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central asia / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Monday August 30, 2021 21:30 byDanny La Rouge   image 1 image
The Taliban are now in control in most of Afghanistan. They are already instituting strict sharia law and will move against the Shi’ites who they see as heretics, in particular the Hazaras. The gains that women have made over the last period, with increased education for girls, women in public life, and the adoption of Western style clothing, will all now disappear. Women will be driven out of public life and back into the home and female education will be severely curtailed. read full story / add a comment
asia central / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Friday February 22, 2019 13:09 byRafael Poch de Feliu
Hace cuarenta años el ejército soviético entró en Afganistán. Aquel diciembre de 1979 hacia ya cinco meses que el Presidente Carter y su consejero de seguridad, el fanático antiruso de origen polaco Zbigniew Brzezinski, habían iniciado, con sus amigos saudíes, una multimillonaria ayuda para fomentar, financiar y armar un integrismo sunita en Afganistán. Los celebres muyaidines, “luchadores por la libertad”. read full story / add a comment
central asia / the left / non-anarchist press Wednesday January 10, 2018 19:48 byFarooq Tariq
Communists have won a landslide victory in the elections for House of Representatives of Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal held in two phases on 26th November and 7th December 2017. In a parliament of 275, the elections were held for 165 seats under the first past the post system (FPTP) and the rest, 110 seats, were by proportional system. Farooq Tariq visited Nepal for four days after the election results were announced from 13/17 December 2017 and reports. read full story / add a comment
central asia / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Tuesday September 15, 2015 23:37 byAzmat Khan
The United States trumpets education as one of its shining successes of the war in Afghanistan. But a BuzzFeed News investigation reveals U.S. claims were often outright lies, as the government peddled numbers it knew to be false and touted schools that have never seen a single student. read full story / add a comment
central asia / the left / non-anarchist press Friday March 15, 2013 21:49 byNoaman G. Ali
"I just want to help children,” a voice called out in English from a clothing store in Thamel, a tourist area of Kathmandu, Nepal's capital city. I saw a young white woman walking out of the store, and my curiosity got the better of me. “You want to help children?” I called out. It was a dark, cold January evening and the narrow streets were lit largely from stores which had no front walls and the signs that hung over them. The woman stopped and turned around. read full story / add a comment
central asia / the left / non-anarchist press Tuesday June 19, 2012 23:35 byAlex de Jong
After ten years of Maoist insurgency and a coup d'état by the king in 2005, the Nepali people took to the streets in April 2006, forcing the king to hand power back to the parliament. It was the end of the only Hindu kingdom in the world but only a new step in the country's continuing political crisis. The Maoist party, the UCPN(M) has entered into a crisis itself and a split has become inevitable.
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asia central / imperialismo / guerra / non-anarchist press Friday January 06, 2012 05:37 byPágina /12
Los talibán se habían declarado en la víspera dispuestos a disponer de una oficina política fuera de Afganistán para negociaciones de paz, un primer paso histórico tras diez años de conflicto con el gobierno afgano y sus aliados de la OTAN. read full story / add a comment
asia centrale / lotte sindacali / appello / petizione Thursday December 22, 2011 17:55 byKRAS   image 1 image
Le autorità del Kazakhstan hanno sparato su una manifestazione di operai del petrolio in sciopero nella città occidentale di Zhanaozen. Lo sciopero di circa 1500 operai per rivendicare salari più alti e migliori condizioni di lavoro era iniziato nel mese di maggio, ma era stato vietato. I campi petroliferi del Karazhanbas, dove è scoppiata la vertenza, vengono sfruttati da una compagnia che appartiene per parte cinese alla China International Trust Investment Company e per parte kazaka alla compagnia "KazMunayGaz". read full story / add a comment
asie centrale / luttes en milieu de travail / appel / pétition Wednesday December 21, 2011 22:30 byKRAS   image 1 image
Le 16 décembre 2011 les autorités du Kazakhstan ont tirés dans Zhanaozen (une ville de l'est du Kazakhstan) sur la manifestation des travailleurs du pétrole en grève. La grève d'environ 1500 travailleurs avec des exigences de hausse des salaires et de meilleures conditions de travail a débuté en mai, mais elle a été interdite. Le gisement de pétrole des Karazhanbas, où le conflit a éclaté, est actuellement développé par la compagnie, qui appartient à l'entreprise Chinoise "China International Trust Investment Company" et la société Kazakh "KazMunayGaz". read full story / add a comment
central asia / workplace struggles / appeal / petition Wednesday December 21, 2011 22:25 byKRAS   image 1 image
The authorities in Kazakhstan have shot at a rally of striking oil workers in the West city Zhanaozen.The strike of about 1,500 workers demanding higher wages and better working conditions began in May, but was banned. The Oilfield of Karazhanbas, where conflict broke out, is being developed by the company, which belongs to the Chinese concern China International Trust Investment Company and the Kazakh company "KazMunayGaz". read full story / add a comment
zentralasien / arbeitskämpfe / bericht Wednesday December 21, 2011 22:18 byFreie ArbeiterInnen Union   image 1 image
Seit mehr als sechs Monaten streiken in der kasachischen Provinz Mangystau tausende von ÖlarbeiterInnen gegen Ausbeutung und für höhere Löhne. Mehr als 1.000 wurden wegen des Streiks gefeuert. Am 16. Dezember griff die Polizei des diktatorischen Regimes eine Kundgebung in der Stadt Zhanaozen (Jañaözen) an. Nach Berichten von AugenzeugInnen soll es dabei bis zu 70 Tote und 700 bis 800 Verletzte unter den Streikenden und ihren UnterstützerInnen gegeben haben. read full story / add a comment
asia central / workplace struggles / llamado / petición Wednesday December 21, 2011 22:12 byKRAS   image 1 image
16 de diciembre de 2011 – las autoridades de Kazajistán dispararon en Zhanaozen (una ciudad del oeste de Kazajistán) a la manifestación de trabajadores petrolíferos en huelga. La huelga de alrededor de 1500 trabajadores, con demandas de salarios más altos y mejores condiciones de trabajo, comenzó en mayo, pero fue prohibida. El campo petrolífero de Karazhanbas, donde estalló el conflicto, está siendo instalado por la empresa, que pertenece a los intereses chinos de la empresa “China International Trust Investment Company” y la empresa Kazaja "KazMunayGaz". read full story / add a comment
asia centrală / workplace struggles / news report Wednesday December 21, 2011 22:06 byInitiativa Anarho-Sindicalista din Romania   image 1 image
Cel putin 70 de morti si 700 de raniti. Se trage in continuare in oameni. read full story / add a comment
central asia / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Wednesday October 19, 2011 21:56 byMegan Iorio
This weekend marked a new milestone for the war in Afghanistan: the total number of US troops killed in the war has doubled since President Obama took office, according to and our US Troops in Afghanistan: Obama vs Bush web counter. That means that two-thirds of the total US troop deaths have occurred in the last two years and eight months, which accounts for roughly a third of the duration of the war to date. read full story / add a comment
central asia / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Monday September 12, 2011 20:34 byRobert D. Crews
The US and NATO war in Afghanistan is in its tenth year, yet many fear the Taliban is poised to return to power. read full story / add a comment
central asia / the left / non-anarchist press Tuesday September 06, 2011 21:14 byRoshan Kissoon   text 2 comments (last - friday september 23, 2011 05:47)
On the recent election victory of the Nepali Maoists; how the Maoist leaders ended a revolution and joined the political establishment. The dangers of authoritarian leadership. read full story / add a comment
Militari USA in posa davanti al centro di detenzione di Bagram
asia centrale / imperialismo / guerra / opinione / analisi Monday June 13, 2011 17:05 byJohn E. Jacobsen   image 1 image
Le notizie di questo mese sulla morte di Osama bin Laden hanno scatenato festeggiamenti diffusi: migliaia di americani, affascinati dall'idea dell'uccisione del criminale più ricercato dagli USA, hanno festeggiato l'avvenimento riunendosi in luoghi pubblici e sventolando la bandiera americana. [English] read full story / add a comment
central asia / imperialism / war / opinion / analysis Friday May 27, 2011 01:15 byJohn E Jacobsen   image 1 image
“Late Sunday night local time, two U.S. helicopters from Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) and carrying Team Six SEALs flew in low from Afghanistan… The raid began on the smaller of two buildings in [Bin Laden's] compound, where [Bin Laden's] couriers were believed to live. The raid then moved to the larger three-story building.

“Two Bin Laden couriers were killed, as was Osama Bin Laden’s son Khalid and a woman. Two women were injured. Children were present in the compound but were not harmed. U.S. officials said that bin Laden was asked to surrender but did not. He was shot in the head and then shot again to make sure he was dead.”
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asie centrale / impérialisme / guerre / presse non anarchiste Friday March 25, 2011 18:06   image 1 image
Les forces américaines en Afghanistan s’attendent à de possibles émeutes déclenchées par la publication de photographies montrant des «trophées de guerre» pris par des soldats américains posant avec les corps de civils afghans qu’ils ont eux-mêmes tué. read full story / add a comment

Central Asia

Sat 20 Apr, 07:02

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khazajstan_2.jpg imageKasachstan: Polizei richtet Massaker unter ÖlarbeiterInnen an 22:18 Wed 21 Dec by Freie ArbeiterInnen Union 0 comments

Seit mehr als sechs Monaten streiken in der kasachischen Provinz Mangystau tausende von ÖlarbeiterInnen gegen Ausbeutung und für höhere Löhne. Mehr als 1.000 wurden wegen des Streiks gefeuert. Am 16. Dezember griff die Polizei des diktatorischen Regimes eine Kundgebung in der Stadt Zhanaozen (Jañaözen) an. Nach Berichten von AugenzeugInnen soll es dabei bis zu 70 Tote und 700 bis 800 Verletzte unter den Streikenden und ihren UnterstützerInnen gegeben haben.

khazajstan.jpg imageGreva lucratorilor petrolieri din Janaozen, Kazahstan 22:06 Wed 21 Dec by Initiativa Anarho-Sindicalista din Romania 0 comments

Cel putin 70 de morti si 700 de raniti. Se trage in continuare in oameni.

textΓενική απεργία στη&#... 15:43 Mon 26 Mar by Internationalist Striker 0 comments

Στο κρατίδιο της Δυτικής Βεγγάλης της Ινδίας καλέστηκε γενική απεργία μετά από τη δολοφονία 14 διαδηλωτών την Τετάρτη 21 Μάρτη.

textΕξέγερση στην Κίνα 10:32 Thu 15 Mar by Ret Marut 0 comments

Περίπου 20.000 αγρότες και απολυμένοι εργάτες εξεγέρθηκαν και συγκρούστηκαν με περίπου 1.000 αστυνομικούς.

textGeneral-secretary of Siberian Confederation of Labour (SKT) arrested 19:56 Mon 27 Nov by Will Firth / Yelena Starostina 0 comments

For the July 2006 anti-G8 meeting in Russia in Saint Petersburg, Vassily Starostin, the general secretary of the anarcho-syndicalist SKT, and his 14 year-old son were stopped on their train by the Ekaterinburg police with the accusation of criminal case.

text2 χρόνια φυλάκιση γι... 09:38 Wed 14 Dec by Azar Majedi 0 comments

Translation in Greek of «2 Years In Jail For Criticising Islam»

text2 Years In Jail For Criticising Islam in Afghanistan 19:45 Fri 09 Dec by WCPI 0 comments

The Islamic state of Afghanistan has sentenced Ali Mohaqeq Nasab, executive manager of Women's Right journal to two years imprisonment for criticising Islam.

textChinese anarchists in the 1920's USA - the Equality Society 13:10 Mon 31 Oct by mitch 4 comments

In the period before the Chinese revolution Chinese anarchists were also active in the USA - in particular the 'Equality society'. This article includes complete transcriptions, including original errors, of two articles from that time on The Equality Society

Ba Jin imageChinese anarchist Ba Jin dies age 101 in Shanghai 22:23 Tue 18 Oct by Joe Black 4 comments

Xinhua has reported the death of the Chinese anarchist Ba Jin after a six year battle with cancer. In 1919 he was part of the Chinese anarchist group 'Company of Equals' that organised demonstrations against the warlords and distributed revolutionary leaflets.

textUnrest Grows in China 13:21 Mon 04 Jul by Ba Jin 1 comments

This article appeared in Melbourne Indymedia in Saturday July 02, 2005

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imageThe fall of Kabul Aug 30 by Danny La Rouge 0 comments

The Taliban are now in control in most of Afghanistan. They are already instituting strict sharia law and will move against the Shi’ites who they see as heretics, in particular the Hazaras. The gains that women have made over the last period, with increased education for girls, women in public life, and the adoption of Western style clothing, will all now disappear. Women will be driven out of public life and back into the home and female education will be severely curtailed.

imagePuò la morte di Osama significare davvero la fine dell'occupazione dell'Afghanistan? Jun 13 by John E. Jacobsen 0 comments

Le notizie di questo mese sulla morte di Osama bin Laden hanno scatenato festeggiamenti diffusi: migliaia di americani, affascinati dall'idea dell'uccisione del criminale più ricercato dagli USA, hanno festeggiato l'avvenimento riunendosi in luoghi pubblici e sventolando la bandiera americana. [English]

imageCould Osama’s Death Really Mean the end of Afghanistan’s Occupation? May 27 by John E Jacobsen 0 comments

“Late Sunday night local time, two U.S. helicopters from Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) and carrying Team Six SEALs flew in low from Afghanistan… The raid began on the smaller of two buildings in [Bin Laden's] compound, where [Bin Laden's] couriers were believed to live. The raid then moved to the larger three-story building.

“Two Bin Laden couriers were killed, as was Osama Bin Laden’s son Khalid and a woman. Two women were injured. Children were present in the compound but were not harmed. U.S. officials said that bin Laden was asked to surrender but did not. He was shot in the head and then shot again to make sure he was dead.”

imageLa Mujer en Afganistán, Hoy May 02 by ALB Noticias 0 comments

Nota de ALB -En línea con la entrevista que hicimos a Mariam Rawi, militante de RAWA, ( publicamos a continuación el texto de las charlas que durante estos días ha dado por varias ciudades del Estado, y que ella misma nos ha facilitado.

imageTowards an anarchist history of the Chinese revolution Feb 16 by Andrew Flood 0 comments

Outside of a few events including the Long March and the Shanghai commune the development of the Chinese revolution is relatively unknown on the western left in comparison with the revolutions in Russia in 1917, Spain in 1936 or even the Paris spring of 1968. Those sections of that left influenced by or proclaiming themselves to be Maoist haven't helped that situation much. Their histories have tended towards simple tales focusing on the role of one man and collapsed a 100-year history of revolution into the events important to him. [Italiano]

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