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france / belgique / luxembourg / Économie / opinion / analyse Monday February 13, 2012 23:36 bei Alternative Libertaire   image 1 image
Un triple A, totem de la bourgeoisie, qui n’est que le symbole de la guerre que nous livre le capital. Et c’est au nom de sa reconquête que de nouveaux plans d’austérité nous sont promis! [English] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
África del norte / workplace struggles / news report Monday February 13, 2012 23:19 bei Equipo de Trabajo para el Norte de África   image 1 image
El pasado sábado, 11 de febrero, una huelga general e importantes movilizaciones han sacudido Egipto, exigiendo la retirada de los militares del poder y cambios reales en la sociedad egipcia.
Mientras, sigue avanzando el proceso de constitución del sindicalismo independiente egipcio, habiéndose celebrado el pasado 6 de enero la 2ª conferencia del Congreso democrático de los trabajadores egipcios (EDLC).
[English] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
internaţional / the left / opinion/analysis Monday February 13, 2012 23:06 bei Daniel Guerin   text 3 comments (last - saturday february 25, 2012 02:47)   image 1 image
Mi se pare extrem de îndrăzneţ a anunţa, printre altele, ce aspecte ale anarhismului şi gândurilor lui Marx sunt sau nu reconciliabile. Comunismul Libertar este ca încă doar o aproximare, şi nu o dogmă a adevărului absolut. Mi se pare, că nu poate fi definit în mod absolut pe hârtie. Nu va fi o raţionalizare a trecutului, ci un punct de unire în viitor. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anarchist movement / policy statement Monday February 13, 2012 22:59 bei Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro
The specific anarchist organisation is also dedicated to anarchist propaganda.
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irlande / grande-bretagne / impérialisme / guerre / opinion / analyse Monday February 13, 2012 22:52 bei Andrew & Shane   image 1 image
Le 30 janvier 1972, des soldats britanniques ouvrent le feu sur des manifestants pacifiques à Derry, Irlande du Nord. Sur les vingt-six personnes sans armes atteintes par les coups de feu, treize succombent. La fusillade survient dans le contexte d’un mouvement grandissant pour la défense des droits civiques et l’égalité entre catholiques et protestants. En faisant passer le conflit d’une lutte populaire à une insurrection armée, l’Etat entrait sur un terrain où il pensait la victoire à portée de main. [English] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anarchist movement / policy statement Monday February 13, 2012 22:51 bei Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro
Another important activity of the specific anarchist organisation is the production and reproduction of theory. We understand theory as “[a] set of concepts coherently articulated between themselves [...], an instrument, a tool, [that] serves to do a job, that serves to produce the knowledge that we need to produce”. Theory is fundamental both for the conception of strategy, as well as for the propaganda that the organisation performs. Strategy seeks to increase the efficiency of work of the anarchist organisation while propaganda is very important in the sense of promoting anarchist ideas.
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bolivia / perù / ecuador / cile / lotte sindacali / comunicato stampa Monday February 13, 2012 22:42 bei Unión Portuaria de Chile   image 1 image
Comunicato dell'Unión Portuaria de Chile che spiega i motivi dello Sciopero Nazionale del settore convocato per i giorni 15 e 16 di febbraio. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Monday February 13, 2012 22:35 bei Prensa C-cura / La
Orlando Chirino, dirigente nacional de la Corriente Clasista, Unitaria, Revolucionaria y Autónoma (C-cura) de Venezuela se pronunció sobre el apoyo que el Presidente Chávez y 32 mandatarios más de la recién constituida Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) le brindaron al Vice-presidente de Colombia, Angelino Garzón, para que dirija la Organización Internacional del Trabajo. “No, en nuestro nombre” dijo Orlando Chirino, “Angelino Garzón recibe el apoyo del gobierno de Venezuela, más no el de los trabajadores”. read full story / add a comment
One of the stolen CNT membership cards
iberia / history of anarchism / news report Monday February 13, 2012 22:24 bei Ateneu Enciclopèdic Popular de Barcelona   image 1 image
On 1 February 2012, several important documents were stolen from the Biblioteca de l'Ateneu Enciclopèdic Popular in Barcelona. Original posters from the Civil War era as well as various other objects also from the period of the Spanish Civil War were taken. If anyone has doubles of this material, please put them aside for the Library. If you see something appear on e-bay or other sites of this kind, alert them! [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / economy / news report Monday February 13, 2012 21:26 bei Andrew   image 2 images
Dublin last weekend saw about 400 people take part in a demonstration against the intention of Seán Sherlock, the Labour Party Minister for Research and Innovation to bring into law a requirement for Irish internet service providers to block access to sites that allow the downloading of copy righted material. This is a similar law to the SOPA and ACTA laws that Hollywood & music industry lobbyists tried unsuccessfully to force through the US Congress. A second demonstration is to take place this Saturday. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Monday February 13, 2012 19:58 bei Dimitri (MACG - personal capacity)   image 1 image
* Δημοσιεύτηκε ως κύριο άρθρο στο τεύχος Νο 27, Αθήνα, 17 Δεκέμβρη 1989 του δελτίου πληροφόρησης "Ο Αναρχικός". read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / storia dell'anarchismo / cronaca Monday February 13, 2012 19:22 bei Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici   image 1 image
E' uscito nella collana "I Quaderni di Alternativa Libertaria" l'opuscolo "Tesi di Pontedecimo" dei Gruppi Anarchici di Azione Proletaria (GAAP). Si tratta della Tesi Programmatica uscita dalla 1a Conferenza dei GAAP tenuta a Genova-Pontedecimo il 24-25 febbraio 1951. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sindacali / evento comunista anarchico Monday February 13, 2012 18:48 bei Difesa Sindacale
"Per il rilancio dell'egualitarismo nell'azione sindacale", seminario organizzato da Difesa Sindacale, il 26 febbraio 2012 alle ore 9,30 presso la sede FLC-CGIL, Piazza Indipendenza n.8, Firenze. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / religione / evento comunista anarchico Monday February 13, 2012 18:22 bei Circolo Anarchico "B. Durruti"   image 1 image
Giornata anticleriacale in ricordo di GIORDANO BRUNO il 17 febbraio 2012 alle ore 17:30, al Laboratorio Sociale Quarticciolo/cda "la Talpa" in v. Ostuni, 9. read full story / add a comment
internazionale / lotte sindacali / stampa non anarchica Monday February 13, 2012 18:16 bei Syndicat local construction CGT 31
Da lunedì 30 gennaio 2012, il 90% dei lavoratori dell'impresa ProCME (opere pubbliche) in Francia è in sciopero. [Français] read full story / add a comment
internacional / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Monday February 13, 2012 17:49 bei Syndicat local construction CGT 31
Os trabalhadores e o seu sindicato CGT dirigem-se por conseguinte a todos os trabalhadores do grupo PROCME, em Portugal, em Espanha, no Chile, no Brasil, em Moçambique, na África do Sul e em Angola para informa-los sobre as práticas do seu proprietário. [Français] read full story / add a comment
international / luttes en milieu de travail / presse non anarchiste Monday February 13, 2012 17:45 bei Syndicat local construction CGT 31
Appel à la coordination internationale, lancé par un syndicat CGT de la Construction en France. Ce syndicat mène une grève très dure d'ouvriers portugais contre une multinationale. Il propose de se coordonner avec d'autres syndicalistes du groupe PROCME au Portugal, en Espagne, au Brésil, Angola, Mozambique, Afrique du Sud, Chili,... [Português] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anarchist movement / policy statement Monday February 13, 2012 17:02 bei Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro
Social work and insertion are the most important activities of the specific anarchist organisation.
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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / anarchist movement / policy statement Monday February 13, 2012 16:36 bei Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro   image 3 images
In this text we have sometimes discussed the specific anarchist organisation and our expectations in relation to it. As we have earlier defined, its objective is “to build the popular organisation and influence it, giving it the desired character, and to reach libertarian socialism by means of the social revolution”. Further, we understand this as the political level of activity. read full story / add a comment
África del norte / crime prison and punishment / llamado / petición Monday February 13, 2012 05:38 bei Equipo de Trabajo para el Norte de África   image 1 image
Últimas noticias sobre la huelga de hambre de Ezedine Eroussi y los estudiantes de Fes. Peligro de muerte inminente. read full story / add a comment


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huelgageneralegipto.jpg imageHuelga General para continuar la Revolución en Egipto 23:19 Mon 13 Feb by Equipo de Trabajo para el Norte de África 0 comments

El pasado sábado, 11 de febrero, una huelga general e importantes movilizaciones han sacudido Egipto, exigiendo la retirada de los militares del poder y cambios reales en la sociedad egipcia.
Mientras, sigue avanzando el proceso de constitución del sindicalismo independiente egipcio, habiéndose celebrado el pasado 6 de enero la 2ª conferencia del Congreso democrático de los trabajadores egipcios (EDLC).
[English] [Italiano]

paro_portuarios.jpg imageCile: sciopero nazionale portuale, 15 e 16 febbraio 22:42 Mon 13 Feb by Unión Portuaria de Chile 0 comments

Comunicato dell'Unión Portuaria de Chile che spiega i motivi dello Sciopero Nazionale del settore convocato per i giorni 15 e 16 di febbraio. [Castellano]

One of the stolen CNT membership cards imageSpanish Revolution material stolen from Barcelona Archive 22:24 Mon 13 Feb by Ateneu Enciclopèdic Popular de Barcelona 0 comments

On 1 February 2012, several important documents were stolen from the Biblioteca de l'Ateneu Enciclopèdic Popular in Barcelona. Original posters from the Civil War era as well as various other objects also from the period of the Spanish Civil War were taken. If anyone has doubles of this material, please put them aside for the Library. If you see something appear on e-bay or other sites of this kind, alert them! [Italiano]

topcopvendetta.jpg imageDublin demonstrates against ACTA & SOPA but it is about more than just downloading 21:26 Mon 13 Feb by Andrew 0 comments

Dublin last weekend saw about 400 people take part in a demonstration against the intention of Seán Sherlock, the Labour Party Minister for Research and Innovation to bring into law a requirement for Irish internet service providers to block access to sites that allow the downloading of copy righted material. This is a similar law to the SOPA and ACTA laws that Hollywood & music industry lobbyists tried unsuccessfully to force through the US Congress. A second demonstration is to take place this Saturday.

pontedecimo.jpg imageNovità editoriale: "Tesi di Pontedecimo" dei GAAP 19:22 Mon 13 Feb by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici 0 comments

E' uscito nella collana "I Quaderni di Alternativa Libertaria" l'opuscolo "Tesi di Pontedecimo" dei Gruppi Anarchici di Azione Proletaria (GAAP). Si tratta della Tesi Programmatica uscita dalla 1a Conferenza dei GAAP tenuta a Genova-Pontedecimo il 24-25 febbraio 1951.

spitalgrecescsubcontrolulmuncitorilor.jpg imageSpital grecesc sub controlul muncitorilor 05:03 Mon 13 Feb by Gamilici 0 comments

Spitalul general din Kilkis, Grecia, este acum sub controlul muncitorilor. Aceștia au declarat că problemele de lungă durată ale Sistemului Național de Sănătate (ESY) nu pot fi rezolvate.

pp.jpg imageLa reforma laboral de Rajoy, un altre brutal atac contra els drets dels treballadors 03:11 Mon 13 Feb by Confederació Nacional del Treball 0 comments

Aquesta reforma no només no ajudarà a crear ocupació sinó que produirà més atur, més precarietat laboral, pitjors salaris, i un salvatge deteriorament de les condicions laborals.

pp_1.jpg imageLa reforma laboral de Rajoy, otro brutal ataque contra los derechos de los trabajadores 03:02 Mon 13 Feb by Confederación Nacional del Trabajo 0 comments

Abarata el despido, crea nuevas modalidades de contratos basura y da más facilidades para el descuelgue de los Convenios por parte de las empresas, ofrece facilidades para realizar despidos colectivos y EREs, propone medidas de presión para que los trabajadores enfermos no se den de baja y crea más bonificaciones para los empresarios, además promueve nuevas normas para facilitar el despido del personal laboral del sector público.

imageAustérité, Austérité, Austérité Feb 13 by Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

Un triple A, totem de la bourgeoisie, qui n’est que le symbole de la guerre que nous livre le capital. Et c’est au nom de sa reconquête que de nouveaux plans d’austérité nous sont promis! [English] [Italiano]

imageCătre un comunism libertar Feb 13 by Daniel Guerin 3 comments

Mi se pare extrem de îndrăzneţ a anunţa, printre altele, ce aspecte ale anarhismului şi gândurilor lui Marx sunt sau nu reconciliabile. Comunismul Libertar este ca încă doar o aproximare, şi nu o dogmă a adevărului absolut. Mi se pare, că nu poate fi definit în mod absolut pe hârtie. Nu va fi o raţionalizare a trecutului, ci un punct de unire în viitor.

imageIl y a 40: un dimanche sanglant pour le peuple irlandais Feb 13 by Andrew & Shane 0 comments

Le 30 janvier 1972, des soldats britanniques ouvrent le feu sur des manifestants pacifiques à Derry, Irlande du Nord. Sur les vingt-six personnes sans armes atteintes par les coups de feu, treize succombent. La fusillade survient dans le contexte d’un mouvement grandissant pour la défense des droits civiques et l’égalité entre catholiques et protestants. En faisant passer le conflit d’une lutte populaire à une insurrection armée, l’Etat entrait sur un terrain où il pensait la victoire à portée de main. [English]

imageΕνάντια στην οικου&#... Feb 13 by Dimitri (MACG - personal capacity) 0 comments

* Δημοσιεύτηκε ως κύριο άρθρο στο τεύχος Νο 27, Αθήνα, 17 Δεκέμβρη 1989 του δελτίου πληροφόρησης "Ο Αναρχικός".

imageContre le libre échangisme: il faut socialiser l’économie Feb 13 by Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

L’idéologie du libre-échangisme est fortement contestée à la faveur de la crise, et c’est tant mieux. Depuis quinze ans, les règles commerciales et la mondialisation capitaliste ont permis, pour l’enrichissement d’une élite possédante, le nivellement social par le bas, la délocalisation des industries, la multiplication des transports de marchandises d’un bout à l’autre de la planète… provoquant une catastrophe sociale et écologique.

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imageCile: sciopero nazionale portuale, 15 e 16 febbraio Feb 13 0 comments

Comunicato dell'Unión Portuaria de Chile che spiega i motivi dello Sciopero Nazionale del settore convocato per i giorni 15 e 16 di febbraio. [Castellano]

imageLa reforma laboral de Rajoy, un altre brutal atac contra els drets dels treballadors Feb 13 CNT 0 comments

Aquesta reforma no només no ajudarà a crear ocupació sinó que produirà més atur, més precarietat laboral, pitjors salaris, i un salvatge deteriorament de les condicions laborals.

imageLa reforma laboral de Rajoy, otro brutal ataque contra los derechos de los trabajadores Feb 13 CNT 0 comments

Abarata el despido, crea nuevas modalidades de contratos basura y da más facilidades para el descuelgue de los Convenios por parte de las empresas, ofrece facilidades para realizar despidos colectivos y EREs, propone medidas de presión para que los trabajadores enfermos no se den de baja y crea más bonificaciones para los empresarios, además promueve nuevas normas para facilitar el despido del personal laboral del sector público.

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