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Southern Africa

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Àfrica austral / repression / prisoners / comunicat de premsa Friday March 04, 2011 - 01:43 byOrganitzacions Anarquistes   image 1 image
Quan Mohammed Bouazizi es va calar foc, sense voler va desencadenar una onada d’aixecaments i revoltes populars que s’ha estès com la pólvora per tot el nord d’Àfrica i Orient Mitjà. El calor pot sentir-se en llocs tan distants com Zimbabwe, on el dissabte 19 febrer 46 activistes a favor de la democràcia, entre ells estudiants, treballadors i sindicalistes van ser arrestats en la seva capital Harare. Segons la policia, van ser arrestats per tramar una revolta a l’estil d’Egipte per enderrocar a Robert Mugabe, que ha estat en el poder des de 1980, en una reunió per discutir la caiguda de Hosni Mubarak i els esdeveniments en el nord d’Àfrica i Orient Mitjà . Els arrestats, que pertanyen a la Federació de Sindicats de Zimbabwe (ZCTU), la Unió Nacional d’Estudiants de Zimbabwe (ZNSU) i l’Organització Socialista Internacional (ISO), acabaven de veure un documental sobre l’aixecament a Egipte i, d’acord amb els fiscals de l’Estat, parlaven de "organitzar, elaborar estratègies i acabar amb el govern constitucional de Zimbabwe … el camí d’Egipte".

... read full story / add a comment
africa meridionale / repressione / prigionieri / comunicato stampa Monday February 28, 2011 - 21:22 byOrganizzazioni anarchiche   image 1 image
Quando in Tunisia Mohammed Bouazizi si è dato fuoco ha inconsapevolmente innescato un'ondata di rivolte popolari e di ribellioni che si sono propagate come un incendio in tutto il Nord Africa ed in Medio Oriente, sprigionando un'energia che si è sentita fino allo Zimbabwe dove, sabato 19 febbraio, 46 attivisti democratici, tra cui studenti, lavoratori ed attivisti sindacali sono stati arrestati ad Harare, durante un meeting per discutere della caduta di Hosni Mubarak e dei fatti in Nord Africa ed in Medio Oriente... [English] [Castellano] [Dansk] ... read full story / add a comment
África austral / represión / presos / comunicado de prensa Monday February 28, 2011 - 18:33 byOrganizaciones Anarquistas   text 1 comment (last - thursday march 03, 2011 - 22:17)   image 2 images
Cuando Mohammed Bouazizi se prendió fuego, sin querer desató una ola de levantamientos y rebeliones populares que se ha extendido como un reguero de pólvora por todo el norte de África y Oriente Medio, cuyo calor puede sentirse en lugares tan distantes como Zimbabwe, donde, el sábado 19 de febrero, 46 activistas a favor de la democracia, entre ellos estudiantes, trabajadores y sindicalistas fueron arrestados en su capital Harare. Según la policía, fueron arrestados por tramar una rebelión al estilo de Egipto para derrocar a Robert Mugabe, quien ha estado en el poder desde 1980, en una reunión para discutir la caída de Hosni Mubarak y los acontecimientos en el norte de África y Oriente Medio. Los arrestados, que pertenecen a la Federación de Sindicatos de Zimbabwe (ZCTU), la Unión Nacional de Estudiantes de Zimbabwe (ZNSU) y la Organización Socialista Internacional (ISO), acababan de ver un documental sobre el levantamiento en Egipto y, de acuerdo a los fiscales del Estado, hablaban de "organizar, elaborar estrategias y acabar con el gobierno constitucional de Zimbabwe ... el camino de Egipto ".
[English] [Dansk] ... read full story / add a comment
sydlige afrika / repression / prisoners / pressemeddelelse Monday February 28, 2011 - 01:53 byAnarkismo organisationer   image 2 images
Da Mohammed Bouazizi tændte ild til sig selv, antændte han uforvarende en bølge af folkelige opstande og oprør, der har spredt sig som en steppebrand hen over Nordafrika og Mellemøsten, hvis varme kan føles så langt væk som i Zimbabwe hvor 46 demokrati-aktivister – heriblandt studerende, arbejdere og fagforeningsfolk – d.19. februar blev anholdt i Harare. Ifølge politidokumenter er de blevet anholdt for ved et møde, hvor Hosni Mubaraks fald og begivenhederne i Nordafrika og Mellemøsten blev diskuteret, at planlægge et Egypten-inspireret oprør med henblik på at vælte Robert Mugabe, som har været ved magten siden 1980. De anholdte, der repræsenterer Den Zimbabwiske Sammenslutning af Fagforeninger (ZCTU), Zimbabwes Nationale Studentersammenslutning (ZNSU) og Den Internationale Socialistiske Organisation (ISO), havde lige set dokumentar-optagelser om opstanden i Egypten og var – ifølge statsanklageren – samlet for at ”organisere, planlægge og implementere fjernelsen af Zimbabwes forfatningsmæssige regering … med egyptiske metoder”.
[English] [Castellano] [Italiano] [Català] [العربية] ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / the left / press release Wednesday February 23, 2011 - 02:46 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
From 20 to 23 January 2011, working class and revolutionary militants from throughout South Africa, including a ZACF delegation, gathered in Johannesburg for the Conference of the Democratic Left (CDL). The gathering ended in the launch of the Democratic Left Front (DLF) as a loose alliance of organisations and individuals in struggle.

In explaining our relationship to the DLF, we will here summarise our reservations, while explaining why they are outweighed by the genuine achievements of the CDL. The reservations cover three main areas: attitudes towards the state and elections; leadership structures; and the DLF programme and demands. (We are also less than enthusiastic about some new terms that have become popular in the CDL and DLF, such as “eco-socialism”; but this is largely a matter of language, which we will not discuss in detail here.) ... read full story / add a comment
africa meridionale / repressione / prigionieri / comunicato stampa Tuesday February 22, 2011 - 21:11 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Un gruppo di attivisti, che si era riunito in privato per dibattere le recenti insurrezioni in Nord Africa e il Medio Oriente, è stato arrestato durante un'operazione della polizia. Sono attualmente in stato di fermo, senza accuse, e ci sono giunti voci che alcuni membri del gruppo sono sottoposti a gravi aggressioni fisiche da parte dei loro aguzzini. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / repression / prisoners / press release Tuesday February 22, 2011 - 17:54 byWarren McGregor   image 1 image
Activists gathered in Harare on the 19th February in a closed meeting to discuss the recent uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East, were arrested after a planned police raid. Currently they are being held without charge and reports indicate that key members of the gathering are being subjected to physical assault by their captors. [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] ... read full story / add a comment
südliches afrika / verschiedenes / pressemitteilung Wednesday July 07, 2010 - 19:17 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft muss als die Schande aufgezeigt werden, die sie ist. Die ZACF verurteilt zutiefst die Scheinheiligkeit und Verlogenheit, mit der die Regierung die Weltmeisterschaft als einzigartige Gelegenheit zur Steigerung der ökonomischen und sozialen Verhältnisse der in Südafrika und Afrika lebenden Bevölkerung präsentiert. Dabei ist und war diese Gelegenheit lediglich eine Fressorgie für das inländische und globale Kapital und die in Südafrika herrschende Elite. Tatsächlich hat das Ereignis verheerende Konsequenzen für die Armen und die arbeitende Klasse in Südafrika – ein Vorgang, der bereits begonnen hat.
[Italiano] [Français] [Ελληνικά] [Polski] [Português] [Castellano] [Nederlands] [Dansk] [English] ... read full story / add a comment
Give Fifa the Red & Black Card
zuidelijk afrika / miscellaneous / persbericht Sunday June 20, 2010 - 15:37 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Van het wereldkampioenschap voetbal moet worden vastgesteld wat voor namaak het is. De ZACF veroordeelt de onbeschaamdheid en hypocrisie van de regering, waarbij het de gelegenheid presenteert als een uitzonderlijke kans voor het economisch en sociaal verheffen van degenen die in Zuid-Afrika (en de rest van het continent) wonen. [English] [Italiano] [Français] [Ελληνικά] [Polski] [Português] [Castellano] ... read full story / add a comment
África austral / miscellaneous / comunicado de prensa Friday June 18, 2010 - 19:14 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Fron   image 1 image
El Mundial de Fútbol 2010 de la FIFA debe ser expuesto como la completa farsa que es. El ZACF condena duramente el atrevimiento y la hipocresía del gobierno al presentar el evento como una oportunidad “única en la vida” para el desarrollo de aquellos que viven en Sudáfrica (y el resto del continente). [English] [Italiano] [Français] [Ελληνικά] [Polski] [Português] ... read full story / add a comment
Cartão vermelho e preto para a Copa do Mundo
África austral / miscellaneous / comunicado de imprensa Monday June 14, 2010 - 23:49 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
A Copa do Mundo de 2010 deve ser exposta publicamente como a grande farsa que é. A Frente Anarquista Comunista Zabalaza (ZACF), da África do Sul, condena veementemente o cinismo e a hipocrisia do governo sul-africano que apresenta este momento como uma oportunidade única "apenas uma vez na vida" para a melhoria da situação econômica e social das pessoas que vivem no país (assim como no resto do continente). [Français] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Polski] ... read full story / add a comment
Give Fifa the Red & Black Card
afryka południowa / miscellaneous / komunikat prasowy Monday June 14, 2010 - 01:36 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Mistrzostwa Świata w Piłce Nożnej są oszustwem, które należy ujawnić. ZACF potępia bezczelność i hipokryzję rządu, który przedstawia mistrzostwa jako „jedyną w życiu” okazję, by polepszyć społeczny i ekonomiczny poziom życia Południowych Afrykańczyków oraz mieszkańców pozostałej części kontynentu. To jasne, że mistrzostwa stanowią „okazję” tylko dla globalnego i lokalnego kapitału i dla elity rządzącej w RPA. Wszystko wskazuje na to, że to wydarzenie przyniesie katastrofalne konsekwencje dla biednych i pracujących w RPA, co zresztą już ma miejsce. [English] [Italiano] [Français] [Ελληνικά] ... read full story / add a comment
να δείξουμε τη μαυροκόκκινη κάρτα στη FIFA!
Νότια Αφρική (Περιφέρεια) / Πολιτισμός / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Sunday June 13, 2010 - 11:03 byμετάφραση   image 2 images
Μια ανακοίνωση της αναρχικής κομμουνιστικής νοτιαφρικάνικης οργάνωσης ZACF για το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο Ποδοσφαίρου 2010 στη Νότια Αφρική. ... read full story / add a comment
Diamo alla FIFA il cartellino rosso & nero
africa meridionale / vari / comunicato stampa Saturday June 12, 2010 - 14:47 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Questi mondiali di calcio 2010 sono una vergogna e bisogna denunciarlo. Il ZACF condanna fortemente l’arroganza e l’ipocrisia del governo sud-africano nel presentare questa occasione come una opportunità “irripetibile” per il miglioramento delle condizioni economiche e sociali degli abitanti del Sud Africa (e di tutto il continente). Quello che invece è del tutto chiaro è che è stata ed è una “opportunità” solo per gli appetiti del capitale globale e nazionale nonché per le classi governanti del Sud Africa. Infatti, l’evento dei mondiali ha avuto ed avrà conseguenze devastanti per i poveri e per la classe lavoratrice del Sud Africa – un processo in corso ed invisibile. [English] [Français] ... read full story / add a comment
Give Fifa the Red & Black Card
région sud de l'afrique / divers / communiqué de presse Friday June 11, 2010 - 17:44 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
La Coupe du monde 2010 doit être exposée publiquement comme l’imposture absolue qu’elle est. Le Front Anarchiste Communiste Zabalaza (ZACF) condamne fermement l’audace et l’hypocrisie du gouvernement qui présente cette occasion comme une opportunité unique "une fois seule dans sa vie" pour l’amélioration économique et sociale des personnes vivant en Afrique du Sud (comme sur le reste du continent). [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Polski] [Português] [Castellano] [Nederlands] [Dansk] [English] [Deutsch] ... read full story / add a comment
région sud de l'afrique / luttes dans la communauté / communiqué de presse Wednesday May 26, 2010 - 16:22 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
Ce qui suit est une communication urgente émise au nom de, et en solidarité avec le Mouvement des Sans Terres (LPM) et desautres habitants du bidonville de Protea-Sud, à Soweto. Il est basé sur des renseignements obtenus par téléphone et par des conversations en face-à-face avec des membres du LPM après les violentes attaques contre eux la nuit dernière [24 mai 2010]. Il semble y avoir toujours de la confusion autour de ce qui s’est passé, et les détails sont encore fragmentaires. Nous rendrons disponibles les nouvelles informations sur la situation au fur et à mesure que nous les recevrons, de même que toute correction factuelle qui s’avérerait nécessaire.
[English] ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / community struggles / press release Monday May 24, 2010 - 18:42 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   text 2 comments (last - wednesday may 26, 2010 - 07:43)   image 1 image
The following is an urgent communication issued in solidarity with the Landless Peoples Movement (LPM) and other shack-dwellers of Protea South, Soweto. It is based on information obtained by telephonic and face-to-face conversations held with LPM members following violent attacks against them last night. There still seems to be confusion, however, and details are sketchy. Updates on the situation will be made available as and when they are received, as will be any factual corrections.
[Français] ... read full story / add a comment
Ελληνική μετάφραση αγγλικής ανακοίνωσης νοτιοαφρικάνισης αναρχικής οργάνωσης για άτομα που είναι λεσβίες, γκέι, αμφί, τρανς, intersex και queer. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / migration / racism / press release Wednesday April 28, 2010 - 05:57 byZabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
We in the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front will shed no tears for the killing of the racist Eugene Terre'Blanche. Why should revolutionary workers lament the death of a thug who lived in nostalgia for the days when his emulation of Hitler and (empty) threats of war shook the whole country, and who never ceased to exploit and terrorise the black workers on a farm that should rightly be managed by those who work it to meet the needs of all and not be the property of any one single person? ... read full story / add a comment
Νότια Αφρική (Περιφέρεια) / Διάφορα / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Thursday January 28, 2010 - 17:35 byZACF - Orlando West Study Circle on Anarchism   image 1 image
Το παρακάτω κείμενο είναι από προκήρυξη που διένειμαν τα μέλη του Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF – Αναρχικό Κομμουνιστικό Μέτωπο Zabalaza) και το Orlando West Study Circle on Anarchism ( Κύκλος Μελέτης για τον Αναρχισμό του Orlando) σε ποδοσφαιρικό αγώνα στο πλαίσιο ενός τουρνουά στο Σοβέτο. Δυστυχώς, η προτεινόμενη συζήτηση μετά το τουρνουά δεν πραγματοποιήθηκε λόγω βροχής. [English] ... read full story / add a comment

Southern Africa

Wed 17 Apr, 07:24

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zacf.png imageCombatendo e Derrotando o Racismo 06:11 Sat 10 Dec by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front 1 comments

Como anarquistas, lutamos pela criação de uma sociedade livre e igualitária, fundamentada na democracia de base e na igualdade socioeconômica. Defendemos a destruição de todas as formas de exploração e dominação. Somos contrários à autoridade coercitiva e sustentamos que o único limite da liberdade de um indivíduo deve ser que ele não infrinja a liberdade de outros. Acreditamos que apenas uma revolução protagonizada pelas classes produtivas e exploradas da sociedade (a classe operária, os pobres e o campesinato) pode criar um mundo livre, e reconhecemos que essas classes só podem ser mobilizadas e unidas com base na oposição a todas as formas de opressão. Pelas razões expostas, nós, anarquistas, somos inimigos declarados do racismo e dos racistas. Qualquer movimento por liberdade que não combata diretamente o racismo não passa de uma vergonhosa fraude.

20210713saviolence.jpeg imageKwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng are burning 20:56 Wed 14 Jul by Abahlali baseMjondolo 0 comments

Abahlali base Mjondolo has always warned that the anger of the poor can go in many directions. We have warned again and again that we are sitting on a ticking time bomb. We have warned for too long that people cannot continue to live in terrible poverty only to be ignored year after year. We have made it clear that people will not allow their humanity to be vandalised forever. For too long we have been explaining that we are ruled with violence and that the public often accept this by their silence.

croppedabm.jpg imageSerious Concern at Escalating State Xenophobia in South Africa 02:32 Mon 18 May by Mqapheli Bonono 0 comments

Since its formation in 2005 Abahlali baseMjondolo, which now has more than 70 000 members in good standing in Durban, has opposed xenophobia and sought to build a politics rooted in democratically run land occupations open to all. During period waves of xenophobic violence, always incited and sanctioned to some degree by the state, the movement has taken direct action to 'shelter and defend' people under attack.

mandla_khoza_1.jpg image«Le soldat est tombé»: disparition de Mandla Khoza, militant anarchiste-communiste et activiste du Z... 04:06 Wed 28 Aug by ZACF 0 comments

Le compagnon Mandla Khoza ( "MK", somme ses amis et camarades le connaissaient) est décédé le vendredi 26 juillet 2019 dans sa ville natale de Siphofaneni, au Swaziland (Eswatini). Il souffrait depuis longtemps de diabète sucré. Il laisse quatre enfants. Il fut l’un des membres pionniers de la Fédération Anarchiste Communiste Zabalaza (ZACF) fondée en Afrique du Sud le 1er mai 2003. MK était engagé dans une révolution sociale qui placerait le pouvoir et la richesse entre les mains de la classe ouvrière, des paysans et des pauvres. Comme il le disait souvent: «Peu importe que vous changiez qui siège sur le trône: vous devez vous débarrasser du trône lui-même.» Cette notice nécrologique commémore sa vie de militant. [English]

Mandla Khoza (“MK”), 1974-2019: ZACF anarchist-communist, militant in South Africa and Swaziland (Eswatini) image“The soldier has fallen”: Mandla Khoza, ZACF anarchist-communist and Swaziland activist, 22 May 1974... 07:30 Thu 22 Aug by ZACF 1 comments

Comrade Mandla Khoza (or "MK," as his friends and comrades knew him) passed away on Friday 26 July in his home town of Siphofaneni, Swaziland (Eswatini). He had long suffered from sugar diabetes. He leaves behind four children. One of the pioneering members of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Federation (ZACF) founded in South Africa on May Day 2003, MK was committed to a social revolution that would place power and wealth in the hands of the working class, the peasants and the poor. As he would often say: “It doesn’t matter if you change who sits on the throne: you have to get rid of the throne itself.” This obituary commemorates his life as a militant. [Français]

selbysemela.jpg imageΈφυγε ένας Νοτιοαφ&#... 14:21 Sat 01 Sep by ZACF 0 comments

Ο Selby Semela, ηγετική φυσιογνωμία της εξέγερσης του 1976 εναντίον του απαρτχάιντ, πολιτικός εξόριστος και συγγραφέας (με τους Sam Thompson και Norman Abraham έγραψε το «Reflections on the Black Consciousness Movement and the South African Revolution» - «Σκέψεις για το Κίνημα Μαύρης Συνειδητοποίησης και τη Νοτιοαφρικανική Επανάσταση»), πέθανε την Τετάρτη, 22 Αυγούστου 2018, σε ηλικία 60 ετών.

Selby Semela, 1958-2018 imageA South African Revolutionary Passes: Jabisile Selby Semela, 1958-2018 08:14 Thu 30 Aug by ZACF 0 comments

Selby Semela, a leading figure in the 1976 revolt against apartheid, political exile, and author (with Sam Thompson and Norman Abraham), of “Reflections on the Black Consciousness Movement and the South African Revolution”, passed away on Wednesday, 22 August, 2018, aged but 60 years.

textAbahlali baseMjondolo to hold their annual UnFreedom Day rally tomorrow 02:43 Sun 22 Apr by Abahlali baseMjondolo 0 comments

Freedom Day is a national public holiday in South Africa. Each year Abahlali baseMjondolo, which has more than 50 000 paid up members in good standing, holds a heretical 'UnFreedom Day' to contest dominant ideologies.

sebokengphoto0042.jpg imageThe Cheap Politics that Destroy Our Communities 23:24 Tue 07 Nov by Nonzukizo Mute 0 comments

Political fighting has destroyed the peace in Sebokeng township in the Vaal. Politicians are using government resources for private purposes, and parties and factions are fighting over which politicians get the most.

textNote on adherence to international solidarity against the criminalization of poverty and protest in ... 11:57 Mon 28 Aug by CAB 0 comments

The Brazilian Anarchist Coordination repudiates the cowardly criminalization of South African fighters and social fighters and their persecution.

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imageΞεριζώνοντας τον ρ&#... Dec 31 by Bongani Maponyane 0 comments

Ο ρατσισμός υπήρξε κατάρα στη Νότια Αφρική και παραμένει ενσωματωμένος στην κοινωνία. Αλλά πόσο επιστημονικές είναι οι ρατσιστικές ιδέες; Από πού προέρχονται; Και πώς μπορούμε να καταπολεμήσουμε τον ρατσισμό και να δημιουργήσουμε μια πραγματικά ισότιμη και δίκαιη κοινωνία; Τι πιστεύουμε εμείς ως επαναστάτες αναρχικοί;

imageThe relevance of the ICU of Africa for modern day unions and liberation movements Dec 12 by Warren McGregor (ZACF) 0 comments

The history of the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union of Africa (ICU), formed in South Africa in 1919, is replete with lessons for today's movements. The ICU, which also spread into neighbouring colonies like Basutoland (now Lesotho), Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia), Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and Southwest Africa (now Namibia) was by far the largest protest movement and organisation of black African and Coloured people of its time. Influenced by a range of ideas, including revolutionary syndicalism, the ICU had both amazing strengths and spectacular failings. This piece explains.

imageΈνωση Βιομηχανικώ ... Dec 08 by various 0 comments

Η Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union of Africa (Ένωση Βιομηχανικών και Εμπορικών Εργατών Αφρικής - ICU) ιδρύθηκε στο Κέιπ Τάουν το 1919. Το 1920 συγχωνεύθηκε με την επαναστατική συνδικαλιστική ένωση, Industrial Workers of Africa (Βιομηχανικοί Εργάτες της Αφρικής) και άλλα συνδικάτα. Μεγάλωσε ταχύτατα στη Νότια Αφρική μεταξύ της έγχρωμης και μαύρης εργατικής τάξης και των εκμισθωτών γης. Εξαπλώθηκε επίσης, τις δεκαετίες του 1920 και του 1930, σε γειτονικές χώρες.

imageClass struggle, the Left and power – Part 2 Sep 08 by Jonathan Payn 0 comments

The first part of this series stated that, despite various well-intentioned efforts by forces on the extra-Alliance and independent left over recent years to unite working class struggles in South Africa, these largely have and will continue to fail to resonate with the working class, help build unity in struggle and form the basis of a new movement because of the theoretical understandings of class and power – and their strategic implications – on which they are founded and which are prevalent on much of the left. This article will give a basic overview of these theoretical understandings of class and power and their strategic implications and limitations and why it is therefore necessary to refine and develop understandings of class and power more capable of responding to the context of the neoliberal restructuring of the working class in order to advance the class struggle in pursuit of socialism. [Part 1]

imageMoving from Crisis in South Africa's Municipalities to Building Counter-Power Jul 19 by Bongani Maponyane 3 comments

Across South Africa, municipalities are in crisis. They are under-funded, anti-working class, anti-poor and anti-township, and riddled with corruption by elites. The working class is oppressed by the state - as well as the private bosses - and we say "Enough is Enough!" We need to build an alternative: organs of counter-power, which can demand changes and lay the foundations for a deep redistribution of wealth and power to the mass of the people: the working class and poor.

more >>

imageKwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng are burning Jul 14 0 comments

Abahlali base Mjondolo has always warned that the anger of the poor can go in many directions. We have warned again and again that we are sitting on a ticking time bomb. We have warned for too long that people cannot continue to live in terrible poverty only to be ignored year after year. We have made it clear that people will not allow their humanity to be vandalised forever. For too long we have been explaining that we are ruled with violence and that the public often accept this by their silence.

imageSerious Concern at Escalating State Xenophobia in South Africa May 18 Abahlali baseMjondolo 0 comments

Since its formation in 2005 Abahlali baseMjondolo, which now has more than 70 000 members in good standing in Durban, has opposed xenophobia and sought to build a politics rooted in democratically run land occupations open to all. During period waves of xenophobic violence, always incited and sanctioned to some degree by the state, the movement has taken direct action to 'shelter and defend' people under attack.

imageΈφυγε ένας Νοτιοαφ&#... Sep 01 Anarkismo 0 comments

Ο Selby Semela, ηγετική φυσιογνωμία της εξέγερσης του 1976 εναντίον του απαρτχάιντ, πολιτικός εξόριστος και συγγραφέας (με τους Sam Thompson και Norman Abraham έγραψε το «Reflections on the Black Consciousness Movement and the South African Revolution» - «Σκέψεις για το Κίνημα Μαύρης Συνειδητοποίησης και τη Νοτιοαφρικανική Επανάσταση»), πέθανε την Τετάρτη, 22 Αυγούστου 2018, σε ηλικία 60 ετών.

imageA South African Revolutionary Passes: Jabisile Selby Semela, 1958-2018 Aug 30 ZACF 0 comments

Selby Semela, a leading figure in the 1976 revolt against apartheid, political exile, and author (with Sam Thompson and Norman Abraham), of “Reflections on the Black Consciousness Movement and the South African Revolution”, passed away on Wednesday, 22 August, 2018, aged but 60 years.

textAbahlali baseMjondolo to hold their annual UnFreedom Day rally tomorrow Apr 22 Abahlali baseMjondolo 0 comments

Freedom Day is a national public holiday in South Africa. Each year Abahlali baseMjondolo, which has more than 50 000 paid up members in good standing, holds a heretical 'UnFreedom Day' to contest dominant ideologies.

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