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mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Sunday June 14, 2015 19:19 by Ilan S.
The damage to the Israeli economy seems to be yet only marginal... but the margin expand now faster. Some of the firm already yield to the pressure targeted at areas in the settlements of the 1967 occupation and regroup back to the Israeli areas of 1948, in spite of the loss in government bribes and cheaper work force. The Israeli media is full with warning and even beginning of fear mongering. The connection between the joint struggle in the demos and the B.D.S. and the development of the boycott is acknowledged. Mean time the efforts to transfer of the Palestinians from key areas - the Bedouins in the south of the 1948 areas and in area C of the 1967 occupation intensify, as if they know that the opportunities to do it will end soon. Mean time, the non armed Friday demos are suppressed inconsistently with special treatment to Qadum. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / luchas indígenas / news report Friday May 08, 2015 16:46 by Ale Curinao   image 1 image
Cuatro son los peñi que desde el 23 de marzo hasta el día de hoy están sacrificando sus cuerpos, teniendo clara convicción de que este Estado fascista sólo los tomará en cuenta cuando la situación roce momentos de suspiros con agonía y dolor. Porque, qué son 30 ó 40 días sin consumo de alimentos, nada. No les interesa. Todas las autoridades (comunal, regional y nacional) están al tanto de la huelga de hambre y han dado vuelta sus caras con indiferencia absoluta ante el sacrificio y demandas de nuestros hermanos. Misma indiferencia con la que ven la lucha del mapuche en la recuperación de sus tierras, sus tierras por derecho. read full story / add a comment
bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / luchas indígenas / opinión / análisis Thursday April 09, 2015 05:46 by Ale Curinao   image 1 image
Pasan los años y la lucha del pueblo Mapuche no cesa. La recuperación de tierras usurpadas por terratenientes, robadas a punta de astucia ente el comunero que no sabía leer, ni menos escribir. La autonomía interrumpida por parte del Estado invasor, de la mano con la religión, la que nos dice qué está bien y qué está mal. Esa que anula las ceremonias de mis abuelos, por ser paganas, cuando lo más bello es crecer, recordar y vivir nuestra esencia, nuestras raíces. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / luchas indígenas / opinión / análisis Tuesday March 24, 2015 08:19 by Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista   image 1 image
Desde aquel 1492, el sol se empañó pero no se apagó, los pueblos indígenas y nosotras (trabajadoras, estudiantes, profesoras, campesinas, entre otras) seguimos en lucha y resistencia sin menguar la perseverancia. Estas tierras son de aquellas personas habitantes de esta masa continental mucho antes de la mal llamada “conquista”. Son sus habitantes legítimas mucho antes de las fronteras y banderas. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / luchas indígenas / opinión / análisis Monday March 09, 2015 05:34 by Organizaciones estudiantiles UPN   image 2 images
Con preocupación hemos visto como la policía nacional ha venido arremetiendo indiscriminadamente contra los pueblos indígenas que habitan las tierras del Cauca. 2 muertos y más de 50 heridos ha sido la respuesta del gobierno a las justas demandas de las comunidades ancestrales quienes han venido ocupando los predios que históricamente les han sido usurpados por las multinacionales y los terratenientes con ayuda de las leyes burguesas y los grupos paramilitares. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Sunday February 15, 2015 21:49 by Ilan S.
The joint struggle of the villages local popular comities and the Israeli "anarchists against the wall" initiative started about 12 years ago in the Maskha camp. Joint struggles were developed in various villages with various successes but only the struggle of Bil'in persisted for year after year holding high the flag of popular unarmed struggle and became the focus of attention and inspirations for Palestinians of the whole west bank, many thousands of international activists who joined us for short periods (and some for long ones)... spreading the news and the struggle after returning home. Even the few thousand of the Israeli wide spectrum of the radical left been in Bil'in at least once and helped us to prevent the marginalization of the popular Palestinian resistance. On the coming Friday - the 20th of February, we will celebrate our 10 years of contributing to the Palestinian Tsumud (persistence) - the only thing that prevented the Zionist total transfer out of the Palestinians. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Monday February 02, 2015 18:54 by Ilan S.
The activists of Bil'in were not the first to join the popular unarmed struggle against the separation fence, occupation, and settlers encroachment. However, the Bil'in activists together with the anarchists against the wall were the first to start a persistent struggle with a non stop week after week of activities. Activists from near and far villages came to Bil'in to support and to be inspired, and together started to struggle in their own villages. Ni'ilin, Ma'asare, Beit Umar for few years... and later villages that struggle against the the encroachment of settlers and occupation blocks - Nabi Saleh and Qaddum. Higher levels of organization and activities of the coordination comity of the local popular struggle comity and just lately a coordination comity of a group of villages in the south of the occupied west bank. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / indigenous struggles / opinion / analysis Saturday January 31, 2015 17:31 by MACG   image 2 images
The movement against Aboriginal deaths in custody is growing. It is growing because the deaths just keep happening, and that’s criminal. We're not just talking about deaths from natural causes. Many of these deaths are far from natural.
From 'The Anvil' newsletter of Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG), issue 4/1, Feb. 2015. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Wednesday January 14, 2015 06:24 by Ilan S.
The Israel main daily Yedioth Ahronoth revealed in the morning of 13-1-15 a classified document of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "Worsening European measures against Israel... fear that the US stop using its veto power in the Security Council... a particularly gloomy forecast for 2015. It shows how far the political tsunami could reach, and in some ways has already begun". It seems the many thousands of international activists and dignitaries who participated in the joint struggle with the Israeli activists of the anarchists against the wall together with the Palestinian popular village comities were the catalysts that put the struggle on the media agenda again and again till the minimal mass already reached. First, the video clips invaded the main stream media, than Bil'in Habibti documentary and the pick was expressed in the 5 broken cameras award... and like a snow ball rolling down the mountain it is unstoppable now. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
afrique du nord / luttes des peuples autochtones / opinion / analyse Tuesday November 11, 2014 05:14 by Commission internationale AL
Derrière le rêve touristique, le Maroc est en réalité un Etat colon, qui maintient sa domination sur le territoire du peuple sahraoui, en lutte pour son indépendance. La résistance existe malgré la forte répression qui s’abat sur ses militantes et militants. read full story / add a comment
Un organigramme pour visualiser le mouvement kurde dans ses lignes de force.
international / luttes des peuples autochtones / opinion / analyse Tuesday November 11, 2014 05:03 by Commission internationale AL   image 1 image
Un anarchiste kurde de Grande-Bretagne, Zaher Baher, a voyagé au Kurdistan syrien (Rojava) en mai 2014. Il en a tiré un long et rare témoignage, dont certains passages assez acritiques incitent à la prudence. Il en ressort l’impression d’une révolution non pas sociale, mais au moins démocratique, ce qui constitue déjà un pas de géant après quarante années de dictature policière. Nous en publions deux extraits. read full story / add a comment
Manifestation dans la Cizîrê, en soutien à Kobanê (octobre 2014)  © Firat News
international / luttes des peuples autochtones / opinion / analyse Tuesday November 11, 2014 04:48 by Guillaume Davranche   image 1 image
La gauche kurde a beaucoup évolué depuis dix ans. Si le PKK (officiellement rebaptisé Kongra-Gel en 2003) reste son centre de gravité, avec une structure autoritaire, des tendances autogestionnaires ont vu le jour, notamment dans ses organisations satellites. Une situation ambivalente mais riche de potentialités. read full story / add a comment
international / luttes des peuples autochtones / opinion / analyse Tuesday November 11, 2014 04:36 by Commission Internationale AL   image 1 image
Depuis l’été, son rôle de rempart face aux atrocités djihadistes a placé la ­gauche kurde sous les feux de la rampe. Ce que l’on savait moins jusque-là, c’est que dans les zones qu’elle contrôle en Syrie, elle a favorisé l’essor d’une contre-société sur des bases laïques, sociales et démocratiques. Une situation exceptionnelle, qui appelle un soutien international. read full story / add a comment
africa meridionale / lotte indigene / altra stampa libertaria Friday November 07, 2014 01:18 by Gianni Sartori   text 1 comment (last - tuesday december 08, 2015 16:08)
Come spesso accade in molte rivoluzioni parziali ("a metà" o anche meno...) , quando i resistenti non vengono semplicemente eliminati, rischiano comunque di ritrovarsi abbandonati, esclusi...è capitato a molti nostri partigiani nel dopoguerra, capiterà ancora... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Sunday October 26, 2014 02:19 by Ilan S.
Throughout the years Israel has tried to neutralize the pressure of more enlightened people by hiding its brute racism and murderous activities by recruiting the memory of the Holocaust as justification for all its heinous acts when revealed. However, as the masquerade has been exposed in recent years and more and more are disillusioned from the "Zionist dream", the restraints are being loosened fast. The rightists preach their extreme racist ideology in the open. The "paramilitarist" settlers get a freer hand. The transfer of Palestinians both within the 1948 borders and these occupied in 1967 is being done in the open. Though it is still restricted mainly to the Israeli area of the Bedouins in the south and the C agricultural regions of the 1967 borders, the "gloves" have been removed. In the same new mode, repression of the non-armed popular struggles has intensified in the last few weeks and we cannot guess what the limit of the new repression mode will be - if at all. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Monday October 13, 2014 06:15 by Ilan S.
A physical confrontation between between the Israeli armed forces (and settlers) and a joint crowd of Israeli Jews and Palestinian activists in the 1967 occupied territories is so common that people do not sense its unique nature. In addition to PR disaster for the Zionist transfer project it also forced Israel to mostly exclude shooting with life ammunition fire to kill non armed Palestinian demonstrators whenever Israelis might participate. In addition to the usual locations of joint struggles, addition places Palestinians start protests we learn of from the media. The Israeli media to which the agreement with the Hamas about the end of the rocketing was not revealed, come again and again with facts and generals opinions which can only be explained as rationalization to changes forced on Israel in the agreement. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Wednesday October 01, 2014 06:28 by Ilan S.
Arkib (1948 Bedouins), Bil'in, Dahams (Ramla 1948 village), East Jerusalem (occupied 1967 mainly Sheikh Jarah, Shuafat, and the Bedouins of the region) Ma'asarah, Nabi Saleh, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, South of Hebron Hills - the main locations of the joint struggles the anarchists against the wall are involved in. As the Israeli pretending of striving for any kind of peace was exposed, the transfer efforts are intensified. It seems the hazards taking and gambling of Israel on the continuation of the occupation is increasing. The Israeli government count on the pro Israeli lobby of the US right and the strategic value of Israel in the present troubled time and recklessly disregard the mounting international pressure... though the Israeli officials and the public keep worrying in public about the economic and political pressures. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Sunday September 07, 2014 23:10 by Ilan S.
The 50-day war on Gaza ended, after Israel begged for a ceasefire and yielded to major demands from Hamas (some kept in secret even from Israeli government ministers). A majority of Israelis admit that Israel did not win the war but with difficulty admit that Hamas had the upper hand. Ministers passed two weeks ago a classified Cabinet document containing a proposal to place an international force in Gaza, which may mean the end of Israel's occupation of the Gaza Strip and the opening of the Ghetto... and may be a precedent to what could be the end of the occupation of the West Bank). In Israel, the "radical" left is back to "normal"... though many more activists are contemplating joining the comrades who had already lost hope and emigrated. It seems the international pressures of the imperial powers and the advances of the boycott movement are bringing the end of the 1967 occupation sooner than expected. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
internazionale / lotte indigene / comunicato stampa Sunday August 31, 2014 16:18 by commission international   image 1 image
Alla società civile nazionale ed internazionale,
Alla Sesta nazionale ed internazionale,
Ai media liberi, autonomi ed indipendenti,
Alle amministrazioni del buon governo,
All' EZLN,
Alle basi di appoggio dell'EZLN
[Castellano] read full story / add a comment
international / indigenous struggles / press release Thursday August 28, 2014 20:00 by Commission international   image 1 image
To National and International Civil Society,
To the National and International Sixth,
To the free, autonomous, independent media or whatever they are called,
To the Good Government Juntas,
To the EZLN,
To the support bases of the EZLN,
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