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Γαλλία / Βέλγιο / Λουξεμβούργο / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Monday June 17, 2019 - 06:33 by Union Communiste Libertaire   image 1 image
Η Union Communiste Libertaire είναι πρόθυμη να υποδεχτεί όλους όσοι θέλουν να οικοδομήσουν μια άλλη κοινωνία. Στις πόλεις, τα προάστια και όλη τη χώρα, παντού όπου ζούμε, θα οικοδομήσουμε αυτή την οργάνωση για να υλοποιήσουμε ένα μέλλον απαλλαγμένο από κάθε εκμετάλλευση και κυριαρχία. ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / community struggles / press release Friday May 17, 2019 - 06:40 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
On 18 May, enrolled voters in Australia will decide which members of the capitalist class will represent us in Parliament and crush us in government for the next three years. This election occurs at a time when the world has been informed that it has, at most, until 2030 to take effective action to stop and begin reversing climate change, or risk crossing tipping points into runaway temperature rises that would kill billions and endanger industrial civilisation. So you’d think the major players would be presenting plans to fix it. But no, this is Australian capitalist democracy and we get something different. ... read full story / add a comment
ireland / britain / repression / prisoners / press release Monday May 13, 2019 - 23:17 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Grouptri   image 1 image
The MACG thus defends Julian Assange, not because of his politics, which have curdled and are now quite suspect, nor because we consider him innocent of the Swedish accusations. The US ruling class has no objection to his politics, because they are riddled with the sort of people with whom he has been collaborating. And neither do they have any objection to sexual assault – if they did, Donald Trump would not be President. The United States wants to punish him, not for any crimes he might have committed, but for his good deeds. The MACG defend Assange for those same good deeds. ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / crime prison and punishment / press release Thursday April 25, 2019 - 22:05 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
There will be no peace while imperialism dominates the globe. Imperialism, though, is not a policy but the set of international relationships under global capitalism. Powerful countries compete with each other for influence and markets and seek to impose a world order in their favour. To end imperialism and its endless wars, we need to end capitalism. ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / indigenous struggles / press release Saturday January 26, 2019 - 18:13 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
So, this year and every year, the MACG joins the call to abolish Australia Day. Our vision is of a stateless communist society, a Workers’ Commonwealth worldwide and operating on the basis of consistent federalism. Here, in the land that is currently called Australia, the Workers’ Commonwealth will be the vehicle through which non-indigenous people work with, and learn from, indigenous people how to live sustainably in the land, as they did so successfully for over 60,000 years before the First Fleet brought British colonialism to these shores. ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / anti-fascism / press release Monday October 15, 2018 - 20:31 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group have joined PUSH! Organising and Educating to Build an Anti-Fascist United Front. As its name implies, PUSH! aims to build a united front of working class organisations against Fascism. Our forces are modest, composed of a handful of groups and individual activists who have left CARF, but we are clear about our basic direction. ... The MACG will pursue our vision for an anti-Fascist united front within PUSH! We know that many groups in the labour movement don’t share our strategy, so they will have to be either won over or sidelined. And we know that the union bureaucracy is craven and conservative, but we place our faith in the rank and file workers who are Fascism’s targets. The struggle against Fascism is inseparable from the struggle against the union bureaucracy – but didn’t we know that already? ... read full story / add a comment
international / workplace struggles / press release Tuesday May 01, 2018 - 15:49 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG)   image 1 image
This statement was distributed at noon on May Day at the 8 Hour Monument in Melbourne ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / imperialism / war / press release Friday April 27, 2018 - 21:25 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group opposes Australian imperialism and militarism and therefore opposes all celebrations of it. We look forward to a workers' revolution which will usher in a world community of freedom and equality for all – and where war will be seen in museums, not the news. ... read full story / add a comment
amérique du nord / mexique / luttes dans la communauté / communiqué de presse Friday January 26, 2018 - 22:48 by Collectif anarchiste Emma Goldman
Il y a quelque temps, au Saguenay, Michael Labbé, un compagnon Autochtone participant de plusieurs éditions de la Marmite Autogérée, a rendu l’âme au cours de l’incendie tragique de la maison de chambres où il avait trouvé toit. ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / gender / press release Thursday October 05, 2017 - 20:50 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group supports a YES vote in the postal survey on marriage equality now in progress in Australia. We do this, not because we endorse the institution of marriage, but because the survey will have concrete results and we need to choose which results we favour. The postal survey is a flawed process of direct democracy, something far inferior to an authentic plebiscite on a concrete proposal. We didn’t choose this battlefield, but it’s a battle we must win. Vote YES for liberty, equality and solidarity. Vote YES and prepare to take the struggle further. ... read full story / add a comment
amérique du nord / mexique / anti-fascisme / communiqué de presse Wednesday August 16, 2017 - 08:18 by General Defense Committee (GDC)   image 1 image
À Charlottesville, une coalition de groupes fascistes a tenu un rassemblement, “Unite The Right”, où un meurtre de plus a été commis. Un fasciste a lancé sa voiture à pleine vitesse, percutant d’autres véhicules transformés de fait en arme ciblant les antiracistes.

Ce soir, une femme de 32 ans [Heater Heyer] est morte, de nombreux autres sont blessé.es.
[English] [Ελληνικά] See also: [Communiqué de la Fédération Anarchiste Black Rose] [English] [Castellano] [Ελληνικά] ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anti-fascism / press release Wednesday August 16, 2017 - 08:09 by General Defense Committee (GDC)   image 1 image
We are horrified but not surprised at the rise of political violence and murder from the Alt Right and other fascist groups across the country. Today's murder was not an isolated incident, but is the latest in a string of violent attacks and murders from fascists. These include the shooting of an IWW/GDC member in Seattle, the stabbing double murder on the Portland MAX train, and the recent bombing of Dar Al Farooq mosque in Minnesota, among many others. [Français] [Ελληνικά] See also: [Black Rose Anarchist Federation's statement][Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Français] ... read full story / add a comment
région sud de l'afrique / répression / prisonniers et prisonnières / communiqué de presse Friday August 04, 2017 - 20:43 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
En février 2015, quatre militant-e-s de quartier [community activists] originaires de Boiketlong dans le Vaal, au sud de Johannesburg, ont été condamné-e-s à 16 ans de prison chacun-e à la suite d’une manifestation locale. C’est une condamnation très sévère et qui s’est basée sur des preuves très peu tangibles. Les « Quatre de Boiketlong » ont été arrêté-e-s et accusé-e-s d’avoir agressé de la conseillère local de quartier (membre de l’ANC1) et d’avoir mis le feu à sa maison et à deux voitures pendant ladite manifestation. Elles et ils ont été jugé-e-s coupables d’agression avec intention de causer de sérieux dégâts humains, d’incendie, de dégradations aggravées et d’atteinte à la propriété. C’est un exemple de la terrible injustice qui est menée contre les militant-e-s de la classe ouvrière noire et cela pourrait avoir de dangereuses répercussions pour les luttes à venir de la classe ouvrière noire et des pauvres en Afrique du Sud, si on ne combat pas cette décision de justice. Les gens doivent être mis-es au courant des faits et des actions doivent être menées pour demander justice et pour combattre la criminalisation de la pauvreté et des mouvements sociaux. ... read full story / add a comment
africa meridionale / repressione / prigionieri / comunicato stampa Friday August 04, 2017 - 15:27 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   text 5 comments (last - friday april 19, 2024 - 10:56)
Nel febbraio del 2015, 4 attivisti comunitari di Boiketlong in the Vaal, a sud di Johannesburg, furono condannati ognuno a 16 anni di prigione a seguito di una protesta comunitaria. Si tratta di una sentenza molto severa e la condanna si basò su prove incerte. I 4 di Boiketlong vennero arrestati per aver attaccato, secondo quanto riportato, il locale consigliere distrettuale dell’ANC e aver appiccato il fuoco alla sua abitazione e a due macchine durante la protesta comunitaria. I 4 furono perciò condannati per assalto con l’intento di causare gravi lesioni personali, incendio e danneggiamento volontario della proprietà. Questo è un esempio della terribile ingiustizia perpetrata contro attivisti proletari neri e potrebbe avere pericolose ripercussioni per le future lotte della classe lavoratrice nera e dei poveri in Sud Africa, se non combattuta. La gente deve essere consapevole di ciò e attivarsi per chiedere giustizia e combattere la criminalizzazione della povertà e della protesta. ... read full story / add a comment
África austral / represión / presos / comunicado de prensa Friday August 04, 2017 - 03:51 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front
En febrero de 2015, cuatro militantes de Boiketlong in the Vaal, sur de Johannesburgo, fueron sentenciados a 16 años en prisión después de una protesta en su comunidad. Esta es una sentencia muy severa y está basada en una evidencia muy débil. Los cuatro de Boiketlong fueron arrestados por atacar al concejal local de la ANC (Consejo Nacional Africano, partido del fallecido Nelson Mandela) e incendiar su casa y dos autos durante la protesta de la comunidad. Fueron arrestados por daños corporales graves, incendios intencionales y daño intencional a la propiedad. Este es un ejemplo de una terrible injusticia perpetrada contra la los militantes trabajadores negros y puede tener peligrosas repercusiones en futuras luchas de los trabajadores negros y pobres en Sudáfrica si no es combatido. La gente debe ser advertida de estos hechos e iniciar acciones para reclamar justicia y luchar contra la criminalización de la pobreza y la protesta. ... read full story / add a comment
southern africa / repression / prisoners / press release Wednesday July 26, 2017 - 04:50 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
In February 2015, four community activists from Boiketlong in the Vaal, south of Johannesburg, were sentenced to 16 years in prison each following a community protest. This is a very severe sentence and the conviction was based on shaky evidence. The ‘Boiketlong Four’ were arrested for allegedly attacking the local ANC ward councillor and setting fire to her shack and two cars during a community protest. They were convicted of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, arson and malicious injury to property. This is an example of a terrible injustice perpetrated against black working class activists and could have dangerous repercussions for future struggles of the black working class and poor in South Africa if it is not fought. People need to be aware of the facts and take action to demand justice and to fight the criminalisation of poverty and protest.
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international / workplace struggles / press release Monday May 01, 2017 - 09:56 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG)   image 1 image
On May Day we commemorate the past, but we also look to the future. There is no reason to be confident in capitalist economic recovery. There are many reasons to struggle against the horrors of oppression, unemployment, environmental devastation and war that capitalism dishes up. Workers can solve these problems for good. We can make a revolution and, as we do, the mass democratic workers' organisations we create will be the basis of the new society, worldwide. In this new society, each will contribute according to their ability and each receive according to their need. We will have no need of a State apparatus to enforce the dictates of a privileged elite. We will live a life of peace, freedom and equality. We have nothing to lose but our chains. ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / imperialism / war / press release Tuesday April 25, 2017 - 07:58 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   image 1 image
War is integral to imperialism. We can't end war without ending imperialism and we can't end imperialism without ending capitalism, because imperialism is not merely a policy, but the set of international relationships in capitalism for over 100 years now. We don't have to send young men and women overseas to kill brown people and we don't have to allow a US base at Pine Gap to guide both nuclear missiles and drones. To change direction, though, means eliminating the capitalist system that brings us these horrors. The working class needs to unite internationally and make a revolution to abolish it. We need to replace capitalism with the only possible alternative – libertarian communism. ... read full story / add a comment
FAU – 60 years of struggle for socialism and freedom!
argentina / uruguay / paraguay / anarchist movement / press release Sunday October 30, 2016 - 03:54 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front   image 1 image
We, militants of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF), send you a big clenched fist salute and revolutionary internationalist greetings on this the historic occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU) – commemorating 60 years of struggle for freedom and socialism. It has been a long and no doubt hard and bumpy road since 1956. We honour the many FAU militants who, like Alberto “Pocho” Mechoso, gave up their freedom and even their lives in the struggle for freedom and socialism. Yet, after all is said and done, you are celebrating another milestone, another anniversary. You continue to keep the red and black banner of class struggle anarchism alive and well on the Latin American continent – holding it up as an example for all to see. ... read full story / add a comment
indonesia / philippines / australia / community struggles / press release Friday July 01, 2016 - 23:04 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group   text 2 comments (last - wednesday october 12, 2016 - 00:24)   image 1 image
The Australian Federal election campaign grinds on, with most people being heartily sick of the whole thing. Neither the Liberals nor Labor are trusted by most voters and the major parties are horrified at the drift of voters to minor parties of all stripes. Anarchists have something to say about this, something deeper than just advising people about voting. We say if you’re looking to fix the problems in society, Parliament is the wrong place. ... read full story / add a comment
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