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North America / Mexico

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North America / Mexico

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north america / mexico / the left / opinion / analysis Friday April 01, 2016 11:45 byWayne Price   text 2 comments (last - saturday april 09, 2016 07:23)
There is a new approach on the U.S. Left, which rejects both capitalism and state socialism. In several ways it resembles anarchism. It has been promoted by The Next System Project, and has been critiqued recently by Sam Gindin--who makes some insightful comments, but also demonstrates limitations. read full story / add a comment
Trotsky tinha uma série de voluntários tanto para sua guarda pessoal como para o trabalho político. Mas ao contrário do que estamos acostumados no anarquismo, o ex-dirigente bolchevique trabalhava em um quarto próprio enquanto sua base em outra sala.
américa do norte / méxico / história do anarquismo / opinião / análise Saturday March 05, 2016 01:18 byBrunoL   image 1 image
04 de março de 2016, Bruno Lima Rocha

Nesta última postagem a respeito do crime histórico e da farsa política no México trago algumas observações do Museu Trotsky, onde estive em fevereiro de 2016 durante viagem absolutamente turística e curta, portanto, sem finalidades militantes, embora nunca se consiga fugir do dever. Nesta casa onde viveu o camarada Lev Bronstein, cujo nome de guerra era León Trotsky. O centro de memória funciona neste local no tradicional bairro Coyoacán, e tem como entidade cobertura o Instituto de Direito de Asilo e segundo me informaram no local, trata-se de uma instituição coordenada pelos familiares descendentes do ex-comandante do Exército Bolchevique. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / opinion / analysis Friday February 26, 2016 21:49 byWayne Price   text 3 comments (last - friday march 04, 2016 03:39)
In recent decades, there have been efforts to "rehabilitate" the U.S. Communist Party as an historical model for the Left. Anti-authoritarian socialists and anarchists find this troubling. Whle the CP did some good things it also did some very bad things. A brief summary of its history demonstrates that and explains why this is. read full story / add a comment
No Museu Nacional de História não havia uma representação ilustrativa dos militantes anarquistas citados e tampouco o programa do Partido Liberal Mexicano (PLM).
américa do norte / méxico / história do anarquismo / opinião / análise Friday February 26, 2016 09:37 byBrunoL   image 1 image
25 de fevereiro de 2016, Bruno Lima Rocha

Introdução: Para refletir. No excelente Museu Nacional de História do México há uma série de murais representando a Revolução Mexicana com os sindicatos organizados com bandeiras vermelhas e negras além de estandartes do mutualismo. Tem referências soltas a Ricardo Flores Magón e seu irmão Enrique, nada de Praxedes Guerrero e em nenhum momento o termo anarquista ou anarquismo é citado. Nos murais de Diego Rivera e alguns de seus amigos e aliados estalinistas vez por outra incluem uma foice e martelo sendo que o Partido Comunista Mexicano (PCM) foi criado após a Revolução. A curadoria do Museu e do INAH – Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e História, o órgão gestor – foi cúmplice da mentira da historiografia marxista e seus aliados priistas. Nesta curta série de três textos tem para todo mundo. Logo, não se empolguem amigos e amigas da 4a Internacional. Na casa museu de Trotsky, também sobra inverdade e omissão histórica. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Wednesday January 27, 2016 05:04 byEnrique Flores Magon   image 1 image
Powerful address by the Mexican anarchist-communist revolutionary, Enrique Flores Magon, brother to fellow anarchist-communist militants Jesus and Ricardo Flores Magon. This address was given to a US court, defending the brothers' fight for "the emancipation of the downtrodden, particularly of the Mexican proletarians, and of the disinherited all over the world in general." It defends the then-ongoing Mexican Revolution against imperialism and capitalism, argues for anarchist-communism, and makes an internationalist appeal to the American working class for joint struggle against tyrants and exploiters, stressing common class realities.

The brothers Enrique and Ricardo Flores Magon were at the time in exile, in the USA, conducting revolutionary work. They were arrested several times, this speech being given during the trial that followed their arrest in 1916 for distributing "indecent materials" (both were found guilty). Ricardo was again arrested in 1918 for sedition, given 20 years, and died in a US prison in 1922. Enrique was released in 1923 and returned to Mexico.
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north america / mexico / crime prison and punishment / non-anarchist press Wednesday January 13, 2016 23:20 byLesley J. Wood
After the killing of Michael Brown in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri in the late summer of 2014, protests erupted, and the Black Lives Matter spread across North America to protest police violence, too often systematically directed at poor and racialized communities. The massive police presence at these protests, with weapons and armoured vehicles that looked and felt like major military deployments, made it clear to all that something fundamental had taken place in policing practices and strategies. The intensification and extension of the coercive and security branches of the state was well-known since the declaration of the ‘war on terror’ in 2001, and the subsequent leaks of official documents by Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and others. The hardening of the state in its day-to-day operations at the most local levels could now be seen everywhere by all, in an increasing confrontation with the democratic rights of assembly and protest.

Lesley Wood's recent book, Crisis and Control: The Militarization of Protest Policing (2014), locates these developments in a longer term perspective in relation to the spread of neoliberalism. Analyzing police agencies, strategies and practices from the mid-1990s to the present, she identifies a range of the structural and political forces that have led to the militarization of policing, particularly in North America, but also in trends that extend to Europe. This involves detailing a new matrix in the relations between the security, national police and defence apparatuses of the state with local police forces and the defence and security industries. Professional police associations and their various conferences and conventions have become important nodes for the spread of ‘best-practice policing’, in the form of kettling, barricading, infiltration and pre-emptive arrests, usage of new anti-protest weaponry, security screening, local intelligence-gathering capacities and the like. But also as sites where the case is made for an increase in police budgets, more capital intensification of policing and thus for accumulation by the ‘coercive’ industries (which define modern urbanism as much as the so-called ‘creative’ sector).

In a period of sharpening inequality, permanent neoliberal austerity, and hard right forces gaining ground, the logic for a further militarization of policing, securitizing of cities, and curtailing and limiting protests. In her book, Wood seeks not only to map these developments in North America through time, but also to expose the contradictions in the new forms of policing in capitalist states, and begin to pose how social and anti-capitalist movements will have to respond to ‘demilitarize our relations’.

Lesley Wood teaches sociology at York University, Toronto and Greg Albo teaches political science at York University. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anarchist movement / press release Monday January 04, 2016 06:42 byEdward Saroyan   text 1 comment (last - friday february 26, 2016 22:10)
NYC ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR - 10th anniversary
What: 2016 Annual NYC Anarchist BookFair
Where: Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South, in Manhattan
When: Book Fair—Sat., April 16, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Art Festival—Fri., April 15, 7 p.m. - 5 a.m.
Film Festival—Sat., April 16, 7 p.m. - 1 a.m. read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / community struggles / comunicado de prensa Saturday January 02, 2016 09:02 byComandancia General del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nac   image 1 image
En todos los rincones del mundo que dolía antes y duele ahora, hubo y hay gente digna y rebelde que resistió, que resiste contra la muerte que impone el de arriba. read full story / add a comment
Jamar Clark - murdered by Minneapolis Police
north america / mexico / community struggles / opinion / analysis Tuesday December 22, 2015 12:16 bydb   image 2 images
The horrific execution of an unarmed, handcuffed, on the ground black man in front of dozens of witnesses has led to an outburst of struggle whose fire is not spent and whose meaning is still being defined. In this article, I will argue that what is at stake in this struggle is the future of North Minneapolis, which, in miniature, is a question of the future of our cities and of working class people across the country. read full story / add a comment
Murray Bookchin in 1989
north america / mexico / anarchist movement / debate Thursday December 03, 2015 14:40 byWayne Price   text 4 comments (last - sunday november 28, 2021 14:21)   image 1 image
Murray Bookchin was an influential and prolific writer and thinker on anarchism. Recently his work has been in the news. While he made significant contributions, he made a major error in rejecting the working class as important for an anarchist revolution. This article reviews why he believed this and why, on the contrary, the working class must be a major force for a successful anarchist revolution. read full story / add a comment
nord america / messico / storia dell'anarchismo / opinione / analisi Friday November 20, 2015 03:04 byAlternativa Libertaria/FdCA   image 1 image
La vita di Joe Hill non è separabile da quella del suo sindacato, dall'IWW read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / migration / racism / opinion / analysis Thursday November 19, 2015 04:48 byWayne Price   image 1 image
In the US, right-wing politicians have attacked all immigrants, Latinos, and Arabs and Muslims, by whipping up nativist and racist hysteria. They promote "research" blaming immigrants for a lack of jobs. Liberals want "comprehensive" immigration policies which will also increase repression. read full story / add a comment
nord america / messico / repressione / prigionieri / opinione / analisi Sunday November 01, 2015 17:21 byNúcleo Comunista Libertario   image 1 image
In territorio messicano, il governo di Peña Nieto si è reso responsabile di numerosi massacri contro quei cuori insorti che resistono all'oblio, alla morte ed all'impunità. Un esempio di questi massacri è la scomparsa, più di un anno fa, di 43 studenti della Scuola Normale Atyotzinapa all'interno di uno straziante processo di messa a tacere del pensiero critico, di persecuzione dei progetti educativi indipendenti e di contenimento della protesta sociale. Utilizzando i trafficanti di droga, il "para-Stato" messicano ha fisicamente ucciso decine di giovani speranze che cercavano di trasformare questo sistema marcio a partire dalla loro vita quotidiana e dal loro lavoro come insegnanti in formazione. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
Our starting point in both our perspective and in our current work is the importance of organizing for the social self-defense of the working-class and oppressed communities.
north america / mexico / anarchist movement / opinion / analysis Thursday October 29, 2015 06:19 byFirst of May Anarchist Alliance   image 1 image
The following points represent a brief statement of priorities, an outline of some of the perspectives our organization has decided on to help guide our thinking and actions in the coming period. We do not want to overstate where our organization is at in our analysis and organizing, nor are these points a substitute for the hard discussions our organization still must have. These points developed out of reviews and discussions of the nature of the current period, the continuing wave of social protest domestically and abroad, and how we as a small and specific group of anarchist revolutionaries can participate in and help build those movements for dignity, justice and freedom.
by First of May Anarchist Alliance, Autumn 2015 read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / represión / presos / opinión / análisis Monday October 26, 2015 01:36 byNúcleo Comunista Libertario   image 1 image
En las tierras mexicanas, para no irse muy lejos, el gobierno de Peña Nieto ha venido cometiendo innumerables masacres en contra de los corazones insurrectos que se resisten al olvido, la muerte y la impunidad. Ejemplo de ello fue la desaparición, hace más de un año, de 43 estudiantes de la escuela normal de Atyotzinapa en un proceso atroz de silenciamiento del pensamiento crítico, de persecución a proyectos educativos autónomos y de contención de la protesta social. Con ayuda de los narcos, el “paraestado” mexicano asesinó físicamente a decenas de jóvenes esperanza que intentaban transformar este sistema podrido desde su cotidianidad y desde su labor como docentes en formación. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / review Sunday October 25, 2015 05:23 byWayne Price
Commentary on a recent draft document on the strategy and vision of the Democratic Socialists of America, from the viewpoint of revolutionary libertarian socialism (anarchism). read full story / add a comment
amérique du nord / mexique / luttes en milieu de travail / nouvelles Saturday October 24, 2015 09:06 byCollectif Emma Goldman
Le Pic-Bois est un bulletin d’information libertaire régional publié au Saguenay depuis 2010. Diffusé par le Collectif anarchiste Emma Goldman et ses ami-e-s, le Pic-Bois met de l’avant la construction d’alternatives sociales et d’un pouvoir populaire pour changer la société ici et maintenant. Oiseau tapageur et rebelle, le Pic-Bois vous informe et sensibilise pour rompre avec l’ordre établi.

Ce cinquième numéro est entièrement consacré à la question du travail. Il a pour but de susciter des réflexions critiques et des débats à propos de cet élément majeur (et accapareur) de nos vies en système capitaliste. Si vous souhaitez faire la distribution du journal sur votre campus, dans votre voisinage ou dans votre lieu de travail, sentez vous bien sûr libre de faire des photocopies à partir du fichier que l'on joint ici. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / history of anarchism / opinion / analysis Sunday September 27, 2015 07:37 byDavid Van Deusen
For a decade the Green Mountain Anarchist Collective did its part... This is its story... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / imperialism / war / policy statement Wednesday September 09, 2015 17:58 byBlack Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa   image 1 image
As revolutionaries in North America we would like to outline the foundations of our political perspective as well as how we as an organization have agreed to relate the recent events and the struggle underway in Rojava in the Middle East. [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / imperialismo / guerra / policy statement Wednesday September 09, 2015 17:51 byBlack Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa   image 1 image
Como revolucionarios en Norteamérica quisiéramos resumir los fundamentos de nuestra perspectiva política. Como organización hemos acordado relacionarnos con los eventos recientes y el progreso de la lucha en Rojava en el Oriente Medio. [English] read full story / add a comment

North America / Mexico

Wed 17 Apr, 04:13

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5568.jpg imageSolidarity with BLM and Bristol 21:56 Tue 23 Jun by Some people active in Haringey Solidarity Group 0 comments

Direct action is the means of creating a new consciousness, a means of self-liberation from the chains placed around our minds, emotions and spirits by hierarchy and oppression.

83068342_274092437044453_6217755465007235072_n173x200.jpg imageهمبستگی با مبارز... 04:25 Wed 17 Jun by Various anarchist organisations 0 comments

همبستگی با مبارزه مردم آمریکای شمالی – پشتیبانی همگانه با سازمانهای آنارشیستی در آمریکا

whatsapp_image_20200602_at_21.jpeg imageالتضامن مع نضال ا... 03:55 Wed 17 Jun by Various anarchist organisations 0 comments

التضامن مع نضال الشعوب في امريكا الشمالية - كل الدعم للمنظمات الأناركية الأمريكية

photo_20200601_142349.jpg imageΑλληλεγγύη με το λα&... 20:39 Fri 05 Jun by Dmitri 0 comments

Ο ρατσισμός αποτελεί δομικό στοιχείο της καπιταλιστικής κοινωνίας και ειδικά του βορειοαμερικάνικου καπιταλισμού, είναι δυστυχώς άθικτος, όμως αυτή τη στιγμή αναπτύσσεται ένα πνεύμα αντίστασης και αγώνα από τους μαύρους και τους φτωχούς.

whatsapp_image_20200602_at_21.00_3.jpeg imageKuzey Amerika'daki Halklarla Dayanışma 20:30 Wed 03 Jun by Çeşitli anarşist örgütler 0 comments

Dünya emperyalist gücünün kalbinde bir başka ırkçı saldırı olan George Floyd'un Minneapolis polisleri tarafından adice öldürülmesini-cinayetini reddediyoruz! Bu olay, kölelik günlerinden beri süren ve henüz durmayan ABD'deki sayısız beyaz olmayan insan ve Afro soyundan gelenlerin cinayetlerine bir yenisini daha eklemiştir.Obama’nın hükümeti süresince de 1950 ve 60'larin ırkçı saldırı zamanlarını hatırlatan onlarca genç siyah cinayeti vardı.

whatsapp_image_20200602_at_21.00_2.jpeg imageSolidaridad con la Lucha del Pueblo Norteamericano! 03:49 Wed 03 Jun by Varias organizaciones anarquistas 0 comments

Repudiamos el asesinato de George Floyd a manos de la policía de Minneapolis, en otro acto racista en el seno de la potencia imperialista mundial. Este acto se suma a los incontables asesinatos de población negra en los EEUU, que se perpetran desde la época de la esclavitud y que no han cesado hasta nuestros días. En el gobierno de Obama fueron decenas los asesinatos de jóvenes negros/as que hicieron recordar hechos similares llevados a cabo en los años 50 y 60 del siglo XX. La respuesta fue una rápida irrupción del movimiento negro a lo largo y ancho del país, del mismo modo en que se desarrollan en estos momentos amplias manifestaciones que demuestran que la población está harta de la violencia e impunidad policial. Fue incendiada por los/as manifestantes la jefatura de policía de Minneapolis y atacados varios vehículos, hechos de acción directa se llevan a cabo en diversas ciudades con enfrentamientos con la policía, e incluso Trump ha dado orden de que el Ejército salga a la calle. El racismo, elemento estructural en la sociedad capitalista, especialmente en la norteamericana, está intacto lamentablemente, pero también la resistencia y lucha del pueblo negro y de los pobres del norte.

whatsapp_image_20200602_at_21.00_1.jpeg imageSolidarité avec la Lutte du Peuple Nord-Américain! 03:39 Wed 03 Jun by Diverses organisations anarchistes 0 comments

Nous condamnons le meurtre de George Floyd par la police de Minneapolis, marquant un acte raciste de plus au sein de la première puissance impérialiste mondiale. Cet acte vient s'ajouter aux innombrables meurtres dans la population noire aux États-Unis, qui ont été perpétrés depuis l'époque de l'esclavage et n'ont pas cessé jusqu'à ce jour. Sous l'administration Obama, des dizaines de meurtres de jeunes femmes et de jeunes homme noires ont rappelé les événements similaires des années 1950 et 1960.

whatsapp_image_20200602_at_20.59_1.jpeg imageSolidarität mit den Sozialen Kämpfen in Nordamerika! 03:25 Wed 03 Jun by Verschiedene anarchistische Organisationen 0 comments

Wir verurteilen den feigen Mord an George Floyd durch die Hände der Polizeibeamt*innen von Minneapolis scharf. Er stellt einen weiteren rassistischen Akt im Herzen einer imperialistischen Weltmacht dar. Dieses Ereignis reiht sich ein in die zahllosen Morde an People of Color und der afro-stämmigen Bevölkerung in den Vereinigten Staaten, die seit den Tagen der Sklaverei weitergehen und immer noch nicht aufgehört haben. Während der Regierung Obamas gab es Dutzende von Morden an jungen Schwarzen, was an ähnliche rassistische Zeiten in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren erinnert.

whatsapp_image_20200602_at_20.59.jpeg imageSolidarietà con la Lotta del Popolo Nordamericano! 03:19 Wed 03 Jun by Varie organizzazioni anarchiche 0 comments

Tutto il nostro supporto alle organizzazioni anarchiche Condanniamo il vile assassinio di George Floyd per mano dei poliziotti di Minneapolis, un altro atto razzista nel cuore di una potenza imperialista mondiale. Un ennesimo caso che si aggiunge all'innumerevole numero di uccisioni di persone di colore e della popolazione afro-americana perpretrate negli Stati Uniti, che continua dai tempi della schiavitù e non si è mai fermato: anche durante il governo di Obama ci sono state decine di uccisioni di giovani neri, come nei tempi razzisti degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta.

dvdavidvandeusentheriseandfallofthegree4.png imageVermont Labor Takes Sharp Left Turn: Van Deusen Elected Vt AFL-CIO President, Adie Executive Vice Pr... 05:59 Tue 17 Sep by Working Class Revolt! 1 comments

On September 15, 2019, in South Burlington Vermont, former Green Mountain Anarchist Collective-NEFAC member David Van Deusen was elected President of the Vermont AFL-CIO. Former ISO member, and union nurse, Tristin Adie was elected as Executive Vice President. Van Deusen and Adie were part of the larger progressive United! slate which swept into leadership positions capturing 14 of the 15 seats on the Vermont State Labor Council’s Executive Board. This marks a sharp turn towards the left for Organized Labor in Vermont. Let’s see what comes next!

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imageIn Support of “Turning the Tide” Aug 02 by I-5AF 4 comments

Like Black Rose/Rosa Negra, we also see new possibilities arising for the development of Popular Power by combining the organized forces of the exploited, dominated, and oppressed classes together. The I-5AF supports "Turning the Tide".

imageSeize the Hospitals! ...But How? Aug 01 by BRRN Labor Committee 3 comments

In May of 2023 several Black Rose / Rosa Negra (BRRN) militants organizing in the healthcare sector attended the Health Autonomy Convergence (HAC) in Durham, North Carolina. This is their collective reflection on and analysis of the event and of the prospects for radical labor organizing in healthcare more generally.

imageEl movimiento Apr 25 by I-5AF 19 comments

There is a difference between strategic divergence and ideological opposition. Nevertheless, even in tendencies that have relatively high ideological affinity, this misunderstanding can be found and has consistently led to splits in both anarchism and in popular movements. Some tendencies do not aim to organize on the political level, and in our current context, it makes sense to elaborate on the particular organizational and strategic problems with this kind of anarchist politics because, for us, part of our role as a small engine within a growing Popular Power is to keep generating and dissipating liberatory theory and practices.

textSky Anarchy Mar 24 by Jacob Hutchison 2 comments

What Is Sky Anarchy?
Sky Anarchy is a new adventure. It's part of a wider project of addressing the issues of aviation and its relationship with anarchy and the left in general. Through this I hope to open up our movement to the possibilities and hopefully to educate our comrades on aviation past, present, and it's hypothetical future. All feedback is welcome.

imageΗ Λούσι Πάρσονς Jan 20 by Γιάννης Βολιάτης 0 comments

Παρ’ όλες τις διώξεις και τις παρενοχλήσεις από τις αρχές, η Πάρσονς συνέχισε και κατά τα τελευταία χρόνια της ζωής της να δίνει φλογερές ομιλίες σε απεργούς εργάτες, να στηρίζει αγώνες και να καλεί σε κατάληψη των μέσων παραγωγής. Χαρακτηριστικά είχε δηλώσει πως “Η αντίληψή μου για την απεργία είναι πως δεν πρέπει να καλούμε σε μια απεργία, ώστε να απεργήσουμε απλά, να βγούμε (από το εργοστάσιο) και να πεθάνουμε της πείνας, αλλά να παραμείνουμε μέσα (στο εργοστάσιο) και να καταλάβουμε τα μέσα και την ιδιοκτησία που είναι απαραίτητα για την παραγωγή“.

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imageSolidarity with BLM and Bristol Jun 23 0 comments

Direct action is the means of creating a new consciousness, a means of self-liberation from the chains placed around our minds, emotions and spirits by hierarchy and oppression.

imageهمبستگی با مبارز... Jun 17 0 comments

همبستگی با مبارزه مردم آمریکای شمالی – پشتیبانی همگانه با سازمانهای آنارشیستی در آمریکا

imageالتضامن مع نضال ا... Jun 17 0 comments

التضامن مع نضال الشعوب في امريكا الشمالية - كل الدعم للمنظمات الأناركية الأمريكية

imageΑλληλεγγύη με το λα&... Jun 05 1 of Anarkismo Editorial Group 0 comments

Ο ρατσισμός αποτελεί δομικό στοιχείο της καπιταλιστικής κοινωνίας και ειδικά του βορειοαμερικάνικου καπιταλισμού, είναι δυστυχώς άθικτος, όμως αυτή τη στιγμή αναπτύσσεται ένα πνεύμα αντίστασης και αγώνα από τους μαύρους και τους φτωχούς.

imageKuzey Amerika'daki Halklarla Dayanışma Jun 03 0 comments

Dünya emperyalist gücünün kalbinde bir başka ırkçı saldırı olan George Floyd'un Minneapolis polisleri tarafından adice öldürülmesini-cinayetini reddediyoruz! Bu olay, kölelik günlerinden beri süren ve henüz durmayan ABD'deki sayısız beyaz olmayan insan ve Afro soyundan gelenlerin cinayetlerine bir yenisini daha eklemiştir.Obama’nın hükümeti süresince de 1950 ve 60'larin ırkçı saldırı zamanlarını hatırlatan onlarca genç siyah cinayeti vardı.

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