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Οι αποικιοκρατικές βόμβες, όπως γνωρίζετε, έχουν ένα μοναδικό στόχο: να υπερασπιστούν τα συμφέροντα των εμπόρων όπλων. Πούλησαν στον Καντάφι όπλα αξίας δισεκατομμυρίων και στη συνέχεια τους ζητάμε να τα καταστρέψουν... Τότε θα αγοράσουμε νέα όπλα, μέσω της νέας κυβέρνησης -μια παλιά, γνωστή ιστορία. [العربية ] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [Castellano] [Català] [中文] [Português] ... read full story / add a comment
Οι αραβικοί λαοί, το αραβικό προλεταριάτο, φαίνεται ότι εισέρχεται, τελικά, στην μεταμοντέρνα εποχή. Μετά από αιώνες κυριαρχίας και βίας, αρχικά από την τουρκική αυτοκρατορία, στη συνέχεια την αποικιοκρατία και, τέλος, τις δικτατορίες που διήρκεσαν όλο το δεύτερο μισό του περασμένου αιώνα, οι λαοί αυτοί, αυτό το προλεταριάτο, βγαίνει τελικά από τη μοναξιά του και αμφισβητεί την εξουσία που το καταπιέζει και του αρνείται την ελευθερία και την αξιοπρέπειά του για να οργανώσει τη ζωή του. [English] [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
north africa / community struggles / press release Tuesday March 29, 2011 - 18:03 by无政府主义者的共产主义组织   image 1 image
我们的组织恳愿团结一切为自由和社会正义进行斗争的突尼斯人民,并全力支持突尼斯国内激进的反资本主义者。我们谴责西方国家的态度和越来越习以为常的政治把戏,无论右翼和社会 民主派,这些人都曾积极地支持过极权主义的本阿里。 [Français] [العربية ] [English] [Deutsch] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Dansk] [Polski] [Türkçe] [Castellano] [Nederlands] ... read full story / add a comment
norte da África / imperialismo / guerra / comunicado de imprensa Tuesday March 29, 2011 - 07:22 bySaoud Salem   image 1 image
Declaração contra a exclusão aérea por um anarquista líbio. [English] [Français] [Italiano] [Castellano] [Català] [中文] [العربية ] ... read full story / add a comment
north africa / imperialism / war / press release Monday March 28, 2011 - 21:24 byFederazione dei Comunisti Anarchici   text 3 comments (last - tuesday march 29, 2011 - 03:22)   image 1 image
The Arab peoples, the Arab proletariat, finally seem to be entering the post-modernist age. After centuries of domination and violence by the Turkish Empire first, then colonialism and finally the dictatorships that lasted throughout the second half of the last century, these peoples, this proletariat, are finally coming out of their solitude and challenging the power that oppresses them and denies them their freedom and dignity in which to live their lives... [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] ... read full story / add a comment
nordafrica / imperialismo / guerra / comunicato stampa Monday March 28, 2011 - 19:49 byFederazione dei Comunisti Anarchici   image 1 image
I popoli arabi, il proletariato arabo sembrano essersi affacciati finalmente alla post-modernità. Dopo secoli di dominazione e di violenza esercitati dall'Impero Turco prima, dal colonialismo poi ed infine dalle dittature che si sono perpetuate dalla seconda metà del secolo scorso, questi popoli, questo proletariato escono dalla loro solitudine e sfidano il potere che li opprime e che nega loro tanto la libertà quanto la dignità nella vita di tutti i giorni. [English] [Ελληνικά] [العربية ] [Nederlands] ... read full story / add a comment
north africa / imperialism / war / press release Thursday March 24, 2011 - 16:19 bySaoud Salem   text 4 comments (last - friday april 01, 2011 - 03:06)   image 1 image
I call on all the peoples to support us, the Egyptians, Tunisians, French, even Chinese, all the peoples of the world, we welcome their support and sympathy. [العربية ] [Castellano] [Français] [Italiano] [Català] [中文] [Português] ... read full story / add a comment
África del norte / imperialismo / guerra / comunicado de prensa Tuesday March 22, 2011 - 22:00 byConfederación Nacional del Trabajo   image 1 image
Los gobiernos que durante años apoyaron y armaron a Gadafi al igual que hicieron con otros regímenes como el de Mubarak en Egipto o Ben Alí en Tunez no tienen ninguna credibilidad.
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nordafrica / imperialismo / guerra / comunicato stampa Tuesday March 22, 2011 - 18:00 byRelations extérieures CGA   image 1 image
Comunicato della CGA concernente la situazione in Libia. [Français] ... read full story / add a comment
nordafrica / imperialismo / guerra / comunicato stampa Monday March 21, 2011 - 19:51 byConfederación General del Trabajo   image 1 image
La Confederación General del Trabajo condanna la aggressione militare contro la Libia. [Castellano] ... read full story / add a comment
north africa / imperialism / war / press release Monday March 21, 2011 - 02:42 byRelations extérieures   image 1 image
Faced with the insurrection of the Libyan population in their attempt to put an end to several decades of dictatorship by the Qaddafi clan, the government has responded with increasingly violent armed repression. This repression forms part of the escalating repression of the various dictatorships in North Africa and in the Near and Middle East, seeking to put an end to the wave of popular revolts that started in Tunisia and Egypt. [Français] ... read full story / add a comment
África del norte / imperialismo / guerra / comunicado de prensa Monday March 21, 2011 - 00:31 byConfederación General del Trabajo   image 1 image
La Confederación General del Trabajo condena la agresión militar contra Libia. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
noord-afrika / community struggles / news report Wednesday March 02, 2011 - 17:43 byMazen Kamalmaz   image 1 image
Het nieuws dat uit Libie komt is heel schokkend. Qaddafi's regime veroorzaakt een verschrikkelijk bloedbad tegen de massa's in opstand, de huurmoordenaars (het equivalent van de baltajia van Mubarak's regime) die door Qaddafi's regime zijn gerekruteerd openen, naast het reguliere leger en veiligheidskrachten, het vuur of ongewapende Libische mensen of, in sommige gevallen, gewapend met slechts zeer lichte vuurwapens. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
nordafrica / lotte sindacali / cronaca Wednesday February 23, 2011 - 17:00 byCGT Norte de África   image 1 image
Domenica 13 febbraio, il comitato promotore della Federazione Egiziana dei Sindacati Indipendenti ha emesso un comunicato che invita i lavoratori ad uscire dal sindacato governativo per iniziare a costruire i loro sindacati. Questo appello segue gli scioperi di massa dei lavoratori che hanno segnato settori chiave dell’economia egiziana come le industrie di armi, di cemento e quelle metallurgiche, costituendo un elemento decisivo nei fatti recenti, benché oscurato dai media che si sono concentrati solo sugli eventi di Piazza Tahrir. [Castellano] [English] ... read full story / add a comment
north africa / workplace struggles / news report Tuesday February 22, 2011 - 20:13 byCGT Norte de África   image 1 image
On Sunday 13, the constituent committee of the Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions issued a statement calling on Egyptian workers to leave the government union and begin building their own unions. This appeal is a continuation of the mass strikes of workers, which also affected key sectors of the Egyptian economy such as armaments factories, cement factories and steelworks and have been a key factor in recent events - neglected by the media which has focused almost exclusively on Tahrir Square. [Castellano] ... read full story / add a comment
Concentración frente al local de ETUF, los sindicatos de Mubarak
África del norte / workplace struggles / news report Tuesday February 22, 2011 - 19:26 byCGT Andalucia   image 1 image
El domingo día 13, el comité constituyente de la federación egipcia de sindicatos independientes emitió un comunicado, llamando a los trabajadores egipcios a abandonar el sindicato gubernamental y a comenzar la construcción de sus propios sindicatos. [English] [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
Βόρεια Αφρική / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Νέα Tuesday February 22, 2011 - 19:19 bycontrainfo   image 1 image
Κάλεσμα της συντακτικής επιτροπής της αιγυπτιακής ομοσπονδίας ανεξάρτητων συνδικάτων ... read full story / add a comment
Βόρεια Αφρική / Λαϊκοί Αγώνες / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Friday February 18, 2011 - 20:26 byNew York Local NEAC   image 1 image
Η επαναστατική αλλαγή που σαρώνει τη Βόρεια Αφρική και τον αραβικό κόσμο προσφέρει μεγάλη ελπίδα για τους εργαζόμενους και τους καταπιεσμένους λαούς της Γης. Τα αιτήματα για δημοκρατία και αξιοπρεπή ζωή μοιράζονται από εκατομμύρια, αν όχι δισεκατομμύρια, ανθρώπους. Την ίδια στιγμή έρχεται στην επιφάνεια η στάση των καπιταλιστών του κόσμου, έξω από κάθε επαφή με την κοινωνία και τρομοκρατημένοι από το κίνημα του οποίου γίνονται μάρτυρες. ... read full story / add a comment
África del norte / community struggles / comunicado de prensa Tuesday February 08, 2011 - 18:52 byColumna Libertaria Joaquin Penina   image 1 image
El pueblo unido ha demostrado que se puede enfrentar a la represión y vencerla, haciendo que los partidarios de la dictadura vean temblar sus intereses. La izquierda tradicional trata de aprovechar el malestar social e intenta pactar con los opresores del pueblo para poder tomar el poder. ... read full story / add a comment
noord-afrika / community struggles / persbericht Tuesday February 08, 2011 - 18:40 byLibertair communistische organisaties   image 1 image
Onze organisaties bevestigen hun solidariteit met de strijd van het Tunesische volk voor vrijheid en sociale rechtvaardigheid en steun voor militant anti-kapitalistische Tunesiers, en ze veroordelen de opstelling van Westerse staten en meer in het algemeen van hun politici, zowel rechtse partijen als sociaal democratische partijen hebben altijd geïnvesteerd in het ondersteunen van de autoritaire Ben Ali. [Français] ... read full story / add a comment

North Africa

Wed 17 Apr, 03:57

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textL’Algérie au temps du hirak : contestation et répression 15:25 Tue 15 Jun by COURANT Alternatif 0 comments

Un aperçu du feu social qui couve en Algérie

tahriricn.jpg imageEgitto: Comunicato Tahrir-ICN sulla messa fuori legge dei Fratelli Musulmani 15:19 Sat 18 Jan by TahrirICN 0 comments

Condanna della recente dichiarazione che individua nei Fratelli Musulmani in Egitto una organizzazione terroristica. [English]

tahriricn.jpg imageEgypt: Tahrir-ICN statement on the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization 15:02 Sat 04 Jan by TahrirICN 0 comments

Comdemnation of the recent declaration of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as a terrorist organization.

morsiout.jpg imageA rua egípcia mais forte que as urnas! 03:26 Fri 20 Dec by Alternative libertaire 0 comments

O presente texto, traduzido para o português do Brasil, apresenta uma análise feita pelo grupo Alternative Libertarie - AL sobre a questão egípcia.
Propondo como o caminho para o povo egípcio, uma luta que se encaminhe desde as bases, desde a rua, até de modo mais global contra o imperialismo americano e o fascismo religioso que disputam incessantemente o poder. [Français]

latuff_cartoon_hunger_strike_for_palestine.gif imageNumerosas huelgas de hambre en las cárceles de Marruecos 00:52 Thu 05 Dec by Equipo de trabajo para el norte de África de la S. de RR. II 0 comments

Continuamos con las informaciones semanales que nos envía ASDHOM sobre la situación de los presos políticos en las prisiones de Marruecos. Constatamos con preocupación las numerosas huelgas de hambre que se están produciendo, especialmente reclamando una mejora de las condiciones de vida en prisión o la aceleración de los juicios cuando se prolonga excesivamente la prisión provisional.

Estudiantes de la UNEM en las prisiones de Meknes y Marrakech se encuentran en huelga de hambre, así como presos del M 20 de febrero en Casablanca y de la ANDCM en Alhoceima

egipto_golpe.jpg imageEgitto: né con la peste clerico-fascista, né con l'ira dei militari! 16:58 Wed 10 Jul by Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

Per più di 2 anni, in Egitto la contro-rivoluzione ha assunto il potere nella forma duale dello Stato e della borghesia. Da un lato, i Fratelli Musulmani, che rappresentano la ruota di scorta della borghesia mercantile e degli Stati occidentali per prevenire un'eventuale rivoluzione sociale, si erano presi la gestione degli affari sociali. [Français] [English] [Castellano] [Português]

egipto_golpe.jpg imageEgito: Nem praga fascistas religiosos, sem raiva militar! 22:47 Tue 09 Jul by Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

Em mais de dois anos atrás, o contrtarrevolución no Egito manifestou na distribuição de poder entre os dois setores do Estado e da burguesia. Em primeiro lugar, é a Irmandade Muçulmana, que serviu como o Plano B burguesia comercial e os países ocidentais, a fim de evitar uma revolução social, era encarregado de assuntos políticos. Por outro lado, era o exército, a espinha dorsal do estado, que se manteve em posições-chave da economia egípcia através de monopólios, mas também nas estruturas de poder político. [Français] [italiano] [English] [Castellano]

egipto_golpe_2.jpg imageEgipto: ¡Ni la peste fascista-religiosa, ni la cólera militar! 19:54 Tue 09 Jul by Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

De hace más de dos años, la contrtarrevolución en Egipto se ha manifestado en la repartición del poder entre dos sectores del Estado y la burguesía. Por una parte, están los Hermanos Musulmanes, que han servido como el plan B de la burguesía mercantil y de los Estados occidentales con el objeto de prevenir una revolución social, eran los encargados de los asuntos políticos. Por otra parte, estaba el ejército, la columna vertebral del Estado, el cual se mantuvo en posiciones claves de la economía egipcia, a través de los monopolios, pero también en las estructuras del poder político. [Français] [italiano] [English] [Português]

morsiout_2.jpg imageΟι δρόμοι της Αιγύπ&... 06:46 Tue 09 Jul by Alternative Libertaire 0 comments

Οι δρόμοι της Αιγύπτου είναι πιο ισχυροί από τα εκλογικά κέντρα [Français] [English] [Castellano] [Italiano]

egipto_golpe_1.jpg imageEgypt: Neither the religious-fascist pest, nor military anger! 21:11 Mon 08 Jul by Relations Internationales de la CGA 0 comments

For more than 2 years, the counter-revolution in Egypt has been in the form of power sharing between 2 sectors of the state and the bourgeoisie. On the one side, the Muslim Brotherhood, which represents the spare wheel of the mercantile bourgeoisie and Western states to prevent any social revolution, were running civil affairs. [Français]

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imageNotes towards a history of Italian anarchism in Egypt (by Leonardo Bettini, translation) Jun 12 by Leonardo Bettini 0 comments

English translation of the overview of early Italian anarchists in Egypt, from Leonardo Bettini, "Bibliografia dell'anarchismo, volume 2, tomo 2: periodici e numeri unici anarchici in lingua italiana pubblicati all'estero (1872-1971)" (CP editrice, Firenze, 1976), translation by Nestor McNab. Via Lucien van der Walt. Lucien van der Walt note: This is NOT a history of anarchism in Egypt as a whole, least of all of its important impact on the Arabic-speaking and Greek population, which can be found in work by writers like Tony Gorman. Nonetheless it is valuable, and not previously widely available in English. Worth noting for contemporary reflection is the destructive role of I. Parrini's [aka "Un vecchio” aka L'Orso /"the Bear"],"anti-organizationalism in disorienting the movement in the late 1800s. This was overcome in the 1900s, a period of great advance for the movement in the country. There is also much of interest, even if incomplete, on the role in the unions and popular education, although it grossly underestimates the successes, especially among the indigenous.

imageEarly anarchist periodicals in Tunisia (by Leonardo Bettini, translation) Jan 08 by Leonardo Bettini 0 comments

English translation of the overview of early Italian-language anarchist periodicals in Tunisia, from Leonardo Bettini, "Bibliografia dell'anarchismo, volume 2, tomo 2: periodici e numeri unici anarchici in lingua italiana pubblicati all'estero (1872-1971)" (CP editrice, Firenze, 1976), translation by Nestor McNab. Via Lucien van der Walt.

imageEarly anarchist periodicals in Egypt (by Leonardo Bettini, translation) Jan 08 by Leonardo Bettini 0 comments

English translation of the overview of early Italian-language anarchist periodicals in Egypt, from Leonardo Bettini, "Bibliografia dell'anarchismo, volume 2, tomo 2: periodici e numeri unici anarchici in lingua italiana pubblicati all'estero (1872-1971)" (CP editrice, Firenze, 1976), translation by Nestor McNab. Via Lucien van der Walt.

textThe Narrative of the Egyptian revolution (2011-2013) in the documentary 'Al Midan' (The Square) Dec 13 by Sweatshirt 0 comments

This essay seeks to address the subject of the Egyptian revolution by following the narrative of the revolution in the 2013 documentary Al Midan (The Square) by Jehane Noujaim. [footnote: Jehane Noujaim. 2013. Al-Midan (The Square). [] The question under investigation here is: How is the revolution – its dynamics and its capacity – narrated in this piece of documentary film? Basically, I want to know, how the director and its narrators give meaning to this recent part of Egyptian history.

textSahara occidental Nov 11 by Commission internationale AL 0 comments

Derrière le rêve touristique, le Maroc est en réalité un Etat colon, qui maintient sa domination sur le territoire du peuple sahraoui, en lutte pour son indépendance. La résistance existe malgré la forte répression qui s’abat sur ses militantes et militants.

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imageEgitto: Comunicato Tahrir-ICN sulla messa fuori legge dei Fratelli Musulmani Jan 18 0 comments

Condanna della recente dichiarazione che individua nei Fratelli Musulmani in Egitto una organizzazione terroristica. [English]

imageEgypt: Tahrir-ICN statement on the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization Jan 04 0 comments

Comdemnation of the recent declaration of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as a terrorist organization.

imageA rua egípcia mais forte que as urnas! Dec 20 AL 0 comments

O presente texto, traduzido para o português do Brasil, apresenta uma análise feita pelo grupo Alternative Libertarie - AL sobre a questão egípcia.
Propondo como o caminho para o povo egípcio, uma luta que se encaminhe desde as bases, desde a rua, até de modo mais global contra o imperialismo americano e o fascismo religioso que disputam incessantemente o poder. [Français]

imageEgitto: né con la peste clerico-fascista, né con l'ira dei militari! Jul 10 Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes 0 comments

Per più di 2 anni, in Egitto la contro-rivoluzione ha assunto il potere nella forma duale dello Stato e della borghesia. Da un lato, i Fratelli Musulmani, che rappresentano la ruota di scorta della borghesia mercantile e degli Stati occidentali per prevenire un'eventuale rivoluzione sociale, si erano presi la gestione degli affari sociali. [Français] [English] [Castellano] [Português]

imageEgito: Nem praga fascistas religiosos, sem raiva militar! Jul 09 Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes (Francia) 0 comments

Em mais de dois anos atrás, o contrtarrevolución no Egito manifestou na distribuição de poder entre os dois setores do Estado e da burguesia. Em primeiro lugar, é a Irmandade Muçulmana, que serviu como o Plano B burguesia comercial e os países ocidentais, a fim de evitar uma revolução social, era encarregado de assuntos políticos. Por outro lado, era o exército, a espinha dorsal do estado, que se manteve em posições-chave da economia egípcia através de monopólios, mas também nas estruturas de poder político. [Français] [italiano] [English] [Castellano]

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