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iberia / movimiento anarquista / comunicado de prensa Saturday May 23, 2015 12:30 by APOYO MUTUO
A dos semanas de las elecciones municipales se presentaba en Madrid,en el Teatro Lagrada la iniciativa política Apoyo Mutuo, una herramienta de ámbito estatal que pretende "convertir en actores políticos a las personas que no se ven representadas por la vía institucional".
Apoyo Mutuo ha hecho suyo el desafío marcado por el manifiesto “Construyendo Pueblo Fuerte” una iniciativa que nació hace un año en foros en internet, en los que militantes de colectivos libertarios impulsaron un debate en torno a la forma de actuar ante la nueva situación social y política. y que fue presentado al público el pasado 19 de febrero. En el texto se hacía un llamamiento a la autoorganización popular como método para construir una democracia directa de personas libres e iguales. read full story / add a comment
international / the left / review Saturday May 23, 2015 03:33 by Wayne Price   image 1 image
Istvan Meszaros, a well-known Marxist theorist, has material which can be interesting to anarchists. He has an insightful analysis of the current stage of capitalism and the state. He makes Marx's "withering away of the state" central to his program, and he rejects electoral party politics. But paradoxically, he also supports the late Hugo Chavez's attempted use of the Venezuelan state to move to socialism. How can we understand this and respond to it? read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Saturday May 23, 2015 00:57 by Ilan S.
The election which was a response to rebellion in the elite - threatening to restrict his daily newspaper - resulted in a partial defeat. He is dependant now on the support of the center-right party and the orthodox parties,and now he is trying desperately to regain control. The mounting pressure on Israel threatens to take a fast escalation. It is already expressed in the threat to expel Israel from FIFA and of intervention of the Hague Court. The French initiative in the UN security council is approaching. The escalation in transfer actions - both within Israel and the West Bank is an effort to recruit at least the support of orthodox parties and the extreme right. In spite of harsher efforts to repress the Palestinian struggle - both in occupied east Jerusalem and the popular non-armed struggle the struggle continues. The very optimistic activists already feel the approaching victory. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / gender / opinion / analysis Saturday May 23, 2015 00:33 by andrew   text 1 comment (last - saturday may 23, 2015 04:39)   image 2 images
Southern Ireland is voting toward on whether to allow Marriage equality, that is to extend marriage to couples of the same gender. Young migrants have flocked back to the country in the last 24 hours to help insure the referendum passes. If it does Ireland will be the first country in the work to introduce Marriage equality by popular referendum yet it was one of the last countries in Europe to decriminalise sex between men. In that sense the referendum is about much more than the issue of Marriage but it also a battle against the 'old Ireland' of clerical control and an authoritarian state that sought to control all aspects of the lives of those under its control. The articles that follow are some of the many that the Workers Solidarity Movement have published, for the most part via their Facebook page. read full story / add a comment
Ποτέ δεν εiναι αργά για να ανατραπεί η κατάσταση, όλα είναι στο χέρι μας, όλα μπορούν να ανατραπούν. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό χαιρετίζουμε και στηρίζουμε κάθε πρωτοβουλία αγώνα προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση. Για την χειραφέτηση των ανθρώπων! Για έναν κόσμο χωρίς αφεντικά.
Η αδικία σε έναν είναι αδικία σε όλους και αυτή είναι η δύναμη των εργαζομένων πάντα και παντού. read full story / add a comment
Photo by Jacob Potlaki (Casual Workers Advice Office)
southern africa / community struggles / opinion / analysis Thursday May 21, 2015 16:50 by Jonathan Payn   image 1 image
The xenophobic violence and looting following King Zwelithini’s statement that foreigners “pack their bags and leave” spread to cities and townships across the country. However, the recent attacks are not an isolated incident; nor is Zwelithini solely responsible for fomenting it. Local elites – particularly those linked to the ruling party – also encourage anti-immigrant attitudes and actions. This article, based on discussions with Abahlali baseFreedom Park activists, looks at how local elites stimulate ‘xenophobia’ to protect their class interests, as well as how progressive working class activists have responded.
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O suicídio de Farinaz Xorowanî marcou a elevação do conflito no Curdistão Leste e expõe a severa repressão que os agentes de Teerã exercem sobre a esquerda curda.
internacional / imperialismo / guerra / opinião / análise Thursday May 21, 2015 08:33 by BrunoL   image 1 image
20 de maio de 2015, Bruno Lima Rocha

A cidade de Mahabad é conhecida como a capital do Curdistão iraniano, e hoje opera como o epicentro da rebelião popular dos curdos contra a autoridade xiita de Teerã. O Curdistão Leste (Rojhelat) viveu um momento de rebelião após o dia 7 de maio quando uma jovem curda se atirou do 4º andar de um hotel cinco estrelas onde trabalhava como camareira. O motivo do suicídio de Farinaz Xorowanî foi um ato de rebeldia contra agentes da inteligência iraniana (Itlaat) que, ao alegar querer interroga-la tentaram forçar um estupro. O sacrifício da trabalhadora resultou em rebelião franca e aberta, com as tropas anti-distúrbios da província e forças regulares da Guarda Revolucionária do Irã (Pasdaran) usando munição letal no meio da rua. Tal episódio, ao contrário de ser uma raridade, é a norma de convivência entre o regime dos Aiatolás e a esquerda curda. Nos dias posteriores, a polícia política dos aiatolás prendeu mais de 800 militantes sociais curdos, o que certamente irá aumentar a estatística regular de assassinados pelo Estado; cerca de cem ativistas por ano são enforcados pelas leis do fundamentalismo xiita. read full story / add a comment
france / belgium / luxemburg / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Wednesday May 20, 2015 19:02 by Robert P. Helms
A short account of General Leclerc's 9th Company, better known as La Nueve, who were the first allied soldiers to link with the resistance in the liberation of Paris.
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Διεθνή / Καταστολή / Φυλακές / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Monday May 18, 2015 20:43 by Πετρ Κροπότκιν   image 1 image
Επομένως το μόνο πράγμα που μπορώ να πω σε μερικούς αρκετά καλοπροαίρετους αξιωματούχους των φυλακών της Μασαχουσέτης που κάποτε ζήτησαν τη συμβουλή μου, ήταν αυτό: Αν δεν μπορείτε να εξασφαλίσετε την κατάργηση του σωφρονιστικού συστήματος – μην δεχτείτε ποτέ ένα παιδί ή έναν νέο στη φυλακή σας. Αν το κάνετε, είναι δολοφονία. Και ύστερα, αφού μάθετε με την εμπειρία τι είναι οι φυλακές, αρνηθείτε να είστε δεσμοφύλακες και ποτέ μην κουραστείτε να λέτε πως η πρόληψη του εγκλήματος είναι ο μόνος κατάλληλος τρόπος για να το καταπολεμήσετε. read full story / add a comment
As MPs 664 e 665 têm uma perigosa coerência com o Projeto Lei 4330, o que aprova a terceirização da atividade-fim das empresas. Qualquer cálculo de isenção, fraude e sonegação fiscal ultrapassa as medidas de ajuste promovidas pelo ministro banqueiro.
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / economia / opinião / análise Sunday May 17, 2015 23:14 by BrunoL   image 1 image
17 de maio de 2015, Bruno Lima Rocha

A base do modelo de empresa – e empresa em rede para a sociedade. Isto é o que está em jogo com o processo de austeridade fiscal que vem do governo e o golpe da reação com o Projeto Lei 4330, desengavetado por Eduardo Cunha. Nesta semana, a Câmara votou a Medida Provisória 664 e, através de outra manobra surpresa do cardeal neo-pentecostal e dono de mídia do PMDB fluminense, apareceu o projeto que revisa a base de cálculo previdenciário. Na prática, o Brasil assistiu outro triste espetáculo com políticos camaleões, onde neoliberais travestiram-se de defensores dos aposentados e ex-reformistas incorporaram o discurso da tal da governabilidade. Assim, a Previdência que é superavitária em mais de R$ 83 bilhões ao ano, caso este projeto venha a ser aprovado após passar por todo o rito parlamentar e a sanção da ex-guerrilheira arrependida (algo que duvido), pode gerar uma sobrevida um pouco menos injusta para os que contribuíram com o país por mais de 35 anos e da União levam a escassez porque tudo tem de entrar no maldito regime de caixa para gerar dividendos para os que vivem de capital fictício.

Vejamos na sequência alguns episódios mais marcantes desta semana última no cenário político e ideológico brasileiro.
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