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américa del norte / méxico / migración / racismo / comunicado de prensa Wednesday June 03, 2020 03:49 byVarias organizaciones anarquistas

Repudiamos el asesinato de George Floyd a manos de la policía de Minneapolis, en otro acto racista en el seno de la potencia imperialista mundial. Este acto se suma a los incontables asesinatos de población negra en los EEUU, que se perpetran desde la época de la esclavitud y que no han cesado hasta nuestros días. En el gobierno de Obama fueron decenas los asesinatos de jóvenes negros/as que hicieron recordar hechos similares llevados a cabo en los años 50 y 60 del siglo XX. La respuesta fue una rápida irrupción del movimiento negro a lo largo y ancho del país, del mismo modo en que se desarrollan en estos momentos amplias manifestaciones que demuestran que la población está harta de la violencia e impunidad policial. Fue incendiada por los/as manifestantes la jefatura de policía de Minneapolis y atacados varios vehículos, hechos de acción directa se llevan a cabo en diversas ciudades con enfrentamientos con la policía, e incluso Trump ha dado orden de que el Ejército salga a la calle. El racismo, elemento estructural en la sociedad capitalista, especialmente en la norteamericana, está intacto lamentablemente, pero también la resistencia y lucha del pueblo negro y de los pobres del norte.

Solidaridad con la Lucha del Pueblo Norteamericano!

Todo el apoyo a las organizaciones anarquistas de USA

Repudiamos el asesinato de George Floyd a manos de la policía de Minneapolis, en otro acto racista en el seno de la potencia imperialista mundial. Este acto se suma a los incontables asesinatos de población negra en los EEUU, que se perpetran desde la época de la esclavitud y que no han cesado hasta nuestros días. En el gobierno de Obama fueron decenas los asesinatos de jóvenes negros/as que hicieron recordar hechos similares llevados a cabo en los años 50 y 60 del siglo XX.

La respuesta fue una rápida irrupción del movimiento negro a lo largo y ancho del país, del mismo modo en que se desarrollan en estos momentos amplias manifestaciones que demuestran que la población está harta de la violencia e impunidad policial. Fue incendiada por los/as manifestantes la jefatura de policía de Minneapolis y atacados varios vehículos, hechos de acción directa se llevan a cabo en diversas ciudades con enfrentamientos con la policía, e incluso Trump ha dado orden de que el Ejército salga a la calle. El racismo, elemento estructural en la sociedad capitalista, especialmente en la norteamericana, está intacto lamentablemente, pero también la resistencia y lucha del pueblo negro y de los pobres del norte.

Trump criminaliza también a las/los anarquistas y antifascistas de fomentar los “disturbios”. Este Movimiento es un movimiento de rebelión popular, las y los miles de personas que están participando no son, o no se reivindican, pertenecer a una corriente política pero como siempre desde las esferas políticas del poder intentan buscar responsables a quien echar las culpas, para no cuestionar las problemáticas estructurales y llegar a la conclusión que es el Estado racista, patriarcal y capitalista quien oprima y mata las clases populares el único responsable de los enfrentamientos y “disturbios”.


Queremos afirmar tambien todo nuestro respaldo a nuestras y nuestros compañerxs Anarquistas norteamericanos!

Por el socialismo y la libertad! Arriba los/as que luchan!!!

☆ Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira – CAB
☆ Federación Anarquista Uruguaya – FAU
☆ Federación Anarquista Rosario – FAR (Argentina)
☆ Organización Anarquista de Córdoba – OAC (Argentina)
☆ Federación Anarquista Santiago – FAS (Chile)
☆ Vía Libre (Colombia)
☆ Union Communiste Libertaire (Francia)
☆ Embat - Organització Libertària de Catalunya
☆ Alternativa Libertaria – AL/fdca (Italia)
☆ Die Plattform - Anarchakommunistische Organisation (Alemania)
☆ Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet – DAF (Turquía)
☆ Organisation Socialiste Libertaire – OSL (Suiza)
☆ Libertaere Aktion (Suiza)
☆ Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group - MACG (Australia)
☆ Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement - AWSM (Aotearoa / Nueva Zelanda)
☆ Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front - ZACF (Sudáfrica)
☆ Anarchist Unión of Afghanistan and Iran - AUAI
☆ Manifesto (Grecia)

amérique du nord / mexique / migration / racisme / communiqué de presse Wednesday June 03, 2020 03:39 byDiverses organisations anarchistes

Nous condamnons le meurtre de George Floyd par la police de Minneapolis, marquant un acte raciste de plus au sein de la première puissance impérialiste mondiale. Cet acte vient s'ajouter aux innombrables meurtres dans la population noire aux États-Unis, qui ont été perpétrés depuis l'époque de l'esclavage et n'ont pas cessé jusqu'à ce jour. Sous l'administration Obama, des dizaines de meurtres de jeunes femmes et de jeunes homme noires ont rappelé les événements similaires des années 1950 et 1960.

Solidarité avec la Lutte du Peuple Nord-Américain!

Tout notre soutien aux organisations anarchistes

Nous condamnons le meurtre de George Floyd par la police de Minneapolis, marquant un acte raciste de plus au sein de la première puissance impérialiste mondiale.

Cet acte vient s'ajouter aux innombrables meurtres dans la population noire aux États-Unis, qui ont été perpétrés depuis l'époque de l'esclavage et n'ont pas cessé jusqu'à ce jour. Sous l'administration Obama, des dizaines de meurtres de jeunes femmes et de jeunes homme noires ont rappelé les événements similaires des années 1950 et 1960.

La réponse a été une éruption rapide du mouvement noir dans tout le pays, de la même manière qu'en ce moment même se déroulent de vastes manifestations qui montrent que la population en a assez de la violence et de l'impunité policière. Le quartier général de la police à Minneapolis a été incendié par les manifestantes et les manifestants et plusieurs véhicules ont été attaqués, des actions directes sont menées dans plusieurs villes avec des affrontements avec la police, Trump a même donné l'ordre à l'armée de descendre dans la rue. Le racisme, élément structurel de la société capitaliste, en particulier dans la société américaine, est malheureusement intact, mais la résistance et la lutte des Noir-e-s et des pauvres du nord l'est aussi.

Trump accuse aussi les anarchistes et militant-e-s antifascistes d'être les instigatrices et instigateurs des émeutes. Ce mouvement est un mouvement de révolte populaire, les dizaines de milliers de personnes qui participent ne sont pas ou ne se revendiquent pas appartenir à un courant politique, mais comme toujours les sphères du pouvoir tentent de trouver des responsable à accuser, pour ne pas mettre en cause les questions structurelles et conclure que l'État raciste, patriarcal et capitaliste qui opprime et tue les classes populaires est bien le seul instigateur des révoltes.



☆ Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira – CAB (Brésil)
☆ Federación Anarquista Uruguaya – FAU (Uruguay)
☆ Federación Anarquista Rosario – FAR (Argentine)
☆ Organización Anarquista de Córdoba – OAC (Argentine)
☆ Federación Anarquista Santiago – FAS (Chili)
☆ Vía Libre (Colombie)
☆ Union Communiste Libertaire (France)
☆ Embat - Organització Libertària de Catalunya (Catalogne)
☆ Alternativa Libertaria – AL/fdca (Italie)
☆ Die Plattform - Anarchakommunistische Organisation (Allemagne)
☆ Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet – DAF (Turquie)
☆ Organisation Socialiste Libertaire – OSL (Suisse)
☆ Libertaere Aktion (Suisse)
☆ Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group - MACG (Australie)
☆ Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement - AWSM (Aotearoa / Nouvelle-Zélande)
☆ Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front - ZACF (Afrique du Sud)
☆ Anarchist Unión of Afghanistan and Iran - AUAI
☆ Manifesto (Grèce)

nordamerika / mexiko / migration / rassismus / pressemitteilung Wednesday June 03, 2020 03:25 byVerschiedene anarchistische Organisationen

Wir verurteilen den feigen Mord an George Floyd durch die Hände der Polizeibeamt*innen von Minneapolis scharf. Er stellt einen weiteren rassistischen Akt im Herzen einer imperialistischen Weltmacht dar. Dieses Ereignis reiht sich ein in die zahllosen Morde an People of Color und der afro-stämmigen Bevölkerung in den Vereinigten Staaten, die seit den Tagen der Sklaverei weitergehen und immer noch nicht aufgehört haben. Während der Regierung Obamas gab es Dutzende von Morden an jungen Schwarzen, was an ähnliche rassistische Zeiten in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren erinnert.

Solidarität mit den Sozialen Kämpfen in Nordamerika!

All unsere unterstützung für die anarchistischen organisationen in den USA

Wir verurteilen den feigen Mord an George Floyd durch die Hände der Polizeibeamt*innen von Minneapolis scharf. Er stellt einen weiteren rassistischen Akt im Herzen einer imperialistischen Weltmacht dar. Dieses Ereignis reiht sich ein in die zahllosen Morde an People of Color und der afro-stämmigen Bevölkerung in den Vereinigten Staaten, die seit den Tagen der Sklaverei weitergehen und immer noch nicht aufgehört haben. Während der Regierung Obamas gab es Dutzende von Morden an jungen Schwarzen, was an ähnliche rassistische Zeiten in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren erinnert.

Die Antwort war damals ein rascher und organisierter Aufschwung der schwarzen Bewegung im ganzen Land, ähnlich wie heute, denn jetzt entwickelt sich eine riesige Protestbewegung, die offenbart, dass die Menschen die Polizeigewalt und Straflosigkeit, die die Täter*innen erwartet, satt haben. Eine Polizeistation in Minneapolis wurde von Demonstrierenden niedergebrannt, und einige Polizeiautos wurden angegriffen. Direkte Aktionen sind eine Waffe des Widerstands, etwas, das sich in verschiedenen Städten mit Zusammenstößen zwischen Demonstrierenden und Polizeibeamt*innen vervielfachte. Donald Trump hat nun sogar der Armee befohlen, die Straßen zu besetzen und in 25 Städten wurden Ausgangssperren verhängt.

Der Rassismus, ein strukturelles Element in der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft, insbesondere im nordamerikanischen Kapitalismus, ist leider intakt, aber Widerstand und Kampfgeist von People of Color und armen Menschen entstehen als Reaktion darauf. Trump beschuldigt auch Anarchist*innen und antifaschistische Aktivist*innen, die Anstifter*innen der Unruhen zu sein. Diese Bewegung ist eine Revolte von unten. Die zehntausenden Menschen, die daran teilnehmen, sind keine Anarchist*innen, viele behaupten, keiner politischen Strömung anzugehören, aber wie immer versuchen die Herrschenden, die Verantwortlichen zu finden, um strukturelle Probleme nicht in Frage stellen zu müssen. Das nämlich würde bedeuten, zu erkennen, dass der rassistische, patriarchale und kapitalistische Staat, der die Menschen der unteren Klasse unterdrückt und tötet, der eigentliche Anstifter der Revolten ist.


Nur Solidarität und gegenseitige Hilfe werden es uns ermöglichen, Widerstand zu leisten.


☆ Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira – CAB (Brasilien)
☆ Federación Anarquista Uruguaya – FAU (Uruguay)
☆ Federación Anarquista Rosario – FAR (Argentinien)
☆ Organización Anarquista de Córdoba – OAC (Argentinien)
☆ Federación Anarquista Santiago – FAS (Chile)
☆ Vía Libre (Kolumbien)
☆ Union Communiste Libertaire (Frankreich)
☆ Embat - Organització Libertària de Catalunya (Katalonien)
☆ Alternativa Libertaria – AL/fdca (Italien)
☆ Die Plattform - Anarchakommunistische Organisation (Deutschland)
☆ Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet – DAF (Truthahn)
☆ Organisation Socialiste Libertaire – OSL (Schweizerisch)
☆ Libertaere Aktion (Schweizerisch)
☆ Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group - MACG (Australien)
☆ Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement - AWSM (Aotearoa / Nouvelle-Zélande)
☆ Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front - ZACF (Südafrika)
☆ Anarchist Unión of Afghanistan and Iran - AUAI
☆ Manifesto (Griechenland)

nord america / messico / migrazione / razzismo / comunicato stampa Wednesday June 03, 2020 03:19 byVarie organizzazioni anarchiche

Tutto il nostro supporto alle organizzazioni anarchiche Condanniamo il vile assassinio di George Floyd per mano dei poliziotti di Minneapolis, un altro atto razzista nel cuore di una potenza imperialista mondiale. Un ennesimo caso che si aggiunge all'innumerevole numero di uccisioni di persone di colore e della popolazione afro-americana perpretrate negli Stati Uniti, che continua dai tempi della schiavitù e non si è mai fermato: anche durante il governo di Obama ci sono state decine di uccisioni di giovani neri, come nei tempi razzisti degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta.

Solidarietà con la Lotta del Popolo Nordamericano!

Tutto il nostro supporto alle organizzazioni anarchiche

Condanniamo il vile assassinio di George Floyd per mano dei poliziotti di Minneapolis, un altro atto razzista nel cuore di una potenza imperialista mondiale. Un ennesimo caso che si aggiunge all'innumerevole numero di uccisioni di persone di colore e della popolazione afro-americana perpretrate negli Stati Uniti, che continua dai tempi della schiavitù e non si è mai fermato: anche durante il governo di Obama ci sono state decine di uccisioni di giovani neri, come nei tempi razzisti degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta.

La risposta all’epoca fu un rapido e organizzato sviluppo del movimento nero in tutto il paese; in questi momenti vediamo svilupparsi un enorme movimento di protesta, che rivela che la gente è stanca della violenza e dell'impunità della polizia. Una stazione di polizia di Minneapolis è stata bruciata dai manifestanti e alcune auto della polizia sono state attaccate. L'azione diretta è un'arma di resistenza, che si è moltiplicata in varie città con scontri tra manifestanti e poliziotti, persino Donald Trump ha ordinato all'esercito di scendere in strada e sono stati decisi coprifuoco in 25 città.

Il razzismo, elemento strutturale della società capitalistica, soprattutto nel capitalismo nordamericano, resta purtroppo intatto, ma sta emergendo anche la volontà di resistenza e lo spirito combattivo delle persone di colore e delle classi popolari.

Trump accusa gli anarchici e gli attivisti antifascisti di essere gli istigatori dei disordini. Questo movimento è una rivolta popolare, le decine di migliaia di persone che vi partecipano non sono anarchici o non rivendicano di appartenere a nessuna corrente politica, ma come sempre il potere cerca di trovare i responsabili da incolpare, perché non vengano messe in discussione le questioni strutturali e si arrivi alla conclusione che è lo Stato razzista, patriarcale e capitalista, che opprime e uccide le classi popolari, il vero istigatore delle rivolte.


Solo la solidarietà e l'aiuto reciproco ci permetteranno di resistere.




☆ Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira – CAB (Brasile)
☆ Federación Anarquista Uruguaya – FAU (Uruguay)
☆ Federación Anarquista Rosario – FAR (Argentina)
☆ Organización Anarquista de Córdoba – OAC (Argentina)
☆ Federación Anarquista Santiago – FAS (Chile)
☆ Vía Libre (Colombia)
☆ Union Communiste Libertaire (Francia)
☆ Embat - Organització Libertària de Catalunya (Catalogna)
☆ Alternativa Libertaria – AL/fdca (Italia)
☆ Die Plattform - Anarchakommunistische Organisation (Germania)
☆ Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet – DAF (Turchia)
☆ Organisation Socialiste Libertaire – OSL (Svizzera)
☆ Libertaere Aktion (Svizzera)
☆ Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group - MACG (Australia)
☆ Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement - AWSM (Aotearoa / Nuova Zelanda)
☆ Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front - ZACF (Sud Africa)
☆ Anarchist Unión of Afghanistan and Iran - AUAI
☆ Manifesto (Grecia)

north america / mexico / anti-fascism / opinion / analysis Wednesday May 27, 2020 04:27 byWayne Price

Donald Trump is the culmination of how the Republican Party has been developing for years. Together they threaten to establish an authoritarian state in the service of big capital. They endanger the lives, health, and living standards of the working class and the rest of the population. But supporting the Democratic Party is not the solution.

Noam Chomsky writes somewhere, “The Republican Party is the most dangerous organization in the world.” (I am quoting from memory.) Is this true? If it is, does it mean that the Democratic Party is the last, best, hope for the world? In my opinion, it is mostly true, but the Democrats are not the answer.

This view of the Republicans as an especial danger is developed by the liberal economist, Paul Krugman, in his latest book, Arguing with Zombies. “The modern Republican Party…is…just one part of a highly organized movement that includes the Murdoch media empire, a dizzying array of think tanks and advocacy groups that are mostly financed by the same group of billionaires, and more….[This is] ’movement conservatism’…Democrats had moved only slightly to the left—but Republicans moved very far to the right. There is polarization in our politics but…it’s ‘asymmetric’.” (Krugman 2020; 297)

Writing of the Republican’s rejection of global warming: “We’re now ruled by people who’re willing to endanger civilization for the sake of political expediency, not to mention increased profits for their fossil-fuel friends.” (2020; 329) Further, “The history of Republican climate denial…looks a lot like Trumpism. Climate denial…was the crucible in which the essential elements of Trumpism were formed….Take Trump’s dismissal of all negative information about his actions and their consequences as either fake news…or the products of a sinister ‘deep state.’ That kind of conspiracy theorizing has long been standard practice among climate deniers….” (335-6)

This brings further danger: “Trump has brought a new level of menace to American politics, inciting his followers to violence against critics and trying to order the Justice Department to prosecute Hillary Clinton and James Comey. But climate scientists have faced harassment and threats, up to and including death threats, for years. And they have faced efforts by politicians to, in effect, criminalize their work.” (336) This was written before Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr corrupted the Department of Justice in several high visibility cases (and many lesser noticed cases).

In summary, “Corruption, willful ignorance, conspiracy theorizing, and intimidation…[is] specifically a problem of the Republican Party….
Donald Trump isn’t an aberration, he’s the culmination of where his party has been going for years
.” (337; my emphasis)

Krugman does not see the Republican Party as currently managing an authoritarian, dictatorial, state. Instead, he claims that “the G.O.P. is an authoritarian regime in waiting, not yet one in practice.” (347) He notes that in Poland and Hungary, right-wing, nativist, nationalist, pseudo-populist, parties have been elected to power, only to establish effective “one-party rule for the foreseeable future.” These parties “maintain the forms of popular elections, but have destroyed the independence of the judiciary, suppressed freedom of the press, institutionalized large-scale corruption, and effectively delegitimized dissent.” (358)

Krugman fears, “It could all too easily happen here….The Republican Party is ready, even eager, to become an American version of Law and Justice or Fidesz, exploiting its current political power to lock in permanent rule…..” (358) “The Republican assault on health care is just the leading edge of an attack on multiple fronts, as the G.O.P. tries to overturn the will of the voters and undermine democracy in general.” (367)

As evidence, he cites the Republican drive to limit and suppress voting, especially by People of Color and poorer working class people. This includes a years-long effort to gerrymander the states, to manipulate the voting process, to fight against all efforts to expand voting, and to close voting places. Currently the Republicans are bitterly opposed to voting by mail, even in a pandemic. This anti-voting effort has been carried out through Republican-led state legislatures, the Republican-controlled Senate, and the Republican-appointed Supreme Court majority (which gutted the Voting Rights Act). All levels of the Republican Party have given total support to Donald Trump, even in his most outrageous and despicable actions. They have defended Trump’s overriding of Congress, denying its subpoenas, rejecting its oversight, and violating its laws. Krugman also mentions various undemocratic actions at the state level, such as North Carolina, where a Democrat was elected governor but the Republican legislative majority voted to strip the office of much of its power. And so on.

To return to Noam Chomsky: “Both parties have moved to the right during the neoliberal period of the past generation….The Republicans have pretty much fallen off the spectrum, becoming what respected conservative political analyst[s]…call a ‘radical insurgency’ that has virtually abandoned normal parliamentary politics….The Republican Party’s dedication to wealth and privilege has become so extreme that its actual policies could not attract voters.” Therefore it has crafted an appeal to “evangelical Christians…, nativists,…unreconstructed racists, people with real grievances who gravely mistake their causes, and others like them who are easy prey to demagogues and can readily become a radical insurgency.” (Chomsky 2017; 232)

David Frum, a former conservative, is quoted by Krugman, “If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” Krugman adds, “That’s happening as we speak.” (369)

Is It Fascism Yet?

Not long after the 2016 election, John Bellamy Foster, editor of the Marxist Monthly Review journal, wrote: “Not only a new administration, but a new ideology has now taken up residence at the White House: neo-fascism.” (Foster 2017; 19) Is this a useful way to conceptual what is happening? (Krugman does not use the term “fascism.”)

What is fascism? It is one form of state which exists together with a capitalist economy. When World War II was over and the Nazi regime was gone, most of the same German big businesses which had existed before the war were found to still be in operation, ready to continue. Nazi rule had only strengthened German capitalism. But fascism is a different type of government from a bourgeois (“representative”) democracy. A bourgeois democracy has multiple parties, elections, free associations, freedom of speech, workers’ unions, or a free press (all within limits and exceptions—this is bourgeois democracy after all). The people can vote out the ruling party and replace it (although with a limited choice of alternate parties, such as Democrat or Republican).

Obviously, the U.S.A. is still a bourgeois democracy. Trump and the leading Republicans might wish for some sort of dictatorship (at times Trump has claimed that he has “total power”). But they do not have it. What Krugman and others are worried about is that the Republicans have taken significant steps in that direction, and that, under certain circumstances, they might go all the way, even while keeping the trappings of political democracy. Foster points out that both Mussolini and then Hitler came to power by appearing to rely on Italian and German constitutional procedures. (Mussolini was appointed by the Italian king; Hitler was appointed chancellor by the elected president.)

Fascism is different, not only from bourgeois demcracy, but even from more traditional authoritarianisms, such as monarchies or traditional military juntas. To completely crush their popular enemies, including the unions, fascists organize mass movements. Historically, these have been based in the lower middle classes. These contain the people who feel most threatened by economic and other crises, fearful of being driven down further into poverty, but still with anger against the “elites” above them.

The Republican Party has become a popular movement, a “radical insurgency.” This can be seen in their mass rallies for Trump and in their primaries where they punish any politician who is a little bit independent of the Trumpian agenda. “Trump’s electoral support came mainly from the intermediate strata of the population, that is, from the lower middle class and privileged sections of the working class….Nationally Trump won the white vote and the male vote by decisive margins….” (Foster 2017; 20-1) Despite their past (relative) privileges, these had often lost incomes or jobs in the last decades. They are overwhelmingly evangelical Christian. Some are rabid racists, while many are not but neither are they turned off by Trump’s racism. They are nativists, hating and fearing brown-skinned or non-Christian foreigners. Aside from a hard core of neo-Nazis, they do not think of themselves as “fascists.” Overall, they are about 40 percent of the population—a minority, but a big and motivated minority.

Central to the victories of the Italian Fascists and German Nazis were their extra-legal military forces: blackshirts and brownshirts, the stormtroopers and the fascisti. This does not exist for Trump or his party. There are no volunteer forces marching with colorful uniforms. But, as has already been mentioned, Trump has encouraged violence at his rallies and elsewhere. There has been an armed “militia” movement as well as people who are committed to carrying guns to demonstrations. Right-wingers have repeatedly threatened to use “second amendment remedies” if they are denied their way. There have been repeated confrontations between police and armed demonstrators, in which the police handle them with kid gloves. (Imagine how the police would treat armed African-American demonstrators!)

In short, the Republican Party and its current leader shows many similarities to fascist policies. But they also show certain key distinctions. There is a difference between cheating in elections, gerrymandering, and suppressing the vote—and cancelling elections, outlawing all but one party, and declaring Trump president-for-life. There is a difference between encouraging armed demonstrators to violate the laws—and organizing armed, uniformed, stormtroopers. These are steps toward fascism, which are bad enough, but they are not there yet. This might be called “neo-fascism” or “quasi-fascism” or “not-yet-fascism.”

Foster concludes, “If the White House is…neo-fascist in its leanings, this does not extend to the entire U.S. state….Still, there is no doubt that liberal or capitalist democracy in the United States is now endangered…We are, as political scientist Richard Falk has put it, in a ‘pre-fascist moment.’ At the same time, the base still exists within the state and civil society for organized, legal resistance.” (23)

The Democratic Party?

Krugman plainly thinks that electing the Democrats is the solution. His book has a chapter on the greatness of Nancy Pelosi. He describes the Democrats as having “always been a loose coalition of interest groups….” (Krugman 2020; 297) While the Republicans have been moving sharply to the right, the Democrats have been trailing after, moving slowly to the right, under the leadership of Carter, Bill Clinton, and Obama. “Mainstream Democrats are now pretty much what used to be called ‘moderate Republicans.’” (Chomsky 2017; 232) They have generally moved away from their appeal to the unionized, mostly white, working class, and turned to middle class, more educated, white-collar workers and better-off suburbanites for votes.

But in society at large, younger adults and sections of the working class have become interested in “socialism.” For the first time in decades, there has been a revival of a “socialist” movement, as demonstrated by the growth of the Democratic Socialists of America and by Bernie Sanders’ campaign. So the Democrats have swung back a bit to their left, at least in rhetoric. “Democrats had moved only slightly to the left.” (Krugman 2020; 297) Contrasted to the Republicans’ ultra-right orientation, this can seem very progressive.

Krugman does not regard any of the Democrats, including Sanders, to really be “socialists”—which he defines as government ownership of the economy. (I am a libertarian, anti-state, socialist—which is to say, a revolutionary anarchist.) Instead he says the Democrats are “social democrats,” as in Europe: advocating taxes on the rich, regulation of business, and a welfare safety net for all. He does not note that the European social democratic parties have been pulling back from their reform programs, while the European right has been vigorously attacking the social democratic benefits of the people.

Four Crises

To develop a strategy for dealing with Republican attacks, we have to understand how this developed. Krugman writes, “‘Movement conservatism’ barely existed before the 1970s and it didn’t fully take over the G.O.P. until the 1990s….” (297) What happened in this period? “What paved the way for Trump’s neo-fascist strategy and gave it coherence was the deepening long-term crisis of U.S. political economy and empire, and of the entire world capitalist economy….The system [was] in a state of economic stagnation, with no visible way out.” (Foster 2020; 45-6)

The 1970s was the end of the prosperity which followed World War II. The capitalist economy began to decline, to stagnate, and to lose profitability in the real economy while an inflated financialization bloomed. The U.S. economy and national state began to lose their international dominance to other countries. Beginning then, and expanding in the 90s, there was an attack on the working class, decreasing their benefits and weakening their organizations. The Republicans were the cutting edge of these attacks but the Democrats also participated. Unions shrunk to a fraction of their size in the work force. Inequality zoomed. “We live in an era of soaring inequality and growing concentration of wealth at the top….[in] our march toward oligarchy….” (Krugman 2020; 348-9)

Right now we are living through four interconnected crises. There is the covid-19 pandemic. How long it will last and how bad it will get cannot yet be foretold. It has triggered a second, international economic, crisis. Even “after” the plague has been reasonably controlled, the world may be in a major recession or depression. Meanwhile the climate cataclysm continues to advance. There are floods in the Midwest and gathering hurricanes off the Atlantic coast, while other environmental disasters hit the rest of the world. The eventual threat of human extinction still hovers if nothing is done. Finally, in a political crisis, all this is happening while the U.S. government is being managed by a completely incompetent, delusional, and narcissistic freak. Similarly, several of the state governments are led by incompetent, ignorant, and deluded governors—courtesy of the Republican Party.

It was not inevitable that these four crises would hit at the very same time. (It was not inevitable that a conservative president would be such a total jerk. Consider Germany’s Angela Merkel.) But they all are products of this extended period of capitalism, with its basic decline, at home and abroad.

Strategy Against Fascism

All of which indicates that fascism (or some sort of authoritarian government) cannot be prevented without fighting capitalism. The current Republican Party is a symptom of the chaos and decline of industrial capitalism. The Democratic Party cannot fight it effectively because it too is committed to the same rotting system. (I am not discussing here the need to combat openly Nazi and Klan groupings.)

For decades, the liberals, the unions, the leaders of the African-American community, and other progressive forces have thrown their human resources and money behind the Democrats. And repeatedly, reactionary Republicans (Nixon, Reagan, G.W. Bush) have been replaced by “moderate” or even “liberal” Democrats (Carter, Clinton, Obama). But this did not solve the problem. These “moderate”/“liberal” Democrats were invariably followed by other reactionary Republicans. Until now the Obama administration has been replaced by the most reactionary president yet! There is no reason not to assume that another Democratic president (the pro-business, militaristic, gaffe-prone, Biden) would not be followed again by a terrible Republican. No Democrat can solve the social problems which will once again drive many U.S. citizens to look towards the alternate party of our two-party system.

This is not a discussion of how (or whether) any particular individual should vote in 2020. But a strategy for preventing “neo-fascism” from taking over requires a different approach from electoralism or trust in the Democratic Party. There needs to be a mass movement of the working class and all oppressed people, of everyone who is outraged by the capitalist class’ mishandling of the covid plague, of the economic collapse, of the ecological cataclysm, and of all the other evils of this society. There needs to be a replacement of this ruling class and its state by a revolutionary libertarian, radically-democratic, cooperative, nonprofit, ecologically sustainable, society of free and equal humans.


The Republican Party is an extremely dangerous organization. Culminating (so far) in the Trump presidency, it wages war on the environment, threatening all human life. It threatens the public’s health and lives. It threatens the jobs and incomes of the working class and the rights of women and People of Color. It threatens political freedoms and democracy, however limited these are in a capitalist state. It has not yet established a fascist dictatorship but is “an authoritarian regime in waiting.”

The Republican Party cannot be defeated by building up the Democrats. This has never worked. Fascism can only be fought by fighting capitalism. In the long run, the greater evil cannot be defeated by the lesser evil. Things just get more evil. All parts of the system have to be opposed, on every issue.


Chomsky, Noam (2017). Who Rules the World? NY: Picador/Henry Holt.

Foster, John Bellamy (2017). Trump in the White House; Tragedy and Farce. NY: Monthly Review.

Krugman, Paul (2020). Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future. NY: W.W. Norton.

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