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machrek / arabie / irak / la gauche Sunday March 14, 2010 03:13 byAlternative libertaire
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Un an après l’offensive militaire israélienne dans la bande de Gaza et ses 1.400 victimes, la situation de la population palestinienne reste dramatique. Alors qu’un rapport de l’Onu confirme que Tsahal s’est livré à des crimes de guerre en janvier 2009, les dirigeants israéliens ne font pas profil bas. Netanyaou refuse toujours un gel des colonies, Barack Obama laisse les mains libres à l’État sioniste, et la perspective d’une nouvelle guerre, voire d’une réoccupation de Gaza ne sont pas à exclure. La solidarité s’impose. À l’appel de la société palestinienne, les anticolonialistes du monde se mobilisent au sein de la campagne Boycott Désinvestissement et Sanction (BDS).

Mais en palestine, où en est la résistance ? Les médias ne cessent de diaboliser le Hamas, justifiant ainsi toutes les exactions israéliennes. Pourtant le Hamas et le Fatah ne sont pas seuls à s’opposer à Israël. Le Front populaire de libération de la Palestine (FPLP), d’influence marxiste, n’a jamais reconnu ni Israël ni les accords d’Oslo et n’a jamais renoncé à la lutte pour la libération de la Palestine.

Pourquoi les forces progressistes et laïques palestiniennes ne sont-elles pas en mesure d’incarner l’espoir auprès de la population ? Où en est la gauche palestiniennes dans son ensemble ? Comment se porte le mouvement populaire palestinien ? Pourquoi les mouvements sociaux dans les Territoires occupés sont-ils à ce point dans le creux de la vague ?

Autant de questions à se poser avant la prochaine Intifada.

brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / a esquerda Saturday September 13, 2008 15:51 byRusga Libertária
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Brasil. Breve análise das eleições municipais em Cuiabá - MT

Para nós, anarquistas organizados na Rusga Libertária a disputa por um projeto político que atenda as nossas urgências não serão nunca disputados dentro das instâncias criadas e administradas pela mesma classe que nos oprimi. Deve ser construída no cotidiano, em nosso dia a dia em cada bairro, escola, universidade e local de trabalho, empreendendo nestes espaços todos os esforços para se impulsionar um forte movimento organizado da classe trabalhadora e oprimida, lutando sem trégua por um combativo movimento comunitário nas periferias, pela reorganização do movimento sindical a partir da base e da juventude relegada ao desemprego e a precarização do trabalho informal, resguardando em todos estes espaços a mais ampla independência de classe em relação aos governos, partidos e aos patrões.

Lutando para que estes movimentos forjem um povo forte e lutador, protagonista de seu destino, e não oportunistas que se aproveitam dos mesmos para se construírem na política burguesa, que encontram nas lutas um trampolim para uma ascensão social através de seus mesquinhos partidos. Tarefa esta que deve se estender em todo território estadual e nacional nestes dias difíceis para nossa classe.

north america / mexico / the left Thursday March 06, 2008 00:20 byWayne Price
An Anarchist View of the U.S. Elections

In the United States, there has developed an enthusiastic movement of support for the Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama. Besides the large forces he appeals to, especially among young adults, he is overwhelmingly supported by the left: liberals, social democrats, and Stalinists. I appreciate the movement-like aspect of his popular support, yet I personally will not vote for him.

[ Italiano]

international / the left Monday January 21, 2008 17:21 byWayne Price
The contradictory meanings of "communism:" both as a society of freedom and as one of totalitarianism. What Bakuknin, Kropotkin, and Marx had meant by communism and how this term was changed by the Leninists.

There was a vision, called “communism,” which was held by Kropotkin and other anarchist-communists in the 19th and early 20th century. Marx and Engels shared essentially the same goal. In the stateless, classless, society of communism, the means of production would be held in common (by the community), work would be carried out due to social motives rather than for wages, and consumer goods would be available to all according to their needs.

But during the Cold War, “communism” came to mean something entirely different. Great nations were ruled by self-named Communist Parties. Their economies were managed by totalitarian states, their powerless workers produced commodities sold on the internal and international market, and they worked for wages (that is, they sold their labor power as commodities to their bosses).

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Part 2: It is Not the Label but the Content Which Matters

southern africa / the left Thursday December 06, 2007 16:17 byMichael Schmidt
On December 1, by mutual consent of all its members and following consultations with the WSM (Ireland), OCL (Chile) and FdCA (Italy), the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Federation was replaced by a new, unitary organisation, the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front. The new ZACF retains all the assets of the former federation. On December 2, the members of the new ZACF held talks with our Swazi comrades with a view to establishing a new unitary organisation in Swaziland. The new Front's constitution follows.

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Sat 20 Apr, 11:04

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octoberrevolution.jpeg imageAn Anarchist View of Trotsky’s "Transitional Program" Nov 22 05:26 by Wayne Price 6 comments

Trotsky's "Transitional Program" has both strengths and weaknesses from the viewpoint of revolutionary anarchist-socialism. It is an important document of historical socialism, although deeply flawed.

For a wild Pride! imageReflections on Identity Politics and Revolutionary Organizing Jun 28 19:29 by Ara Avasin 3 comments

Critical reflections on identity politics and separatism, acknowledging intersectionality and getting inspiration from the revolutionary struggles in Turkey and Kurdistan.
Aiming to reflect common strategies to move forward in our revolutionary organizing.

71xl0zmqiql.jpeg imageAn Anarchist Guide to The Communist Manifesto of Marx & Engels Mar 19 11:18 by Wayne Price 6 comments

Marx & Engels Communist Manifesto from the perspective of an anarchist. Most of its class analysis is still valuable, but anarchists reject much of its political and economic program.

americanmarxism9781797122083_hr.jpg imageThe Right’s Fantasy of a “Marxist” Threat Feb 14 06:16 by Wayne Price 0 comments

An anarchist review of Mark R. Levin's far-right best-seller, American Marxism (2021) NY: Threshold Editions/Simon & Schuster

dinosaur_birthday.jpg imageParty for a Dinosaur Jul 08 13:15 by AWSM 1 comments

A rant about the 105th anniversary of the NZ Labour Party.

ttulo_de_vlog_miniatura_do_youtube_4.jpg imageÉ Preciso Retomar o Caminho para Revolução: Carta Desfiliação Coletiva à FOB Jul 02 02:22 by seguimosnalutasc 0 comments

A presente carta foi escrita durante o mês de Abril de 2021 com objetivo de ser restrita a militância da FOB (Federação das Organizações Sindicalista Revolucionárias do Brasil), por esse motivo tivemos de editá-la e suprimir alguns trechos que poderiam expor militantes e a organização, sendo assim já advertimos que a leitura pode ficar dificultada para a militância externa a FOB. Decidimos publicizar nossa carta de ruptura após recebermos uma resposta a mesma no início de Junho, onde ficou explícito o não compromisso com a verdade, a responsabilização individualizada sobre alguns dos ex-militantes e a tentativa de descredibilizar nossas ações a fim de evitarmos chegar ao ponto da ruptura. Para além disto a resposta da FOB à nossa carta não responde nenhuma das críticas apontadas, sendo assim resolvemos deixar público o esclarecimento sobre o motivo de nossa desfiliação para que a base da nossa ex-organização tenha acesso ao real motivo de nossa saída das fileiras desta.


«Μια επανάσταση αρουραίων» του Diều Hâu imageΟι ανεκπλήρωτες `... May 13 19:43 by Βιετναμέζοι αναρχικοίi 0 comments

Τελικά, η ίδια η ύπαρξη είναι από μόνη της μια νίκη, επομένως, ένας ρόλος εκδηλώνεται από μόνος του, ένας ρόλος που να εκπροσωπήσει τις φωνές των βιετναμέζων ριζοσπαστών. Στοχεύουμε στη μελλοντική εργατική τάξη, στη νεολαία, που διαιωνίζουν τον καπιταλισμό και το κράτος και καταπιέζονται από αυτούς, ώστε να μπορούν να σπάσουν τις καταπιεστικές του αλυσίδες.

fao1.jpg imageSolidaridad Con El Pueblo Colombiano Y Su Levantamiento Popular May 12 02:21 by Frente Anarquista Organizado 0 comments

Declaración del Frente Anarquista Organizado (FAO) de la Región Chilena, solidarizando con el pueblo colombiano y su levantamiento popular. Mandamos un fraternal saludo a las y los militantes comunistas anárquicos que bregan por construir pueblo organizado desde las bases del mundo social; también, solidarizamos con la clase trabajadora del Estado colombiano y hacemos un llamado, pese a la censura en las redes sociales y en los medios, a seguir en las calles.

“A Rats' Revolution” by Diều Hâu imageThe Broken Promises of Vietnam May 09 21:13 by Vietnamese Anarchists 155 comments

... to exist is in itself a victory, thus a role manifests itself, a role to represent the voices of Vietnamese radicals. We aim at the future working class, the youth, who are both perpetuating and oppressed by capitalism and the state so that they can break through its oppressive chains.

premier_mai_ucl_1_orlans.png imagePremier Mai : Un coup porté contre l’un·e d’entre nous est un coup porté contre nous tou·t... May 04 06:53 by Union Communiste Libertaire 45 comments

Le 1er mai en France a globalement été une réussite, dans les différentes villes où l'UCL est implantée, comme en témoignent les différentes photos que nous ont fait parvenir les camarades et que nous relayons dans cet article. Dans la plupart des manifestations, il a été l'occasion de débattre et d'exposer nos revendications, particulièrement autour de la réforme de l'assurance-chômage puisque les précaires du secteur de la culture continuent d'occuper les lieux culturels à travers toute la France contre cette réforme inique.

Malheureusement, le Premier Mai parisien a été émaillé de violences inacceptables contre le mouvement ouvrier, en particulier contre la CGT. A Lyon et Nantes également, une partie des manifestant-es de ce qu'on a coutume d'appeler "le cortège de tête" a pris à partie les syndicats et les intermittent-es et précaires en lutte. La répression policière contre le mouvement social n'était pas suffisante, il a fallu que des gens aient la bonne idée de s'attaquer en plus aux organisations syndicales...

Nous relayons ici le communiqué de l'Union Communiste Libertaire suite à ces événements et apportons par la même occasion notre entière solidarité aux camarades blessé-es et évidemment choqué-es.

b0e8ohmieaaam2b.jpg imageBroken world, broken people – we need a path to a better future Feb 01 21:39 by Shawn Hattingh 3 comments

We are living in a world that for most people is broken and that has broken most people. It is not a god given world, but one that has been constructed by those in power and that has left most people mired in deprivation. Under COVID-19, this world has sunk to new lows. All is not lost though. There has historically been a section within the progressive movement – in different parts of the world and in South Africa – based around forms of radically democratic socialism that has not only tapped into the righteous anger of the working class, but has also sought to create a home and sense of belonging for people based on progressive values and principles such as mutual aid, solidarity and even love. If we want a better world, we need to revive the popularity of the types of politics, ethics, values, principles and practices that formed the essence – at their best – of such movements and update it for the context of the 21st century.

electionstress.jpg imageDid the System Work? Aftermath of the 2020 Election Dec 30 07:55 by Wayne Price 9 comments

Liberals and others declare that the defeat of Donald Trump and of his coup-attempts demonstrate that "the system works," that the U.S.A. has an effective "democracy." I cannot see it that way.

5d657c562e22af20d204fec3.png imageA Fundamental Thesis of Revolution and the State Nov 14 11:12 by Wayne Price 2 comments

A fundamental thesis which all varieties of revolutionary socialists and anarchists once generally accepted: this state cannot be used to create socialism (communism or anarchism). It must be overturned, destroyed, and replaced by alternate social forms.

workers_power.jpg imageBook Review: 'For Workers' Power' Sep 28 10:38 by LAMA 0 comments

A review of the selected writings of Maurice Brinton.

screen_shot_20200629_at_16.21.png imageDemocratic Confederalism and Movement Building in South Africa Jun 29 22:48 by Shawn Hattingh 0 comments

The ongoing capitalist crisis, and the impacts of COVID19, have made it clear that the capitalist and state system we live under is neither efficient nor just. Inequality has hit record levels and a small elite has more wealth than ever, while the very basics – such as a decent healthcare, water, housing, sanitation, food and electricity – cannot be effectively financed, run nor delivered. Politicians in every state abuse their power too and corruption is rife, only its severity varies. We see this even when there is a pandemic – some local politicians have even sold food parcels meant to alleviate people’s hunger during the COVID 19 lockdown. Parliamentary democracy is largely hollow with a majority of people having no real political power. The oppression of women and people of colour continues unabated and imperialism deepens everyday. Due to the ever-expanding nature of capitalism the ecology is on the verge of collapse. It is clear a movement for change and an alternative to capitalism and the state system is needed. One alternative that is proving to be viable in large parts of the Kurdish majority areas of the Middle East is Democratic Confederalism. In South Africa there is much we can learn, adopt and adapt from Democratic Confederalism for local movement building.

1_ocqjqykxoeqwp0d0jjb2a.jpg imageΗ θεωρία του Μαρξ &#... Jun 16 20:45 by Matthew Crossin 0 comments

Αν και ο Μαρξ σκόπευε να αφιερώσει έναν τόμο του «Κεφαλαίου» στο ζήτημα του «Κράτους», πέθανε προτού ακόμη μπορέσει να ξεκινήσει αυτό το έργο. Έχουμε, λοιπόν, αφεθεί στην αναδιατύπωση της «μαρξιστικής θεωρίας του κράτους» από διάσπαρτες αναφορές που λανθάνουν σε διάφορα από τα συλλεχθέντα έργα του Μαρξ και του Ένγκελς. Η ανάλυσή μου διερευνά τις μετατοπίσεις και τις αντιφάσεις στη σκέψη τους, καθώς και τη χρησιμότητα αυτών των αντιφάσεων που εξυπηρετούν την εσφαλμένη παρουσίαση της αναρχικής εναλλαγής.

hegemonismo_unidade_manipulao_chargerafaelcosta_jun20.jpg imageHEGEMONISMO DISFARÇADO DE "UNIDADE" E A UNIDADE QUE SE FORJA COM LUTA E ORGANIZAÇÃO Jun 15 08:15 by BrunoLR 0 comments

Por Bruno Lima Rocha – 14 de junho de 2020
Ao longo das últimas duas semanas venho promovendo na coluna que produzo para algumas emissoras livres e comunitárias um debate direto e tranquilo. Trata-se de aderir ou não (fisicamente) aos atos antifascistas e antirracistas. Também abordo o tema da unidade possível e do leque de alianças desejável. Não me refiro em momento algum a quem está preocupado com a pandemia e como todas e todos nós, entendemos que a orientação da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para o isolamento social está correta. Se a preocupação maior for a de evitar a propagação do contágio por aglomeração e contato físico, não há sombra de dúvida que é uma posição sólida e honesta intelectualmente. Tampouco na crítica, jamais me refiro a individualidades e sempre a lideranças consolidadas, com cargos eletivos ou postos de direção em partidos e movimentos. Também fica a crítica para as celebridades e subcelebridades, acadêmicas, artísticas ou esportivas que, sem compromisso político, aproveitam momentos de organização social para se promover.

81dixpz9el.jpg imageOur Morals and Theirs May 15 08:36 by Wayne Price 0 comments

During the late 1930s, Leon Trotsky and John Dewey, a leading U.S. liberal, wrote essays on the relation of means and ends in politics, and on whether Leninism led to Stalinism. I am going to discuss these works from an anarchist perspective.

3b093e78a2464ecc6018b79378dd240f.jpg imageΗ λανθασμένη θεω`... Jan 22 19:40 by Dmitri (MACG - personal capacity) 0 comments

Αυτή η εκπληκτικά πρώιμη όσο και ρηξικέλευθη κριτική απόρριψη της μαρξικής θεωρίας καθώς και του πρώτου της βλαστού, της σοσιαλδημοκρατίας, από τον εν πολλοίς λησμονημένο αναρχικό επαναστάτη και ουμανιστή Πιερ Ράμους -φιλολογικό ψευδώνυμο του Αυστριακού Ρούντολφ Γκρόσμαν- γράφτηκε εν μέσω του Πρώτου Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου, το 1916, και εκδόθηκε τρία χρόνια μετά.

images.jpg imageAfter Impeachment--What Next for U.S. Politics? Jan 13 10:26 by Wayne Price 0 comments

What happens next after Trump's impeachment and trial? What is the Democratic vs. Republican conflict really about? Does the Constitution provide any guidance? How should anarchists and other radicals position themselves politically?

americalatina.jpg imageAlguns debates urgentes para as esquerdas mais à esquerda: uma reflexão a partir da luta n... Oct 14 10:19 by BrunoL 0 comments

Escrevo estas palavras enquanto o povo equatoriano joga sua sorte nas ruas de Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca e demais municípios e regiões do país. Este texto não pretende fazer um balanço crítico da luta indígena e social contra o Pacto 883 do traidor Lenín Moreno e tampouco uma análise de conjuntura a partir da intervenção do FMI no país. O tema de fundo é outro.

stalin_estatua.jpg imageColetânea crítica ao totalitarismo stalinista e a tentativa de normatizar o absurdo Oct 07 02:52 by BrunoL 0 comments

Neste breve artigo, compilo observações dos embates recentes os quais participei neste início de outubro de 2019. A divisão por tópicos pode facilitar a leitura embora reconheça que na tradição mais “ortodoxa” dos textos das esquerdas, quebra o ritmo da narrativa. Entre prós e contras, seguimos,.

paulgoodman.jpg imagePaul Goodman’s Anarchism Has Meaning Today Sep 23 12:03 by Wayne Price 1 comments

The most well-known anarchist of the "sixties," Paul Goodman explored vitally important aspects of theory and practice: decentralism, community, liberatory technology, and utopian thinking.

power2.jpeg imageClass struggle, the Left and power – Part 2 Sep 08 06:04 by Jonathan Payn 0 comments

The first part of this series stated that, despite various well-intentioned efforts by forces on the extra-Alliance and independent left over recent years to unite working class struggles in South Africa, these largely have and will continue to fail to resonate with the working class, help build unity in struggle and form the basis of a new movement because of the theoretical understandings of class and power – and their strategic implications – on which they are founded and which are prevalent on much of the left. This article will give a basic overview of these theoretical understandings of class and power and their strategic implications and limitations and why it is therefore necessary to refine and develop understandings of class and power more capable of responding to the context of the neoliberal restructuring of the working class in order to advance the class struggle in pursuit of socialism. [Part 1]

lucien.jpg imageShould the Anti-Capitalists Contest Elections? Sep 08 05:38 by Lucien van der Walt 3 comments

This is a lightly edited transcription of a talk given by Prof. Lucien van der Walt on a panel on the eve of the 2019 national elections in South Africa: the International Labour Research and Information Group (ILRIG)/ Workers World Media Productions (WWMP) Public Forum, Isivivana Centre, Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa 25 April.

31zky9ett1l.jpg imageMaoism vs. Libertarian Socialism? Review of Elliot Liu, Maoism and the Chinese Revolutio... Jul 30 05:07 by Wayne Price 1 comments

Elliot Li's book analyzes Maoism, and its roots in the Chinese Revolution, from an anarchist and libertarian Marxist perspective.

primaries_lead_jan31.jpg imageTrump is Not the Main Problem Jul 03 15:37 by Wayne Price 0 comments

Many liberals and other Democrats see Trump as the main problem facing the U.S. Therefore their focus is on defeating him in the next election (or impeachment). They focus on the electoral system and hope for salvation through government action. I disagree. Trump is a major problem, but he is the culmination of years of political and economic development, and is related to similar politics in other countries. The fight against Trumpism requires a non-electoral and militant program.

power2.jpeg imageAfter the election dust settles: Class struggle, the Left and power Jun 25 22:09 by Jonathan Payn 0 comments

Twenty-five years into democracy the black working class majority in South Africa has not experienced any meaningful improvements in its conditions. The apartheid legacy of unequal education, healthcare and housing and the super-exploitation of black workers continues under the ANC and is perpetuated by the neoliberal policies it has imposed. The only force capable of changing this situation is the working class locally and internationally. Yet to do so, struggles need to come together, new forms of organisation appropriate to the context are needed; and they need both to be infused with a revolutionary progressive politics and to learn from the mistakes of the past. Outside the ANC alliance, there have indeed been many efforts to unite struggles – but these have largely failed to resonate with the working class in struggle and form the basis of a new movement. Nowhere is this more evident than with the newly-formed Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (SRWP) – which got less than 25 000 votes in the national elections, despite the fact that the union that conceived it, Numsa, claims nearly 400 000 members. [Part 2]

votailsf.jpg imageSinn Féin: From Full Confidence Of Victory To Arrogance And Entitlement Jun 13 18:04 by Eimhéar Ní Fhearóir 0 comments

Eimhéar Ní Fhearóir responds to the election analysis offered by Sinn Fein's Natalie Treacy. Eimhéar Ní Fhearóir is an anarchist who was previously involved with republican activism.

dscn9587.jpg imageBalance concentración en defensa de la JEP y los acuerdos de paz. 2019/03/13 Mar 23 07:41 by ViaLibre 0 comments

En la tarde del pasado miércoles 13 de marzo se realizó una concentración en defensa de la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP), ante las objeciones que el gobierno de Iván Duque del Centro Democrático, presento a puntos sustanciales de esta legislación, surgida en marco del proceso de paz entre el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos con la antigua insurgencia de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP), proceso al que Duque y su partido se opusieron de forma sistemática y hoy en el poder se han propuesta “hacer trizas” de forma progresiva.

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