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Ρωσία / Ουκρανία / Λευκορωσία / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Tuesday December 28, 2021 19:23 by anarchism.espivblogs   image 1 image
«Όλοι έχουμε φλερτάρει με την ελευθερία, και βαθιά μέσα μας όλοι έχουμε την τάση να κάνουμε πιο σταθερή αυτή τη σχέση. Οι αναρχικές αξίες της ατομικής ελευθερίας, της δημοκρατίας από τα κάτω, και της αποκέντρωσης από κάθε μορφής εξουσία είναι, αν μη τι άλλο, πιο επίκαιρες σήμερα από ποτέ. Τα λέμε στα οδοφράγματα.» read full story / add a comment
iberia / economy / opinion / analysis Monday December 20, 2021 22:58 by miguel G. Gómez   text 10 comments (last - saturday october 21, 2023 05:54)   image 4 images
Alasbarricadas - We echo this historical review on the various positions that the CNT-FAI took along the Spanish Revolution. It is not usually easy to understand the complexity of a historical moment in which so many things were happening at the same time. We consider basic to understand the tactical ups and downs of any revolutionary movement in a historical moment in order to be able to learn something for our future struggles.

The article is not an academic one, but it sheds light on some little-known facts about how the CNT navigated 1938, in terms of tactics and strategy. This period has usually been completely erased, automatically branded as obscure, shameful, claudicating or bureaucratic without any attempt to understand what the libertarian organisations were actually doing. It is assumed that the drift of the war and, as the article says, the pessimism that surrounded the organisation from mid-1937 onwards, resulted in a shift in the strategic line of the libertarian movement to approaches as different from libertarian communism as could be the "trade union state" or corporate socialism.

We know that this article is the tip of the iceberg of a world that cannot be explained in a struggle of the good guys against the bad guys. Everything is full of nuances. We miss an explanation on the opposition to this shift. But to have treated that opposition as it deserves would have diverted the article from conveniently (and at a manageable length) presenting us the official line of the Movimiento Libertario Español (MLE) of '37 and '38.

And by the way, even if this history presents us with an unclear evolution towards bureaucratism and centralism, we are still amazed at with the enormous capacity of those people who built up our organisations and managed the daily lives of millions of people. Because, it must be said, when there was supposedly no social revolution any more, there were still hundreds of thousands of people living in collectivisations and a large part of industry was still under workers' control.

In order to give you an insight into the debates and to be able to elaborate further in-depth studies,

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Διεθνή / Αναρχική Ιστορία / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Tuesday December 07, 2021 17:54 by DimX   image 1 image
Συνεχίστε την Επανάσταση! Μην διστάσετε να αντιμετωπίσετε τη λύση για όλα τα φλέγοντα ζητήματα του παρόντος. Δημιουργείστε παντού τις αναγκαίες οργανώσεις για την επίτευξη των λύσεων αυτών. Αγρότες, πάρτε τη γη και θέστε την στη διάθεση των επιτροπών σας. Εργάτες, συνεχίστε να παίρνετε στα χέρια σας και στις δικές σας κοινωνικές οργανώσεις (παντού) τα ορυχεία και το υπέδαφος, τις επιχειρήσεις και τις εγκαταστάσεις των αεροδρομίων, τις κατασκευές και τα εργοστάσια, τα εργαστήρια και τις μηχανές. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Tuesday November 30, 2021 20:39 by Dmitri   image 1 image
Εμείς στην ACM χαιρετίζουμε την FAU ως πρωτοπόρους στην αναρχική θεωρία και πρακτική. Ευχόμαστε τα επόμενα 65 χρόνια τους να είναι επιτυχημένα. Ποιος ξέρει; Μέχρι τότε μπορεί να έχουμε φτάσει στον κοινό μας στόχο, τον Ελευθεριακό Κομμουνισμό*. - Το παρόν κείμενο γράφτηκε απο τον σύντροφο Όλιβερ, μέλος της οργάνωσης Anarchist Communists Meanjin με σκοπό να παρουσιάσει στο κοινό της Αυστραλίας την ιστορία της Αναρχικής Ομοσπονδίας Ουρουγουάης. read full story / add a comment
south-east asia / miscellaneous / interview Friday November 26, 2021 19:54 by mèo mun, The Final Straw Radio   audio 1 audio file
Mèo Mun is an anarchist collective working to make anarchist materials and ideas more accessible to a Vietnamese audience, together with providing an analysis of social struggles from a Vietnamese anarchist lens. Over the next hour you’ll hear three collective members, Mai, Will and tùng share their critiques of leftist misrepresentations of the Vietnamese State as Socialist, lasting impacts of imperialism and war on populations of Vietnam, the centering US imaginaries of Vietnam, the struggles of working class people in general (and queer folks and sex workers in particular) in Vietnam, nationalism promoted by the government and other topics. read full story / add a comment
france / belgique / luxembourg / mouvement anarchiste / déclaration de principes Tuesday November 23, 2021 00:09 by Union Communiste Libertaire   image 1 image
Aujourd’hui, même très affaibili, le syndicalisme reste un ­contre-pouvoir essentiel face à l’arbitraire patronal et aux visées capitalistes. Et potentiellement, demain, un acteur indispensable de la socialisation des moyens de production, nécessaire pour basculer dans une autre société, communiste et auto­gestionnaire. Comment le réarmer, l’étendre, lui faire embrasser le prolétariat dans toute sa diversité ? Ces questions sont ­revenues plusieurs fois dans les débats du Ier congrès de l’UCL. Ci-dessous, deux extraits des orientations adoptées. read full story / add a comment
international / genre / communiqué de presse Monday November 22, 2021 23:56 by Commission antipatriarcat   text 1 comment (last - monday february 05, 2024 16:54)   image 1 image
Comme chaque année depuis 23 ans, a lieu, le 20 novembre la Journée mondial du souvenir trans, ou Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR). C’est en hommage à Rita Hester, tuée le 20 novembre 1998, que cette date a été choisie en mémoire de toutes les personnes trans [2] tuées ou poussées au suicide dans le monde. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Φύλο / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Monday November 22, 2021 18:02 by Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
Το “διαίρει και βασίλευε” έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί εδώ και καιρό ως εργαλείο, για να μας υποτάξει. To Anarchist Communist Group επιδιώκει την ενότητα της εργατικής τάξης, διότι οι αγώνες μας επιτάσσουν τη συσπείρωση και την αλληλεγγύη, προκειμένου να είναι συνολικοί, στην κατεύθυνση της επαναστατικής κοινωνικής αλλαγής και της δημιουργίας μιας κοινωνίας στην οποία η εκμετάλλευση θα καταργηθεί και όλοι οι πόροι θα είναι κοινοί. read full story / add a comment
international / environment / opinion / analysis Wednesday November 03, 2021 18:55 by mACG   text 2 comments (last - wednesday april 05, 2023 00:51)   image 1 image
What is necessary is to create workplace climate groups that link up with the School Strike for Climate. These groups will discuss the way the climate crisis affects their industries, the responsibility of their bosses for aggravating climate change and what possible solutions could be. They would develop the School Strike for Climate into a Workers’ Strike for Climate. In the process, workers would need to become capable of acting independently of the union officials and of defeating them when these officials try to dampen down action. read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / workplace struggles / opinion / analysis Monday November 01, 2021 13:42 by mACG   text 1 comment (last - wednesday february 01, 2023 10:50)   image 1 image
It should go without saying that Anarchist Communists defend the CFMEU against bosses and the State, even when its officials haven’t done the right thing. It’s up to the labour movement to clean its own house, so neither the CFMEU’s failure over COVID19 nor the personal misbehaviour of the Victorian Secretary justify State intervention against the union. Instead, the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group calls on construction workers to learn the correct lessons from the COVID19 debacle, clean out the ranks of the officials and bring the union under the direct control of the members. The CFMEU is in danger. Only class struggle will save it. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / press release Friday October 29, 2021 17:43 by Oceania anachist communist orgs   image 1 image
We recognise the FAU's contributions to the libertarian movement and the sacrifice of comrades past and present. We send our congratulations on the 65th anniversary of the FAU. In solidarity with the struggle for freedom and socialism, the undersigned Anarchist-Communist groups of Oceania. read full story / add a comment
international / gender / appeal / petition Thursday October 28, 2021 01:32 by Adam
Call for Papers

Burning the Ballot: Feminism Meets Anarchy

A Special Issue of Coils of the Serpent: Journal for the Study of Contemporary Power read full story / add a comment
Capitalism and anti-capitalism
international / miscellaneous / feature Wednesday October 13, 2021 18:54 by International Labour Research and Information Group   text 86 comments (last - saturday december 02, 2023 02:47)   image 2 images
This booklet is a tool to introduce activists to what capitalism is, how it functions and in whose interests, how society is divided into different classes with differences in power and interests, what role the state plays, and how the state functions in the interests of capitalism and the ruling class. Part 1: Capitalism and anti-capitalism aims to help activists deepen their understanding of the system we live under, how a majority of people are exploited, and how and why a majority of people face forms of oppression. It can also be used as a basis for activists to analyse why they face the problems they do, and the deeper reasons for these problems. Part 2: Popular Organisation looks specifically at building a movement. Both new and seasoned activists can use this booklet to think more deeply about the elements, values, principles and practices of movement building. [Português] read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / crime prison and punishment / news report Monday October 11, 2021 23:08 by marusia
Fueron detenidas tres personas de la Federación Anarquista Revolucionaria (DAF) que escribieron sobre la masacre del 10 de octubre en Ankara Yenimahalle.
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internacional / miscellaneous / link para pdf Sunday October 03, 2021 19:40 by International Labour Research and Information Group   text 5 comments (last - friday march 29, 2024 12:30)   image 2 images
Na África do Sul, nos últimos anos, temos visto muitas lutas nos locais de trabalho e nas comunidades. Contudo, uma característica destas lutas é a di culdade de manter e construir organizações que sejam duradouras e que também sejam inclusivas e participativas. Nestas lutas, surgiram novas camadas de activistas. Este livreto tem como objectivo introduzir o que é o capitalismo a esses novos activistas, como este funciona e em cujos interesses, como a sociedade é dividida em diferentes classes com diferenças em poder e interesses, que papel o estado desempenha e como o estado funciona nos interesses do capitalismo e da classe dominante.
[English] read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / migration / racism / opinion / analysis Saturday October 02, 2021 21:00 by Solidarity With migrants   image 1 image
The Greek state has a long tradition in the racist management of refugees and migrants within it. The on going war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa (to which the Greek state actively contributes), the exclusion and exploitation policies, as well as ecological disaster, are forcing hundreds of thousands of people to seek a better future in Europe.
The planning of the European Union, however, holds a nightmarish future for them, with the Greek state being behind the expansive military interventions and at the forefront of the war against migrants on the European territories. read full story / add a comment
Πηγή φωτογραφίας:
Διεθνή / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Wednesday September 29, 2021 21:35 by melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
AUKUS: Ένα μεγάλο βήμα προς τον πόλεμο
Ανακοίνωση της Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group για τη σύναψη της συνεργασίας AUKUS. Δημοσιεύτηκε στις 26 Σεπτέμβρη 2021. read full story / add a comment
eastern asia / culture / review Wednesday September 29, 2021 18:48 by LAmA   text 5 comments (last - wednesday october 04, 2023 11:11)   image 1 image
a review of a dystopian survival drama. read full story / add a comment
Photo credit:
international / imperialism / war / feature Tuesday September 28, 2021 18:00 by melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   text 54 comments (last - monday april 15, 2024 16:25)   image 1 image
Statement from the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group about the announcement of the AUKUS partnership. Released 26 September 2021. read full story / add a comment
internacional / miscellaneous / opinião / análise Thursday September 23, 2021 09:11 by Dorvalina Ribas martins   image 1 image
Nada de ditadura e terror das forças policiais-militares! Chega de políticas de miséria e privatização que quebram a vida das massas populares e devoram pelo mercado tudo que é comum, coletivo, público, solidário.
Isso não é uma escolha! É uma crise apontada como arma para governar o país com o ajuste no grau máximo sobre as conquistas populares e com toda a violência que supõe o modelo liberal diante de um povo atacado severamente pela pandemia mortal que nasce das entranhas do sistema dominante, dos danos sociais e ambientais irreparáveis que deixa em tudo que toca. read full story / add a comment
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