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Imperialism / War

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mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Thursday April 16, 2020 04:45 bei vários   image 1 image
COVID-19, che ha messo in quarantena un numero innumerevole di città e ha paralizzato interi settori economici, non ha ancora fermato la continua guerra sporca della Turchia e del suo alleato Daesh contro la popolazione della regione settentrionale della Siria, che ha dovuto continuare a difendersi senza alcuna tregua. In questo momento, l'assedio dormiente della Siria, promosso dalla Russia nel suo tentativo di essere egemone nella regione, è stato evidente, perché sta utilizzando questi territori come scenario di confronto contro l'imperialismo americano.

Attualmente, queste persone devono ora lottare contro la propagazione del nuovo coronavirus nei loro territori. L'amministrazione autonoma del Rojava affronta questo pericolo in uno stato di debolezza a causa della difficoltà di mantenere il suo sistema sanitario funzionante nonostante la guerra.

In questo momento tutte le organizzazioni popolari dovrebbero agire insieme per sfidare la guerra e aiutare il più possibile i popoli curdi, arabi e assiri, affinché la loro autonomia e il loro diritto all'autodeterminazione nei loro territori siano giustamente rispettati. Di fronte al silenzio cinico e ipocrita dello Stato e della borghesia, noi, anarchici del mondo, ribadiamo ancora una volta la nostra solidarietà internazionalista e dal basso con la rivoluzione del Rojava, così che essa trionfi sulla pandemia globale del coronavirus e sulla pandemia della guerra.
Di fatto, coloro che continuano a fare la guerra alle persone mentre i sistemi sanitari stanno crollando a causa di COVID-19 sono due volte più criminali.

Basta a tutte le guerre!

PER LA VITA E LA LIBERTÀ! LUNGA VITA AL ROJAVA! read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Thursday April 16, 2020 04:42 bei vários   image 1 image
El COVID-19, que ha puesto innumerables ciudades en cuarentena y ha paralizado sectores económicos enteros, no ha detenido la continua guerra sucia del Estado turco y su aliado Daesh contra las poblaciones del norte de Siria, que deben seguir defendiéndose sin tregua alguna, así como también es visible el asedio latente del Estado sirio, promovido por el proyecto de hegemonía regional de Rusia, disponiendo la zona como escenario de enfrentamiento al imperialismo norteamericano.
Ahora las poblaciones en el norte de Siria tambien tienen que luchar contra la propagacion continuada del virus en su region. La Administración Autónoma de Rojava se enfrenta a este otro peligro en una frágil situación por la dificultad de mantener su sistema sanitario en medio del conflicto bélico.

En este momento todas las organizaciones populares deberían actuar para contraponer la guerra y proporcionar ayuda al pueblo kurdo, árabe y asirio dentro de sus posibilidades respetando su autonomía y derecho a la autodeterminación en sus territorios. Frente al silencio cínico e hipócrita de los Estados y de las burguesías, nosotros y nosotras, anarquistas del mundo, reiteramos una vez más toda nuestra solidaridad internacionalista y desde abajo con la Revolución de Rojava para que triunfe sobre la pandemia del virus y de la guerra.

De hecho, los que continúan las guerras mientras que, al mismo tiempo, los servicios de salud del mundo están saturados por culpa de la epidemia de covid19, son doblemente criminales.

¡Abajo todas las guerras!

¡POR LA VIDA Y LA LIBERTAD! ¡VIVA ROJAVA! read full story / add a comment
maixreq / península aràbiga / iraq / imperialisme / guerra / opinion/analysis Thursday April 16, 2020 04:42 bei vários   image 1 image
La COVID-19, que ha posat innombrables ciutats en quarantena i ha paralitzat sectors econòmics sencers, no ha detingut la contínua guerra bruta de l’Estat turc i el seu aliat, Daesh, contra les poblacions del nord de Síria, que han de continuar defensant-se sense cap treva, així com també és visible el setge latent de l’Estat sirià, promogut pel projecte d’hegemonia regional de Rússia, disposant la zona com a escenari d’enfrontament a l’imperialisme nord-americà.

Ara, les poblacions del nord de Síria també han de lluitar contra la propagació continuada del virus a la seva regió. L’Administració Autònoma de Rojava s’enfronta a aquest altre perill en una fràgil situació per la dificultat de mantenir el seu sistema sanitari enmig del conflicte bèl·lic.

En aquest moment, totes les organitzacions populars haurien d’actuar per a contraposar la guerra i proporcionar ajuda al poble kurd, àrab i assiri dins les seves possibilitats, respectant la seva autonomia i dret a l’autodeterminació als seus territoris. Enfront del silenci cínic i hipòcrita dels Estats i de les burgesies, nosaltres, anarquistes del món, reiterem una vegada més tota la nostra solidaritat internacionalista i des de baix amb la Revolució de Rojava perquè triomfi sobre la pandèmia del virus i de la guerra.

De fet, els que continuen les guerres mentre que, al mateix temps, els serveis de salut del món estan saturats per culpa de l’epidèmia de COVID19, són doblement criminals.

Abaix totes les guerres!

PER LA VIDA I LA LLIBERTAT! VISCA ROJAVA! read full story / add a comment
maschrek / arabische halbinsel / irak / imperialismus / krieg / meinung / analyse Thursday April 16, 2020 04:41 bei vários   image 1 image

Das Virus Covid-19, das unzählige Städte in Quarantäne versetzt und ganze Bereiche der Wirtschaft lahmgelegt hat, hat nichts daran geändert, dass der schmutzige Krieg des türkischen Staates und seines Verbündeten Daesh gegen die Menschen in Nordsyrien, die sich ohne Waffenruhe verteidigen müssen, weitergeht.

Auch die latente Belagerung des syrischen Staates, gefördert durch das regionale Hegemonieprojekt Russlands, die die Region auf ihre Rolle als Schauplatz einer Auseinandersetzung mit dem nordamerikanischen Imperialismus vorbereitet, ist sichtbar.

Die Menschen in Nordsyrien müssen nun auch gegen die fortschreitende Ausbreitung des Coronavirus kämpfen. Aufgrund der Schwierigkeit, sein Gesundheitssystem mitten in einem kriegerischen Konflikt aufrechtzuerhalten, befindet sich Rojava angesichts dieser anderen Gefahr in einer bedrohlichen Lage.

Jetzt müssen alle Organisationen von unten handeln, um sich dem Krieg entgegenzustellen und der kurdischen, arabischen und assyrischen Bevölkerung im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeiten Hilfe zukommen zu lassen, in Achtung ihrer Autonomie und ihres Rechts auf Selbstbestimmung innerhalb ihrer Gebiete. Angesichts des zynischen und heuchlerischen Schweigens der Nationalstaaten und der Bourgeosien erklären wir, Anarchist*innen dieser Welt, einmal mehr unsere internationalistische Solidarität von unten mit der Revolution in Rojava, damit sie über die Pandemie des Virus und des Krieges triumphiert.
Tatsächlich machen sich die, die weiterhin Kriege führen, während zur gleichen Zeit die Gesundheitssysteme der Welt aufgrund von Covid-19 an ihre Grenzen stoßen, gleich in doppelter Hinsicht eines Verbrechens schuldig.

Nieder mit allen Kriegen!

FÜR DAS LEBEN UND DIE FREIHEIT! ES LEBE ROJAVA! read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / opinion / analyse Thursday April 16, 2020 04:37 bei vários   image 1 image
Le Covid 19 qui a poussé à la quarantaine un nombre incalculable de villes et bloqué des pans entier des secteurs économiques, n’a pas arrêté la sale guerre de l’État Turque et de son allié Daesh contre les populations du Nord de la Syrie qui doivent continuer à se défendre sans aucune sorte de trêve. Comme il est possible de le voir, il n'a pas non plus arrêté le siège latent de l'État syrien, soutenu par le projet d'hégémonie régionale de la Russie, faisant de cette zone le théâtre d'affrontement direct avec l'impérialisme nord américain. Désormais ces populations doivent en plus lutter contre la propagation de ce virus dans leur région. L’administration autonome du Rojava se voit face à un nouveau danger, le tout dans une déjà fragile situation en raison de la difficulté à maintenir son système sanitaire en plein conflit armé.

En ce moment toute les organisations populaires devraient agir pour s'opposer à la guerre et fournir de l’aide aux peuples kurde, arabe et assyrien dans le mesure de leurs moyens, tout en respectant leur autonomie et le droit à l’autodétermination de leurs territoires. Face au silence cynique et hypocrite de tous les pays et de la bourgeoisie, nous anarchistes du monde entier, réitérons une fois de plus notre solidarité internationaliste, depuis en bas, à la Révolution du du Rojava, pour qu’elle triomphe face à la pandémie du virus et face à la pandémie de la guerre.

De fait, ceux qui continuent à mener les guerres, alors qu'en même temps les services de santé du monde entier sont saturés à cause de l'épidémie de covid19, sont doublement criminels.

A bas toutes les guerres !
Vive le Rojava ! Pour la vie et pour la liberté !
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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / imperialismo / guerra / opinião / análise Tuesday April 14, 2020 23:59 bei BrunoL   image 1 image
Introdução: nas palavras que seguem, de maneira pontual e com modesta pretensão, apresenta-se um debate que julgo urgente. A reorganização da política externa brasileira e o tipo de inserção no Sistema Internacional que nosso país deveria ter. Trata-se de um aporte concreto, com metas viáveis, ainda que ousadas. Esperamos com isso não apenas abrir um debate e travar polêmicas com o entreguismo lacaio, mas também marcar uma posição consequente, anti-imperialista e pelo Sul Global que tanto defendemos e onde o Brasil tem um protagonismo a conquistar e cumprir. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / emperyalizm / savaş / feature Thursday March 05, 2020 04:17 bei Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet   image 1 image
Suriye’de savaşın ve TSK desteğindeki cihatçı çetelerin sıkıştığı son nokta olan İdlip’te uzun zamandır beklenenler olmaya başladı. Şubat’ın 27’sini 28’e bağlayan gece -TC’nin Suriye Ordusu’na İdlip’te aldığı yerlerden çekilmesi konusunda verdiği “ültimatomun” dolmasına az bir süre kala- TSK’ye bağlı birlikler hava saldırısına uğradı. Bu hava saldırısı sonucu resmi rakamlara göre 34 asker öldü. Saldırı, TC kaynaklarına göre Suriye tarafından gerçekleştirildi. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Tuesday March 03, 2020 17:22 bei DAF   image 1 image
The long-awaited developments began to happen In Idlib where is the last point of the war and also the last point of the djihadist gangs supported by TAF were stucked. The troops of the TAF were attacked by aerial strike on the night of 27 February to 28 -shortly before the “ultimatum” that T.C gave to the Syrian Army to withdraw from the places it took in Idlip- According to official figures, 34 soldiers died as a result of this airstrike, It was carried out by Syria according to T.C sources.
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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Saturday February 08, 2020 22:27 bei Andrew G Jones   text 2 comments (last - tuesday january 30, 2024 08:18)
A US strike which killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad in January, and the counter-strike by the Iranian military on US targets in Iraq, raised serious questions about the legitimate use of force. When military force was used against targets within its territory, Iraq’s sovereignty was breached. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Monday February 03, 2020 20:22 bei Alan Macleod   text 3 comments (last - sunday april 07, 2024 18:07)
The three sites chosen for the news bases, Erbin, Sulimania and Halabja are all extremely close to Iran, with Halabja just eight miles from its border. read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / imperialismo / guerra / entrevista Friday January 17, 2020 09:48 bei KAF & DAF   image 1 image
Alb Noticias. Traducimos una entrevista que nos ha llegado al correo. Es una entrevista a dos partes, esta es la primera. Se trata de unas preguntas que hace la Kurdish Anarchist Federation a la DAF (Devricim Anarşist Faaliyet - Acción Revolucionaria Anarquista) de Turquía.

La entrevista trata sobre la situación actual de Turquía tras la invasión de Rojava, la reacción del pueblo turco, el impacto de la campaña de boicot a Turquía y sus mercados y en general el estado del pueblo turco.

Primera parte.
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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / opinião / análise Thursday January 16, 2020 20:34 bei BrunoL   image 1 image
No dia 03 de janeiro de 2020 ainda antes da resposta iraniana ao ato terrorista autorizado pelo presidente do Império Donald Trump, o célebre articulista e ex-editor do New York Times, Thomas Friedman, produziu um artigo de opinião que correu o mundo ocidentalizado. O título em inglês é “Trump kills Iran’s most overrated warrior”. E a linha de apoio afirma. “Soleimani pushed his country to build na empire, but drove it into the ground instead”. (neste link: read full story / add a comment
Ανακοίνωση από την Anarchist Era Collective, της Ένωσης Αναρχικών Αφγανιστάν και Ιράν, για τη δολοφονία του Κασέμ Σολεϊμανί
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greece / turkey / cyprus / imperialism / war / interview Tuesday January 14, 2020 02:19 bei KAF & DAF   image 1 image
Interview conducted by the KAF (Kurdish-speaking Anarchists Forum ). Please see the translation of the interview in French, Spanish and Esperanto in the attachment. The translation has done by comrades from ( CNT-AIT France )

2020-01-12 Interview with a comrade of the DAF, regarding the state of Turkey’s invasion of Rojava, the reaction of the people in Turkey, the impact of the campaign of boycotting Turkish companies products, its markets and also the attitude of people in Turkey. First Part. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Friday January 10, 2020 03:50 bei Zaher Baher   text 8 comments (last - wednesday january 31, 2024 14:34)   image 1 image
La relación entre EE.UU. e Irán ha sido pésima desde la "revolución" pero desde la "primavera árabe" ha empeorado aún más. El involucramiento de Irán en muchos países del Medio Oriente, especialmente en Irak y Siria, dificultó a los EE.UU. lograr sus objetivos particulares en la región. Este artículo subre lo que ha pasado en Irak recientemente y la tensión entre ambos países antes del asesinato del General Suleimani. [Ελληνικά] [English] read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / opinião / análise Wednesday January 08, 2020 08:36 bei BrunoL   image 1 image
O ataque com drone realizado pelos Estados Unidos no Iraque, ocorrido no dia três de janeiro de 2020 incendiou o Oriente Médio, abrindo maiores possibilidades a respeito da escalada das tensões entre a República Islâmica do Irã e os Estados Unidos da América. Isso aconteceu pelo fato de entre as vítimas do ataque, estar o tenente-general Iraniano Qassem Soleimani, chefe da Guarda Revolucionária do Irã (IRGC) e da Força Qods (conhecida como Força Expedicionária, destacamento da Guarda revolucionária responsável por operações no exterior) assim como o comandante das Forças de Mobilização Popular (PMU da sigla em inglês, al-Hashdi ash-Sha’bi), Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, uma das mais importantes milícias iraquianas, estabelecida para garantir o recrutamento massivo inter-étnico e inter-religioso. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / feature Monday January 06, 2020 20:49 bei Zaher Baher   image 1 image
The relationship between the US and Iran has never been good after the Iranian “revolution” but since the “Arab Spring” it has gotten worse. The involvement of Iran in many countries in the Middle East, especially Iraq and Syria, made it difficult for the US to achieve its own aims in the region. This article covers what happened in Iraq currently and how the tension between the US and Iran reached a high level before the assassination of General Suleimani.
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international / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Saturday January 04, 2020 20:16 bei Ed Pilkington   text 7 comments (last - saturday april 06, 2024 19:09)
There has been no shortage of US attempts to remove foreign adversaries through highly dubious legal or ethical means. read full story / add a comment
Οι σχέσεις μεταξύ ΗΠΑ και Ιράν δεν ήταν καλές μετά την Ιρανική "επανάσταση", αλλά από την "Αραβική Άνοιξη" και δώθε έχουν χειροτερέψει. Η ανάμειξη του Ιράν στα εσωτερικά πολλών χωρών της Μέσης Ανατολής, ιδίως στο Ιράκ και τη Συρία, δυσκόλεψε τις ΗΠΑ να επιτύχουν τους δικούς τους στόχους στην επανένωση. Αυτό το άρθρο καλύπτει (σχισματικά) όσα συνέβησαν στο Ιράκ και πώς η ένταση μεταξύ των ΗΠΑ και του Ιράν έφτασε σε τόσο υψηλό επίπεδο. [English] [Castellano] read full story / add a comment
Painting by Janet Biehl
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday December 27, 2019 23:46 bei Fouâd Oveisy   image 1 image
Turkey’s attack on Rojava forced the SDF to choose between its own survival and protecting Kurdish territories, putting the future of the revolution at risk. read full story / add a comment

Imperialism / War

Sat 20 Apr, 01:31

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Support the comrades! imageUpdate on the Campaign for the Sudanese Anarchists 08:45 Thu 18 Apr by International Anarchist Organisations 0 comments

In August 2023, we, anarchist organisations from five continents, launched an international solidarity campaign. Its aim was and is to support Sudanese anarchists fleeing war and repression in their country and to ensure that they arrive safely in a destination country of their choice. Six months have now passed since our first call for solidarity. In this short text, we would like to report on the current situation and the continuation of our campaign.

resist_genocide_1.jpg imageRésister au génocide 20:28 Sat 14 Oct by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 5 comments

L’armée israélienne a ordonné aux habitants de la moitié nord de Gaza d’évacuer dans les 24 heures. Il est impossible pour plus d’un million de personnes de le faire en si peu de temps. Cet ordre ne peut être interprété que comme une formalité de relations publiques et un prélude à un génocide. Tous les travailleurs et soldats en mesure d’empêcher cela ont le devoir d’agir.

10801079108610731088107210781077108510801077_20230924_162632077min.png imageA volunteer from Kharkov was tortured by the military after trying to leave Ukraine 22:55 Wed 11 Oct by Assembly 3 comments

Full original version:
First published on Libcom:

photo6019264251958507574.jpg imageLa solidarietà è più delle parola scritta! 23:13 Sat 11 Jun by Various anarchist organisations 1 comments

Facciamo appello a tutti i militanti e simpatizzanti di essere presenti e solidali con il movimento curdo, sostenendo:
• la campagna di rimozione del PKK dall’elenco delle organizzazioni terroristiche;
• Il rilascio di Abdullah Öcalan e di tutti i prigionieri politici;
• il ritiro immediato di tutte le forze di occupazione in tutte le aree del Kurdistan;
• il riconoscimento internazionale dell’Amministrazione Autonoma della Siria del Nord e dell’Est, con la fine dell’embargo e l’inclusione nei negoziati di pace;
• Un processo internazionale ai miliziani dell’ISIS e la presa in carico dei loro paesi di origine;

tumblr_pqi19wf7wg1y0kwqyo1_r1_1280.jpeg imageAnzac Day 2022 19:55 Mon 25 Apr by MACG 8 comments

Australia’s militaristic national myth was founded on the Gallipoli landing.  The dead Anzacs are conscripted for service in all of Australia’s wars.  They have sanctified Australian imperialism in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.  This year, the national commemoration of the Anzacs will be in the service of the developing conflict with China and the drive to war.  It must not be uncontested.

textنا بۆ جەنگ، جگە ل®... 19:04 Tue 15 Mar by KAF 0 comments

جەنگ [هەموو جۆرە جەنگەکان] بە جەنگی ئایینی و نەتەوەیی، جەنگی نێوان دەوڵەتان و کۆمپانییە جیهانخۆرەکان دژ بە مرۆڤی چەوساوەیە، لێدانە لە پێداویستیی ژیانی چەوساوان، لێدانە لە وزە و توانای ئەوان، بۆ ملکەچکردنی ئەوانە بۆ ستەمی زۆرداران و دەسەڵاتخوازان و سەرمایەداران.

نا بۆ جەنگ و کوشتار و سەروەریی
بەڵێ بۆ هاوپشتی و تێکۆشانی شۆڕشگەرانەی چەوساوان دژ بە سەروەریی چینایەتی
جەنگی ئێمە دژی سەروەران و کۆمپانییەکانیان جەنگێکی کۆمەڵایەتیی جیهانییە

textNo war but the class war 19:01 Tue 15 Mar by KAF 4 comments

War, all kinds of wars, religious and national wars, wars between states and global corporations are all against oppressed people, it attacks their living means, it attacks their will and ability, in order to subjugate them to the will of oppressors, to the will of the authorities, the capitalists.
No to war, killing, and authority
Yes to the support and struggle of the oppressed revolutionaries against the class domination.
Our war against the rulers and their capitalist corporations is a global social war.

refugees_ukraine_welcome.jpg imagePour une solidarité internationale et sans frontières 04:37 Fri 11 Mar by Union Communiste Libertaire 1 comments

Depuis le 24 février, début de l’intervention militaire russe en Ukraine, les témoignages de solidarité se multiplient à travers le monde envers les réfugié·es ukrainien·nes. Comme toujours, la guerre amène avec elle son cortège macabre de mort·es et de populations obligé·es de fuir les bombes, les exactions et les carnages. La guerre impérialiste de l’État russe n’y fait pas exception.

visuel_ukraine.jpg imageUkraine : Contre le militarisme et la guerre : pour la lutte auto-organisée et la révolution sociale... 16:10 Thu 03 Mar by Diverses organisations anarchistes 0 comments

Déclaration anarchiste internationale contre la guerre impérialiste et l'invasion russe en Ukraine, datée du 25/02/2022. Également disponible sur ce site en anglais, castillan, italien et portugais.

vdatisggeq4w5gc0pve_cqpa5fckyonc8pd0wqebsn41200x640_1.jpg imageΓια την εισβολή της ... 16:35 Mon 28 Feb by Αναρχικές οργανώσεις από την Αυστραλία 0 comments

Ο πόλεμος είναι πραγματικά φρικτός, αλλά όπως όλες οι άλλες καπιταλιστικές κρίσεις, περιέχει τη δυνατότητα να πυροδοτήσει τα είδη των κοινωνικών εξεγέρσεων που ανατρέπουν ολόκληρα καθεστώτα. Πριν από έναν αιώνα η Ρωσία συμμετείχε σε έναν καταστροφικό, αιματηρό πόλεμο. Τελείωσε με μια επανάσταση της εργατικής τάξης που σόκαρε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Εναπόκειται στη διεθνή εργατική τάξη να διασφαλίσει ότι αυτός ο σημερινός πόλεμος θα τελειώσει με τον ίδιο τρόπο.

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imageA Talk on the Ukrainian-Russian War Aug 31 by Wayne Price 9 comments

A talk on the Ukrainian-Russian war, from an anarchist perspective. I reviewed my reasons for being in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. But revolutionary anarchists should give no political support to the Ukrainian government nor to the U.S. imperialists who help it.

textCapitalism’s war without end or Class War? Feb 26 by Dreyfus 16 comments

On the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine the AnarCom Network (UK) continues to argue that a new tendency is emerging - an internationalist revolutionary class struggle realignment, as a response to the reality of war and its existential threat. As Anarchist Communists we support the No War But The Class War position.

The following article originally written in 2014 by comrades in AnarCom marking the Russian occupation of Crimea in the 100th anniversary of the First World War.

imageΟι ναζιφασίστες τω&#... Nov 28 by Andrea Ferrario 0 comments

Η εξάλειψη των περισσότερων από τους φασίστες των δύο πρώτων ετών των αποσχισμένων δημοκρατιών δεν σημαίνει ότι οι τελευταίοι έχουν εκδημοκρατιστεί. Πάντα παρέμειναν δικτατορίες όπου τα βασανιστήρια, οι στοχευμένες δολοφονίες ενάντια στα σωζόμενα ψίχουλα της κοινωνίας των πολιτών, οι ομοφοβικές και φονταμενταλιστικές χριστιανικές πολιτικές ασκούνται συστηματικά. Επιπλέον, η αυτονομιστική ηγεσία κατέστρεψε την τοπική οικονομία με μια καθαρή πολιτική λεηλασίας, μη πληρώνοντας μισθούς στους εργαζόμενους ή παραδίδοντας τα περιουσιακά στοιχεία της χώρας σε μεγάλους καπιταλιστές της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας.

imageMalatesta on War and National Self-Determination Jul 29 by Wayne Price 6 comments

As far as I can tell, Ukrainian anarchists have in fact followed Malatesta’s approach. Virtually the whole country has risen up to oppose the invasion. There is voluntary organizing throughout the nation, both military and providing social services, despite chaos and destruction. Ukrainian anarchists have not made fools of themselves by opposing the resistance of the people. Instead they have merged with the broader movement of Ukrainians. Some have provided non-military services through mutual aid groups, such as food distribution. Others have formed a military unit composed of anarchists and anti-fascists. Although they have a good deal of autonomy, they coordinate with the Territorial Defense Forces.

imageSanctions against Russia: The impact is greater to Europe Mar 30 by Zaher Baher 7 comments

This article covers the impact of the sanction on all sides. But the real losers are the working class and the oppressed people. It shows the way how we can fight back against both wars: the current military one and the sanctions war.

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imageRésister au génocide Oct 14 MACG 5 comments

L’armée israélienne a ordonné aux habitants de la moitié nord de Gaza d’évacuer dans les 24 heures. Il est impossible pour plus d’un million de personnes de le faire en si peu de temps. Cet ordre ne peut être interprété que comme une formalité de relations publiques et un prélude à un génocide. Tous les travailleurs et soldats en mesure d’empêcher cela ont le devoir d’agir.

imageLa solidarietà è più delle parola scritta! Jun 11 1 comments

Facciamo appello a tutti i militanti e simpatizzanti di essere presenti e solidali con il movimento curdo, sostenendo:
• la campagna di rimozione del PKK dall’elenco delle organizzazioni terroristiche;
• Il rilascio di Abdullah Öcalan e di tutti i prigionieri politici;
• il ritiro immediato di tutte le forze di occupazione in tutte le aree del Kurdistan;
• il riconoscimento internazionale dell’Amministrazione Autonoma della Siria del Nord e dell’Est, con la fine dell’embargo e l’inclusione nei negoziati di pace;
• Un processo internazionale ai miliziani dell’ISIS e la presa in carico dei loro paesi di origine;

imageAnzac Day 2022 Apr 25 Anarkismo 8 comments

Australia’s militaristic national myth was founded on the Gallipoli landing.  The dead Anzacs are conscripted for service in all of Australia’s wars.  They have sanctified Australian imperialism in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.  This year, the national commemoration of the Anzacs will be in the service of the developing conflict with China and the drive to war.  It must not be uncontested.

textنا بۆ جەنگ، جگە ل®... Mar 15 KAF 0 comments

جەنگ [هەموو جۆرە جەنگەکان] بە جەنگی ئایینی و نەتەوەیی، جەنگی نێوان دەوڵەتان و کۆمپانییە جیهانخۆرەکان دژ بە مرۆڤی چەوساوەیە، لێدانە لە پێداویستیی ژیانی چەوساوان، لێدانە لە وزە و توانای ئەوان، بۆ ملکەچکردنی ئەوانە بۆ ستەمی زۆرداران و دەسەڵاتخوازان و سەرمایەداران.

نا بۆ جەنگ و کوشتار و سەروەریی
بەڵێ بۆ هاوپشتی و تێکۆشانی شۆڕشگەرانەی چەوساوان دژ بە سەروەریی چینایەتی
جەنگی ئێمە دژی سەروەران و کۆمپانییەکانیان جەنگێکی کۆمەڵایەتیی جیهانییە

textNo war but the class war Mar 15 KAF 4 comments

War, all kinds of wars, religious and national wars, wars between states and global corporations are all against oppressed people, it attacks their living means, it attacks their will and ability, in order to subjugate them to the will of oppressors, to the will of the authorities, the capitalists.
No to war, killing, and authority
Yes to the support and struggle of the oppressed revolutionaries against the class domination.
Our war against the rulers and their capitalist corporations is a global social war.

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