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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war Saturday October 14, 2023 20:31 bei Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group

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The Israeli military has ordered the residents of the northern half of Gaza to evacuate within 24 hours. It is impossible for over one million people to do this in such a short time. The order can only be interpreted as a public relations formality and prelude to genocide. All workers and soldiers in a position to prevent this have a duty to act.


east africa / anarchist movement Wednesday August 23, 2023 18:19 bei International anarchist organisations
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Our anarchist comrades are still in sudan and were hoping to be able to continue their agitation activities there clandestinely. We provided financial aid before the war and even at the beginning. But the situation has become untenable and no longer allows for any social or political activity. Some members of the group decided to leave the country as quickly as possible after their house was ransacked by the rsf. Others have decided to stay for the time being, and we are trying to help them too.

[عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

international / miscellaneous Monday May 01, 2023 21:08 bei European anarchist organizations
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Social anarchism understands that empowered peoples cannot expect substantial improvements in their lives through parliamentary struggle. On the contrary, in times of scarcity authoritarian monsters grow. Right-wing ideology pretends to use the diversity of the working class to single out groups to hate: immigrants, the LGTBI community, Romani and Sinto people or even feminism or environmentalism.



greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous Wednesday February 15, 2023 21:43 bei International anarchist organisations
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The earthquakes of 6 February and their aftershocks have devastated entire regions. The death toll is in the tens of thousands and continues to rise. Access to water, electricity, gas, food and other basic necessities is reduced or non-existent for millions of people.

Our comrades in anarchist organisations, grassroots unions and popular organisations are working together and are directly involved in the relief efforts.

We are now launching a fundraising drive to support the work of these organisations.

[Castellano] [Português] [Italiano] [Deutsch] [Türkçe] [Français]

international / anarchist movement Friday August 12, 2022 23:44 bei Felipe Corrêa
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Felipe Corrêa

The steady revival of organized Anarchism in the anglosphere has led to a re-engagement with the fundamental strategic questions of Anarchism. In what way should a revolutionary organization be structured? How should a revolutionary organization struggle for reforms? What role does the revolutionary organization play in the revolutionary process? In grappling with these questions the most novel contemporary insights have undoubtedly come from the Anarchist movement in Latin America, where the tradition of organized, class struggle anarchism was growing and successfully struggling whilst in the anglosphere it was languishing in a long period of decline.

In the spirit of clarifying and spreading the debates of Latin American Anarchism to the anglosphere, I contacted Felipe Correa in early 2022 and asked him questions that various comrades had raised during reading groups and informal discussions concerning the tendency – questions that could not be easily answered by the texts available to us. His extensive response to my questions, ranging from the notion of power, the role of organizations, and the relation between Anarchism and class politics, offers valuable and unique insight into this important tendency.


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Sat 20 Apr, 02:27

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resist_genocide.jpg imageResist Genocide Oct 14 20:31 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 10 comments

internationalcampaignsudan.jpeg imageSupport Sudanese anarchists in exile Aug 23 18:19 by International anarchist organisations 30 comments

Our anarchist comrades are still in Sudan and were hoping to be able to continue their agitation activities there clandestinely. We provided financial aid before the war and even at the beginning. But the situation has become untenable and no longer allows for any social or political activity. Some members of the group decided to leave the country as quickly as possible after their house was ransacked by the RSF. Others have decided to stay for the time being, and we are trying to help them too.
[عربي] [Castellano] [Deutsch] [Eλληνικά] [Français] [Italiano] [한국어] [Português] [Türkçe]

photo_5368375315598004250_y.jpg imageJoint Statement of European Anarchist Organizations May 01 21:08 by European anarchist organizations 9 comments

Social anarchism understands that empowered peoples cannot expect substantial improvements in their lives through parliamentary struggle. On the contrary, in times of scarcity authoritarian monsters grow. Right-wing ideology pretends to use the diversity of the working class to single out groups to hate: immigrants, the LGTBI community, Romani and Sinto people or even feminism or environmentalism.

earthquake_solidarity.png imageInternational anarchist call for solidarity: Earthquake in Turkey, Syria and Kurdistan Feb 15 21:43 by International anarchist organisations 31 comments

The earthquakes of 6 February and their aftershocks have devastated entire regions. The death toll is in the tens of thousands and continues to rise. Access to water, electricity, gas, food and other basic necessities is reduced or non-existent for millions of people.

Our comrades in anarchist organisations, grassroots unions and popular organisations are working together and are directly involved in the relief efforts.

We are now launching a fundraising drive to support the work of these organisations.

felipe.jpg imageElements of Anarchist Theory and Strategy Aug 12 23:44 by Felipe Corrêa 249 comments

The steady revival of organized Anarchism in the anglosphere has led to a re-engagement with the fundamental strategic questions of Anarchism. In what way should a revolutionary organization be structured? How should a revolutionary organization struggle for reforms? What role does the revolutionary organization play in the revolutionary process? In grappling with these questions the most novel contemporary insights have undoubtedly come from the Anarchist movement in Latin America, where the tradition of organized, class struggle anarchism was growing and successfully struggling whilst in the anglosphere it was languishing in a long period of decline. In the spirit of clarifying and spreading the debates of Latin American Anarchism to the anglosphere, I contacted Felipe Correa in early 2022 and asked him questions that various comrades had raised during reading groups and informal discussions concerning the tendency – questions that could not be easily answered by the texts available to us. His extensive response to my questions, ranging from the notion of power, the role of organizations, and the relation between Anarchism and class politics, offers valuable and unique insight into this important tendency.

screenshot_20220728_at_184806_federacio769n_anarquista_rosario_far_rosario__instagram_photos_and_videos.png image19 de Julio: Cuando el pueblo se levanta, escribe la historia Jul 29 02:16 by Varias organizaciones anarquistas 66 comments

Cuando los pueblos se levantan son imparables y son capaces de cambiar la historia. Estos sucesos de repiten cada cierto tiempo y ponen en cuestión el desarrollo normal del “sentido común” capitalista de que no hay alternativa. ¡Claro que la hay! La acción de los pueblos rebeldes, que pusieron sus cuerpos para derrotar regímenes autoritarios, dictaduras o golpes de estado, demuestra la importancia del poder popular y la preparación revolucionaria para que se produzcan grandes transformaciones sociales. El 19 de julio se celebran los aniversarios de la Revolución Española de 1936 y el de la Revolución de Rojava de 2012. Los dos procesos indican la tremenda capacidad de los pueblos, si bien nuestra tradición reivindica la Revolución de 1936 por estar impulsada por aquella gente que profesaban nuestras mismas ideas. [English]

whatsappimage20220530at19.52.jpeg imageInternational anarchist solidarity against Turkish state repression Jun 05 23:10 by Various anarchist organisations 375 comments

We have recently sadly learnt that Turkish state repression has struck our comrade, Mahmut Demir – a member of Karala, an organisation which is part of our international coordination – who has been sentenced to 6 months and 7 days in prison without even having a hearing. This prison sentence was imposed following the complaint of a fascist informant, for “Public humiliation of the Turkish nation, the Republic of Turkey, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the government of the Republic of Turkey and the judicial organs of the state”. Our comrade, who learned of the reasons for the decision via mail delivery, was not even summoned by the police or the prosecutor's office to testify or defend themselves throughout the trial. [Castellano]

derry_anarchist_may_1.jpg imageDeclaración Anarquista Internacional por el Primero de Mayo, 2022 May 19 21:02 by Varias organizaciones anarquistas 49 comments

1 de mayo de 1886! Hoy hace 136 años que la clase obrera estadounidense creó una experiencia invaluable para las próximas luchas de las clases trabajadoras de todo el mundo al decir "¡esta lucha es nuestra última lucha!". Ella sigue siendo una victoria hoy por hoy. La exigencia de "8 horas para trabajar, 8 horas para dormir, 8 horas para lo que queramos" para reemplazar las 16 horas de trabajo y los ataques del capitalismo contra las vidas de las clases trabajadoras en el siglo XIX se convirtió en una huelga general en Estados Unidos. La huelga general ha sido una de las armas más significativas de la acción anarquista como una ganancia para la historia de la lucha de clases. La lucha por las 8 horas nunca ha sido vista como una simple petición de reforma por parte de los anarquistas. Los y las anarquistas lucharon para reemplazarla por una revolución social con la afirmación: "independientemente de nuestra jornada de trabajo, sea de 2 horas o de 8 horas, este tiempo es esclavitud si trabajamos para los patrones". [English] [Italiano] [Türkçe]

Visuel "contre la culture du viol, les féminicides et le patriarcat, Journée de résistance et de lutte" imageLe vieux monde opprime les femmes et les minorités de genre. Leur force le détruira ! Mar 09 00:00 by Diverses organisations anarchistes 5 comments

Il y a plus de cent ans, le 8 mars 1917, les ouvrières de Saint-Pétersbourg (Russie) se mettaient en grève et manifestaient pour réclamer du pain et la paix et déclenchait ainsi un mouvement révolutionnaire historique. Le 8 mars de lutte pour les droits des femmes était lancé.

En 2022, les femmes restent l’un des secteurs de l’humanité les plus opprimés, aux côtés des minorités de genre qui défient la binarité. C’est le cas dans toutes les sphères de la société : au boulot, à la maison, face à la crise sanitaire ou aux situations de guerre. C’est la raison pour laquelle leur soulèvement peut faire chanceler les Etats, le capitalisme et la domination raciste et patriarcale.

photo_20220226_00.09.jpeg imageAgainst Militarism and War: For self-organised struggle and social revolution Feb 26 21:41 by Various anarchist organisations 217 comments

A proclamation by Russian President, Vladimir Putin, gave the green light for Russia's military invasion of Ukraine. Putin claims that Russia's act of war against Ukraine is aimed at supporting the Russian-occupied Crimea and the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics in Ukraine, which is flirting with NATO membership at Western instigation. On Tuesday, 22 February, Russia recognised the independence of its informal protectorates in Donbas, exacerbating existing tensions with the Euro-Atlantic axis that supports the Ukrainian regime. The Russian army is pounding the entire Ukrainian territory with bombardments. The first casualties of the imperialist war are a fact. The only losers from the war are to be the world working class, especially the proletarians of Ukraine and Russia. They are the ones destined to be the cannon fodder of the states and the capitalists. [Italiano] [Castellano]

notainternacionalcovid19.png imageDeclaração anarquista internacional sobre a pandemia da Covid-19 Feb 09 22:21 by Várias organizações anarquistas 15 comments

A pandemia da COVID-19 tem afetado todos os aspectos da vida humana. Tem tido um efeito devastador sobre a saúde física e mental das pessoas, sobre as relações sociais e sobre as comunidades, sobre nossos meios de subsistência e liberdade de movimento. Também reduziu significativamente nossa capacidade de organizar protestos políticos efetivos e fortaleceu o Estado. [Castellano] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [Türkçe] [български]

interrojavafr.png imageLa révolution du Rojava a défendu le monde, maintenant le monde doit défendre la révolutio... Jan 09 02:41 by Diverses organisations anarchistes 57 comments

Embargos, coupures des sources d’eau et frappes aériennes contre les civils sont quelques-uns des crimes de guerre commis par l’État néofasciste turc tout au long de cette année contre la révolution du Rojava.

En même temps qu’il fait face à une crise politico-économique interne, le gouvernement d’Erdoğan s’embourbe dans des opérations militaires dans les montagnes kurdes, allant jusqu’à faire appel à l’utilisation d’armes chimiques face à la résistance des combattant·es kurdes et internationalistes de la révolution.

L’intensification des attaques au cours du mois dernier, les tracts lancés depuis des avions et les récents mouvements de troupes sont autant de signes de l’imminence d’une nouvelle invasion des territoires autonomes du nord et de l’est de la Syrie.

En ce moment délicat, nous tenons à déclarer toute notre solidarité à nos camarades révolutionnaires et aux peuples du Rojava et nous condamnons une nouvelle fois l’occupation du Rojava, les multiples agressions et crimes de guerres de l’état néofasciste turc et de ses alliés djihadistes, ainsi que ses récents préparatifs de guerre.
[Ελληνικά] [Italiana] [English] [Deutsch] [Português] [Castellano] [Català]

bandeira_negra.jpg imageAnarchist Theory and History in Global Perspective Dec 31 06:06 by Felipe Corrêa 148 comments

The objective of this article is to present a summary of research carried out for some years, which culminated in the publication of the book Bandeira Negra: rediscutindo o anarquismo [Black Flag: Rediscussing Anarchism].[1] As part of a collective process of global research on anarchism, developed by researchers from different parts of the world within the Institute for Anarchist Theory and History (IATH), this book has a general objective: to answer the following question in depth, what is anarchism?

tdor752x440.jpg imageTrans Rights is a Class Issue Nov 25 02:51 by Danny La Rouge 129 comments

On Trans Day of Remembrance (20th November 2021), we remember and honour the lives of trans and gender-diverse people reported murdered in the last 12 months. Trans people around the world face structural, institutional, societal, and direct violence. The violence that trans people face has roots in the policies, laws, and institutional practices of capitalist society.

Capitalism and anti-capitalism imageCapitalism, Anti-Capitalism and Popular Organisation [Booklet] Oct 13 18:54 by International Labour Research and Information Group 86 comments

This booklet is a tool to introduce activists to what capitalism is, how it functions and in whose interests, how society is divided into different classes with differences in power and interests, what role the state plays, and how the state functions in the interests of capitalism and the ruling class. Part 1: Capitalism and anti-capitalism aims to help activists deepen their understanding of the system we live under, how a majority of people are exploited, and how and why a majority of people face forms of oppression. It can also be used as a basis for activists to analyse why they face the problems they do, and the deeper reasons for these problems. Part 2: Popular Organisation looks specifically at building a movement. Both new and seasoned activists can use this booklet to think more deeply about the elements, values, principles and practices of movement building. [Português]

Photo credit: imageAUKUS: A big step toward war Sep 28 18:00 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 54 comments

Statement from the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group about the announcement of the AUKUS partnership. Released 26 September 2021.

reflexiones_afganistn.jpeg imageReflexiones sobre la situación de Afganistán Sep 13 18:13 by ViaLibre 91 comments

En este texto se presenta una breve reflexión, elaborada desde una perspectiva anarquista, sobre la reciente situación socio política en Afganistán. Se presenta así un análisis de la ofensiva de la insurgencia fundamentalista, el fin de la ocupación estadounidense, los 40 años de guerra civil e intervención imperialista y la necesidad de solidarizarse con los refugiados y apoyar la resistencia popular.

self_org_or_chaos.jpg imageΑυτοοργάνωση ή Χ^... Aug 13 21:21 by Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία 7 comments

Ανακοίνωση της Αναρχικής Ομοσπονδίας για τις πυρκαγιές στην Ελλάδα

screen_shot_20210802_at_13.08.png imageSouth Africa: Historic rupture or warring brothers again? Aug 03 21:28 by Mandy Moussouris and Shawn Hattingh 21 comments

Everything we are now is built upon all that we were and where we came from. The same can be said for countries, any analysis has to look backwards before it can begin to understand the influences and causes of the present. This makes analysis intrinsically complex and often, almost impossible. At some point we are forced to simplify, look for patterns and analyse situations with a focus on where the key locus of power lies. An analysis of the recent events taking place primarily in Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng has to be done with this in mind. It is impossible to follow every strand of the complexity that is South Africa, but at the same time the link between the spate of large scale looting that took place and two very obvious conflicting ruling class power bases that currently exist in the country is undeniable. To claim that there was an exercising of working class power is to fundamentally misunderstand the powers at play and where the locus of power at this point in history actually lies.

photo_20210719_031222.jpg imageDeclaración Anarquista Internacional: A 85 Años De La Revolución Española. Sus Enseñanzas ... Jul 23 21:50 by Vários organizaciones anarquistas 7 comments

El 19 de Julio de 1936 el pueblo logró una victoria histórica frente a un levantamiento militar que se alzaba contra el gobierno y la República española. El levantamiento era una trama militar y civil que contaba con el apoyo de todos los sectores reaccionarios de la sociedad (Iglesia, carlistas, falangistas, conservadores, terratenientes o industriales) y con la financiación de banqueros derechistas o incluso de la Italia de Mussolini.

rtx73uz7.jpeg imageDeath or Renewal: Is the Climate Crisis the Final Crisis? Jul 13 22:36 by Wayne Price 132 comments

Classical socialists, both anarchists and Marxists, have written of the eventual end of capitalism--either through a popular revolution creating a new society or through the self-destruction of capitalism. Global warming raises the question of whether humanity is now facing such a possible total crisis, of choosing between socialism or social ruin.

marshapjohnson.jpg imageGleichheit und Freiheit stehen nicht zur Debatte! Jun 29 06:27 by Various anarchist organisations 37 comments

Am 28. Juni 1969 trafen Polizisten im Stonewall Inn in New York ein. Diese Bar war in der Schwulen-, Lesben-, Bi- und Trans-Community dafür bekannt, dass sie auch die am meisten Ausgegrenzten willkommen hieß. Wie üblich verdarb die Polizei die Party.

kurdistan1_1.png imageContre la guerre au Kurdistan irakien, contre la traîtrise du PDK Jun 16 21:52 by Membres UCL de la délégation internationale Kurdistan 8 comments

"Des militantEs de l’UCL faisaient partie de la délégation d’observateurs à Erbil. A peine sortiEs de l’avion, Iels ont été interrogéEs, puis renvoyéEs vers Paris, tout comme les dizaines d’officiels, élus, militants, journalistes de plus de 10 pays, également refoulés dès leur arrivée. Il faut ajouter à ce nombre, 25 délégués prêts à partir de Düsseldorf, empêchés même de quitter l’Allemagne. L’ombre d’Erdogan s’étend jusqu’à Berlin, Paris, Bruxelles…"

Récit et analyse de la situation par des camarades de l'UCL qui ont participé à la délégation, le 13 juin 2021

clment.jpg imageMeurtre de Clément Méric : l’enjeu politique du procès en appel Jun 11 20:44 by Nathan & Gab 60 comments

Les assassins de Clément se retrouvent une nouvelle fois devant le tribunal, après avoir fait appel de leur première condamnation en 2018. Le lendemain, une manifestation pour le huitième anniversaire de la mort de notre camarade se tiendra le 5 juin à Paris. Une mobilisation qui en appelle d’autres...

happy_birthday_10.png imageComunicado sobre el Paro Nacional y las Jornadas de Protesta en Colombia May 12 03:26 by ViaLibre 5 comments

Colombia vive hoy una de las jornadas de protesta social más importantes de los últimos años; miles de personas han salido a manifestar su descontento con las políticas neoliberales y precarizadoras de la vida del gobierno de Iván Duque. Por su parte, el Estado ha respondido con desproporcionalidad, represión y violencia. El 5 de mayo se reportaban 24 personas fallecidas, 381 personas heridas de las cuales 31 presentan lesiones oculares y 24 fueron heridas por armas de fuego, 15 personas víctimas de violencias basadas en género, 379 personas desaparecidas y 1180 personas detenidas. A continuación, presentamos un análisis de la protesta y esbozamos algunas tareas para el momento actual.

“A Rats' Revolution” by Diều Hâu imageThe Broken Promises of Vietnam May 09 21:13 by Vietnamese Anarchists 155 comments

... to exist is in itself a victory, thus a role manifests itself, a role to represent the voices of Vietnamese radicals. We aim at the future working class, the youth, who are both perpetuating and oppressed by capitalism and the state so that they can break through its oppressive chains.

premier_mai_ucl_1_orlans.png imagePremier Mai : Un coup porté contre l’un·e d’entre nous est un coup porté contre nous tou·t... May 04 06:53 by Union Communiste Libertaire 45 comments

Le 1er mai en France a globalement été une réussite, dans les différentes villes où l'UCL est implantée, comme en témoignent les différentes photos que nous ont fait parvenir les camarades et que nous relayons dans cet article. Dans la plupart des manifestations, il a été l'occasion de débattre et d'exposer nos revendications, particulièrement autour de la réforme de l'assurance-chômage puisque les précaires du secteur de la culture continuent d'occuper les lieux culturels à travers toute la France contre cette réforme inique.

Malheureusement, le Premier Mai parisien a été émaillé de violences inacceptables contre le mouvement ouvrier, en particulier contre la CGT. A Lyon et Nantes également, une partie des manifestant-es de ce qu'on a coutume d'appeler "le cortège de tête" a pris à partie les syndicats et les intermittent-es et précaires en lutte. La répression policière contre le mouvement social n'était pas suffisante, il a fallu que des gens aient la bonne idée de s'attaquer en plus aux organisations syndicales...

Nous relayons ici le communiqué de l'Union Communiste Libertaire suite à ces événements et apportons par la même occasion notre entière solidarité aux camarades blessé-es et évidemment choqué-es.

federasyondek.png imageFederasyon’a Çağırıyoruz! Apr 12 03:30 by Devrimci Anarşist Federasyon 1 comments

Adalet ve özgürlüğün iki yüz yıllık mücadelesidir anarşizm. Bireyin ve toplumun iktidarlı ilişkilerine, halkların düşmanı devlete, halkları sömüren kapitalizme karşı koyuştur anarşizm. İsyanlarla delik deşik olmuş beş bin yıllık devletli dünyanın karşısındaki yüz bin yıllık devletsiz dünyaya dayanır gerçekliği. Bu gerçekliğin gücüyle anarşizm iktidarı yıkacak, adalet ve özgürlük için iktidarsız yaşamı yaratacaktır.

460_0___30_0_0_0_0_0_house_of_mesopotamia_3.jpg imagePiştgirîye Daxuyanîya Çapemenî ji bo Êrîşek Hatîye li ser Xanîyê Mezopotamya Apr 06 03:45 by UCL Lyon 13 comments

Roja 3 Avrel Şemî, li dem a pişt-nîwroj, êrîşekî herî nijandperest û radikal nasyonalist hatê guhartin li desten ülkücüyên faşist (Bozkurtlar) li ser Xanîyê Mezopotamya li nav beşa herama Lyon’ê 7’da.

Li Xanîyê Mezopotamya organîzasyonêkî, li alîye da xebat û armancêkî parastî ji bo salan bikartînîn li dijî İŞÎD û Erdoğan û li herama xweda azadîperest û hezêkî çanda Kurdî’ye.

solidaridadplumenoirefr.jpeg imageLes attaques fascistes ne nous arrêteront pas ! Mar 23 04:28 by Groupe de Lyon - UCL 1 comments

Le réseau Anarkismo relaie le communiqué du groupe de Lyon de l'Union Communiste Libertaire, organisation active en France et en Belgique et qui est membre du réseau. Nous exprimons bien entendu toute notre solidarité à nos camarades lyonnais et relayons leur communiqué et leur appel à solidarité financière. [Ελληνικά] [English] [Castellano] [Italiano]

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