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Το απόγευμα της 21ης Ιουνίου γύρω στους 10-15 πράκτορες που παρουσιάστηκαν ως ομοσπονδιακή αστυνομία μπήκαν στο ελευθεριακό χώρο της Federação anarquista gaùcha (FAG - Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία Gaúcha) στο Πόρτο Αλέγκρε (State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil) και άρπαξαν κάποια από τα υλικά που χρησίμευαν στις πολιτισμικές και πολιτικές δραστηριότητες του κέντρου που περιλαμβάνουν δημόσια βιβλιοθήκη, διαβουλεύσεις, και την οργάνωση πολυάριθμων αγώνων και δράσεων. [Français] read full story / add a comment
Τα μέλη της Organização Anarquista Socialismo Libertário (Αναρχική Οργάνωση Ελευθεριακού Σοσιαλισμού, OASL) συμμετείχαν στους αγώνες ενάντια στην άυξηση των τιμών στο Σάο Πάολο, τόσο στην πρωτεύουσα, όσο και σε πόλεις όπως η Mogi das Cruzes, Marilia και Franca, στο κίνημα που όλο και μεγαλώνει και έχει καταλάβει τη χώρα. Η συμμετοχή άλλων οργανώσεων που συνδέονται με το Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (Συντονιστικό Αναρχικών Βραζιλίας, CAB) έχει βοηθήσει επίσης στην οικοδόμηση των αγώνων σε άλλα κράτη. [Português] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / miscellaneous / other libertarian press Saturday July 06, 2013 06:17 by Resistance editors
JULY/AUGUST 2013 RESISTANCE #153 is out. UPRISING! Coming to a democracy near you (Egypt, Turkey, Brazil, Slovenia), Whistle Blowers, Industrial Roundup (Bridgewater postal strike, Runcorn building workers wildcat, Teachers’ Strike, Brighton refuse-worker update), Spanish Anarchist Prisoner Support, Clément Méric anti-fascist demo. read full story / add a comment
international / impérialisme / guerre / presse non anarchiste Friday July 05, 2013 23:52 by Maurice Lemoine
Courriers électroniques, conversations téléphoniques, rien n’échappe à l’œil et aux grandes oreilles de Big Brother. Pour avoir révélé la surveillance illicite dont sont l’objet tant les citoyens américains que les ressortissants des autres nations, dans le cadre du programme secret de l’Agence de sécurité nationale (NSA en anglais) appelé Prism, l’ex-consultant informatique de la NSA Edward Snowden, pourchassé par Washington, vit reclus dans la zone internationale de l’aéroport de Moscou depuis le 23 juin. Toutefois, c’est le 29 juin, à quelques jours de l’ouverture des négociations pour un accord de libre-échange entre l’Europe et les Etats-Unis, très contestable et peu contesté (ses inconvénients ne se résumant pas à la seule exception culturelle réclamée par Paris), qu’éclate une véritable bombe : après avoir eu accès à un document classé « strictement confidentiel » que lui a confié le fugitif, l’hebdomadaire allemand Der Spiegel révèle que « nos amis américains » ont aussi visé des représentations de l’Union européenne (UE) à Washington et à l’ONU, ainsi qu’à Bruxelles. D’après ce document, le dispositif a permis d’infiltrer les réseaux informatiques de l’UE et de placer des systèmes d’écoute dans ses bureaux, y compris dans l’immeuble du Conseil européen où les chefs d’Etat disposent, théoriquement, de lignes téléphoniques sécurisées.
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international / the left / non-anarchist press Friday July 05, 2013 21:22 by Seumas Milne
From Egypt to Brazil, street action is driving change, but organisation is essential if it's not to be hijacked or disarmed. read full story / add a comment
África del norte / community struggles / comunicado de prensa Friday July 05, 2013 19:46 by Alternative Libertaire   image 1 image
Dos años y medio después del derrocamiento de Hosni Mubarak, las calles egipcias han vuelto a hablar. Mohamed Morsi ha sido derrocado después de gobernar por un año y de cuatro días de protestas cuya escala no tiene precedentes en la historia del país. Los egipcios han vuelto a recordar al mundo que las elecciones no son un cheque en blanco que da rienda suelta a los representantes electos. [Français] [English] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά ] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / a esquerda / opinião / análise Friday July 05, 2013 19:39 by Rafael Viana da Silva, Bruno Lima Rocha, Felipe Corrêa   image 1 image
O que exigimos é respeito e, para isso, um debate franco é o melhor caminho que podemos trilhar. Sem ignorar nossos princípios ideológicos e as experiências históricas relevantes, nas quais cerramos fileiras com outras tradições da esquerda ou fomos traídos, o anarquismo tem um papel importante a cumprir no conjunto mais amplo do socialismo. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / community struggles / opinião / análise Friday July 05, 2013 19:27 by Coletivo Anarquista Luta de Classe   image 1 image
Podemos afirmar que o mês de junho de 2013 entrou para a história do Brasil, sendo o dia 17 uma data emblemática: foram 1,5 milhões de pessoas a ocuparem as ruas – 20.000 só em Curitiba. Não víamos isso desde 1992, quando milhares foram às ruas exigir o impeachment de Collor. read full story / add a comment
north africa / community struggles / press release Friday July 05, 2013 18:46 by Alternative libertaire   image 1 image
Two and a half years after the ousting of Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian streets have spoken again. Mohamed Morsi has been ousted after a one-year reign and four days of demonstrations on an unprecedented scale in the history of the country. The Egyptians have reminded the world that an election is not a blank cheque which leaves representatives free from all constraint. [Français] [Castellano] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά ] read full story / add a comment
north africa / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Friday July 05, 2013 17:55 by Sungur Savran
The near equality in strength of the two camps contending for power in Egypt led the army to stage a Bonapartist coup. It is not only the recent episode of unprecedented crowds in the millions coming out on 30 June that has made the army move. This struggle between the Muslim Brotherhood government of now deposed President Mohamed Morsi, on the one hand, and the opposition, represented by the National Salvation Front, and more recently by the Tamerod (Rebel) movement, on the other, has been going on since last November. This is, in fact, the third wave of spectacular demonstrations by the opposition within a cycle of the Egyptian revolution that has been going on since November. read full story / add a comment
iberia / cultura / anarchist communist event Friday July 05, 2013 04:04 by LaMalatesta   image 1 image
viernes 12 julio. 19:30h.

En LaMalatesta. c/Jesús y María, 24 de Madrid
[ L.1. Tirso de Molina - L.3. Lavapiés]

Organiza: Asamblea Apoyo Mutuo read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / anarchist movement / news report Friday July 05, 2013 03:27 by   image 1 image
He has been on remand for 3 years and was prosecuted twice for the same offence, despite the fact that his name doesn’t even appear in the case file.

The maximum time he should spend on remand expires tomorrow; and he chose this date to start a hunger strike, clarifying that “this is not an act of desperation, but rather to keep up the fight.” read full story / add a comment
Manifestazione a Nabi Saleh. Foto: Haim Schwarczenberg
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Thursday July 04, 2013 22:21 by Ilan S.   image 1 image
Le radici dell'azione unitaria a cui partecipano gli Anarchici Contro il Muro stanno nello stesso processo che ebbe inizio con la prima insorgenza post-marxista, anti-neoliberista ed anti-globalizzazione che ebbe luogo nel Chiapas l'01.01.94. Azione Globale dei Popoli e gli scontri con il WTO prima ed il G8 poi ebbero inizio nel 1997 con il Secondo Incontro pro-Zapatista in Spagna. Nell'incontro europeo di Azione Globale dei Popoli 2002 a Leida ci fu un workshop sulla lotta in Palestina (con una significativa presenza israeliana) da cui nacque l'idea di un camping unitario (che si materializzò nel campeggio di Mas'ha nel 2003) che diede inizio alla lotta unitaria contro il muro della separazione di cui gli Anarchici Contro i Muro fanno parte. [English] read full story / add a comment
nordafrica / movimento anarchico / intervista Thursday July 04, 2013 21:57 by Joshua Stephens   text 1 comment (last - sunday july 07, 2013 20:18)   image 1 image
norte da África / movimento anarquista / entrevista Thursday July 04, 2013 06:46 by Joshua Stephens   image 1 image
Entrevista o anarquista Hassan Aazab sob os acontecimentos recentes no Egito. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / community struggles / interview Thursday July 04, 2013 02:06 by Organização Anarquista Socialismo Libertário (OASL)   image 1 image
The members of Organização Anarquista Socialismo Libertário (Libertarian Socialism Anarchist Organisation, OASL) have participated in the struggles against the rising tariffs in Sao Paulo, both in the capital as well as in cities like Mogi das Cruzes, Marilia and Franca, in the growing movement that has gripped the country. The membership of other organisations linked to the Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (Brazilian Anarchist Coordination, CAB) has, in other states, also helped to build the struggles. Below, two militants of OASL, Pablo Pamplona and Thiago Calixto*, who have been participating in the struggles, respond to a few questions about the recent process of mobilisations in the country. OASL is a member of Anarkismo. [Português] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Wednesday July 03, 2013 22:27 by Baris Karaagac and Gaye Yilmaz
The recent wave of resistance that spread from a park in one of the historic neighbourhoods of Istanbul, Turkey has evoked significant enthusiasm in and support from various movements and segments of populations in several countries. Although the park, which had been a temporary home for thousands of protestors for a couple of weeks, was forcibly and violently evacuated by the police on June 16th, the resistance continues in different forms and in numerous locations, both within and outside of Turkey. This unexpected and abrupt rebellion in a country, which has been presented for a decade by many international organizations and governments as a role model for the rest of the Middle East with its commitment to market reforms and ‘democratization,’ was a response to a number of factors and ongoing processes. If the most predominant of these were the increasingly authoritarian nature of the AKP (Justice and Development Party) rule, the others were the further neoliberalization of Turkish society, the utter failure of an increasingly interventionist Turkish foreign policy in the Middle East, and a complete disregard for and destruction of the environment in the service of capital across the country. read full story / add a comment
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / community struggles / opinião / análise Wednesday July 03, 2013 21:34 by Coletivo Anarquista Zumbi dos Palmares – CAZP   image 1 image
Devemos reconhecer que estamos vivendo um momento histórico de alcance nacional e por mais que fenômenos com características semelhantes tenham ocorrido em outros cantos do mundo, absolutamente nenhuma organização política ou movimento social se quer pôde imaginar algo desse tipo há 2 meses atrás. Portanto, nenhum grupo organizado do campo da esquerda estava devidamente preparado para lidar totalmente com essa situação. Também nos colocamos nesse bloco. Porém, deve-se colocar que nós anarquistas, organizados a partir da perspectiva especifista (em nosso caso compondo a Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira – CAB), sempre apontamos diversos erros que boa parte da esquerda historicamente comete em sua forma de lidar com a organização da luta popular e participação em movimentos sociais. read full story / add a comment
amerik santral / karayib / workplace struggles / press release Wednesday July 03, 2013 20:22 by Entésendikal Premye Me - Batay Ouvriye   image 1 image
Kanmarad Ouvriye ak ouvriyèz read full story / add a comment
The eight ASTRACATOL organisers arrested in Dolores, Tolima, on May 9th, 2013
venezuela / colombia / repression / prisoners / opinion / analysis Wednesday July 03, 2013 19:27 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 4 images
In Colombia, when investment arrives, repression arrives also. Tolima, in the centre of the country, with innumerable mineral and hydro resources, is becoming an important attraction for both national and transnational capital. The problem is that in the same region there are also peasants who, generation after generation have put down their roots, and who do not want to be forced from their land to facilitate a quarry on the mountains. read full story / add a comment

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