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southern africa / community struggles / non-anarchist press Saturday August 14, 2010 15:30 by Kerry Chance
This report gives a detailed timeline of the events on the day and night of the attack on Abahlali baseMjondolo. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / the left / other libertarian press Sunday August 08, 2010 03:11 by Zodwa Nsibande, S'bu Zikode
S'bu Zikode, chairperson of Abahlali baseMjondolo, and Zodwa Nsibande, secretary of the organisation's Youth League, on the authoritarian left, the world cup, delivery and more. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / history of anarchism / anarchist communist event Wednesday August 04, 2010 17:32 by Warren McGregor   image 1 image
BLACK FLAME: The revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism by Lucien van der Walt & Michael Schmidt, examines the anti-authoritarian class politics of the anarchist/syndicalist movement, and its 150 years of revolutionary popular struggle on five continents.

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southern africa / repression / prisoners / non-anarchist press Thursday July 15, 2010 05:44 by Abahlali baseMjondolo
The political interference around this case continued in the lead up to the start of the trial today. The prisoners were not brought to court and the state witnesses were not summoned to appear in court making it impossible for the trial to begin.

Neither the Investigating Officer nor the prosecutor could explain why the prisoners were not brought to the court or why the state witnesses had not been summoned to appear in court. read full story / add a comment
southern africa / economy / non-anarchist press Tuesday July 13, 2010 05:21 by John S. Saul
I first knew Mozambique through close contact in Dar es Salaam with FRELIMO in the early and difficult years – the 1960s and the first-half of 1970s – of its armed liberation struggle. Then Mozambique was seeking both to unite itself and to find political and military purchase against an intransigent and arrogant Portuguese colonialism. And FRELIMO – under the leadership of, first, Eduardo Mondlane (to be assassinated by the Portuguese) and, after him, of Samora Machel – did indeed manage, by 1975, to lead the country to victory. Along the way, FRELIMO succeeded in liberating zones in Mozambique adjacent to its rear bases in Tanzania and Zambia where it built a new social infrastructure of agricultural coops, schools and health services. Equally important, it forged an impressive corps of politically conscious and disciplined leadership cadres (see Cabaço, 2001 and 2009). read full story / add a comment
südliches afrika / verschiedenes / pressemitteilung Wednesday July 07, 2010 19:17 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft muss als die Schande aufgezeigt werden, die sie ist. Die ZACF verurteilt zutiefst die Scheinheiligkeit und Verlogenheit, mit der die Regierung die Weltmeisterschaft als einzigartige Gelegenheit zur Steigerung der ökonomischen und sozialen Verhältnisse der in Südafrika und Afrika lebenden Bevölkerung präsentiert. Dabei ist und war diese Gelegenheit lediglich eine Fressorgie für das inländische und globale Kapital und die in Südafrika herrschende Elite. Tatsächlich hat das Ereignis verheerende Konsequenzen für die Armen und die arbeitende Klasse in Südafrika – ein Vorgang, der bereits begonnen hat.
[Italiano] [Français] [Ελληνικά] [Polski] [Português] [Castellano] [Nederlands] [Dansk] [English] read full story / add a comment
Vi giver FIFA det rød/sorte kort
sydlige afrika / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Saturday July 03, 2010 04:57 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
VM 2010 må afsløres som det fuldkomne humbug, det er. Den sydafrikanske anarkistføderation Zabalaza fordømmer kraftigt den sydafrikanske regerings frækhed og hykleri, når de præsenterer verdensmesterskabet som en enestående mulighed for løfte det sydafrikanske folk og resten af kontinentet, økonomisk og socialt.

Det er helt klart, at ”muligheden” er og bliver en mulighed for nye indtjeninger til den globale og hjemlige kapital og den sydafrikanske herskerklasse. Faktisk er der, om noget, større sandsynlighed for, at mesterskaberne har skadelige konsekvenser for Sydafrikas fattige og for arbejderklassen – hvilket vi allerede har set eksempler på.
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africa meridionale / economia / stampa non anarchica Monday June 21, 2010 19:21 by Dale T. McKinley
Corre un bel rischio chi volesse tentare un approccio critico, pubblico e non apologetico, dei Mondiali di Calcio, proprio mentre nel nostro paese siamo al culmine della frenesia collettiva per le aspettative di buoni risultati, nutrite da un buon sentimento nazionale e da una diffusa eccitazione. Ma è un rischio che bisogna proprio assumersi poichè, indipendentenente al contesto, è sempre necessario distinguere il mito dalla realtà. Nel caso del "più grande spettacolo del mondo", dando pure per scontati sia la bellezza che il divertimento insiti nel gioco del calcio, la fabbricazione del mito ha creato una situazione di ebbrezza, un sorta di forte e veloce euforia che oscura la realtà, a cui seguirà una rapida caduta depressiva nel ritorno alla realtà. [English] read full story / add a comment
Give Fifa the Red & Black Card
zuidelijk afrika / miscellaneous / persbericht Sunday June 20, 2010 15:37 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Van het wereldkampioenschap voetbal moet worden vastgesteld wat voor namaak het is. De ZACF veroordeelt de onbeschaamdheid en hypocrisie van de regering, waarbij het de gelegenheid presenteert als een uitzonderlijke kans voor het economisch en sociaal verheffen van degenen die in Zuid-Afrika (en de rest van het continent) wonen. [English] [Italiano] [Français] [Ελληνικά] [Polski] [Português] [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
África austral / miscellaneous / comunicado de prensa Friday June 18, 2010 19:14 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Fron   image 1 image
El Mundial de Fútbol 2010 de la FIFA debe ser expuesto como la completa farsa que es. El ZACF condena duramente el atrevimiento y la hipocresía del gobierno al presentar el evento como una oportunidad “única en la vida” para el desarrollo de aquellos que viven en Sudáfrica (y el resto del continente). [English] [Italiano] [Français] [Ελληνικά] [Polski] [Português] read full story / add a comment
southern africa / economy / non-anarchist press Friday June 18, 2010 04:48 by Dale T. McKinley
Offering an unapologetic public critique of the FIFA Soccer World Cup at the height of the collective frenzy of positive expectation, feel-good nationalism and general public excitement that now exists in our country is a risky thing to do. But it is a risk that needs to be taken precisely because, no matter what the context, myths always need to be separated from realities. In the case of the ‘greatest show on earth’, leaving aside the very real beauty and enjoyment of the game of soccer, the myth-making has created a situation akin to inhaling tik – a short-lived high/euphoria that obscures all reality, followed by a rapid, depressing ‘come down’ back to that reality. read full story / add a comment
africa meridionale / cultura / stampa non anarchica Thursday June 17, 2010 20:09 by Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign   image 1 image
All’ombra delle montagne, 36 squadre provenienti da 40 differenti quartieri si sono date appuntamento ieri per giocare al gioco che amano di più: il CALCIO. Il 13 giugno 2010, si sono giocati alla grande i primi mondiali di calcio dei poveri sul campo di Avendole, vicino alla stadio di Athlone a Città del Capo. Di primo mattino, i primi pulmini con le squadre di calcio sono giunti da tutta Città del Capo per disputare il loro primo mondiale dei poveri. Erano tutti entusiasti e l’atmosfera era quella giusta, nonostante le pessime previsioni del tempo. [English] read full story / add a comment
southern africa / culture / non-anarchist press Tuesday June 15, 2010 23:55 by Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign   image 1 image
At the shadow side of the mountain, 36 teams from 40 different communities came together yesterday to play the one thing they like the most: SOCCER!
On the 13th of June 2010, the Poor People’s World Cup successfully kicked-off their first day of matches at the Avendale soccer fields, next to Athlone stadium in Cape Town. Early in the morning, the first minibuses with soccer teams arrived from all over Cape Town to play their first games in this Poor People’s tournament. Everybody was excited and the atmosphere was amazing, considering the bad weather forecasts. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
Cartão vermelho e preto para a Copa do Mundo
África austral / miscellaneous / comunicado de imprensa Monday June 14, 2010 23:49 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
A Copa do Mundo de 2010 deve ser exposta publicamente como a grande farsa que é. A Frente Anarquista Comunista Zabalaza (ZACF), da África do Sul, condena veementemente o cinismo e a hipocrisia do governo sul-africano que apresenta este momento como uma oportunidade única "apenas uma vez na vida" para a melhoria da situação econômica e social das pessoas que vivem no país (assim como no resto do continente). [Français] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Polski] read full story / add a comment
Give Fifa the Red & Black Card
afryka południowa / miscellaneous / komunikat prasowy Monday June 14, 2010 01:36 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Mistrzostwa Świata w Piłce Nożnej są oszustwem, które należy ujawnić. ZACF potępia bezczelność i hipokryzję rządu, który przedstawia mistrzostwa jako „jedyną w życiu” okazję, by polepszyć społeczny i ekonomiczny poziom życia Południowych Afrykańczyków oraz mieszkańców pozostałej części kontynentu. To jasne, że mistrzostwa stanowią „okazję” tylko dla globalnego i lokalnego kapitału i dla elity rządzącej w RPA. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że to wydarzenie przyniesie katastrofalne konsekwencje dla biednych i pracujących w RPA, co zresztą już ma miejsce. [English] [Italiano] [Français] [Ελληνικά] read full story / add a comment
να δείξουμε τη μαυροκόκκινη κάρτα στη FIFA!
Νότια Αφρική (Περιφέρεια) / Πολιτισμός / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Sunday June 13, 2010 11:03 by μετάφραση   image 2 images
Μια ανακοίνωση της αναρχικής κομμουνιστικής νοτιαφρικάνικης οργάνωσης ZACF για το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο Ποδοσφαίρου 2010 στη Νότια Αφρική. read full story / add a comment
Diamo alla FIFA il cartellino rosso & nero
africa meridionale / vari / comunicato stampa Saturday June 12, 2010 14:47 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Questi mondiali di calcio 2010 sono una vergogna e bisogna denunciarlo. Il ZACF condanna fortemente l’arroganza e l’ipocrisia del governo sud-africano nel presentare questa occasione come una opportunità “irripetibile” per il miglioramento delle condizioni economiche e sociali degli abitanti del Sud Africa (e di tutto il continente). Quello che invece è del tutto chiaro è che è stata ed è una “opportunità” solo per gli appetiti del capitale globale e nazionale nonché per le classi governanti del Sud Africa. Infatti, l’evento dei mondiali ha avuto ed avrà conseguenze devastanti per i poveri e per la classe lavoratrice del Sud Africa – un processo in corso ed invisibile. [English] [Français] read full story / add a comment
Give Fifa the Red & Black Card
southern africa / miscellaneous / feature Friday June 11, 2010 22:37 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   text 7 comments (last - friday june 25, 2010 01:01)   image 2 images   video 2 video files
The 2010 Soccer World Cup must be exposed for the utter sham that it is. The ZACF strongly condemns the audacity and hypocrisy of the government in presenting the occasion as a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity for the economic and social upliftment of those living in South Africa (and the rest of the continent). What is glaringly clear is that the “opportunity” is and continues to be that of a feeding-frenzy for global and domestic capital and the South African ruling elite. In fact, if anything, the event is more likely to have devastating consequences for South Africa’s poor and working class – a process that is already underway. [Italiano] [Français] [Ελληνικά] [Polski] [Português] [Castellano] [Nederlands] [Dansk] [Deutsch] read full story / add a comment
Give Fifa the Red & Black Card
région sud de l'afrique / divers / communiqué de presse Friday June 11, 2010 17:44 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
La Coupe du monde 2010 doit être exposée publiquement comme l’imposture absolue qu’elle est. Le Front Anarchiste Communiste Zabalaza (ZACF) condamne fermement l’audace et l’hypocrisie du gouvernement qui présente cette occasion comme une opportunité unique "une fois seule dans sa vie" pour l’amélioration économique et sociale des personnes vivant en Afrique du Sud (comme sur le reste du continent). [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Polski] [Português] [Castellano] [Nederlands] [Dansk] [English] [Deutsch] read full story / add a comment
southern africa / community struggles / anarchist communist event Thursday June 10, 2010 22:25 by Anti-Privatisation Forum   image 1 image
The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF) and allies will be embarking on a march tomorrow (11th June) to coincide with the opening of the 2010 Soccer World Cup. The march will start at 09h00 from Ben Naude Drive, opposite Fons Luminous Combined School Assembly Area and will proceed along the Rand Show Road/Aerodrome Drive towards Soccer City. The APF urges all community and other civil society organisations who share our concerns and who wish to add their voices, to join us. We have no intention of disrupting the World Cup but simply to voice our discontent/concerns. read full story / add a comment
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