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asie de l'ouest / impérialisme / guerre / nouvelles Wednesday September 09, 2009 01:19 by Cause commune
Ça fait combien d’années qu’on nous répète dans tous les médias de masse que la guerre en Afghanistan est noble en opposition aux barbares qui torturaient les femmes et régnaient d’une main de fer sur le pays? Que «nos soldats» donnent leur vie pour la démocratie?
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Ásia ocidental / imperialismo / guerra / opinião / análise Sunday September 06, 2009 19:12 by Manuel Baptista   image 1 image
A barbárie que é promovida no Afeganistão pela NATO - OTAN é apenas um capítulo da transformação da máquina de guerra que foi montada e mantida no período da «guerra-fria» em instrumento de sujeição ao capitalismo totalitário, ao império global, seguindo a doutrina do «consenso de Washington».

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western asia / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Wednesday August 19, 2009 02:06 by Kurdish Student Union   image 1 image
The Kurdish Student Union in Ireland has organised a protest outside of Iranian embassy on Thursday 20the August at 1 o’clock to remember 1979 invasion of Kurdistan by the Iranian regime.

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asia occidentale / vari / intervista Sunday August 09, 2009 18:03 by CAL-Alsace/international   image 1 image
Fondata nel 1977, RAWA è la più longeva organizzazione politica attiva in Afghanistan. Il suo obiettivo prioritario è la costruzione di un paese democratico e laico, basato sulla autodeterminazione del popolo afghano e sul riconoscimento dei diritti delle donne. [Français] [English] [Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Deutsch] read full story / add a comment
westasien / verschiedenes / interview Sunday July 26, 2009 23:39 by CAL-Alsace/international   text 1 comment (last - monday july 27, 2009 15:20)   image 1 image
1977 gegründet ist die Revolutionäre Vereinigung der Frauen Afghanistans (RAWA) die älteste in Afghanistan aktive politische Organisation. Ihre Priorität ist die Aufstellung einer demokratischen und sekulären Regierungsform, basierend auf der Selbstbestimmung der Afghaner und der Anerkennung von Frauenrechten [1]. RAWA führt im Geheimen Bildungsaktivitäten durch. Die Aktivisten befinden sich in ständiger Gefahr und gehen deshalb unter dem Deckmantel humanitärer Aktionen vor. Dennoch ist RAWA 'keine humanitäre Organisation' und ihr sozialer Aktivismus ist politisch motiviert. Als Teil einer Lesungstour im Februar hatte Alternative Libertaire die Gelegenheit, mit einer ihrer Aktivistinnen, Zoya, zu sprechen. read full story / add a comment
west-azië / community struggles / persbericht Sunday July 19, 2009 16:43 by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
Het bloedbad dat wordt uitgevoerd door de leiders van de islamitische republiek verplettert de vreedzame oppositie van het volk, wat een einde maakt aan de mythe dat door de islam geïnspireerde staten verschillen van de zogenaamde "seculiere" staten van het Westen: als de klassen die de macht hebben, of het nu een seculiere bourgeoisie of een religieuze bourgeoisie is, door het volk op straat wordt gevraagd verantwoording af te leggen voor hun macht, hun machtsmisbruik, hun voorrechten, hun beperkingen op de vrijheid voor de oppositie, is het gevolg altijd hetzelfde - hevige repressie, mensen worden neergeschoten, veiligheidskrachten keren zich tegen het volk om de demonstranten fysiek te vernietigen, of het nu arbeiders, vrouwen of studenten zijn. [English] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] read full story / add a comment
western asia / miscellaneous / interview Monday July 13, 2009 05:02 by CAL-Alsace/international - Alternative Libertaire   text 2 comments (last - monday july 27, 2009 07:46)   image 2 images
Founded in 1977, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) is the oldest political organization active in Afghanistan. Its' priority is the establishment of a democratic and secular regime, based on the self-determination of the Afghan people and the recognition of the rights of women [1]. RAWA conducts clandestine educational operations. The activists are constantly at risk and thus act under cover of humanitarian action. However, RAWA is 'not a humanitarian organization', and its social activism is driven by political goals. As part of a lecture tour in February, Alternative Libertaire had the opportunity to speak with one of its activists, Zoya. read full story / add a comment
asia occidental / miscellaneous / entrevista Sunday July 12, 2009 08:48 by Alternative Libertaire   text 3 comments (last - monday july 27, 2009 07:52)   image 1 image
Fundada en 1977, la Asociación Revolucionaria de las Mujeres Afganas (RAWA) es la más antigua de las organizaciones políticas activas en Afganistán. Su prioridad es “el establecimiento de un régimen democrático y laico” fundado sobre la autodeterminación del pueblo afgano y donde los derechos de las mujeres sean reconocidos. RAWA desarrolla clandestinamente sus actividades educativas sobre el terreno. Sus militantes están bajo una constante amenaza y por ello actúan bajo el disfraz de la acción humanitaria. Sin embargo, RAWA “no es una organización humanitaria” y sus actividades sociales están subordinadas a sus objetivos políticos.

Dentro del marco de una gira de conferencias que tuvo lugar en febrero, Alternative Libertaire (N.d.T. organización anarquista francesa), pudo entrevistarse con una de sus militantes, Zoya.
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Δυτική Ασία / Διάφορα / Συνέντευξη Friday July 10, 2009 00:25 by CAL-Alsace/international   text 6 comments (last - monday july 27, 2009 07:57)   image 1 image
Συνέντευξη της Zoya (Ζόια), μιάς αγωνίστριας της Επαναστατικής Οργάνωσης Γυναικών του Αφγανιστάν (RAWA: Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan). read full story / add a comment
Δυτική Ασία / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Thursday July 09, 2009 23:00 by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
Το Ιράν, επίσης, έχει την κυβερνώσα καπιταλιστική του τάξη, την εκμεταλλευτική μπουρζουαζία του. Το Ιράν, επίσης, έχει τον οπισθοδρμικό κλήρο του που σκοτώνει τις ελευθερίες. Το Ιράν, επίσης, έχει τον συντριμμένο και καταπιεσμένο της λαό. Τότε λοιπόν, ας αρχίσει μια “Ιντιφάντα” ενάντια στη θεοκρατία της Τεχεράνης. Λαϊκή αντίσταση ενάντια στους καταπιεστές και δολοφόνους. Η Ιρανική εξέγερση είναι μια εξέγερση για την ελπίδα της ελευθερίας και της κοινωνικής δικαιοσύνης. Χρειάζεται όλη τη λαϊκή, αντικρατική, αντιεξουσιαστική, διεθνή αλληλεγγύη που μπορεί να δοθεί! read full story / add a comment
asie de l'ouest / divers / article de fond Thursday July 09, 2009 22:06 by CAL-Alsace/international   text 5 comments (last - monday july 27, 2009 07:44)   image 2 images
Fondée en 1977, l’Association révolutionnaire des femmes afghanes (RAWA) est la plus vieille organisation politique active en Afghanistan. Sa « priorité est l’établissement d’un régime démocratique et laïc », fondé sur l’autodétermination du peuple afghan et où les droits des femmes seraient reconnus. read full story / add a comment
western asia / community struggles / press release Thursday July 09, 2009 16:51 by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
The bloodbath being carried out by the leaders of the islamic republic is crushing the peaceful opposition of the people, putting an end to the myth that Islam-inspired States are different from the West's so-called "secular" States: when the classes in power, be they a secular bourgeoisie or a religious bourgeoisie, are called by the people on the streets to account for their power, their abuse of power, their privileges, their limitations on the freedom of opposition forces, the result is always the same - fierce repression, people being shot, security forces savagely launching themselves on the people to destroy the demonstrators physically, be they workers, women or students. [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] read full story / add a comment
asia occidentale / lotte sul territorio / comunicato stampa Saturday June 27, 2009 00:47 by Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici
Il bagno di sangue con il quale i dirigenti della repubblica islamica stanno schiacciando la pacifica opposizione del popolo mette fine ad ogni pretesa alterità degli Stati di ispirazione islamica rispetto agli Stati cosiddetti "laici" dell'Occidente: quando le classi al potere, siano esse borghesie laiche o religiose, vengono chiamate dal popolo a rispondere in piazza del loro potere, degli abusi, dei privilegi, delle limitazioni della libertà che esse impongono alle opposizioni, allora inizia la repressione più feroce, si spara sulla gente, si lanciano le bestie dei corpi di sicurezza all'assalto per l'annientamento fisico dei manifestanti, siano essi lavoratori, donne, studenti. [English] [Ελληνικά] [Nederlands] read full story / add a comment
asia occidental / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Friday June 26, 2009 03:53 by Dabid LAZKANOITURBURU
La crisis tras la publicación de los resultados de las presidenciales del 12 de junio es en realidad un juego de espejos que oculta una pugna descarnada en la cúspide del poder en la República Islámica. Cada actor, local o extranjero, mueve sus fichas mientras el pueblo iraní paga su precio en sangre y en una desestabilización que tendrá sus consecuencias, en Irán y en el ámbito internacional.

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asia occidental / community struggles / portada Tuesday June 23, 2009 20:40 by José Antonio Gutiérrez & ALB Noticias   text 1 comment (last - sunday june 28, 2009 14:55)   image 1 image
La siguiente entrevista, por ALB-Noticias con apoyo de José Antonio Gutiérrez (colaborador de, fue realizada a Payman Piedar, militante anarquista exiliado iraní, quien ha participado en numerosas iniciativas libertarias tanto en los EEUU como en el Perú. Además, ha sido editor de la revista anarquista Nakhdar, editada en inglés y en farsi (puede consultarse más sobre su trayectoria política y su análisis general sobre la situación iraní en la siguiente entrevista realizada por los compañeros de NEFAC En la siguiente entrevista, intentamos dilucidar, en medio de las distorsiones de los medios occidentales y de la censura de los medios iraníes, las claves para comprender lo que realmente está pasando en estos días en Irán. Si bien no estamos ante una sublevación de carácter revolucionario, al calor de la agitación social siempre crecen las probabilidades de subversión popular. read full story / add a comment
western asia / repression / prisoners / opinion / analysis Thursday June 18, 2009 02:59 by Farah   text 7 comments (last - friday july 03, 2009 06:37)   image 1 image
The Iranian government’s campaign to mold ‘model’ Islamic citizens has not only fashioned a profound crisis of loyalty to the religious ‘ideals of the revolution’, it has nurtured action that many have silently prayed for - as the public sphere, the last bastion of the religious elites grip on power, was shot open by their own guns Sunday. read full story / add a comment
western asia / workplace struggles / opinion/analysis Thursday April 30, 2009 18:57 by هه‌ژێن
یه‌کی ئایار و چه‌کی چینایه‌تی بۆ گۆڕینی کۆمه‌ڵایه‌تییانه‌ی کۆمه‌ڵگه‌ی چینایه‌تی read full story / add a comment
Poster for meeting
western asia / history / link to audio Tuesday April 28, 2009 20:05 by Andrew editing - Farah recording - Torab Saleh speaking   image 1 image   audio 1 audio file
Torab Saleh who took part in the Iranian revolution of 1979 spoke in Dublin of his personal experiences of that time and the challenges it presented to him and others on the left. This is the audio recording of that meeting. read full story / add a comment
western asia / imperialism / war / other libertarian press Monday January 19, 2009 04:55 by Popular Revolutionary Anarchist Organization (Mexico)   image 1 image
On December 27, the Israeli army intensified its military campaign against the Palestinian people. From that date until the writing of this declaration, approximately 750 Palestinians have died, many of them non-combatant women and children, and the number of wounded has risen to more than 3,000. read full story / add a comment
west-azië / imperialisme / oorlog / opinion/analysis Sunday October 26, 2008 16:58 by James O'Brien   image 1 image
Sommige dingen in het leven zijn nogal duidelijk. Een is dat je niet een zwaar bewapende bende die 30 keer zo groot is als jezelf aanvalt.
Dus wat dacht het Georgische leiderschap toen het bevel gaf tot een aanval op Zuid Ossetie? Er kan geen sprake van zijn dat ze dachten dat ze Rusland zouden verslaan. Er zijn tenslotte grenzen aan de menselijke idiotie. read full story / add a comment
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