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américa del norte / méxico / migración / racismo / comunicado de prensa Wednesday June 03, 2020 03:49 par Varias organizaciones anarquistas   image 1 image
Repudiamos el asesinato de George Floyd a manos de la policía de Minneapolis, en otro acto racista en el seno de la potencia imperialista mundial. Este acto se suma a los incontables asesinatos de población negra en los EEUU, que se perpetran desde la época de la esclavitud y que no han cesado hasta nuestros días. En el gobierno de Obama fueron decenas los asesinatos de jóvenes negros/as que hicieron recordar hechos similares llevados a cabo en los años 50 y 60 del siglo XX. La respuesta fue una rápida irrupción del movimiento negro a lo largo y ancho del país, del mismo modo en que se desarrollan en estos momentos amplias manifestaciones que demuestran que la población está harta de la violencia e impunidad policial. Fue incendiada por los/as manifestantes la jefatura de policía de Minneapolis y atacados varios vehículos, hechos de acción directa se llevan a cabo en diversas ciudades con enfrentamientos con la policía, e incluso Trump ha dado orden de que el Ejército salga a la calle. El racismo, elemento estructural en la sociedad capitalista, especialmente en la norteamericana, está intacto lamentablemente, pero también la resistencia y lucha del pueblo negro y de los pobres del norte.
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amérique du nord / mexique / migration / racisme / communiqué de presse Wednesday June 03, 2020 03:39 par Diverses organisations anarchistes   image 1 image
Nous condamnons le meurtre de George Floyd par la police de Minneapolis, marquant un acte raciste de plus au sein de la première puissance impérialiste mondiale. Cet acte vient s'ajouter aux innombrables meurtres dans la population noire aux États-Unis, qui ont été perpétrés depuis l'époque de l'esclavage et n'ont pas cessé jusqu'à ce jour. Sous l'administration Obama, des dizaines de meurtres de jeunes femmes et de jeunes homme noires ont rappelé les événements similaires des années 1950 et 1960. read full story / add a comment
nordamerika / mexiko / migration / rassismus / pressemitteilung Wednesday June 03, 2020 03:25 par Verschiedene anarchistische Organisationen   image 1 image
Wir verurteilen den feigen Mord an George Floyd durch die Hände der Polizeibeamt*innen von Minneapolis scharf. Er stellt einen weiteren rassistischen Akt im Herzen einer imperialistischen Weltmacht dar. Dieses Ereignis reiht sich ein in die zahllosen Morde an People of Color und der afro-stämmigen Bevölkerung in den Vereinigten Staaten, die seit den Tagen der Sklaverei weitergehen und immer noch nicht aufgehört haben. Während der Regierung Obamas gab es Dutzende von Morden an jungen Schwarzen, was an ähnliche rassistische Zeiten in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren erinnert. read full story / add a comment
nord america / messico / migrazione / razzismo / comunicato stampa Wednesday June 03, 2020 03:19 par Varie organizzazioni anarchiche   image 1 image
Tutto il nostro supporto alle organizzazioni anarchiche Condanniamo il vile assassinio di George Floyd per mano dei poliziotti di Minneapolis, un altro atto razzista nel cuore di una potenza imperialista mondiale. Un ennesimo caso che si aggiunge all'innumerevole numero di uccisioni di persone di colore e della popolazione afro-americana perpretrate negli Stati Uniti, che continua dai tempi della schiavitù e non si è mai fermato: anche durante il governo di Obama ci sono state decine di uccisioni di giovani neri, come nei tempi razzisti degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anti-fascism / opinion / analysis Wednesday May 27, 2020 04:27 par Wayne Price   image 1 image
Donald Trump is the culmination of how the Republican Party has been developing for years. Together they threaten to establish an authoritarian state in the service of big capital. They endanger the lives, health, and living standards of the working class and the rest of the population. But supporting the Democratic Party is not the solution. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / non-anarchist press Wednesday April 15, 2020 23:08 par Laurie Dobson   text 5 comments (last - monday april 01, 2024 20:04)
As people come to grips with the announcement today that Bernie Sanders has suspended, i.e. dropped out of, his campaign, a myriad of collective feelings will have to run their inevitable course. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Tuesday February 18, 2020 08:37 par Wayne Price   text 4 comments (last - wednesday march 23, 2022 00:38)   image 1 image
**Many people regard anarchism and socialism as contradictory programs. This is based on the conception of "socialism" as state ownership of the economy. Yet historically, anarchists have regarded this program as "state socialism" or "authoritarian socialism." They have rejected such views in favor of "anarchist-socialism" or "libertarian socialism." This concept of anarchism as a variety of socialism remains important today in opposition to pro-capitalist "libertarianism" and to "democratic socialism"--that is, reformist state socialism.** read full story / add a comment
Οι άλλες γυναίκες την πολιορκούσαν σαν ένα αίνιγμα "Γιατί είσαι εδώ;" την ρώτησε μια φυλακισμένη. "Για κλοπή;", "Όχι”. “Διακίνηση ναρκωτικών;” "Όχι, τίποτα από αυτά" είπε η Ella, γελώντας. "Λοιπόν, τι έκανες και καταδικάστηκες σε δεκαοκτώ μήνες;" “Είμαι αναρχική” απάντησε η Ella. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / opinion / analysis Monday January 13, 2020 10:26 par Wayne Price   image 1 image
What happens next after Trump's impeachment and trial? What is the Democratic vs. Republican conflict really about? Does the Constitution provide any guidance? How should anarchists and other radicals position themselves politically? read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Wednesday November 27, 2019 03:04 par Robin J. Cartwright   video 2 video files
The "Battle of Seattle," which began November 30th, 1999, was a major event in the history of US radical struggle, and one of the high-points of the "non-violent direct action movement." Exactly 20 years later, Robin J. Cartwright analyzes the the rise, fall, and inner contradictions of the non-violent direct action movement, as well as the lessons we can learn from it today. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / workplace struggles / news report Tuesday September 17, 2019 05:59 par Working Class Revolt!   text 1 comment (last - thursday july 13, 2023 20:07)   image 1 image
On September 15, 2019, in South Burlington Vermont, former Green Mountain Anarchist Collective-NEFAC member David Van Deusen was elected President of the Vermont AFL-CIO. Former ISO member, and union nurse, Tristin Adie was elected as Executive Vice President. Van Deusen and Adie were part of the larger progressive United! slate which swept into leadership positions capturing 14 of the 15 seats on the Vermont State Labor Council’s Executive Board. This marks a sharp turn towards the left for Organized Labor in Vermont. Let’s see what comes next! read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / feature Wednesday July 03, 2019 15:37 par Wayne Price   image 1 image
Many liberals and other Democrats see Trump as the main problem facing the U.S. Therefore their focus is on defeating him in the next election (or impeachment). They focus on the electoral system and hope for salvation through government action. I disagree. Trump is a major problem, but he is the culmination of years of political and economic development, and is related to similar politics in other countries. The fight against Trumpism requires a non-electoral and militant program. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Monday June 24, 2019 04:13 par Vijay Prashad
Canada’s embassy in Venezuela has just been closed. The spur for this closure is an open attempt by Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to overthrow Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro. Canada is one of the leaders of the Lima Group, a network of countries that came together in 2017 with the express purpose of regime change in Venezuela. Canada’s diplomatic corps has played the role of facilitator for the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó. Trudeau and Guaidó speak regularly. Their plot against Venezuela thickens. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Friday June 21, 2019 01:47 par Justin Podur
After withdrawing from the nuclear deal with Iran last year and resuming sanctions last November, the White House in April announced that its goal was to “drive Iranian exports to zero.” To make this drive happen, the White House stopped allowing countries like India, China, Japan, Turkey, and South Korea to import Iranian oil: dictating to sovereign countries whom they can trade with. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anti-fascism / opinion / analysis Tuesday May 07, 2019 11:53 par Wayne Price   text 3 comments (last - sunday may 23, 2021 10:32)   image 1 image
There has been an increase in anti-Jewish actions in the U.S. Why is this? Why have Jews been focused on by fascists and haters? There are traditional reasons for anti-semitism. The establishment of the state of Israel has created an interaction between anti-semitism and anti-Zionism. Where anti-semitism is irrational and reactionary, anti-Zionism is a just response to the oppression of Palestinian Arabs and Israel's alliance with U.S. imperialism. read full story / add a comment
Albert Parsons in the 1870s
north america / mexico / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Wednesday May 01, 2019 21:38 par Albert Parsons   image 2 images
As a tribute to one of the most remarkable agitators in labour history, we publish on May Day the autobiography of Albert Parsons. He was one of the five Chicago Anarchists who were tried in 1886-1887 and executed in November 1887 for their role as 8-hour working-day agitators and as anarchist militants. This mock-trial in 'the land of liberty' is one of the most shameful events in the history of labour in the whole world, and gave rise to May Day commemorations all over the world -the day was picked, because the repression which ended up in the 'legal lynching' of the Chicago Martyrs started after the general strike for the 8 hours working-day in May 1st 1886. This day is commemorated all over the world in memory of the Chicago Martyrs -unsurprisingly, one of the few countries which does not commemorate May Day is the land where this barbaric crime took place -the United States. They invented their own 'Labour Day' in September, with the purpose of severing the working class in the US from its radical tradition, and to devoid of meaning the conquest of the 8 hour working-day, a product of struggle and enormous sacrifice, not a gift from the capitalists. The life of Albert Parsons is instructive of the trajectory of many working class agitators in the US in the 19th century, a period of remarkable radicalism which was crushed with unspeakable ruthlessness and repression. His life story goes from fighting in the Confederate States Army during the US Civil War as a 13 year old, to republican and civil rights' agitator, advocate of the emancipation of the slaves, then trade unionist, socialist and anarchist. He was married to Lucy Parsons, a mixed race woman herself born a slave, who would become a prominent socialist and anarchist, and who was a founding member of the Industrial Workers of the World, IWW, in 1905. A remarkable organiser and orator, he was the soul of the most progressive and active workers' movement in the USA at the time: in Chicago. Parsons was the only US citizen of 'pure stock' among the Chicago Martyrs (his ancestry going back all the way to one of the pilgrims in the Mayflower in 1632) -all his comrades being German. The immigrant nature of these anarchists was the cause for a racist and xenophobic uproar that no doubt was crucial to justify their barbaric execution -these racist, xenophobic tendencies are still alive and healthy in the USA, as we can see from the current state of affairs in the country. This is why, being not only a remarkable speaker, but also a well-self-educated man (at a time when the workers' movement still placed much emphasis on the self-education of the workers), he chose to strike a chord with public opinion and counter arguments that socialism and anarchism were 'foreign' and 'alien' ideas, by appealing to texts such as the US Declaration of Independence and opinions of Thomas Jefferson, while also appealing to the conservative and religious frame of mind prevalent, ended up by quoting the Bible. Of course, nothing would save him from the fury of the capitalists' class hatred, but this autobiography is a masterpiece of engaging with the prevalent environment at the time from a radical perspective, of showing in a sober manner his process of radicalisation and the logic behind it, and also, a staunch defence of the anarchist principles by which he lived and which he did not betrayed when confronted to the gallows. Our best tribute to this titanic figure is to resist the current onslaught of the global capitalists against hard-won workers' rights, while to keep faithful to the cause of a free and just world. José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
1st May, 2019
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Οι Αναρχικοί ηγέτες του οκταώρου κινήματος κρεμάστηκαν την Παρασκευή 11 Νοεμβρίου. Εκείνη τη μέρα οι πλούσιοι του Σικάγου είχαν ρίγη και πυρετό. Το σχοινί τεντώνεται προς όλες τις κατευθύνσεις από τη φυλακή. Αστυνομικοί άνδρες σταθμεύουν κατά μήκος των σχοινιών οπλισμένοι με τουφέκια. Ειδικές περιπολίες παρακολουθούσαν όλες τις προσεγγίσεις στη φυλακή. Οι στέγες γύρω από το βαρύ πέτρινο κτίριο ήταν γεμάτε με αστυνομικούς. Οι εφημερίδες έγειραν τη δημόσια φαντασία με ιστορίες εξεγέρσεων στις φυλακές. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Monday April 15, 2019 01:32 par Wayne Price   text 2 comments (last - tuesday may 12, 2020 06:01)   image 1 image
In the 1980s I participated in a "dialogue" about anarchism and Marxism. Re-reading my writing now, when I am a revolutionary anarchist, I think that much of what I wrote then was wrong--with one exception. I went over certain key issues, such as the strengths and weaknesses of Marxism, the state, the revolutionary party, election participation, and national liberation--topics which are still important for anarchists and other radicals to consider and debate. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Tuesday February 19, 2019 16:42 par James Parisot
In the midst of the U.S. Civil War (1861 – 1865), as somewhere between half a million to three quarters of a million bodies lay dead from bullets and disease, Emanuel Leutze completed a painting titled Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way for the U.S. Capitol. The painting celebrated empire as central to American history. Included in the final draft of the painting was a free black man, subordinate to the leadership of the white men forging the path of empire across the continent; supposedly saved from slavery with their leadership.1 Of course, as W.E.B. Du Bois famously discussed, central to the Civil War was the “general strike of the slaves”; their resistance was key to abolition. Regardless, Leutze’s painting was one representative of the broader trend, going back to the initial creation of an independent American government, in which so-called democracy and freedom were felt through the vision of empire. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / culture / opinion / analysis Thursday February 14, 2019 19:18 par LAMA   image 1 image
This review looks at the movie about the life of Ex-Vice-President of the USA, Dick Cheney. read full story / add a comment
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