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bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / community struggles / anarchist communist event Wednesday August 10, 2016 13:49 by Solidaridad   image 1 image
El debate en torno a las AFPs no es algo nuevo y tras el proceso de movilizaciones, la Coordinadora ha comenzado a enseñar y presentar una propuesta, que tras la gran movilización vivida en Chile, el pasado 24 de julio, puso en la palestra el tema a nivel nacional. El debate ha crecido a tal punto que incluso trajo de vuelta a José Piñera, creador del sistema en la década de los ochenta. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / miscellaneous / press release Tuesday August 09, 2016 08:44 by AWSM
After a bit of a hiatus, we have published an August 2016 issue of our news sheet Solidarity. read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / the left / opinion / analysis Tuesday August 09, 2016 08:35 by AWSM
This article looks at the centenary of the Labour Party in New Zealand/Aotearoa and the outcome of the party's actions in that time. read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / antifascismo / opinión / análisis Tuesday August 09, 2016 03:24 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   text 1 comment (last - thursday august 11, 2016 04:34)   image 1 image
La escandalosa escala de la purga no se condice con la realidad de un golpe improvisado y con escaso apoyo, sino que responde a la existencia de un plan prefabricado para comenzar una reingeniería profunda del Estado turco, que refleje las nuevas hegemonías, que lo aleje del modelo secular en que se fundó la república en la década de 1920 y lo acerque al modelo del neo-sultanato defendida por el sector islamista político del bloque dominante. read full story / add a comment
internazionale / vari / opinione / analisi Tuesday August 09, 2016 01:51 by Lucio Garofalo
Chiunque pensi di discutere della questione giovanile nella società contemporanea, trattandola in un senso troppo generico o superficiale, rischierebbe di essere sterile, vacuo, inefficace, mescolando nel calderone una serie di tematiche diverse come politiche giovanili, forum dei giovani, musica e cultura giovanile, discoteche, tossicodipendenze e devianze giovanili, attività sportive, formazione culturale, alternanza scuola-lavoro, stage professionali ed altre forme subdole di sfruttamento dei giovani e via discorrendo. Alla fine è come non discuterne affatto. Non serve se non si focalizza il tema centrale, che è la precarietà, il concetto-chiave che descrive e riassume la drammatica e crudele situazione di fragilità e ricattabilità vissuta da intere generazioni di giovani... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / represión / presos / news report Sunday August 07, 2016 16:16 by Adela Velarde & Nahuel Valenzuela   image 1 image
El Ministerio Público solicitaba 9 años de cárcel, pero jamás pudieron comprobar los cargos. El caso pone nuevamente en entredicho el actuar de la justicia chilena en el Wallmapu. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Καταστολή / Φυλακές / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Saturday August 06, 2016 20:00 by Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία - Περιφέρεια Αθήνας   image 1 image
Οι ξεριζωμένοι αυτού του κόσμου, πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες, είναι σάρκα από τη σάρκα μας. Μακριά λοιπόν από τα ιδεολογήματα της κυριαρχίας, η δική μας αλληλεγγύη δεν εγκλωβίζεται στα όρια μιας αφομοιωμένης φιλανθρωπίας αλλά είναι ταξική και αδιαπραγμάτευτη. Είναι η αλληλεγγύη όλων εμάς που παίρνουμε την επιλογή να "μοιράσουμε τη φτώχεια μας" και να σταθούμε, μακριά από τους κρατικούς θεσμούς και τις ΜΚΟ, έμπρακτα δίπλα στα ταξικά μας αδέρφια, τα κατατρεγμένα από την κόλαση ενός πολέμου που φαντάζει όλο και πιο κοντινός και μιας εξαθλίωσης που φαίνεται να μην έχει τέλος σε τεράστια κομμάτια του πλανήτη. Είναι η αλληλεγγύη που επιτίθεται στις πολιτικές της κυριαρχίας που δημιουργούν, αναπαράγουν και αξιοποιούν τον πόλεμο και τη μετανάστευση προς όφελος του κεφαλαίου. Είναι η αλληλεγγύη που χτίζει δομές˙ που δημιουργεί κοινότητες˙ που είναι στον δρόμο˙ που αγωνίζεται. read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / workplace struggles / news report Friday August 05, 2016 15:50 by Matías Angulo   image 1 image
Sindicatos y ciudadanos se reunieron en Valdivia para conocer la propuesta de la coordinadora NO + AFP. “Este sistema hay que cambiarlo radicalmente, es un cambio estructural”, indicó Luis Mesina

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venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / comunicato stampa Friday August 05, 2016 07:53 by Grupo Libertario Vía Libre   image 1 image
Giovedi scorso, 23 giugno 2016, senza dubbio è stata una data storica in Colombia. In questo giorno si è concordato, nel solco dei dialoghi di pace e del tavolo di negoziazioni di Havana, il cessate-il-fuoco bilaterale e definitivo tra il governo nazionale di Juan Manuel Santos e la insorgenza delle Forze Armate Rivoluzionarie della Colombia – Esercito del Popolo (FARC-EP). Per molt* colombiane e colombiani, si tratta di un desiderio che si avvera. Pur condividendo l’entusiasmo popolare, segnaliamo che questa ancora non è la fine della guerra e che resta un lungo cammino da percorrere verso l'ottenimento di cambiamenti sociali reali a beneficio dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici,de i settori sociali e dei popoli. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Friday August 05, 2016 07:40 by Zaher Baher   image 1 image
I piani e le cospirazioni tra Turchia, Qatar ed il Governo Regionale Curdo (KRG in Iraq) contro la Rojava non hanno mai fine. Documenti messi a disposizione da Wikileaks di recente riguardano incontri ed accordi tra questi tre soggetti ed un incontro segreto tra Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi e Barzani, il capo del KRG, caso mai ci fossero stati dei dubbi. Basta guadare i link in fondo all'articolo. read full story / add a comment
Σύντομη αποτίμηση της ζωής και της δράσης των Κινέζων αναρχικών Huang Ai και Pang Renquan
“Οι Huang Ai και Pang Renquan υπήρξαν οι νεότεροι μάρτυρες του κινεζικού εργατικού κινήματος και αξίζει να μνημονεύονται και να ενθυμούνται ως τέτοιοι”
Li Rui read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Thursday August 04, 2016 07:08 by Zaher Baher   text 1 comment (last - friday august 05, 2016 06:48)   image 1 image
This article is about retaking the city of Mosul that has been under control of Isis since 09/06/2014. At the moment the Iraqi government is in talk with KRG and US forces about making plan to liberate it. In my opinion this will be one of the bloodiest battle that could happen in Iraq since 2003 after the invasion. I believe there is a hidden agenda, when Isis is defeated, it will try to run away. The liberator forces may push them to withdraw towards Jazeea in Rojava. So it is necessary for YPG/J and the Guerrillas to change their tactic. read full story / add a comment
Retrato de Roger Casement realizado por Jim Fitzpatrick
irlanda / gran bretaña / historia / opinión / análisis Thursday August 04, 2016 06:13 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
El 3 de Agosto de 1916, en la prisión de Pentonville, Londres, el revolucionario y humanista, nacionalista e internacionalista, irlandés Roger Casement era ahorcado por cargos de traición a la Corona británica. Su muerte fue la última de las ejecuciones de los líderes del republicanismo irlandés acusados de haber participado en la insurrección irlandesa de ese año. Cien años después, su ejemplo de vida sigue siendo una inspiración para quienes practican la solidaridad internacionalista en todo el mundo y para quienes buscan alterar las estructuras del poder en un mundo en el cual se ha convertido a la fuerza bruta en la nueva racionalidad de la época. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / anarchist movement / press release Tuesday August 02, 2016 20:37 by APO   image 1 image
What we call complete crisis of the system is the violent redeployment of power that targets to alter the terms of social and class antagonism for the worse for the exploited. The acute contradiction between real social needs and social and class relations that impose the amputation of these needs and make it hard for them to be met leads to the economic, political, ethical and environmental dimensions of the crisis. read full story / add a comment
internazionale / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Tuesday August 02, 2016 01:53 by Lucio Garofalo
Chi ha tutto l'interesse ad arruolare, addestrare e strumentalizzare i miliziani jihadisti, temo che non insegua affatto delle finalità religiose. Mi riferisco a quei manovratori politici che siedono nelle "alte sfere" del potere che agiscono sul terreno internazionale. L'Isis si insinua dentro i conflitti intestini al mondo islamico, in primis nello scontro secolare tra sunniti e sciiti, per rovesciare i rapporti di forza vigenti nel quadro politico arabo-islamico, in regioni geopolitiche e strategiche assai delicate e determinanti per le sorti del capitalismo, quali il Medio Oriente o il Golfo Persico, non soltanto perché ricche di materie prime e giacimenti petroliferi. Da noi, nelle società secolarizzate occidentali, gli ideali religiosi sono stati soppiantati da altri moventi, che costituiscono dei veri e propri surrogati della dimensione religiosa. Mi viene in mente il tifo calcistico, giusto per indicare un esempio... read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / movimiento anarquista / news report Monday August 01, 2016 22:24 by Solidaridad   image 1 image
Pronto en las calles, el periódico anarquista chileno Solidaridad N°34 read full story / add a comment
aotearoa / pacific islands / anarchist movement / link to pdf Monday August 01, 2016 19:18 by Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement
Kia ora,

you can download our August 2016 news sheet on our website:

Feel free to print some out and distributed them around your workplace or community centre.

- The fight for anarchism is the fight for peace
- A better paid wage slave is still a wage slave
- Plastic Free or Capitalism Free
- Zero hours = Zero dollars = pissed off

Love and rage from the deep South Pacific
Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement - read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / repression / prisoners / press release Monday August 01, 2016 17:35 by Anarchist Political Organization   image 2 images
As Anarchist Political Organization, having organized the Anarchist Meeting for Struggle against Borders, War and Modern Totalitarianism and for Solidarity with refugees and immigrants during the No Border Camp, we express our solidarity to the squatted spaces who were hit by the state repression. To our comrades, refugees and immigrants who supported the mobilizations, beforehand and during, with their presence and activity, turning them into a target of the repressive authorities, for what they stand for as a part of the world of Struggle. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / review Monday August 01, 2016 07:38 by Wayne Price   text 1 comment (last - wednesday august 03, 2016 08:44)   image 1 image
Review of Frank's "Listen, Liberal." A leading liberal journalist, he exposes the Democratic Party as dominated by a section of the capitalist class, namely the top of the professional-managerial sector. He demonstrates its acceptance of inequality and its rejection of the working class. read full story / add a comment
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