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ireland / britain / community struggles / press release Thursday October 29, 2015 01:07 by Barricade Inn   image 1 image
On Wednesday The Barricade Inn Collective received court summons papers informing us that the following day (Thursday 22nd October) the estate holders of the building would be seeking an injunction against us. Court was adjourned and the case will be back in court next Wednesday (28th October). read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Sunday October 25, 2015 20:08 by Ilan S.
Il fallimento da parte dell'imperialismo USA nel prendere il controllo di paesi relativamente indipendenti come l'Iraq e la Siria ha portato al compromesso con l'indipendente Iran. Il ruolo minaccioso di Israele durante la trattativa ha permesso ad Israele di poter agire più liberamente nella repressione contro i Palestinesi. Il ritorno della Russia sullo scenario siriano ridà fiato ad Israele che può intensificare i suoi tentativi di assumere il controllo dell'area C in Cisgiordania. La terza intifada è una risposta disperata dei Palestinesi che vedono la fine dell'occupazione israeliana allontanarsi fino a scomparire all'orizzonte. La lotta unitaria continua non come speranza che cresce ma come tenace Tsumud (persistenza, ndt) di non arrendersi. [English] read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sul territorio / opinione / analisi Sunday October 25, 2015 18:13 by Tucum
Il 2 ottobre a Roma c’è stato uno sciopero di 24 ore dei mezzi di trasporto pubblici. Ancora una volta abbiamo assistito al classico gioco dei padroni, attraverso i media, del “divide et impera”, opponendo utenti e lavoratori, su un disagio che ambedue dividono: la condizione di un servizio spazzatura. read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / community struggles / opinión / análisis Wednesday October 21, 2015 01:32 by Núcleo Comunista Libertario   image 1 image
Estamos en épocas electoreras en todo el territorio nacional, donde llega la oscuridad de la democracia capitalista que unos tanto aman y otros tanto odiamos. Pero veamos más allá del panorama de los carteles y de los desempleados repartiendo publicidad por un salario diario mínimo -o menos-. read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Friday October 16, 2015 19:58 by Γρηγόρης Τσιλιμαντός   image 1 image
*Ομιλία από την εκδήλωση της Αντιεξουσιαστικής Κίνησης : “Η Αριστερά στην εξουσία και η απάντηση των κοινωνικών κινημάτων”, που έλαβε χώρα στις 16 Ιουνίου 2015, στο Nosotros (Θεμιστοκλέους 66, Εξάρχεια). read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Friday October 02, 2015 19:57 by Silence_Infinis / Κενό Δίκτυο   image 1 image
Για την ώρα, πάντως, βρισκόμαστε στο χείλος της τρύπας· εκτείνοντας το βλέμμα φαίνεται μια παγκόσμια οικονομία σε κατάσταση νευρικής κρίσης ενώ η εξαθλίωση, η βαρβαρότητα και το κοινωνικό χάος ως αποτελέσματα αλλά και τεχνικές διαχείρισης των παγκόσμιων ροών του κεφαλαίου διευρύνονται. Επικεντρώνοντας στον ελλαδικό χώρο διακρίνεται ο ορίζοντας μιας μακράς λιτότητας και κάμποσα ατομικά και συλλογικά αδιέξοδα. Η εκτίμηση μου είναι ότι, έξω από μια σταθεροποίηση και ανάκαμψη της οικονομίας, ο εσωτερικός ανταγωνισμός θα συμπυκνωθεί σταδιακά στο δίπολο “μέσα/έξω από την Ε.Ε.”, άρα και στο δίπολο Ευρώ/Δραχμή. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / opinione / analisi Sunday September 27, 2015 17:31 by Mazen Kamalmaz
Le grandi mobilitazioni che hanno attraversato il Medio Oriente alla fine del 2010 sono state riassorbite se non addirittura trasformate in devastanti conflitti tra forze autoritarie in competizione. Quell'ondata risparmiò il Libano, che dopo il ritiro delle truppe siriane (di Assad) nel 2005 era governato da una classe dirigente che aveva da una parte i filo-iraniani, cioè la coalizione 8 marzo, guidata dagli "sciiti" di Hezbollah e dall'altro i filo-sauditi della coalizione 14 marzo, guidata dall'oligarca "sunnita" Hariri. read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday September 25, 2015 18:04 by Ilan S.
Dopo il fallimento dell'offensiva dell'anno scorso contro Hamas a Gaza, lo Stato di Israele vede diminuire il suo potere di contrattazione a livello internazionale, per cui manipola il malcontento interno aumentando l'invasione degli spazi palestinesi, sia quelli del 1967 nella Cisgiordania occupata sia all'interno dei confini del 1948. Il minore sostegno da parte delle classi dirigenti israeliane al primo ministro Netanyahu ed ai suoi accoliti lo inducono a spingere sull'azzardo politico che può trascinarlo nella sua prima grande sconfitta. Il suo fallimento nel far passare lo schema Gas e la causa civile in cui è coinvolta sua moglie, possono essere i primi segni del suo declino imminente. [English] read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / interview Friday September 18, 2015 05:19 by Joe Conlon   image 1 image
Myself and some comrades were approached by a young mother from Coolock (a working class neighborhood in Dublin) that recently became homeless. The woman and her children became homeless a few weeks previous. While her kids are in school during the day the mother either walks the streets or calls into friends or family member’s homes. When school has ended for the day they have to rely on family and friends to let them stay in their homes. Sometimes the mother has to split her children up so that she’d definitely have a roof over all her kid’s heads for the night. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / lotte sul territorio / evento comunista anarchico Wednesday September 16, 2015 23:10 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Una giornata di analisi e di proposte operative sul diritto alla salute read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / opinion / analysis Tuesday September 15, 2015 06:59 by Joe Conlon   image 1 image
A housing direct action is took place this morning at the Dublin City Council (DCC) office in Bunratty Civic Centre, Coolock in Dublin. Mother’s and their children who are in need of housing occupied the offices in order to force the council to answer their questions. In particular they want to know why many people are discovering there isn’t even emergency accommodation available. read full story / add a comment
El Perú, tiene elecciones presidenciales marcadas para el año 2016, esta nación tiene líderes políticos presos, ex-presidentes seriamente procesados y posibles candidatos involucrados en situaciones casi inexplicables.
internacional / community struggles / opinión / análisis Monday September 14, 2015 22:56 by BrunoL   image 1 image
13 de septiembre 2015, Bruno Lima Rocha.

Al tomar contacto (viajando al país por tareas académicas) con la actualidad de la política profesional peruana, observé un patrón semejante al de las demás realidades latino-americanas. Hay una profunda - y bastante concreta – criminalización de los representantes del Poder Ejecutivo del país vecino. Y a la vez, una inversión de expectativas, con el gobierno de turno, del general Ollanta Humala y su auto-proclamado Partido Nacionalista Peruano (PNP).
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As práticas gorilas, como as manifestadas nas ruas do Brasil quando a direita ideológica e neoliberal sai às ruas aos domingos, estão justamente expressas no afastamento do Brasil para com a América Latina.
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / community struggles / opinião / análise Monday September 14, 2015 09:36 by BrunoL   image 1 image
13 de setembro de 2015, Bruno Lima Rocha.

"A demência da nova direita brasileira está realmente abusando. Alguns cartazes e gritos de guerra trazidos a público no Brasil em 16 de agosto de 2015 lembram a operação anterior ao golpe contra o governo Salvador Allende, derrubado em 11 de setembro de 1973. No Brasil do terceiro turno, temos o desprazer de ler frases como “Foda-se a Venezuela”, o clássico “Vai para Cuba”, ou então coro político cantando: “Pé na bunda dela, isso aqui não é a Venezuela!”. E, obviamente, lado a lado com os neoliberais marcham saudosos da ditadura brasileira, incluindo faixas em inglês pedindo intervenção do Comando Sul dos EUA no Brasil", escreve Bruno Lima Rocha, professor de ciência política e de relações internacionais.

Eis o artigo. read full story / add a comment
En el Brasil del tercer turno, tenemos el dolor de leer frases como “. Que se joda la Venezuela”, el clásico “Va para Cuba”, o entonces coro político cantando: “Patada en el culo de ella, eso aquí no es Venezuela!”.
brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / community struggles / opinión / análisis Tuesday September 08, 2015 02:45 by BrunoL   image 1 image
07 de septiembre 2015, Bruno Lima Rocha.

Es tiempos de avanzada de la nueva derecha ideológica brasileña, se nota el retorno de una vieja práctica política latino-americana. En la mitad del siglo XX vivíamos en América Latina una paradoja, por un lado, había algunos gobiernos con cortes nacionalistas y llamamientos populares (y populistas).
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mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Monday September 07, 2015 15:25 by Ilan S.
Il video del mancato arresto del ragazzino di 12 anni a Nabi Saleh è stato visto da milioni di persone in tutto il mondo. Quel fatto e la manifestazione unitaria del venerdì successivo hanno dimostrato ancora una volta quanto la presenza degli ebrei Israeliani Anarchici Contro il Muro abbia impedito in passato ed impedisca ora l'esaurirsi della lotta palestinese non-armata in fiumi di sangue. Furono gli spari contro Gil Naamati nel 2003 in una azione unitaria con gli Anarchici Contro il Muro che causarono uno vero e proprio scandalo mediatico in Israele (tanto da costringere il capo di stato maggiore dell'esercito a recarsi in ospedale per le scuse ufficiali) e che portarono ad un cambiamento nell'ordine di fare fuoco allo scopo di disperdere manifestazioni non autorizzate nei territori occupati, se in quelle manifestazioni vi erano presenti degli israeliani. [English] read full story / add a comment
venezuela / colombia / community struggles / opinión / análisis Monday September 07, 2015 11:04 by Núcleo Comunista Libertario   image 2 images
El 19 de agosto pasado se cumplía 2 años de uno de los sucesos históricos más sobresalientes de la etapa reciente en el país: el inicio del paro nacional agrario y popular. Después de un agitado primer semestre de ese año, donde los campesinos levantaron banderas de lucha en regiones como el eje cafetero, el gran Tolima y el Catatumbo sin ser escuchados, entendieron que solo la unidad de movilización nacional es clave para arrancarle al terrateniente y la burguesía los derechos que se merecen. read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles / news report Saturday September 05, 2015 21:50 by Ilan S.
The failed arrest of 12 year old child in Nabi Saleh caused a million views storm in the media. This situation and the next Friday of the joint struggle demonstrated again how the involvement of the AATW Israeli Jews prevented in the past and prevent now the extinguishing of the non armed Palestinian struggle with rivers of blood. It was one shooting of Gil Naamati in 2003 in a joint action of the anarchists AATW that caused a real wide media scandal in Israel (which forced the higher commander of the army to visit him at hospital and apologize) that resulted in the change of shooting order about dispersing non armed demonstrations in the occupied lands when Israelis are involved. In addition to our helping to distribute the news, Our main contribution is the supply of "life insurance" to the Palestinians and even to the stone throwers in the demos.... though it is not perfect and along the years about 20 were killed and many more were injured. [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
southern africa / community struggles / feature Thursday September 03, 2015 19:24 by Sifuna Zonke   text 1 comment (last - wednesday march 09, 2016 21:35)   image 1 image
On 3 September 1984, the Vaal Triangle, which is located southeast of Johannesburg and was part of the industrial heartland of South Africa, exploded into unrest. A general stay-away from work was called, schools were closed, buses and taxis stood idle and militant protest spread across the country. It was the most significant and large-scale rebellion of the black working class since the Soweto Uprising of June, 1976, and signified one of the final nails in the coffin of apartheid and white minority rule.

For the black working class living in the townships across the Vaal Triangle, such as Sharpeville, Sebokeng, Evaton, Bophelong, Boiketlong, Zamdela and others the conditions were very similar to those of today. A slump in the steel industry had led to many workers being retrenched, there were evictions of rent defaulters and bribery, corruption and self-enrichment of local councillors was rife. Councillors’ election promises went unfulfilled and township residents demanded their resignation.

Thirty-one years later, on 21 April 2015, the Sebokeng Magistrate’s Court in the Vaal sentenced four community activists from Boiketlong to sixteen years in prison each for allegedly setting fire to the local ward councillor’s house and cars during a protest action. read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / community struggles / opinion / analysis Thursday September 03, 2015 00:56 by Tom Murray   image 1 image
Last week, three children under the age of six slept rough in Dublin city centre while their parents stayed awake to watch over them. As of August 2015, this family is but one of 620 families in Ireland, including more than 1,300 children, who are homeless. The root of the current crisis of housing is the current crisis of capitalism. read full story / add a comment
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