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north africa / imperialism / war / news report Thursday April 18, 2024 08:45 by InternationAL Anarchist Organisations   image 1 image
In August 2023, we, anarchist organisations from five continents, launched an international solidarity campaign. Its aim was and is to support Sudanese anarchists fleeing war and repression in their country and to ensure that they arrive safely in a destination country of their choice. Six months have now passed since our first call for solidarity. In this short text, we would like to report on the current situation and the continuation of our campaign. read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / imperialism / war / press release Monday February 28, 2022 16:27 by AustrALian a/c organisations   text 2 comments (last - monday february 05, 2024 16:47)   image 1 image
The war is truly horrendous, but like all other capitalist crises, it contains the potential to trigger the kinds of social uprisings that overthrow entire regimes. A century ago Russia participated in a disastrous, bloody war. It ended with a working-class revolution that sent shockwaves across the entire world. It is up to the international working class to make sure that this current war will end in the same way. read full story / add a comment
russia / ukraine / belarus / imperialism / war / press release Friday February 25, 2022 18:15 by KarALa   image 1 image
On Thursday, 24 February, in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, we attempted to carry out a demonstration in front of the Russian Embassy in Ankara as a response to the call for action made by anarchists in Ukraine. Even before the demonstration started, police have arrested all of our comrades, 6 in total. “Murderer state will pay!” and “State is war, war means massacre!” slogans shout during the arrest. The following statement was meant to read during the demonstration.
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international / impérialisme / guerre / nouvelles Tuesday February 01, 2022 22:01 by Commission internationALe UCL   text 1 comment (last - tuesday march 01, 2022 03:23)   image 1 image
Depuis le jeudi 20 janvier, l'administration autonome du nord et de l'est de la Syrie (AANES) subit des attaques coordonnées de la part de Daesh, les plus importantes de par leur envergure depuis la résurgence de l'État Islamique en Syrie (EI). En parallèle, l'État fasciste Turc d'Erdogan profite de la crise pour affaiblir l'AANES et appuie l'EI. La coalition internationale reste muette et quasi inactive alors que cette crise révèle au grand jour un des multiples problèmes d'ampleur auquel est confronté l'AANES et pour lequel la communauté internationale a une responsabilité écrasante : la gestion des dizaines de milliers de détenu·es membres de l'EI et de leurs familles et le rapatriement des milliers de ressortissant·es dans leurs pays d'origine. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Friday June 18, 2021 04:38 by InternationAL Delegation for Peace and Freedom   image 1 image
The UCL participated in the European delegation to observe the Turkish war crimes in Iraqi Kurdistan.
This delegation is taking place at a time when Erdogan is received at the NATO summit. His formal meeting with Macron does not hide his objective, which is obviously to legitimize his illegal invasion of Iraq, and to obtain from NATO a blank check to continue his military campaign.
His pretext: to eradicate the PKK, a "terrorist organization" according to the Council of Europe's blacklist.
His strategy: to intimidate European nations, to maintain bombings, military pressure and destruction of crops in Iraqi Kurdistan, to force Mahmoud Barzani's KDP to collaborate openly with him, against its brothers and sisters in Kurdistan.
At the time of publishing this information, the conference of the delegation has been prevented by the KDP, the hotel where it is held is surrounded by the military, and our comrades have been sent back to France after interrogation by the police of the KDP, traitor to the Kurdish cause. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Friday June 18, 2021 04:28 by InternationAL delegation for Kurdistan
We – nearly 150 politicians, human rights advocates, journalists, academics, members of parliaments, political activists, ecologists, and feminists from all over Europe – have been closely following the dangerous developments resulting from Turkey’s attacks on South Kurdistan (North Iraq) since the 23rd of April 2021. As a result, we have gathered in Erbil today and decided that we must speak out. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / opinión / análisis Thursday June 17, 2021 05:56 by ALgunas miembras de la la delegación Kurdistan   image 1 image
Unxs activistas de la UCL formaron parte de la delegación de observadores en Erbil. Apena bajaron del avión, fueron interrogados y devueltos a París, al igual que las decenas de funcionarios, cargos electos, activistas y periodistas de más de 10 países, que también fueron rechazadxs nada más al llegar. Además, se impidió la salida de Alemania a 25 delegadxs que estaban preparadxs para abandonar Düsseldorf. La sombra de Erdogan se extiende hasta Berlín, París, Bruselas…

Narración y análisis de la situación por miembras de la UCL que fueron parte de la delegación de observadores en Erbil. read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / article de fond Wednesday June 16, 2021 21:52 by Membres UCL de la délégation internationALe Kurdistan   text 8 comments (last - tuesday october 24, 2023 10:41)   image 1 image
"Des militantEs de l’UCL faisaient partie de la délégation d’observateurs à Erbil. A peine sortiEs de l’avion, Iels ont été interrogéEs, puis renvoyéEs vers Paris, tout comme les dizaines d’officiels, élus, militants, journalistes de plus de 10 pays, également refoulés dès leur arrivée. Il faut ajouter à ce nombre, 25 délégués prêts à partir de Düsseldorf, empêchés même de quitter l’Allemagne. L’ombre d’Erdogan s’étend jusqu’à Berlin, Paris, Bruxelles…"

Récit et analyse de la situation par des camarades de l'UCL qui ont participé à la délégation, le 13 juin 2021 read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / communiqué de presse Wednesday June 16, 2021 21:43 by Délégation internationALe Kurdistan   image 1 image
L’UCL a participé à la délégation européenne d’observation des crimes de guerre turcs au Kurdistan irakien.
Cette délégation prend place au moment où Erdogan est reçu au sommet de l’OTAN. Sa rencontre formelle avec Macron, ne dissimule pas son objectif qui est évidemment de légitimer son invasion illégale de l’Irak, et d’obtenir de l’OTAN un blanc-seing pour poursuivre sa campagne militaire.
Son prétexte : éradiquer le PKK, « organisation terroriste », selon la liste noire du Conseil de l’Europe.
Sa stratégie : intimider les nations européennes, maintenir bombardements, pression militaire et destruction de moissons au Kurdistan irakien, obliger le PDK de Mahmoud Barzani à collaborer ouvertement avec lui, contre ses frères et sœurs au Kurdistan.
A l’heure où nous publions ces informations, la conférence de la délégation a été empêchée par le PDK, l’hôtel où elle se tient est encerclé par les militaires, et nos camarades ont été renvoyé-e-s en France après interrogatoire par la police du PDK, traître à la cause kurde. read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / nouvelles Friday May 14, 2021 02:19 by Ilan ShALif   image 1 image
La nuit dernière, nous avons vu le résultat de l’accumulation de la colère des jeunes, qui sont les principales victimes de la pandémie et de la crise du COVID-19. La grande montée du chômage a entraîné une montée également de la pression subie par les Palestiniens à Jérusalem et dans les villes multiethniques de l’État d’Israël. L’intensité de la violence policière a augmenté de même lors de la répression des rassemblements et autres mobilisations. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / news report Wednesday May 12, 2021 19:50 by Ilan ShALif   text 2 comments (last - tuesday march 05, 2024 13:00)   image 1 image
Last night have shown the result of the accumulation of anger of the youth who are the main victims of the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis. There is a much increase of unemployment which brought the increase of pressure on Palestinians in Jerusalem and the multiethnic cities within Israel, as well as the intensity of police brutality in order to suppress the rallies and other mobilisations. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Monday May 11, 2020 23:20 by Vijay Prashad, Paola Estrada, Ana MALdonado and Zoe PC   text 10 comments (last - saturday april 06, 2024 20:53)
In the early morning hours of Sunday, May 3, speedboats left the Colombian coastlines and headed toward Venezuela. These boats had no authorization to cross the maritime border. They landed on the Venezuelan coastline at La Guaira. This was clearly a hostile action, since the boats carried heavy weaponry, including assault rifles and ammunition; the people on the boats possessed satellite phones as well as uniforms and helmets with the flag of the United States of America. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / emperyalizm / savaş / feature Thursday March 05, 2020 04:17 by Devrimci Anarşist FaALiyet   image 1 image
Suriye’de savaşın ve TSK desteğindeki cihatçı çetelerin sıkıştığı son nokta olan İdlip’te uzun zamandır beklenenler olmaya başladı. Şubat’ın 27’sini 28’e bağlayan gece -TC’nin Suriye Ordusu’na İdlip’te aldığı yerlerden çekilmesi konusunda verdiği “ültimatomun” dolmasına az bir süre kala- TSK’ye bağlı birlikler hava saldırısına uğradı. Bu hava saldırısı sonucu resmi rakamlara göre 34 asker öldü. Saldırı, TC kaynaklarına göre Suriye tarafından gerçekleştirildi. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Monday February 03, 2020 20:22 by ALan Macleod   text 3 comments (last - sunday april 07, 2024 18:07)
The three sites chosen for the news bases, Erbin, Sulimania and Halabja are all extremely close to Iran, with Halabja just eight miles from its border. read full story / add a comment
grèce / turquie / chypre / impérialisme / guerre / nouvelles Monday October 14, 2019 21:36 by Devrimci Anarşist FaALiyet
L’état turc pénètre à nouveau sur un territoire qu’il occupe déjà en partie, avec l’excuse de le faire pour « protéger sa propre intégrité territoriale ». Les dirigeants de l’état n’ont pas eu honte de parler de paix, ils n’ont pas eu honte d’appeler paix cette guerre qu’ils mènent pour leurs propres intérêts. Dans l’opération militaire appelée « source de paix », des avions ont immédiatement effectué des bombardements massifs, qui ont aussi affecté les populations civiles. Toutes ces opérations ont commencé au vu et au su des etats et de l’opinion publique internationale qui prétendent « condamner » l’état turc.

Lire également : Solidarité avec le peuple au Rojava, dénonçons l’état turc et les alliés des Etats-Unis - Forum Anarchiste Kurdophone (KAF) read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / imperialism / war / press release Friday October 11, 2019 05:08 by Devrimci Anarşist FaALiyet
The Turkish State decided to re-enter a territory that it already partly occupies, with the excuse of “protecting its own territorial integrity” . The heads of the state were not ashamed to talk about peace, nor they were ashamed to name the war that they lead for their own interests, as peace. In the war operation called “Peace Spring” warplanes, especially non-discriminating air strikes were put into operation immediately. All of this has started to take place before the eyes of the states and public opinion allegedly “condemning” the Turkish State.

Read also : Solidarity With People In Rojava, Denouncing Turkish State And United States Allies - Kurdish-speaking Anarchist Forum (KAF) read full story / add a comment
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / emperyalizm / savaş / feature Friday October 11, 2019 03:57 by Devrimci Anarşist FaALiyet   image 1 image
TC Devleti bir kısmını işgal ettiği coğrafyaya, yeni tezkere ile yeniden “kendi toprak bütünlüğünü korumak” bahanesiyle girmeye karar verdi. Devletin başındakiler barıştan bahsetmekten utanmadığı gibi, kendi çıkarları için başlattığı savaşın ismini koyarken de utanmadı. “Barış Pınarı” adı verilen savaş operasyonunda savaş uçakları, hedef gözetmeyen hava saldırıları başta olmak üzere, hemen devreye sokuldu. Bütün bunlar TC Devleti’ni sözde “kınayan” devletlerin ve kamuoyunun gözleri önünde gerçekleştirilmeye başlandı. [English] read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra / anarchist communist event Tuesday April 02, 2019 10:46 by ViALibre   image 1 image
Semana contra el Apartheid Israelí (2-5 de abril)
En Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino
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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday December 21, 2018 07:41 by KhALed Aboud   image 1 image
The announcement of Trump that the US would immediately stop aerial bombardments and withdraw their diplomatic personnel, while their troops would all withdraw within 3 months, officially signalled the end of the Syrian war, a war which has been portrayed as a “civil war” but one in which all of the world participated. While major powers, such as Russia, France, the UK, and the US, and regional powers such as Iran, Israel and Turkey participated directly, they had their Syrian proxies to fight against one another. The conflict, in the first place, wouldn’t have erupted without the decisive funding and support given by Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Turkey and Jordan to a frightful collection of armed jihadist lunatics. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday December 07, 2018 14:03 by KhALed Aboud   image 1 image
As everyone watches in horror and disbelief the unparalleled Saudi atrocities in Yemen and the unspeakable barbaric assassination of the journalist Jamal Kashoggi, the Saudi royals are increasingly isolated in the world. However, in the Middle East, they have made new friends: the Kurdish of Syria. read full story / add a comment
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