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italia / svizzera / antifascismo / evento comunista anarchico Saturday October 08, 2016 23:40 por Gianni Sartori   text 2 comments (last - saturday february 18, 2017 05:33)
Quindici anni fa, quasi nello stesso giorno (rispettivamente 9 e 11 febbraio 2001), se ne andavano due tra i maggiori esponenti dell'antifascismo militante nel Vicentino.
Il Tar, Ferruccio Manea, a 86 anni; Ferrer Visentini a 90 anni.
Quella della morte quasi sincronica non è stata l'unica coincidenza. Le loro vite in qualche modo si erano già incrociate.
Nato a Trieste, Ferrer Visentini (il nome gli era stato in memoria del pedagogista libertario fucilato a Barcellona nel 1909) mi aveva raccontato con partecipazione, direi anche con orgoglio, di aver conosciuto il fratello maggiore del Tar, Ismene Manea, destinato a perire tragicamente nel 1944 per mano dei nazisti. Avevano combattuto fianco a fianco come volontari internazionali in difesa della Repubblica contro i franchisti (fronte di Caspe e battaglia dell'Ebro).
Sia Ferruccio che Ferrer parteciparono attivamente alla Resistenza, ma in seguito i loro destini personali erano stati diversi: il Tar quasi emarginato per il suo “estremismo” (tacciato a volte di “anarchismo”), Visentini rispettato militante del PCI e consigliere comunale dal 1956 al 1970.
Il saluto al Tar lo avevano dato gli antifascisti dell'Alto Vicentino al Circolo Operaio di Magrè di Schio mentre Ferrer Visentini era stato ricordato nella storica Loggia del Capitanio, in piazza dei Signori. Le note dell'Internazionale e di Bella ciao avevano accompagnato l'ultimo viaggio di entrambi.
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north america / mexico / anti-fascism / opinion / analysis Friday October 07, 2016 10:34 por Wayne Price   text 3 comments (last - friday october 21, 2016 14:06)   image 1 image
Donald Trump and those who follow him have shown certain specific traits of a fascist movement. Does that make Trump or the Trumpets into fascists? What is fascism? How is it counterposed to bourgeois democracy? Is there likely to be a fascist movement in the U.S.A.? How do we fight fascism? read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αντιφασισμός / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Monday September 19, 2016 22:13 por Συλλογικότητα για τον Κοινωνικό Αναρχισμό «Μαύρ   image 1 image
Η μάχη ενάντια στο φασισμό και το ρατσισμό είναι μακροχρόνια επειδή κάποιοι του προσφέρουν στέγη

Προσυγκέντρωση Τρίτη 20/9 στις 17.00 Αγ. Βενιζέλου Συγκέντρωση στην πλατεία έναντι Δημαρχείου Ωραιοκάστρου στις 18.00 read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αντιφασισμός / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Thursday September 15, 2016 21:10 por Αναρχική Πολιτική Οργάνωση   image 1 image
Δεν ξεχνάμε τη δολοφονία του Παύλου Φύσσα στις 18 Σεπτέμβρη 2013 στο Κερατσίνι. Δεν ξεχνάμε τη δολοφονία του Σαχτζάτ Λουκμάν στα Πετράλωνα. Ούτε το βάναυσο ξυλοδαρμό των αιγύπτιων ψαράδων στο Πέραμα και τις εκατοντάδες δολοφονικές επιθέσεις σε βάρος προσφύγων και μεταναστών που πραγματοποιούνται με την κάλυψη ή/και τη συνοδεία της αστυνομίας. Δεν ξεχνάμε τις δεκάδες θρασύδειλες επιθέσεις σε καταλήψεις, σε αυτοδιαχειριζόμενους χώρους και στέκια γειτονιάς, τις μαχαιριές σε αναρχικούς, αριστερούς και αντιφασίστες αγωνιστές. read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / anti-fascism / opinion / analysis Thursday September 01, 2016 19:13 por Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
All efforts must now be made to bring the unions into the struggle. This will be difficult, though, due to the cowardly nature of the union bureaucracy. The message must be got through to all unionists that racism is fatal to working class solidarity. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / antifascismo / comunicato stampa Tuesday August 30, 2016 05:55 por Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Vittorio Veneto (TV) 2 settembre alle ore 20:30 presso la Biblioteca comunale, “L'Antifascismo oggi”, con l'intervento del giornalista milanese del Manifesto Saverio Ferrari dell'Osservatorio Democratico Sulle Nuove Destre.» read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / antifascismo / opinión / análisis Tuesday August 09, 2016 03:24 por José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   text 1 comment (last - thursday august 11, 2016 04:34)   image 1 image
La escandalosa escala de la purga no se condice con la realidad de un golpe improvisado y con escaso apoyo, sino que responde a la existencia de un plan prefabricado para comenzar una reingeniería profunda del Estado turco, que refleje las nuevas hegemonías, que lo aleje del modelo secular en que se fundó la república en la década de 1920 y lo acerque al modelo del neo-sultanato defendida por el sector islamista político del bloque dominante. read full story / add a comment
yunanistan / türkiye / kıbrıs / anti-faşizm / press release Wednesday July 20, 2016 06:54 por Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet   image 1 image
1980 darbesinden bu yana, bu topraklardaki devlet varlığının kaçınılmaz bir siyasi gerçeği olan darbe, 36 yıl sonra 15 Temmuz’unu 16’sına bağlayan gece vuku buldu. İstanbul ve Ankara merkezli gerçekleşen askeri hareketlilikte pek çok devlet binası bir süreliğine bloke edildi. Ankara’da savaş uçaklarının havalanması ve İstanbul’da köprülerin askerler tarafından trafiğe kapatılmasıyla başlayan darbe, Genelkurmay Başkanı’nın rehin alınması, sokaklarda tank ve silah seslerinin yükselmesiyle devam etti. MİT Müsteşarlığı binasından TBMM’ye birçok devlet binası F16’lar ve helikopterlerle vuruldu; pek çok yerde asker ve polis arasında silahlı çatışmalar yaşandı. Bu gelişmeleri izleyen süreçte devlet televizyonunun yayını kesilerek canlı yayında “Yurtta Sulh Konseyi” imzası taşıyan darbe bildirisi okundu. “5 saatlik darbe” sona erdiğinde yüz üzerinde asker, 80 üzerinde polis ve 80 üzerinde darbe karşıtı protestocu öldü. Aralarında çok sayıda yüksek rütbeli komutanın bulunduğu 2839 asker gözaltına alındı. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / anti-fascism / press release Wednesday July 20, 2016 06:41 por Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet   image 1 image
The coup, which has been an inevitable reality of the state presence in this geography since the military coup of 1980, arose after 36 years, on the night of July 15. Many state buildings were blocked for a few hours during the military mobilisation based in Istanbul and Ankara. The coup started with flypast of fighter jets in Ankara and blocking of bridges in Istanbul by soldiers, and continued with taking hostage of chief of general staff and tank noise and gun shots in the streets. Many state buildings were shot by F16s and helicopters including the parliament building and the headquarters of National Intelligence Organisation; There were clash of arms in many places between soldiers and police. Following the events, national state television broadcast was cut and the coup declaration signed 'Peace at Home Council'' was read. When the ''5 Hour Coup'' ended, more than one hundred soldiers, more than eighty police officers and more than eighty anti-coup protesters died. 2839 soldiers, among them many high ranked ones, were taken into custody. read full story / add a comment
grèce / turquie / chypre / anti-fascisme / opinion / analyse Monday July 18, 2016 08:00 por José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
La tentative de coup d'État, mal ficelée et ratée, a été décrite par le président turc Erdoğan "comme un don de Dieu". Certains sont mêmes allés jusqu'à dire que le président turc avait finalement eu son "incendie du Reichstag", qu'il va utiliser comme un prétexte parfait pour continuer à imposer son projet autoritaire et réduire au silence les voix critiques dans le pays comme à l'étranger. read full story / add a comment
grecia / turquía / chipre / antifascismo / opinión / análisis Sunday July 17, 2016 07:54 por José Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
La pobremente organizada y fallida intentona de golpe militar, fue descrita por el presidente turco Erdoğan “como un regalo de Dios”. Hay quienes han dicho que el presidente turco por fin ha tenido su propio “incendio del Reichstag”, el cual utilizará como la excusa perfecta para seguir imponiendo su proyecto autoritario y silenciar las voces críticas tanto en lo doméstico como en el exterior.Erdoğan hoy se cree invencible, pero su victoria es pírrica –su barco está en franco naufragio, y esta intentona golpista fue solamente un síntoma más de esa crisis. read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / anti-fascism / press release Sunday July 17, 2016 04:12 por Kurdish Question   image 1 image
The umbrella organisation of the Kurdish movement, the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Co-Presidency, has released a statement about last night's coup attempt in Turkey.

The statement said; “There has been a coup attempt by persons whose identity and purpose is yet not clear. This attempt comes just before the military council meeting, where Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was reportedly going to assign generals close to himself to the army's top tier. Another striking dimension of the coup attempt is that it comes at a time when discussions about the fascist AKP government's foreign policy, were taking place.” read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / anti-fascism / opinion / analysis Saturday June 18, 2016 19:36 por GeorgeK   image 1 image
If you have been following what’s been going with the fash over the past year, you might want to skip to the paragraph under the image of the Herald Scum. Otherwise, read on: read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αντιφασισμός / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Sunday June 12, 2016 20:04 por Martin Smith - Tash Shifrin   image 1 image
Αυτό είναι το 2ο μέρος της σειράς που μελετάει την επικίνδυνη αναβίωση των φασιστικών και ακροδεξιών ρατσιστικών κομμάτων και οργανώσεων στην Ευρώπη. read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αντιφασισμός / Γνώμη / Ανάλυση Sunday June 12, 2016 19:57 por Martin Smith - Tash Shifrin   image 1 image
Η Ευρώπη παρακολουθεί μία επικίνδυνη αναβίωση των φασιστικών και ρατσιστικών λαϊκίστικων κομμάτων και οργανισμών. Στις επόμενες εβδομάδες θα δημοσιεύσουμε μια σειρά άρθρων που θα αναλύουν την κλίμακα της απειλής. Θα εστιάσουμε σε χώρες όπου τα φασιστικά και ρατσιστικά κόμματα έχουν σημειώσει σημαντική εκλογική ή και οργανωτική εξέλιξη. Υπάρχουν μικρές φασιστικές ομάδες που λειτουργούν σε αρκετές άλλες χώρες, αλλά με μικρά νούμερα και μικρή επίδραση. Σκοπεύουμε να μελετήσουμε ξεχωριστά την κατάσταση στη Ρωσία και να μην την περιλάβουμε εδώ. read full story / add a comment
france / belgique / luxembourg / anti-fascisme / appel / pétition Saturday June 04, 2016 21:01 por Commission internationale Alternative libertaire   image 1 image
« Parce que nous n’avons rien oublié du sourire de notre camarade ni de ses combats, parce que nous n’avons rien pardonné de l’infamie des fascistes qui l’ont tué et du système qui les produit, parce que nous n’entendons pas laisser sa mémoire aux mains des juges et des journalistes à l’occasion du procès qui approche. » read full story / add a comment
copertina libro
paesi bassi / germania / austria / antifascismo / recensione Friday June 03, 2016 20:23 por leonhard schaefer   image 1 image
é uscita la nuova -ampliata- edizione del libro di leonhard schaefer: "Contro Hitler - Gli anarchici e la resistenza tedesca dimenticata".

contiene documenti e testimonianze (anche della gestapo) finora inediti.
Anche se la Germania non ebbe i suoi 25 luglio e 8 settembre e mancò una resistenza popolare significativa, questa resistenza esisteva ed era variegata e diffusa. read full story / add a comment
france / belgique / luxembourg / anti-fascisme / nouvelles Monday May 23, 2016 02:38 por Commission internationale Alternative libertaire   image 1 image
Les attentats de Bruxelles ont d’ores et déjà des conséquences néfastes sur les classes populaires, les musulmans et le mouvement social. read full story / add a comment
italia / svizzera / antifascismo / comunicato stampa Wednesday April 27, 2016 18:06 por Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Il 25 aprile 1945 il Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale Alta Italia proclamava l'insurrezione in tutti i territori italiani ancora occupati dai nazifascisti.
Nel giro di 6 giorni, quasi tutta l'Italia settentrionale era stata liberata dai partigiani.
Così il Primo Maggio si festeggiarono contemporaneamente la liberazione e la giornata internazionale dei lavoratori, read full story / add a comment
Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αντιφασισμός / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Monday April 11, 2016 21:38 por Ανοιχτή συνέλευση Αλληλεγγύης   image 1 image
Η βιομηχανία μηνύσεων των ναζιστών απέναντι σε κοινωνικούς αγωνιστές είναι κοινή τους πρακτική, στήνουν μηνύσεις σε όλη την Ελλάδα προκειμένου να στοχοποιούν ,να απειλούν με νόμιμα πια μέσα και να συμπληρώνουν την κρατική καταστολή, ούτως ή άλλως για παρακρατικά υποκείμενα πρόκειται . read full story / add a comment
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