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netherlands / germany / austria / history / opinion / analysis Thursday October 16, 2014 17:40 byJonathan Payn

In the October Revolution of 1917, the Bolshevik Party, together with other revolutionaries, overthrew the Provisional Government established in February and – together, initially, with left Social Revolutionaries – seized power. How did the Bolsheviks – a minority just eight months earlier, when the February Revolution overthrew the Tsar and established the Provisional Government – come to power so quickly? How did this small force emerge from relative obscurity to win large sections of the working class to its programme and take power? Herein lies the root and essence of United Front policy in a traditional Marxist sense.

First published in issue 88 of Workers World News

Part 1: NUMSA and the ‘United Front Against Neoliberalism’
Part 2: Anti-militarist United Fronts and Italy’s “Red week”, 1914
Part 4: United Working Class Action and the Workers’ Council Movement in Germany, 1920-1923

Soviet Democracy and Revolution in February

During the February Revolution, workers, peasants and soldiers spontaneously rose up and seized land and factories throughout Russia establishing workers’, peasants’ and soldiers’ councils – mass democratic organs of working class counter-power. These councils, known as soviets, elected their own delegates and had representatives from different political tendencies from (reformist) Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries to (revolutionary) anarchists and Bolsheviks. Through the soviets workers co-ordinated strikes and other forms of struggle, using them to govern themselves as a class. They were, in effect, united fronts organised from below by the working masses in pursuit of specific demands: food, land, democratic reforms and an end to the war.

In a few short weeks the Tsar, whose family had ruled Russia for generations, was forced to abdicate and a provisional government formed. The soviets developed alongside the liberal Provisional Government and a situation of dual-power emerged. Initially, the soviets supported the Provisional Government as a hesitant expression of workers’ democratic aspirations but, as the war dragged on and the Provisional Government failed to implement even modest social reforms, discontent arose. Many workers and soldiers trusted the soviets more than the Provisional Government; but the new government was not strong enough to disband them.

Discontent and Reaction in August

The Provisional Government, headed by Kerensky, faced a crisis by the end of July. The growth of revolutionary ideas was fuelled by worsening economic conditions, unpopular government policies and peasant unrest.

The ruling class became unhappy with Kerensky’s weak-kneed government. In August, the reactionary General Kornilov broke with the Provisional Government and plotted to establish himself at Russia’s head by seizing Petrograd – the stronghold of the revolution. If the Kerensky government could not deal with the soviets he would do so himself.

Barricades and revolutionary defence committees were established by workers and soldiers spontaneously across Petrograd to defend their hard-won democratic advances from General Kornilov’s forces. The Bolsheviks, like most other revolutionary currents, entered into these committees as a minority but played a prominent role in the Committee of Revolutionary Defence. They established Red Guard units and provided military training.

Bolshevik “Upswing” and Revolution in October

The coup, which was rightly seen as a reactionary attempt to crush the soviets, was defeated. The workers’ victory shifted the balance of forces leftwards and Bolshevik support surged. Later, this “upswing” in Bolshevik support was attributed to their united front-style tactics.

According to this analysis, by participating in the front-lines of the struggle against Kornilov while maintaining their political independence, providing political leadership and not taking responsibility for the inadequacies of Kerensky’s policies, the Bolsheviks won the majority over to their leadership. Faced with a common enemy different workers’ parties were united in action and, both by supporting the (non-Communist) mass of workers’ demands for land, peace and bread and by exposing their reformist leaders’ inability to satisfy these demands, the Bolsheviks managed to win the majority to their programme.

Within two months, the Bolsheviks had led a revolution against the Provisional Government and established what appeared for a short while to be soviet power. This, for traditional Marxists, was the “great lesson” of the Russian Revolution.

Another Approach: Revolutionary and from Below

However, many leftists – including some prominent Bolsheviks – were critical of the Bolshevik approach to the struggle against Kerensky. The reformists believed that instead of dissolving the Constituent Assembly they should have formed a socialist united front government with other socialist parties – the Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks – which together had a majority, as the Constituent Assembly elections in November showed.

For them such a government, enjoying majority support, would bring peace and through the economic stability enabled by these conditions could gradually introduce socialist reforms from above. They said a Bolshevik-only government would lead to “a regime of terror and to the destruction of the revolution”.

However, there was another revolutionary position – represented by the anarchists, syndicalists and communist left. This position held that the working class was already united in revolutionary action in February 1917. They argued that the soviets were already a majority and didn’t need the support of the Provisional Government or Bolshevik leadership but, rather, could have built on the class confidence gained through Kornilov’s defeat to dissolve the Provisional Government and truly disseminate all power to the soviets.

This position held that what was needed to advance the revolution was not centralised state power under the leadership of an all-powerful party, but the decentralised power of a federation of armed workers’, peasants’ and soldiers’ soviets; a revolutionary united front from below.

The Bolshevik argument was that you couldn’t have a revolution without Communist Party leadership because the working class would vacillate in its absence. However, there were in fact many episodes throughout 1917 where the working class was more revolutionary than the parties, Communist included. Many parties thus tailed the working class and even the Bolsheviks changed their programme to be more in line with the revolutionary working class – only to change it back once they had consolidated power.

While we will never know what would have happened had this alternative position triumphed, history has vindicated the argument against one-party Communist rule.

The next instalment in this series will look at another important episode in united working class struggle and its contribution to United Front policy – Germany in 1920-21.

Πριν από 80 χρόνια δολοφονήθηκε ο Έριχ Μύζαμ στο στρατόπεδο συγκέντρωσης Οράνιενμπουργκ - Το άρθρο του ομότιμου καθηγητή λογοτεχνικών σπουδών, Ντίτερ Σίλερ, με τίτλο Für das künftige Menschsein, δημοσιεύτηκε στην καθημερινή αριστερή εφημερίδα της Γερμανίας, «Neues Deutschland», 10.7.2014, σελ. 17. Μετάφραση: Νίκος Σκοπλάκης

Πριν από 80 χρόνια δολοφονήθηκε ο Έριχ Μύζαμ στο στρατόπεδο συγκέντρωσης Οράνιενμπουργκ. Λογοτέχνης, αναρχικός και αντιφασίστας. Το πρωινό της 28ης Φεβρουαρίου 1933 ήθελε να μεταβεί στην Πράγα. Με κόπο βρέθηκαν τα χρήματα για το εισιτήριο. Η βαλίτσα ήταν έτοιμη. Ο συγγραφέας και αναρχικός πίστευε ότι μπορούσε να εκτιμήσει τι τον περίμενε στο κράτος του Χίτλερ. Ο Έριχ Μύζαμ (Erich Mühsam) δεν ήθελε να καταδικάσει τον εαυτό του στην παθητικότητα-και αυτό σήμαινε πως θα συνέχιζε τον αντιφασιστικό αγώνα στο εξωτερικό.

Μια εβδομάδα νωρίτερα είχε μιλήσει σε συνέλευση μελών από την τοπική οργάνωση του συνδέσμου προστασίας Γερμανών συγγραφέων στο Βερολίνο. Στις 20 Φεβρουαρίου 1933, είχαν συγκεντρωθεί ακόμα μια φορά αριστεροί και σοσιαλιστές συγγραφείς στην πύλη Χάλλε του Βερολίνου, για να διαμαρτυρηθούν ενάντια στην κατάληψη της εξουσίας από τον φασισμό και να συζητήσουν τι έπρεπε πλέον να γίνει. Στο προεδρείο κάθονταν ο Λούντβιχ Ρεν, ο Καρλ φον Οσιέτσκυ και ο Καρλ Βίτφογκελ. Παρευρισκόταν και ο Φραντς Καρλ Βάϊσκοπφ.

Έναν χρόνο αργότερα, ανέφερε σχετικά με την παρουσία του Έριχ Μύζαμ: «Ατημέλητος, με τη γραβάτα του στραβή, ανακατεμένα τα κόκκινα μαλλιά…μιλούσε, χειρονομούσε, φώναζε την αγανάκτησή του, το μίσος του για τον πόλεμο, στην αίθουσα. Καταφερόταν ενάντια στη δεξιά. Καταφερόταν, όμως, και ενάντια στην αριστερά, ενάντια στους “στενοκέφαλους μαρξιστές”, ενάντια στην “περιφρόνηση της άμεσης δράσης”». Σε αυτόν τον τελευταίο δημόσιο λόγο του, ο Μύζαμ απευθύνθηκε επίμονα- όπως σημείωσε ένας άλλος ακροατής- στους συναδέλφους του συγγραφείς: «Σας λέω ότι εμείς που μαζευτήκαμε εδώ, δεν θα ανταμώσουμε πάλι όλοι. Είμαστε φρουροί σε μια χαμένη θέση. Αλλά ακόμα κι αν σαπίσουμε εκατό φορές στις φυλακές του τρίτου Ράϊχ, οφείλουμε ακόμα σήμερα να λέμε την αλήθεια, να διακηρύξουμε προς τα έξω ότι διαμαρτυρόμαστε». Ο Μύζαμ έλπιζε στη διεθνή αλληλεγγύη ενάντια στον ναζιστικό τρόμο. Θα την επιτύχει-αργότερα, ωστόσο, και σε τραγικές συνθήκες για εκείνον. Διότι το ταξίδι στην Πράγα δεν πραγματοποιήθηκε ποτέ.

Την ημέρα του προγραμματισμένου ταξιδιού, δύο αστυνομικοί τον ξύπνησαν στις πέντε το πρωί χτυπώντας την πόρτα του. Ήδη τη νύχτα, ενώ καιγόταν το Ράϊχστακ, ξεκίνησε ένα κύμα συλλήψεων με πρωτοφανείς, μέχρι τότε, διαστάσεις. Νομιμοποιήθηκε ο πιο κτηνώδης τρόμος. Όπως για πολλές χιλιάδες, άρχιζε τότε και για τον Μύζαμ ο δρόμος του μαρτυρίου μέσα από τα κάτεργα και τα στρατόπεδα συγκέντρωσης του Χίτλερ. Ο ποιητής κι επαναστάτης συναισθανόταν ότι αυτή τη φορά θα ήταν πολύ χειρότερα από ότι στα μπουντρούμια της περιόδου του Κάιζερ και της «Βαϊμάρης», όσο λίγο κι αν προαισθανόταν σε ποιό βαθμό φυσικής και ψυχικής βίας και βασανισμών ήταν ικανοί να φτάσουν οι ναζιστές δήμιοι.

Τον Δεκέμβριο του 1924, ο Μύζαμ απελευθερώθηκε μετά από πενταετή φυλάκιση -λόγω αμνηστίας. Και μόνο με αναστολή. Η ετυμηγορία ενός βαυαρικού έκτακτου στρατοδικείου τον Ιούλιο του 1919 είχε αποφασίσει 15 χρόνια για «εσχάτη προδοσία». Αυτή ήταν η ποινή της ταξικής δικαιοσύνης, επειδή ο Μύζαμ ανήκε μαζί με τον Όϊγκεν Λεβινέ στους πρωτεργάτες και επικεφαλής της συμβουλιακής δημοκρατίας του Μονάχου, η οποία ανακηρύχτηκε στις 7 Απριλίου του 1919. Μετά από σχεδόν τέσσερις εβδομάδες, στις 2 Μαΐου του 1919, ανατράπηκε αιματηρά από τον στρατό και τα ακροδεξιά εθνικιστικά Freikorps, ο αναρχικός δάσκαλος του Μύζαμ, Γκούσταβ Λάνταουερ, δολοφονήθηκε και ο Λεβινέ καταδικάστηκε σε θάνατο.

Δέκα χρόνια νωρίτερα, ο Μύζαμ, που γεννήθηκε το 1878 στο Βερολίνο, βρέθηκε στο Μόναχο. Στους λογοτεχνικούς κύκλους ήταν γνωστός ως χαρακτηριστικό δείγμα μποέμ λογοτέχνη, ήταν αγαπητός, αλλά και λοιδορήθηκε. Κατά τον Α΄ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, ανήκε στον κύκλο των επαναστατών ειρηνιστών. Θεωρούσε τη συμβουλιακή εξουσία, που συγκροτήθηκε στη Ρωσία το 1917, ως πρότυπο. Διεκδικούσε και για τη Γερμανία τον «παροπλισμό της καπιταλιστικής κοινωνικής οργάνωσης και την αντικατάστασή της από τον κομμουνιστικό σοσιαλισμό». Ο Μύζαμ αυτοπροσδιοριζόταν ως επαναστάτης συγγραφέας και έτσι τον αντιλαμβάνονταν επίσης οι σύγχρονοί του. Τα ποιήματά του απαγγέλλονταν συχνά σε εργατικές συγκεντρώσεις. Συγκαταλεγόταν από τον Έριχ Βάϊνερτ, πλάι στον Μαξίμ Γκόρκι, τον Ανρί Μπαρμπύς, τον Γιοχάννες Μπέχερ και τον Έγκον Έρβιν Κις, στους «σημαντικότερους αντιπροσώπους» μιας «λογοτεχνίας και τέχνης, που προσδίδει έκφραση στον αγώνα για την απελευθέρωση των εργατών». Στις 10 Ιουλίου 1934, ο Έριχ Μύζαμ δολοφονήθηκε από τα SS στο στρατόπεδο συγκέντρωσης Οράνιενμπουργκ. Ο ναζιστικός τύπος ψευδόταν: «Ο Εβραίος Έριχ Μύζαμ απαγχονίστηκε κατά τη διάρκεια της προληπτικής κράτησης». Θύελλα αγανάκτησης ξεσηκώθηκε στο εξωτερικό. Και όπως το ευχήθηκε ο Μύζαμ, οι συνάδελφοί του ενώθηκαν στον αντιφασιστικό αγώνα.

netherlands / germany / austria / anarchist movement / other libertarian press Friday July 04, 2014 19:32 byRudolf Mühland

3rd libertarian media fair for the German-speaking world. The fair will take place from the 29th to 31rst august 2014 at Essen, ruhr area, Germany. Although the focus will be on German language media, there will as well be books and other media in the English, Spanish and Turkish language, (just to give some examples.)

Dear publishers, media projects, collectives and activists,

we are glad to tell you that the “Libertäre Medienmesse” will take place again in 2014. Because of the publishers' support in 2010 and 2012 we were able to organize 3 days of fair, presentation of projects, readings, culture, events, information, meeting people and making plans for a world beyond crisis and exploitation. The preparations for the second “LiMesse” are in full swing, so we can renew this weekend on 29th-31th august, 2014.

Of course, some things have basically changed during the last years.

In 2010 we offered an alternative to the commercial project “Capitol of Culture RUHR.2010” and countered propaganda about a solid and growing economy, which profits would increase our society's general wealth. Already then it indicated, that it was merely about a growing break through the middle of society.

This year, the curtain of the “Capitol of Culture” has finally closed. By now, global crisis can also be noticed on communal plain and several saving measures affect the bigger part of population. We want to invite you as libertarian publishers, media projects and collectives to present your self organized and non-commercial politics. The crisis of capitalism is global, so we would appreciate if some international Mediaprojects will take part, too. You could participate with an own presentation in English or just present your work with a booth.

All important basic data and a review to “LiMesse 2010” and “LiMesse 2012”, most important information for exhibitors and a contact blank is located at (language: German)->

If there are any questions in English, please don't hesitate to ask us at kontakt[ at ]

Different from the “LiMesse 2010” (city of Oberhausen) and “LiMesse 2012” (city of Bochum) it will this year take place at the “Zeche Carl” social center in Essen, a centre of Ruhr.

There you'll have a realistic opportunity to present your political work beyond the scene. More information about the location and its sourroundings may be found here.->

If you decide to participate in the “LiMesse”, please declare with the application form.-

You are welcome to suggest own projects, lectures, books etc. for presentation!

We're looking forward to an exciting and versatile “LiMesse” and hope to see you in august!

Your Limesse organising collective

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Embedded Video Description: 3. Libertäre Medienmesse

&song_title=3. Libertäre Medienmesse&player_title=Anarkismo Embedded External Audio"> &song_title=3. Libertäre Medienmesse&player_title=Anarkismo Embedded External Audio"/>
3. Libertäre Medienmesse

netherlands / germany / austria / community struggles / other libertarian press Sunday April 27, 2014 22:48 byNomen Nescio

As reported earlier there is growing resistance against several construction projects in Wuppertal, Germany. One of these construction projects is at Gathe, on the corner of Markomannen street. One of the buildings which will have to be demolished for this project is the building where the autonomous center has been located for more than 14 years now. The autonomous center is a self-organised free space where many cultural and political events are organised by various groups.

Below you will find a statement from people who are active in the autonomous center, which was published in German in an activist produced newspaper. 10.000 copies were spread for free in Wuppertal.

The autonomous center is a place where people can organise themselves (sometimes for a short period of time, sometimes over years) and work together on cultural, political, and other projects. Daily operations of the autonomous center – whether it be a concert, a demo, a blockade, etc.. – are decided by the participants. The center is a non-commercial space, that people can use without having to pay for it.

At mayday 2014, the campaign “AZ (Autonomous Center, editor) will stay at Gathe!” will start with an autonomous mayday demo. The way we understand it, an autonomous demo means that its self-organised and unauthorised by the state.

The autonomous center has existed for more than 20 years at Gathe in the northern part of Wuppertal’s Elberfeld district. This was made possible after a long fight in the eighties, partially with militant methods. Since 1990, it had been located a few hundred meters away from its current location at Gathe / Markomannen street 3, where the autonomous center has been since the year 2000. In the eighties, the center was also located in the northern part of the city center.

Now the autonomous center is in danger of being displaced from its current location at Gathe. The DITIB mosque wants to build an islamic center, which will be partly at the grounds where the autonomous center is located now. It would not be a problem to construct the new mosque next to the autonomous center. A decent noise insulation would be no problem, and both centers could exist as neighbours. The autonomous center would agree on this solution, although the tight relation between DITIB and the Turkish state has to be seen critically because of the upsetting policies of the Turkish state. Specifically, the struggles against the authoritarian prime-minister Erdogan, the un-recognized genocide of the Armenian people by the turkish state, and the way the turkish state deals with minorities like the Kurds and the Alevis. But we are aware of the fact that many of the people who visit the current DITIB mosque have nothing to do with the official policies of the Turkish state and we hope that their number will grow inside DITIB.

But it seems like its also important to the city council to displace the Autonomous center from its current location. They bring forward the argument that its essential to build on the corner (of the Markomannen street / Gathe, editor). It gives us the impression that the district, which is close to the city center, will be up-valued at the cost of the autonomous center!

City officials stated that the autonomous center might “only” have to move to another building, but its completely unclear in which building they mean. That’s because there is no other building in the nothern part of the city center available for the autonomous center to move to. Furthermore, the city did not make a concrete official offer or proposal.

A displacement of the autonomous center would have severe consequences. The autonomous center is the only space of this size and with facilities in which its possible to organise many different cultural and noncommercial events. There are regular punk concerts, performances by singer-songwriters, electro parties, Reggae and hiphop parties, and there are regular film and info events about various political and social issues. The “people’s kitchen” plays an important role, and is a place where people can eat vegan food every Wednesday. The people’s kitchen only asks a voluntarily donation. All these things are organised without bosses or state money. The center plays an important role in many struggles in Wuppertal and beyond. The autonomous center played a key role in the massive resistance against nazi demos in the city. Beyond that, groups from the autonomous center are fighting against the Nazis and their infrastructure in the city on a daily basis. Another issue that the autonomous center is involved in is the constant argument about the national-socialist crimes (in the 1930′s and 1940′s, editor). In the autonomous center, there are also groups fighting against austerity and who are active in other political struggles. The autonomous center also has a clear position against racism and police violence.

The campaign, “Autonomous center stays at Gathe” will start at May 1 at 18:00 (06:00pm) at Gathe / Höhe AZ in Wuppertal. Before that there will be a pre demo on April 30. This pre demo will be a nightdance demo and will start at 19:00 (07:00pm) at Deweert’scher Garten in Wuppertal.

The City belongs to us all!

Take the streets – Out to Autonomous May 1!

18:00 (06:00pm) Gathe / Höhe AZ, Wuppertal, Germany

image Autonomous Mayday demo in Wuppertal 2010 0.05 Mb image Autonomous Mayday demo in Wuppertal 2014 0.22 Mb

Embedded Video Description: Mobilisation clip for the autonomous mayday demo 2014 in Wuppertal, Germany

pays-bas / allemagne / autriche / luttes en milieu de travail / opinion / analyse Thursday September 27, 2012 02:05 byWilli Hajek

L’impression diffusée par les grands medias du paysage social allemand laisse à penser que le pays est un havre de la paix, compétitif où les travailleuses et les travailleurs sont heureux et productifs ! Cela n’est bien sûr qu’une construction médiatique.

En février 2012, la chaine Schlecker fait faillite, mettant à la rue les 25 000 employé-e-s allemands – presque exclusivement des femmes – et les 17 000 à l’international. Le patron avait longtemps refusé toute activité syndicale mais avait cédé ces dernières années suite à d’âpres luttes.

Ce fut un grand succès dans un secteur ou il est notoirement difficile pour les syndicats de s’implanter. Le syndicat majoritaire est Ver.Di avec ses deux millions d’adhérents. Pendant le processus de faillite – de février à juin 2012 – le syndicat tente quelques mobilisations régionales mais priorise les négociations avec la direction pour trouver une issue. Les travailleuses mirent toute leur confiance dans les négociations. Seule une petite minorité d’entre elles prirent l’initiative de créer une dynamique par le bas en organisant des actions dans les grandes villes. Mais aucune action concertée nationalement ne permit de réunir les 25 000 travailleuses afin d’affirmer leur présence, leur combativité et le soutien de la population. Au final, cette lutte montre surtout qu’un syndicat de 2 millions d’adhérents est incapable de mobiliser massivement contre une telle faillite.

Cela met aussi en relief le rôle gestionnaire d’un syndicalisme d’accompagnement dans la crise, particulièrement apprécié par les gouvernants. Un petit groupe de travailleuses s’est néanmoins constitué en collectif et compte ouvrir des boutiques autogérées. À suivre!

Bureaucraties syndicales

L’industrie automobile en Allemagne compte des gagnants – ce sont les marques de luxe : Mercedes-BMW-Audi et Volkswagen-Porsche. Et il y a Opel-GM qui est dans la même situation que PSA-Aulnay et dont la direction prévoit la fermeture pour 2016.

Seul problème, les travailleurs d’Opel Bochum sont plutôt combatifs et le syndicat IG-Metall n’arrive pas à contrôler les travailleurs qui organisent grèves et actions sauvages. Il y a un mois, une assemblée générale organisée par la direction a trouvé son terme lorsque tous les travailleurs – environ 2 000 – ont quitté la salle par protestation, entrainant la démission du directeur de l’usine. Dans le pays tout entier, le malaise social ne cesse de croitre entre une richesse provocante et une précarisation grandissante: 20 % de la population à Berlin vit des allocations chômage et de nombreux travailleurs perçoivent un salaire mensuel inférieur à 1000 euro.

La rue comme espace de revendication

Mais les grands syndicats ne sont pas capables ou tout simplement ne veulent pas organiser la mobilisation pour défendre une revalorisation du salaire minimum. Dans différents secteurs – transports, santé – le mécontentement qui grandit à l’égard de ce syndicalisme cogestionaire entraine la création de groupes oppositionnels dans les grands syndicats et le développement des activités des syndicats de base (FAU et Wobblies). Le paysage syndical se trouve donc en pleine recomposition face à un patronat et une partie des directions syndicales, principalement IG-Metall, qui entendent limiter le droit de grève et d’organisation syndicale. Au-delà des recompositions syndicales, les populations résistent et s’organisent.

À Berlin, des tentes ont été dressées depuis juillet pour protester contre l’augmentation des loyers et dans tous les quartiers populaires de Berlin fleurissent des comités, des assemblées populaires, des actions de rue et des blocages. Le mouvement social qui s’est développé contre le projet ferroviaire Stuttgart 21 a changé le rapport de force.

Une partie de la population a découvert la rue comme lieu de protestation et un espace public oppositionnel ainsi qu’une télévision alternative ont été créés. Ça, c’est l’Allemagne dans laquelle je vis et je milite.

Willi Hajek

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class10.jpg imageRückblick auf ein Jahr Aufbau der Plattform und Verkündung unserer Lokalstrukturen Jan 02 01:02 by die plattform 0 comments

faud.png imageΗ συντριβή της FAUD α`... Oct 19 20:17 by Dimitri (translation) 0 comments

a2druck1.jpg imageFIGHT FOR FUTURE! Klima retten heißt: Kapital – entmachten, enteignen, überwinden! Sep 17 08:19 by die plattform 0 comments image„Wir wollen da sein, wo es brennt!” – Interview mit dem re:volt Magazine Jul 30 18:01 by die plattform 0 comments

image_manager__shop_produktbild_mitel_fuss.jpg imageSyndikalismus oder Plattformismus? Syndikalismus UND Plattformismus! – eine Entgegnung Jul 26 07:20 by die plattform 0 comments

tumblr_pnw2zeuvci1y0kwqyo1_1280.jpg imageAbout the conditions under which we fight and the current state of the anarchist movement ... Jul 16 22:28 by die plattform 3 comments

ke2_601.jpg imageZweite Ausgabe der Kollektiven Einmischung: Organisationsplattform der Allgemeinen Anarchi... May 13 19:10 by die plattform 0 comments

plattformflyer1024x724_1.png imageÜber die Bedingungen, unter denen wir kämpfen und den Zustand der anarchistischen Bewegung... Feb 25 06:21 by die plattform 0 comments

affiche_camp_antiarmes.jpg imageAufruf zur Demonstration am 2.9.2018 in Unterlüß "Rheinmetall entwaffnen – Krieg beginnt h... Aug 07 10:12 by Rheinmetall entwaffnen 0 comments

affiche_camp_antiarmes_2.jpg imageAppel à l’action : „Désarmer Rheinmetall – la guerre commence ici“ Aug 07 10:02 by Rheinmetall entwaffnen 0 comments

affiche_camp_antiarmes_1.jpg imageChiamata: „Disarmiamo Rheinmetall – La guerra inizia qui“ Aug 07 09:55 by Rheinmetall entwaffnen 0 comments

affiche_camp_antiarmes_3.jpg imageLlamado a „Desarmar Rheinmetall – la guerra comienza aquí“ Aug 07 09:46 by Rheinmetall entwaffnen 0 comments

sm7jxb_n4xm_hqdefault.jpg imageΑφοπλίζοντας την... Aug 06 21:12 by Συλλογικότητα κατά της Rheinmetall 0 comments

videoCall to Action: “Disarming Rheinmetall – war starts here” Aug 05 23:51 by someone, but could be anyone 2 comments

linksunten768x772_1.png imageΑλληλεγγύη στο linksunten... Sep 11 19:20 by Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία 0 comments

linksunten768x772.png imageSolidarity to Sep 08 06:02 by Anarchist Federation (Greece) 0 comments

linksunten768x772_1.png imageΗ καταστολή δεν μ ... Aug 31 21:04 by Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes 0 comments

linksunten768x772.png imageEn Allemagne et ailleurs, la répression ne nous fera pas taire ! Aug 31 19:11 by Relations Internationales 0 comments

textNot in Germany, not anywhere else : repression can’t silence us ! Aug 30 21:30 by Relations Internationales 0 comments

linksunten768x772.png imageEn Allemagne et ailleurs, la répression ne nous fera pas taire ! Aug 30 21:22 by Relations Internationales 0 comments

textRemembering Erich Muhsam Jul 10 20:31 by Victor Osprey 1 comments

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