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The Anarkismo network
international / anarchist movement / press release Saturday January 30, 2016 19:31 by Anarkismo network   text 23 comments (last - saturday february 20, 2016 05:25)   image 1 image
The Anarkismo network has already published a statement that it would wait until all parts of the accusations by Reid Ross and Stephens were published, as well as the answers of M. Schmidt, before making any judgements on the case. Now that this has been forthcoming, as well as two more responses by Reid Ross, we are issuing a second statement to make public our intentions regarding the present situation. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Saturday January 30, 2016 17:38 by Αναρχικοί για την Κοινωνική Απελευθέρωση (Α.Κ.Α.)   image 2 images
Εμείς τασσόμαστε υπέρ των κατοίκων των σκουριών που είναι οι κερδισμένοι, αν όντως δεν συνεχιστεί το καταστροφικό έργο. Και αυτό είναι το μόνο σίγουρο συμπέρασμα, ότι ο πολύχρονος και συχνά βίαιος, ανυποχώρητος αγώνας τους είναι “προ των πυλών” να δικαιωθεί. Είμαστε με τους ανθρώπους που δέχτηκαν καταστολή ιδιωτική και κρατική και αντιδρούσαν με αντιβία. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Saturday January 30, 2016 17:19 by Συλλογικότητα για τον Κοινωνικό Αναρχισμό «Μαύρ   image 1 image
Έπειτα από έναν χρόνο, δυό φορές «αριστερά» και τρεις εκλογικές διαδικασίες, είναι ξεκάθαρο πως η όποια ελπίδα έχει πλέον πτωχεύσει. Στα πλαίσια του τρίτου μνημονίου που υπέγραψε η συγκυβέρνηση ΣΥ.ΡΙΖ.Α. – ΑΝ.ΕΛ., τα αντιασφαλιστικά μέτρα που πρόκειται να ψηφιστούν, επιβάλουν τέτοιες αλλαγές στο συνταξιοδοτικό και στις εισφορές των φορολογουμένων, που το μόνο σίγουρο είναι πως θα εξαθλιώσουν ακόμα περισσότερο τα κατώτερα κοινωνικά στρώματα προς όφελος του κεφαλαίου. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Friday January 29, 2016 17:12 by Warren McGregor   image 1 image
Many in the working class hope the 2016 local government elections will prove a turning point. The ruling African National Congress (ANC) won the 2014 elections easily, but its grip is weakening. The ANC-allied Congress of SA Trade Unions (COSATU) has split, the radical metal union NUMSA expelled. The ANC could even lose control of at least one of giant "metro" municipality in 2016, possibly greater Johannesburg or Nelson Mandela Bay - probably to the moderate Democratic Alliance (DA), not the ANC breakaway, Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).
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venezuela / colombia / education / comunicado de prensa Friday January 29, 2016 14:01 by Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista-Valle del Cauca   image 1 image
Con el fin de aunar fuerzas decidimos vincularnos al Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista-GeA, un proceso ya existente con el cual nuestros propósitos son afines. El GeA-Valle del Cauca nace entonces el 17 de enero de 2015 como una seccional de dicha organización, siendo espacio coordinador de otros procesos a nivel regional que se vean arropadas con nuestra praxis militante, plataforma de lucha y principios político-organizativos. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / education / comunicado de prensa Friday January 29, 2016 02:35 by Acción Libertaria Estudiantil (ALE)   image 1 image
“Es preciso saber oír, saber escuchar. Es necesario ser paciente y (tener) sobre todo mucha autenticidad y sinceridad en el trabajo realizado. Dar cuerpo a los valores que defendemos (…) a partir de la caminata hombro con hombro, de la fraternidad y la solidaridad en la lucha” -Entrevista a la FARJ-

Hace ya más de un año que Acción Libertaria Estudiantil (ALE) se constituyó en la ciudad de Bogotá con el firme propósito de ser una organización de tendencia libertaria que pensara y desarrollara trabajo estudiantil desde las bases en las instituciones educativas del país con perspectiva de construir un movimiento estudiantil fuerte que aportara a las luchas de las de abajo en Colombia, Latinoamérica y el mundo. Fue en ese caminar, que se encontró con otras compañeras de otras regiones, quienes identificadas con la propuesta hasta ahora construida, decidieron conformar ALE en la ciudad de Medellín, impulsando las banderas levantadas por la organización, enraizándolas con las realidades propias de su universidad y su ciudad. read full story / add a comment
international / the left / opinion / analysis Thursday January 28, 2016 21:48 by William T. Hathaway
We'll be most successful by using both legal and illegal tactics but keeping the two forms separate. Illegal direct action is sometimes necessary to impair the system, impede its functioning, break it in a few places, open up points of vulnerability for coming generations to exploit. As groups we should do only legal resistance. Since we have to assume we are infiltrated and our communications are monitored, illegal acts must be done alone or in small cells without links to the group. Security is essential. Police may have the identity of everyone in the group, but if members are arrested and interrogated, their knowledge will be very limited. The principles of leaderless resistance ( provide the most effective defense for militants. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Thursday January 28, 2016 17:55 by Ilan S.
It is hard to assess what is the part of the joint struggle and the B.D.S. in the serious crack in the Israeli elite. It was expressed by the leader of biggest opposition party - The Zionist List which suggested a partial agreement of withdrawal (even from part of the expanded Jerusalem). Since 1967 war, all the years the official position was that Israel will retreat from most of the occupied territories of the 1967 war if the Palestinian will agree to a peace pact that will include among other conditions the non return of the 1948 refugees. As it was clear that no Palestinian leadership will be able to do that it was clear to all that the monolithic consensus of the Zionist parties is to continue the occupation for ever. It is not surprising that even the leader of the radical leftist Zionist party Merets oppose this radical suggestion for withdrawal with out the (non achievable) final peace pact.
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international / environment / opinion / analysis Thursday January 28, 2016 06:00 by Pink Panther   image 1 image
This article looks at the way capitalism and consumerism are destroying the resources of the planet, while critiquing mainstream environmentalist responses to this destruction. read full story / add a comment
[..] Η αυτοργάνωση (αυτό το είδος της οργάνωσης που πρεσβεύουν οι ελευθεριακοί-μια σχεδόν ανεξάντλητη πηγή εμπειριών και ιδεών από το εργατικό και κοινωνικό κίνημα) τείνει να αναδεικνύεται περίπου ως μια σχεδόν “φυσική” ή ίσως και ενδογενής τάση εκείνου του αναρχισμού που έχει μια ολιστική θέαση του κόσμου και επιδιώκει την κοινωνική επανάσταση. Στα πλαίσια αυτά, η ένωση και σύμπραξη των συλλογικοτήτων σε μια οργανωτική συνεκτική δομή προβάλει ως μια απάντηση στο ερώτημα ποιο είδος οργάνωσης επιθυμούν οι αναρχικοί. Η αναρχική ομοσπονδία λοιπόν είναι μια προσπάθεια για την επαναθεμελίωση του αναρχισμού στο φυσικό του περιβάλλον, την οργάνωση[...] read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Thursday January 28, 2016 04:11 by Ελευθεριακή Συνδικαλιστική Ένωση (ΕΣΕ)   image 1 image
Η αλυσίδα του «πολιτισμού της εκμετάλλευσης» και των μπράβων  ΙΑΝΟΣ δε σταματά να δίνει αφορμές και να κάνει όλο και πιο δύσκολες τις συνθήκες για τους εργαζόμενους της. Εξαντλητικά ωράρια, απειλές και επιβολή προστίμων με διάφορες αφορμές, κυνήγι συνδικαλιστικών δικαιωμάτων, εκδικητικές απολύσεις, μηχανάκια-scanners ελέγχου παραγωγικότητας ή αλλιώς «ο υπάλληλος του μήνα», καθώς και προσπάθεια δήλωσης συνδικαλιστικών φρονημάτων,καθώς γυρνάει με ένα χαρτί και αναγκάζει τους υπαλλήλους να υπογράψουν ότι διαφωνούν με τις δράσεις του  συλλόγου υπαλλήλων Βιβλίου Χάρτου και να το «αποκηρύξουν». read full story / add a comment
international / gender / opinion / analysis Wednesday January 27, 2016 18:27 by Bongani Maponyane   image 1 image
As anarchist-communists, we oppose sexism whenever and wherever it exists, although we also realise that class position differentiates the experience of sexism. We salute all the woman freedom fighters, and the older generation of women, many our mothers, who bear the scars of the gruesome battles in which they stood firm, fighting the oppression imposed on the African native by colonial conquest. There were hard times in the apartheid era, where black women were abused, raped and oppressed: the state did nothing to stop this, but aided it, as the state was part of the system of oppression. History shows that dispossession and systematic dehumanization for the purposes of exploitation and domination were undertaken through the uncontrolled and coercive mayhem of the South African state. read full story / add a comment
internacional / migración / racismo / opinión / análisis Wednesday January 27, 2016 17:27 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   text 1 comment (last - thursday january 28, 2016 05:11)   image 1 image
La islamofobia cumple el fin de naturalizar el imperialismo, el neo-colonialismo y la misión civilizadora de Occidente, a la vez que convierte el racismo, la discriminación y la violencia anti-inmigrante en algo excusable. Los tiempos actuales son de profunda reacción en Europa en todo sentido, sea en la cultura, en los derechos sociales y económicos, en la política. La islamofobia no es más que la banda sonora del ascenso político de una siniestra ultra-derecha global que desprecia todo cuanto huela a progresismo y pasa desapercibida, precisamente, porque todo el mundo está demasiado preocupado de los molestos musulmanes. La islamofobia es, de hecho, una pieza clave en el sistema de dominación. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Wednesday January 27, 2016 11:51 by Rebel Worker   image 1 image
Overview of the 1918 Brazilian anarchist uprising.
SOURCE: "Rebel Worker" (Australia), volume 19, number 1 (163), p. 17. Original author not known.
(Digitised by Leroy Maisiri, ZACF, South Africa). read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / luchas indígenas / news report Wednesday January 27, 2016 10:07 by Lucha Libertaria-Rebeldía Contrainformativa   image 1 image   video 1 video file
Liberar la madre tierra significa mandatar sobre nuestro territorio, proteger nuestros bienes comunes del capital transnacional, con-vivir en equilibrio y armonía con el otro, construir autonomía desde abajo y combatir al opresor con rabia, memoria y alegre rebeldía. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Wednesday January 27, 2016 09:57 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA   text 1 comment (last - sunday may 08, 2016 23:53)
Dopo quasi 3 mesi di occupazione di un vecchio stabile Itea a Trento promossa dai compagni di Trento e Rovereto per riportare all'attenzione pubblica il tema della casa e del diritto all'abitare e per organizzare serate e dibattiti"alternativi" il 19 gennaio è avvenuto lo sgombero da parte della polizia.
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russia / ukraine / belarus / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Wednesday January 27, 2016 07:23 by Emma Goldman   image 1 image
Extracts from anarchist-communist Emma Goldman's classic analysis, as presented in her 1924 "My Further Disillusionment with Russia." Goldman argued clearly that the Russian Revolution's end, in a new one-party dictatorship and new elite ruling a highly unequal society, could not be excused as a simple degeneration caused by external pressures of imperialist intervention and economic crisis (the view of defenders of the Communist Party). It also could not be explained as the inevitable result of class-based revolution that overthrew parliament and private property (the view of liberals). The programme and actions of the Communist Party, based on building a centralised state run by a single centralised party and repression, crushed democratic bottom-up proletarian and peasant initiative and self-management, worsened the economic situation, and destroyed the revolution from within. The revolution itself was actually very democratic and egalitarian, not by its nature dictatorial, and this placed it in a fatal struggle with Bolshevik / Communist rule. Revolution, to succeed, needs a total "transvaluation" of values to a "libertarian spirit" that rejects authoritarianism, and bottom-up "economic" mobilisation of the masses through steps like anarcho-syndicalism and co-operatives, that place decisions in the hands of the grassroots masses. "Means" must match "ends," and ethics and action must always be consistently based on libertarian, just principles: "Today is the parent of tomorrow. " read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Wednesday January 27, 2016 05:04 by Enrique Flores Magon   image 1 image
Powerful address by the Mexican anarchist-communist revolutionary, Enrique Flores Magon, brother to fellow anarchist-communist militants Jesus and Ricardo Flores Magon. This address was given to a US court, defending the brothers' fight for "the emancipation of the downtrodden, particularly of the Mexican proletarians, and of the disinherited all over the world in general." It defends the then-ongoing Mexican Revolution against imperialism and capitalism, argues for anarchist-communism, and makes an internationalist appeal to the American working class for joint struggle against tyrants and exploiters, stressing common class realities.

The brothers Enrique and Ricardo Flores Magon were at the time in exile, in the USA, conducting revolutionary work. They were arrested several times, this speech being given during the trial that followed their arrest in 1916 for distributing "indecent materials" (both were found guilty). Ricardo was again arrested in 1918 for sedition, given 20 years, and died in a US prison in 1922. Enrique was released in 1923 and returned to Mexico.
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iberia / historia del anarquismo / reseña Wednesday January 27, 2016 04:21 by Agustín Guillamón   image 1 image
Año publicación:

Chris Ealham

Alianza Editorial

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italia / svizzera / lotte sindacali / cronaca Wednesday January 27, 2016 04:09 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA   image 1 image
A Genova, sono già scesi in piazza e scenderanno anche oggi, i lavoratori dell’ILVA. read full story / add a comment
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