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international / the left / non-anarchist press Sunday December 15, 2013 22:42 by Hassan Reyes   text 1 comment (last - sunday december 29, 2013 07:54)
For those many who identify with a progressive or liberatory politics, 2013 will be remembered as a year where two recognized leaders of the Left passed away. read full story / add a comment
southern asia / the left / non-anarchist press Sunday December 15, 2013 22:21 by Noaman G. Ali
The recent elections in Nepal appear to spell a heavy retreat for the country’s Maoist movement. After initiating a People’s War in 1996 that lasted ten years and saw it in control of the majority of the countryside, the popular Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) formed a front with mainstream political parties to overthrow the monarchy and institute a democratic republic in the 2006 People’s Movement. Thereafter, the CPN(Maoist) emerged as the largest party in the 2008 Constituent Assembly (CA) elections. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Sunday December 15, 2013 21:44 by Slavoj Zizek
In the last two decades of his life, Nelson Mandela was celebrated as a model of how to liberate a country from the colonial yoke without succumbing to the temptation of dictatorial power and anti-capitalist posturing. In short, Mandela was not Mugabe, South Africa remained a multi-party democracy with free press and a vibrant economy well-integrated into the global market and immune to hasty Socialist experiments. Now, with his death, his stature as a saintly wise man seems confirmed for eternity: there are Hollywood movies about him — he was impersonated by Morgan Freeman, who also, by the way, played the role of God in another film; rock stars and religious leaders, sportsmen and politicians from Bill Clinton to Fidel Castro are all united in his beatification. read full story / add a comment
southern asia / the left / non-anarchist press Sunday December 15, 2013 21:38 by Farooq Tariq
was present as an International Observer to the November 19 general elections in Nepal, invited by the National Election Observation Committee (NEOC). Polling was unexpectedly peaceful. Interestingly enough only 226 out of the 601 Constituent Assembly seats are directly elected. That is, the majority of seats are elected through a proportional voting system. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Sunday December 15, 2013 16:20 by Hernán Camacho
Se agota la paciencia de los campesinos en las mesas de diálogo con el gobierno nacional. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Sunday December 15, 2013 16:16 by Agencia Prensa Rural
Las propuestas que surgieron en el Encuentro de Productores de Cultivos Declarados Ilícitos de Colombia serán presentadas ante la Mesa de La Habana. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Sunday December 15, 2013 14:49 by Ilan S.
La lotta unitaria degli Anarchici Contro il Muro con i comitati popolari dei villaggi che insiste con le settimanali lotte unitarie venne promossa per la prima volta quando si organizzò un comitato unitario che diede inizio alle prime sporadiche lotte. Questo mese si è svolta un'altra assise di promozione con un convegno mensile di tutti gli attivisti coinvolti - questa volta a Nabi Saleh. Questa settimana, visto l'intensificarsi degli sforzi israeliani per sgomberare i palestinesi, la lotta si è incentrata sul Piano Prawer che prevede la deportazione immediata di un 40.000 Beduini dentro i confini del 1948. [English] read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / la izquierda / comunicado de prensa Sunday December 15, 2013 08:27 by Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista   text 2 comments (last - tuesday december 17, 2013 21:41)   image 1 image
Sin lugar a dudas uno de los sucesos que más ha dado de que hablar en los últimos días es la destitución de Gustavo Petro como alcalde de la ciudad de Bogotá y su inhabilitación para ejercer cargos públicos durante 15 años según un fallo emitido por la Procuraduría General de la Nación. Según este órgano de vigilancia estatal, la medida obedece a las presuntas irregularidades presentadas en el cambio de esquema para la recolección de basuras implementado mediante un decreto en Diciembre del año 2012. La decisión fue dada a conocer a la opinión pública en boca del procurador Ordóñez a comienzos de esta semana y desde ese momento las distintas reacciones no se han hecho esperar. read full story / add a comment
África austral / a esquerda / opinião / análise Sunday December 15, 2013 05:43 by Bruno Lima Rocha   image 1 image
Ao superar o Apartheid, necessariamente o símbolo do território tinha de refletir a nova unidade pluriétnica read full story / add a comment

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