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Rubén González
venezuela / colombia / represión / presos / other libertarian press Wednesday March 02, 2011 07:57 by El Libertario, Venezuela   image 1 image
* La "justicia" del Estado autoritario ha condenado a un luchador obrero como parte de su reiterada política de represión y criminalización de la protesta social, que revela el auténtico rostro del pretendido "socialismo bolivariano". ¡Solidaridad con las luchas de los trabajadores venezolanos! ¡Exigamos la inmediata libertad de Rubén González! read full story / add a comment
internazionale / imperialismo / guerra / altra stampa libertaria Sunday February 27, 2011 17:08 by Lucio Garofalo
Per raccontare la crisi i mezzi di disinformazione di massa hanno divulgato notizie false e distorte come l’idea che la fase critica abbia esaurito gli effetti più duri e sia in corso una ripresa dell’economia. All’inizio qualcuno ha avuto interesse a seminare il panico perché grazie alla psicosi sociale ha realizzato altre operazioni speculative. Oggi si soffia nella direzione opposta, accreditando l’idea che la bufera sia cessata. Secondo una leggenda metropolitana la recessione si colloca nell’orbita delle speculazioni dell’alta finanza internazionale. read full story / add a comment
international / anarchist movement / other libertarian press Tuesday February 22, 2011 17:57 by darkryder
Here in the US we live at the heart of the capitalist empire. More than any other people in the world, we have the opportunity, and the responsibility, to derail the imperial machine. This year the IMF and World Bank will once again begin their spring meetings on April 16. The IMF Resistance Network invites all enemies of neoliberal capitalism to join us in the streets of DC to fight for a just and free world.

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bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / la izquierda / other libertarian press Thursday February 03, 2011 17:53 by Raúnl Zibechi
A finales de diciembre se produjo un hecho sin precedente en la historia reciente de América Latina: el primer levantamiento popular contra un gobierno de izquierda, provocado por el aumento del precio de los combustibles decidido por el gobierno de Evo Morales. Es posible que sea el hecho político cualitativamente más importante generado por los de abajo desde el caracazo de febrero de 1989 contra uno de los primeros ajustes neoliberales en la región. Si esto fuera así, se abriría una nueva etapa en las luchas sociales en un periodo caracterizado por el alza generalizada de los alimentos.

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The Seattle Solidarity Network's "Winnability" Graph
international / workplace struggles / other libertarian press Thursday February 03, 2011 16:55 by John E Jacobsen   image 1 image
A short overview of the benefits of a new organizing model coming out of Seattle, Washington. This article discusses the benefits of forming a Solidarity Network in your home town. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / other libertarian press Thursday January 27, 2011 11:35 by Julian Assange

In the midst of hacktivists using ECDs (similar to distributed denial of service attacks) to defend Wikileaks, it's worth having a document that describes how such attacks are planned and executed. Such a zine has recently been released that is written in laypersons terms so expertise in computing or networking is certainly not needed to understand it. If you have the ability to browse the web and edit a Microsoft Word document, you've probably got what it takes to understand the ideas it presents. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / economy / other libertarian press Saturday January 15, 2011 12:26 by Dana Gabriel
While Canada does need to lessen its dependency on the U.S. economy, CETA is based on the failed NAFTA trade model and will only serve to accelerate the corporate takeover of the country. As talks enter their final crucial stages, there are growing concerns over the threat CETA poses to Canadian sovereignty. Coupled with the financial turmoil sweeping Europe, deep economic integration with the EU could prove disastrous.

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italia / svizzera / la sinistra / altra stampa libertaria Tuesday January 11, 2011 18:23 by Studenti e Precari
Siamo studenti e studentesse, stagisti, commessi, ricercatori e operaie, ovviamente precari e precarie. Ci avete formato anni per mettere a valore le nostre conoscenze. Provate a disciplinarci dentro programmi scolastici fissi e crediti alienanti. Ci fate lavorare per un panino e una mezza bottiglietta d’acqua all’ora, senza uno straccio di diritto, né il buono pasto, né la pausa per pisciare. Metà del nostro stipendio se ne va in affitto, un viaggio in treno vale una nostra giornata di lavoro. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / crime prison and punishment / other libertarian press Friday January 07, 2011 03:58 by smash all idols
Anthony Rayson, founder of the South Chicago ABC Zine Distro + Migs and Sarah of N.W. Chicagoland ABC Zine Distro will be visiting Cleveland, OH from the Chicago area. They provide indigent prisoners revolutionary materials in zine form. They also work with conscious prisoner writers and artists. They will give a presentation about their work, and bring lots of zines to share read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / la sinistra / altra stampa libertaria Tuesday January 04, 2011 21:05 by Paula Roupa, Nikos Maziotis, Kostas Gournas
Comunicato dei tre membri prigionieri di Lotta Rivoluzionaria riguardo agli attacchi alle ambasciate read full story / add a comment
Volante Feria
venezuela / colombia / movimiento anarquista / other libertarian press Wednesday December 22, 2010 08:14 by Memo   text 1 comment (last - wednesday december 22, 2010 23:22)   image 1 image
Medellin, Colombia
Discusiones en torno al accionar anarquista. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sindacali / altra stampa libertaria Friday December 10, 2010 16:46 by Antonio Camuso
Quell’8 dicembre del 1977 quando Brindisi corse il rischiò di essere distrutta dal rogo del Petrolchimico….rileggendo le pagine del Quotidiano di 31 anni fa.
Versione integrale del nostro articolo apparso in forma parzialmente ridotta, ma salvo nei contenuti, sul Quotidiano di Puglia, nelle cronache di Brindisi, oggi 9 dicembre 2010. read full story / add a comment
international / workplace struggles / other libertarian press Thursday December 09, 2010 03:27 by Evangelismos squat Crete Greece
Οn the 24th November, many student demonstrations took place in Britain, in which participated over 50,000 people. The march was called in response to the new educational measures announced by the British government. read full story / add a comment
Marcha del Orgullo Gay, Santiago de Chile, 2010
irlanda / gran bretaña / género / other libertarian press Friday December 03, 2010 13:16 by Jamrat Mason   image 1 image
[...] De esta forma, la transfobia tiene sus orígenes en el sexismo. Algunas personas creen que las mujeres trans no tienen la posibilidad de saber lo que es ser una mujer porque no han vivido el sexismo. Pero la transfobia que reciben las mujeres trans ES sexismo, ¡multiplicado por cien!

Algunas personas dicen que los hombres tans están meramente intentando escapar del sexismo al volverse hombres. Déjenme decirles que cuando eres transexual no escapas de él, sino que eres empujado directo a un enorme pantano de sexismo. Cuando vives ambas caras e incluso más, comienzas a ver el sexismo, te das cuenta de él cuando otras personas no lo hacen. Cuando juegas con el género, eres testigo del flujo de poder.


¿Qué es lo que queremos con nuestras Marchas de Orgullo y nuestro activismo?

¿La libertad de caminar por la calle vestido como quieras, besando a quien te guste, emparejado por los sectores caros del centro y oeste de Londres? ¿Qué hay de besarse en Clapton, Stratford, East Ham? ¿Qué hay acerca de ser libres en nuestras comunidades de clase obrera, en donde de hecho vivimos? ¿Cuándo seremos libres de expresar nuestro amor, nuestro género, nuestros cuerpos sin el miedo de ser apaleados por bandas de adolescentes? ¿Y qué hay acerca de esos adolescentes, nuestros vecinos? ¿Cuándo ese adolescente se sentirá libre de mamársela a su amigo, o de usar un vestido, sin el miedo de ser completamente rechazado o sin pensar que eso lo hará ser una persona totalmente distinta? read full story / add a comment
argentina/uruguay/paraguay / medio ambiente / other libertarian press Thursday November 25, 2010 21:54 by Luis E. Sabini Fernandez *
¿Dialectica o trialectica?

Si la brusca e inesperada desaparición de “la era soviética” nos hizo pensar en algún momento inicial que se simplificaba el panorama ideológico del mundo contemporáneo, el escaso tiempo transcurrido nos ha revelado que de ninguna manera ha sobrevenido una dicotomía política.
Es que, en rigor, el siglo XX vio más a menudo tres actores o más en pugna, por lo menos mucho más frecuentemente que lo que los dictados de una dialéctica presuntamente científica (más bien cientificista) nos autorizaba vislumbrar. read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / repression / prisoners / other libertarian press Thursday November 25, 2010 19:05 by various
Immediate Solidarity with our companions kidnapped by the Power! The “terrorist conspiracy” exists only in the head of the prosecutor Peña! read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / storia dell'anarchismo / altra stampa libertaria Wednesday November 24, 2010 20:13 by Comitato Empolese   image 1 image
Vi chiediamo pertanto di aderire alla petizione online che troverete sul sito, dove potrete avere anche ulteriori informazioni. read full story / add a comment
africa occidentale / imperialismo / guerra / altra stampa libertaria Tuesday November 23, 2010 02:28 by anonimo
Esercito marocchino, polizia e forze ausiliarie contro centinaia di saharawi read full story / add a comment
southern africa / community struggles / other libertarian press Sunday November 21, 2010 00:14 by Sherry
The Abahlali baseMjondolo describe their politics as “a homemade politics that everyone can understand and find a home in”. They believe in politics that are shaped not by an outlined external ideology, but by the current and relevant experiences of its people. Politics derived from any singular prescribed theory, they argue, creates elitism and patronage. By building their political aims and beliefs directly and internally, they are more successful in addressing the realistic needs of its participants. It is very much a politics of the here and now. They have called for “a living communism” and are adamantly anti-capitalism, particularly in their beliefs that private land should be made public for housing. read full story / add a comment
África del norte / movimiento anarquista / other libertarian press Saturday November 13, 2010 01:36 by Confederación General del Trabajo   image 1 image
Ya está puesta en marcha la nueva web de la CGT del Norte de África, un altavoz donde se amplifican un buen número de luchas de este espacio geográfico, en el cual la CGT lleva bastantes años confluyendo con diferentes organizaciones y movimientos sociales, con gentes que intentan con su lucha diaria hacer frente a la dictadura en la que les obligan a vivir. read full story / add a comment
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