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Capitalism and anti-capitalism
international / miscellaneous / feature Wednesday October 13, 2021 18:54 by International Labour RESEarch and Information Group   text 86 comments (last - saturday december 02, 2023 02:47)   image 2 images
This booklet is a tool to introduce activists to what capitalism is, how it functions and in whose interests, how society is divided into different classes with differences in power and interests, what role the state plays, and how the state functions in the interests of capitalism and the ruling class. Part 1: Capitalism and anti-capitalism aims to help activists deepen their understanding of the system we live under, how a majority of people are exploited, and how and why a majority of people face forms of oppression. It can also be used as a basis for activists to analyse why they face the problems they do, and the deeper reasons for these problems. Part 2: Popular Organisation looks specifically at building a movement. Both new and seasoned activists can use this booklet to think more deeply about the elements, values, principles and practices of movement building. [Português] read full story / add a comment
internacional / miscellaneous / link para pdf Sunday October 03, 2021 19:40 by International Labour RESEarch and Information Group   text 5 comments (last - friday march 29, 2024 12:30)   image 2 images
Na África do Sul, nos últimos anos, temos visto muitas lutas nos locais de trabalho e nas comunidades. Contudo, uma característica destas lutas é a di culdade de manter e construir organizações que sejam duradouras e que também sejam inclusivas e participativas. Nestas lutas, surgiram novas camadas de activistas. Este livreto tem como objectivo introduzir o que é o capitalismo a esses novos activistas, como este funciona e em cujos interesses, como a sociedade é dividida em diferentes classes com diferenças em poder e interesses, que papel o estado desempenha e como o estado funciona nos interesses do capitalismo e da classe dominante.
[English] read full story / add a comment
“A Rats' Revolution” by Diều Hâu
south-east asia / the left / feature Sunday May 09, 2021 21:13 by VietnamESE Anarchists   text 155 comments (last - friday april 12, 2024 14:36)   image 1 image
... to exist is in itself a victory, thus a role manifests itself, a role to represent the voices of Vietnamese radicals. We aim at the future working class, the youth, who are both perpetuating and oppressed by capitalism and the state so that they can break through its oppressive chains.
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international / miscellaneous / opinion / analysis Thursday February 20, 2020 08:01 by Universidade Popular & Movimento dos Trabalhadores DESEmpregados
This booklet, called Capitalism, Anti-capitalism and Popular Organisation, is a publication of the Popular University of Rio de Janeiro in conjunction with the Movement of Unemployed Workers of Rio de Janeiro (MTD-RJ). In this co-edition, we thought that a first and important step would be material that explained, in a simple way, the functioning of the capitalist system and offered a critical and current perspective in relation to it. At the same time, this material should offer more than just criticism. It should present constructive elements that could show ways and possibilities of how to fight capitalism and, also, give some perspectives of struggle in the medium and long term. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Thursday February 28, 2019 18:36 by International Labour RESEarch and Information Group
Very few South Africans are aware that currently in the north and eastern parts of Syria (Rojava) a revolution as progressive, profound and potentially as far reaching as any in history is taking place. There, an alternative system to the state, capitalism and patriarchy is being built and it holds the potential to inspire the struggle for a better, more egalitarian Middle East and indeed world.

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southern africa / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Saturday September 29, 2018 07:27 by International Labour, RESEarch & Information Group
The International Labour, Research & Information Group (ILRIG) along with the forty-one (41) community, labour and other civil society organisations, gathered in Johannesburg for the 16th Annual Globalisation School, condemn in the strongest possible terms the violent repression of the legitimate protest engaged in today by casualised/contract workers at the Ekurhuleni Municipality. The protest was organised by the Simunye Workers Forum (SWF), who are part of the School. read full story / add a comment
argentina / uruguay / paraguay / workplace struggles / press release Thursday March 23, 2017 17:24 by Libertarian Syndicalist Union (ESE Athens)   image 1 image
We denounce the strikebreaking tactic of the employer, which in order to break the mobilization, he prints the Sunday edition of the newspaper in the neighboring country of Chile. The business committee of the AGR-Clarin workers sent a letter to the Chilean unions and in the union of Argentine truckers, asking for their solidarity: not to print or transfer the scabs form. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / migration / racism / press release Wednesday January 28, 2015 20:02 by Libertarian Syndicalist Union (ESE Athens)   image 1 image
Libertarian Syndicalist Union (ESE Athens) supports and joins in solidarity movements for the Syrian refugees (victims of war) which live in Greece. Apart from their fair request for direct provision of asylum and travel documents, these people have huge needs in terms of accommodation, food, health care, etc. Hundreds of Syrian refugees reside in hotels (as a stopgap solution), not in good conditions , being under the responsibility of the Greek government and Athens' mayor. We can also report that food supplies for the above refugees are οbtained from charities and solidarity movements. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / repressione / prigionieri / comunicato stampa Tuesday December 23, 2014 18:31 by Federazione cremonESE Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA, esprime tutta la propria solidarietà ai compagni cremonesi arrestati a Formigine (MO), Aro e Vivi, vittime della aggressione poliziesca mentre si opponevano ad una iniziativa di Forza Nuova. read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / workplace struggles / news report Tuesday July 15, 2014 19:04 by ESE Intrnational   image 1 image
Información sobre las movilizaciones del 13 de julio contra la abolición del domingo como día festivo read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / workplace struggles / comunicado de prensa Friday April 11, 2014 21:19 by Unión Sindical Libertaria (ESE)   image 2 images
Os enviamos un pequeño texto que ESE Atenas ha difundido y repartido en apoyo a la lucha de las aproximadamente seiscientas trabajadoras de la limpieza del Ministerio de Economía, que se encuentran en lucha constante desde hace varios meses tras la decisión del gobierno de despedirlas. Actualmente, las trabajadoras se encuentran en "régimen de reserva laboral" y su despido es inminente. Estamos con ellas y creemos que la difusión de su lucha y las muestras de solidaridad son importantísimas para que puedan seguir adelante. Desde ESE t ambién hemos decidido apoyarlas económicamente, con una pequeña cantidad de nuestro Fondo de Ayuda Mutua, e invitamos a que hagan lo mismo otros sindicatos, colectivos e individualidades, en la medida de sus posibilidades. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / antifascismo / comunicato stampa Thursday February 13, 2014 18:00 by Fedrazione CremonESE della FdCA   image 1 image
La FdCA cremonese vuole esprimere la sua solidarietà ai compagni che hanno manifestato la sera del 10 febbraio a Cremona contro una manifestazione faziosa che vuole speculare sulla drammacità di un evento come quello delle foibe. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / migrazione / razzismo / comunicato stampa Thursday January 23, 2014 07:11 by Coordinamento Antifascista Antirazzista PordenonESE   image 1 image
Sabato 25 gennaio a Pordenone è attesa in veste istituzionale, come rappresentante del governo Letta, Cécile Kyenge ministro dell'integrazione con delega alle Politiche giovanili... read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / antifascismo / evento comunista anarchico Tuesday November 26, 2013 04:35 by Coordinamento Antifascista Antirazzista PordenonESE   image 1 image
Sabato 30 novembre 2013 dalle ore 16.30 in poi in piazza Risorgimento, per discutere di tutto questo e altro, insieme ad un aperitivo popolare con vin brulé, thè caldo e assaggi dei prodotti del GAP, musica, interventi e microfono libero... read full story / add a comment
amerik santral / karayib / workplace struggles / press release Wednesday July 03, 2013 20:22 by Entésendikal Premye Me - Batay Ouvriye   image 1 image
Kanmarad Ouvriye ak ouvriyèz read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / represión / presos / anarchist communist event Tuesday June 25, 2013 09:40 by Darío y Maxi PrESEntes   image 2 images
¡Por una alternativa política de los de abajo, con democracia de base, asamblearia, y de lucha en las calles!

Sábado 22, martes 25 y miércoles 26, todos y todas a la Estación “Darío y Maxi” (ex Avellaneda) y al Puente Pueyrredón read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Tuesday June 04, 2013 19:32 by Luis VarESE
Parafraseando el verso del poeta Ernesto Cardenal, veo con asombro la noticia de que el Presidente de Colombia Juan Manuel Santos anuncia que su gobierno solicitará el ingreso a la OTAN. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / represión / presos / non-anarchist press Sunday March 31, 2013 21:05 by Asociación Nacional de Zonas de RESErva Campesina
En menos de 48 horas fueron asesinados Gustavo Adolfo Pizo en Totoró, Alonso Lozano en Mapiripán y Hermes Vidal en Tierralta. Los tres líderes campesinos, los tres vinculados a la lucha por la tierra y por la dignidad del campesinado. Los tres reclamaban la tierra arrebatada, el territorio para el campesinado, las Zonas de Reserva Campesina. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Tuesday March 26, 2013 22:18 by ASOCIACION NACIONAL DE ZONAS DE RESERVA CAMPESINA
En medio de los ataques de los sectores aferrados a la tierra y al poder contra el campesinado por su defensa de las Zonas de Reserva Campesina (ZRC), nos reunimos alrededor de 3800 campesinas y campesinos de los 50 territorios campesinos que defendemos las Zonas de Reserva Campesina (ZRC), en esta bella e histórica tierra de paz: San Vicente del Caguán, para avanzar en nuestra lucha por la tierra y el territorio, por la Reforma Agraria Integral, por la soberanía alimentaria y la paz con justicia social. read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / workplace struggles / news report Tuesday January 29, 2013 18:44 by ESE International - Διεθνή της ΕΣΕ   text 1 comment (last - wednesday march 06, 2013 05:13)   image 1 image
Comienza a funcionar la fábrica autogestionada de Viomijanikí Metaleftikí (Industrial Minera) read full story / add a comment
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