetimi de o tarafta olacaktır. Seçmen, bu iddialaşmada sadece sayısal bir değerdir. Bu sayısal değer gündelik yaşamında birçok sorunu çözmeye çalışarak yaşayan vatandaş için önemsenecek bir değer değildir. İddialaşmanın tarafları seçimlerdeki katılımı arttırmak için, vatandaşı, sayılan seçmen sıfatından çıkarıp iddianın içine sokmak isterler. Böylece iddiaya katılım artacaktır. Katılımın artması, bir sayı olan seçmenin, öncelikle iddiayı ve sonrasında ise seçimleri ve daha da sonrasında seçimlerin sonucunda oluşacak iktidarı içselleştirmesini sağlayacaktır. Seçmen kazansa da kaybetse de seçimin sonucunu ve seçilmiş tarafın iktidarını kabullenecektir. Vatandaşın bu kabullenmesi, seçimlerde iddialaşan her grubun kazanımıdır. Seçimi kazanan hükümetini sürdürdükçe, kaybeden de muhalefetini sürdürecek ve her iki taraf da bir dahaki seçimleri bekleyeceklerdir. [Français] [English][Ελληνικά] Also read Regarding Referendum 2 DAF Referanduma Dair 2 DAF read full story / add a comment
grèce / turquie / chypre / mouvement anarchiste / opinion / analyse Monday April 17, 2017 00:36 by DAF
Note du Traducteur : Le jour où les électrices et électeurs de Turquie sont appelés à aller voter pour légaliser la dictature d'Erdogan, nous relayons ici la traduction d'un communiqué de nos camarades stambouliotes de DAF (Action Révolutionnaire Anarchiste) sur cette mascarade de démocratie et, plus largement, sur l'illusion que représente le processus électoral dans les systèmes représentatifs. Toute ressemblance avec d'autres contextes nationaux n'est pas complètement fortuite... [Turkçe] [English][Ελληνικά] A lire aussi : Regarding Referendum 2 DAF (en anglais) Referanduma Dair 2 DAF (en turc) read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / policy statement Saturday April 15, 2017 23:15 by DAF   image 1 image
On winning or losing;

For the last three elections, nearly one sixth of the voters do not participate in elections. This shows us that 10,000,000 of the nearly 60,000,000 voters will not participate in the referendum. 25,000,001 of the 50,000,000 voters will give yes vote or no vote. 24,999,999 voters will have lost with the difference of a single vote. It's that easy to win or lose in this system. [Turkçe] Also read On Referendum DAF Sur le référendum [en Turquie, NdT] DAF DAF’ın Referandum Üzerine Birinci Bildirisi Κείμενο της Επαναστατικής Αναρχικής Δράσης (DAF) read full story / add a comment
Το κείμενο της DAF δημοσιεύτηκε στις 17/2/2017

Επαναστατική Αναρχική Δράση

Σχετικά με το δημοψήφισμα: πρώτη ανακοίνωση
[Turkçe] [English][Français] Διαβάστε και Regarding Referendum 2 DAF (στα αγγλικά) Referanduma Dair 2 DAF (στα τουρκικά) read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / luchas indígenas / opinión / análisis Saturday April 15, 2017 18:51 by Ruptura Coleciva (RC)   image 1 image
Este 15 de abril del 2017 se cumplen 6 años de imposibilidad en Cherán. Imposible no felicitarlos: Feliz aniversario. read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / education / news report Saturday April 15, 2017 18:41 by Demián Revart   image 1 image
A escasos tres años de que los vecinos de la colonia Juárez se vieran las caras, se dirigieran la palabra , se autoerradicaran el extrañamiento de uno en uno y lograran politizar el desacuerdo con un megaproyecto de dimensiones orbitales, distintos proyectos comunitarios han emergido de un grupo de ellos que coincidió en realizar una labor permanente en defensa del barrio. read full story / add a comment
grecia / turchia / cipro / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Saturday April 15, 2017 02:37 by Gianni Sartori
Due deputati del partito turco CHP hanno fornito ipotesi inquietanti sul gas sarin responsabile della morte di civili in Siria.
Esisterebbero responsabilità turche nella fornitura di "materie prime" al Fronte Al-Nusra read full story / add a comment
grecia / turchia / cipro / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Saturday April 15, 2017 02:34 by Gianni Sartori
Due deputati del partito turco CHP hanno fornito ipotesi inquietanti sul gas sarin responsabile della morte di civili in Siria.
Esisterebbero responsabilità turche nella fornitura di "materie prime" al Fronte Al-Nusra read full story / add a comment
Στα αποσπάσματα αυτά από το βιβλίο της Ida Mett “Οι Ρώσοι Χωρικοί στην Επανάσταση”, η συγγραφέας παρέχει κάποια ιστορικά στοιχεία σε ό,τι αφορά τη ρωσική αγροτιά, κατά την παραμονή και την αρχή της Ρωσικής Επανάστασης του 1917. Υπήρξε μια έκρηξη του αγροτικού συνεταιριστικού κινήματος καθώς μεγάλο μέρος των Ρώσων αγροτών εγκατέλειψε τον στρατό, γυρίζοντας την πλάτη στον πόλεμο της Ρωσίας κατά της Γερμανίας και επέστρεψε στο σπίτι του. Το πολιτικό κόμμα που απολάμβανε τη μεγαλύτερη υποστήριξη εκ μέρους των αγροτών και χωρικών ήταν το Σοσιαλιστικό Επαναστατικό Κόμμα (SRS - ή αριστεροί εσέροι), αλλά ήταν διαιρεμένο σε δεξιές και αριστερές φράξιες και σύντομα άφησε την επαναστατική πρωτοβουλία να περάσει στα χέρια των μπολσεβίκων, οι οποίοι από το 1921 άρχισαν να καταστέλλουν αποτελεσματικά όλες τις άλλες επαναστατικές ομάδες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των αναρχικών. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Thursday April 13, 2017 04:36 by David Van Deusen   image 1 image
Nonviolence can be used in many circumstances as an effective tactic, but it is irrelevant, irresponsible, and utterly ridiculous to even consider it as a strategy. So yes, nonviolence should be utilized as a tactic where pertinent, and in turn pacifism, as an ideology and a strategy, must be purged from our movement.
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greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous / policy statement Wednesday April 12, 2017 21:46 by DAF   image 1 image
In all selective systems, the ones who is majority takes the power. In democracy, the power of majority is democratic. Whoever is majority takes the power, whoever is minority does not have power. The relationship between the majority and minority during the election continues as a debate between two separate methods. The only thing that they don't discuss is elections. Election is a bet which begins when a group says "I-we want to administrate society" and they are replied by another group saying "no I-we want to administrate". Election is a process of counting voters, initiated by agreement of the parties of the bet and can not occur without the voters. The government of society is owned by the side which has more voters than the other side. The voter is only a numeric value in the bet. This numeric value is not a value to care about for a citizen trying to solve the many problems of everyday life. To increase participation to elections, the parties of the bet, want to promote the citizens from the voter title into the bettor title. This should increase the participation of the bet. The increase in attendance will cause the voter, being a number, to internalize the bet and then the domination formed as a result the result of the elections. The voter will accept the result of elections and the power of the selected side, regardless of who won or lost. This acceptance of the citizens is a win for each group who bets on elections. As long as the winner of the elections continues its government, the loser will continue its opposition and both sides will wait for the next elections.
[Turkçe][Français][Ελληνικά] Also read: Regarding Referendum 2 DAF Referanduma Dair 2 DAF (in Turkish) read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Wednesday April 12, 2017 16:34 by Gina Crosley-Corcoran
Years ago some feminist on the Internet told me I was “privileged.”

“THE F&CK!?!?” I said.

I came from the kind of poor that people don’t want to believe still exists in this country. Have you ever spent a frigid northern-Illinois winter without heat or running water? I have. At 12 years old were you making ramen noodles in a coffee maker with water you fetched from a public bathroom? I was. Have you ever lived in a camper year-round and used a random relative’s apartment as your mailing address? We did. Did you attend so many different elementary schools that you can only remember a quarter of their names? Welcome to my childhood. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / género / comunicado de prensa Wednesday April 12, 2017 03:17 by Grupo Libertario Vía Libre   image 1 image
El presente comunicado se escribe con la intención de hacer pública la posición que como Grupo Libertario Vía Libre, organización específica anarquista de la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia, tenemos frente a un caso de violencia de género ocurrido entre militantes de nuestra organización. Pensamos que nuestra tarea, como anarquistas y feministas, es realizar ejercicios profundos de autocrítica y crítica que tengan como objetivo consolidar una posición de rechazo a las acciones y actitudes patriarcales, machistas y violentas tanto en el ámbito de lo público como en el ámbito de lo privado. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / anti-fascism / press release Wednesday April 12, 2017 01:52 by Lucien van der Walt
On 11 February 2016, I issued an initial personal statement on the Michael Schmidt affair.[1] I completely rejected the irredeemable racist and right-wing statements attributed to Schmidt, which were mainly posted under false names online. They represent positions I have consistently opposed, for decades, to the best of my abilities. I noted problems with his explanation, centred on the claim that his posts and false personas were solely means for infiltrating the radical right for undercover research. I raised serious ethical problems with his actions, including his admitted role in repeatedly frustrating earlier investigations into his actions by myself and others. I also laid out my emotional turmoil over the affair, the gulf between the Schmidt I knew and trusted, a man active in left and black working class circles, and another Schmidt, increasingly exposed. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Νέα Tuesday April 11, 2017 18:43 by Ξυπόλυτο Τάγμα   image 1 image
Η εν λόγω 16σέλιδη μπροσούρα, που αποτελεί την 9η κατά σειρά εκδοτική προσπάθεια, τυπώθηκε σε 2.000 αντίτυπα και διακινείται χωρίς αντίτιμο. Βέβαια, κάθε συνεισφορά θα γινόταν δεκτή με ικανοποίηση. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / review Tuesday April 11, 2017 03:24 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
Although the 20th century may have seemingly signalled the eclipse of libertarian forms of socialist thought under the bureaucratic weight of ‘real socialism’, Bakunin views are an urgent reminder of what socialism could be. His voice, in spite of some antiquated expressions, resonates a hundred and a half years later with the same vital energy. read full story / add a comment

Front page

SAFTU: The tragedy and (hopefully not) the farce

Anarchism, Ethics and Justice: The Michael Schmidt Case

Land, law and decades of devastating douchebaggery

Democracia direta já! Barrar as reformas nas ruas e construir o Poder Popular!

Reseña del libro de José Luis Carretero Miramar “Eduardo Barriobero: Las Luchas de un Jabalí” (Queimada Ediciones, 2017)

Análise da crise política do início da queda do governo Temer

Dès maintenant, passons de la défiance à la résistance sociale !

17 maggio, giornata internazionale contro l’omofobia.

Los Mártires de Chicago: historia de un crimen de clase en la tierra de la “democracia y la libertad”

Strike in Cachoeirinha

(Bielorrusia) ¡Libertad inmediata a nuestro compañero Mikola Dziadok!

DAF’ın Referandum Üzerine Birinci Bildirisi:

Cajamarca, Tolima: consulta popular y disputa por el territorio

Statement on the Schmidt Case and Proposed Commission of Inquiry

Aodhan Ó Ríordáin: Playing The Big Man in America

Nós anarquistas saudamos o 8 de março: dia internacional de luta e resistência das mulheres!

Özgürlüğümüz Mücadelemizdedir

IWD 2017: Celebrating a new revolution

Solidarité avec Théo et toutes les victimes des violences policières ! Non à la loi « Sécurité Publique » !

Solidaridad y Defensa de las Comunidades Frente al Avance del Paramilitarismo en el Cauca

A Conservative Threat Offers New Opportunities for Working Class Feminism

De las colectivizaciones al 15M: 80 años de lucha por la autogestión en España

False hope, broken promises: Obama’s belligerent legacy

Primer encuentro feminista Solidaridad – Federación Comunista Libertaria

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