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Mashriq / Arabia / Iraq

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Mashriq / Arabia / Iraq

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mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialismo / guerra / comunicado de prensa Wednesday October 22, 2014 - 13:54 byOrganizaciones y Militantes Libertarios   image 1 image
Desde algunos años, el movimiento kurdo se está acercando a las ideas libertarias. Aunque no se trata de un movimiento anarquista, este cambio muestra que las ideas anarquistas de libertad e igualdad a través de la solidaridad, nuestras ideas de horizontalidad y de democracia directa radical en contra del Estado no solo son validas y fuertes, sino que son también necesarias para que los movimientos sociales acaben con la herencia autoritaria de la izquierda. Expresar nuestra solidaridad con Rojava y el movimiento kurdo es nuestra responsabilidad, pues representan la esperanza en esta región y porque es una lucha de los oprimidos en contra de los opresores. Las verdaderas luchas no son nunca perfectas pero llevan a diversos potencialidades de construcción de una sociedad libre. Mientras expresamos nuestra solidaridad con el movimiento revolucionario en Rojava entendemos también que nuestro papel es seguir desarrollando los principios centrales de nuestras ideas para compartirlas con los y las revolucionari@s en el mundo. - Grupo editorial de [English] ... read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / communiqué de presse Wednesday October 22, 2014 - 04:23 byRelations internationales CGA
Depuis plus de deux ans, le Rojava (Kurdistan syrien), est engagé dans un processus révolutionnaire spécifique. Resté longtemps à l'écart de celui proposé en Syrie car considéré comme trop marqué par l'idéologie panarabe et nationaliste, puis confronté à une contre-révolution interne fasciste et religieux takfiri, le Rojava développe ses propres institutions sociales, chasse les troupes du régime de Bachar, et affronte les forces politico-religieuses ou nationalistes arabes qui tentent de liquider cette dynamique autonomiste. ... read full story / add a comment
Μέση Ανατολή / Αραβία / Ιράκ / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Tuesday October 21, 2014 - 21:16 byΑναρχικές οργανώσεις και μαχητές   image 1 image
Εδώ και μερικά χρόνια το κουρδικό κίνημα κινείται προς την κατεύθυνση των ελευθεριακών ιδεών. Αν και δεν είναι ένα αναρχικό κίνημα, αυτή η κίνηση είναι ένα σημάδι ότι οι αναρχικές ιδέες της ελευθερίας και της ισότητας μέσα από την αλληλεγγύη, οι ιδέες μας περί οριζοντιότητας και ριζοσπαστικής άμεσης δημοκρατίας καθώς και η ριζοσπαστική κριτική μας ενάντια στο Κράτος δεν είναι μόνο έγκυρες και ισχυρές, αλλά και αναγκαίες σε κινήματα ώστε να ξεφύγουν από την αυταρχική κληρονομιά στην αριστερά. Είναι καθήκον μας να εκφράσουμε την αλληλεγγύη μας στη Rojava και το κουρδικό κίνημα, επειδή αντιπροσωπεύουν την ελπίδα σε αυτήν την περιοχή και επειδή είναι οι καταπιεσμένοι που αγωνίζονται ενάντια στους καταπιεστές. Οι πραγματικοί αγώνες δεν είναι ποτέ τέλειοι, αλλά κουβαλούν διαφορετικές δυνατότητες για μια ελεύθερη κοινωνία. Εκφράζοντας την αλληλεγγύη μας με το επαναστατικό κίνημα στην Rojava σημαίνει ότι κατανοούμε το ρόλο μας στο να συνεχίσουμε να αναπτύσσουμε τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά των ιδεών μας, προκειμένου να εμπνεύσουμε επαναστάσεις και επαναστάτες σε όλο τον κόσμο. Εκδοτική ομάδα [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra / comunicato stampa Tuesday October 21, 2014 - 15:02 byAnarchist Organisations and Militants   image 1 image
Da alcuni anni il movimento curdo sta vivendo un processo che si muove in direzione libertaria. Sebbene non si tratti di un movimento anarchico, questo processo indica che le idee anarchiche di libertà ed uguaglianza attraverso la solidarietà, attraverso la nostra idea di orizzontalità e di democrazia diretta e radicale ed attraverso la nostra critica radicale contro lo Stato non solo sono forti e valide, ma sono anche necessarie per i movimenti che vogliano operare una rottura con l'eredità autoritaria all'interno della sinistra. E' nostro dovere esprimere la nostra solidarietà con la Rojava e con il movimento curdo, poiché essi rappresentano una speranza in questa regione e perché si ergono come oppressi in lotta contro i loro oppressori. Le lotte reali non sono mai perfette ma portano con sé diversi gradi di potenzialità di realizzazione di una libera società. Nell'esprimere la nostra solidarietà al movimento rivoluzionario nella Rojava ribadiamo che il nostro ruolo è quello di continuare a sviluppare i principi fondamentali delle nostre idee allo scopo di ispirare le rivoluzioni ed i/le rivoluzionar* di tutto il mondo. - Gruppo Editoriale di [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Sunday October 19, 2014 - 06:36 byJohnny   text 2 comments (last - tuesday october 28, 2014 - 19:13)   image 1 image
For some years now the Kurdish movement has been moving in the direction of libertarian ideas. While not an anarchist movement, this move is a sign that anarchist ideas of freedom and equality through solidarity, our ideas of horizontality and radical direct democracy and our radical critique against the State are not only valid and strong, but are also necessary for movements in order to break away from the authoritarian legacy within the left. It is our duty to express our solidarity with Rojava and the Kurdish movement, because they represent hope in this region and because they are the oppressed fighting the oppressors. Real struggles are never perfect but they carry diverse degrees of potential to bring about a free society. Expressing our solidarity with the revolutionary movement in Rojava means we understand our role is to continue developing the core tenets of our ideas in order to inspire revolutions and revolutionaries all over the world. - Editorial Group [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Castellano] [Français] ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra / cronaca Friday October 17, 2014 - 16:58 byDevrimci Anarşist Faaliyet - DAF   text 1 comment (last - monday october 27, 2014 - 08:52)   image 1 image
Siamo giunti al 24° giorno di attacchi dell'ISIS su Kobanê. Mentre le forze di difesa popolare in tutti i villaggi di confine fanno da scudo umano e da sentinelle per gli attacchi contro Kobanê, tutti ed ovunque nella regione in cui ci troviamo sono insorti per evitare la caduta di Kobanê. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra / cronaca Friday October 17, 2014 - 16:26 byDevrimci Anarşist Faaliyet - DAF   image 5 images
Lo Stato turco che si sta preparando ad intervenire per evitare il pericolo ISIS è al tempo stesso infingardo verso l'offensiva portata dai sostenitori di ISIS attraverso i confini turchi, dimostrando così l'ipocrisia della politica di Istanbul. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Thursday October 16, 2014 - 18:28 byIlan S.
Gli scontri tra le forze armate israeliane (insieme ai coloni) ed una folla unita composta da attivisti ebrei israeliani e palestinesi all'interno dei territori occupati nel 1967 è una cosa talmente frequente che la gente non riesce a coglierne l'unicità. Il disastro mediatico del progetto sionista di sgomberi ha costretto Israele a dover escludere che si potessero usare munizioni vere per uccidere manifestanti palestinesi disarmati soprattutto in caso di presenza di cittadini israeliani. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
Chaîne humaine au village de Boydê
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / nouvelles Tuesday October 14, 2014 - 05:36 byDAF - Action anarchiste révolutionnaire   image 1 image
Des camarades de l’Action anarchiste révolutionnaire (DAF) se sont portés au secours de la ville de Kobanê, assiégée par l’État islamique (Daech). Une partie a pénétré dans la ville. D’autres sont restés dans un village sur le territoire turc, Boydê. Ils et elles nous envoient ce message. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / imperialismo / guerra / cronaca Monday October 13, 2014 - 16:56 byWorkers Solidarity Movement   image 1 image
Anarchici di Istanbul insieme ad altri attivisti di sinistra, femministe e "gente del Gezi Park" sono riusciti ad attraversare il confine con la Siria ed a raggiungere la città di Kobani attualmente minacciata dall'ISIS. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Monday October 13, 2014 - 06:15 byIlan S.
A physical confrontation between between the Israeli armed forces (and settlers) and a joint crowd of Israeli Jews and Palestinian activists in the 1967 occupied territories is so common that people do not sense its unique nature. In addition to PR disaster for the Zionist transfer project it also forced Israel to mostly exclude shooting with life ammunition fire to kill non armed Palestinian demonstrators whenever Israelis might participate. In addition to the usual locations of joint struggles, addition places Palestinians start protests we learn of from the media. The Israeli media to which the agreement with the Hamas about the end of the rocketing was not revealed, come again and again with facts and generals opinions which can only be explained as rationalization to changes forced on Israel in the agreement. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / news report Thursday October 09, 2014 - 16:41 byDAF   image 1 image
It’s the 24th day of ISIS attacks on Kobanê. While people’s defending forces in all border villages are on human shield sentry for Kobanê against attacks, everyone, everywhere in the region we live, rised up not to let Kobanê fall. [Français] [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / news report Saturday October 04, 2014 - 21:35 byDAF   text 3 comments (last - tuesday october 07, 2014 - 21:52)   image 5 images
The Turkish state that is preparing to interfere to avoid the ISIS danger, is at the same time neglecting the offensive made by ISIS supporters within its borders, showing its politics of hypocrisy. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Friday October 03, 2014 - 16:10 byIlan S.
Araqeeb (villaggio dei Beduini dal 1948), Bil'in, Dahams (Ramla nel 1948), Gerusalemme est (occupata nel 1967, in particolare i quartieri di Sheikh Jarrah e Shuafat, ed i Beduini nella regione) Ma'sarah, Nabi Saleh, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, le colline a sud di Hebron, ecco le principali località delle lotte unitarie a cui hanno partecipato gli Anarchici Contro il Muro. Mentre Israele finge di darsi da fare per una pace qualsiasi, non smette però di intensificare gli sgomberi con un azzardo crescente. Il governo israeliano conta sull'appoggio della lobby filo-israeliana della destra statunitense e sull'importanza strategica di Israele in tempi turbolenti nonostante la montante pressione internazionale... sebbene le autorità israeliane e l'opinione pubblica si mostrino preoccupate delle pressioni economiche e politiche. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / indigenous struggles / news report Wednesday October 01, 2014 - 06:28 byIlan S.
Arkib (1948 Bedouins), Bil'in, Dahams (Ramla 1948 village), East Jerusalem (occupied 1967 mainly Sheikh Jarah, Shuafat, and the Bedouins of the region) Ma'asarah, Nabi Saleh, Ni'ilin, Qaddum, South of Hebron Hills - the main locations of the joint struggles the anarchists against the wall are involved in. As the Israeli pretending of striving for any kind of peace was exposed, the transfer efforts are intensified. It seems the hazards taking and gambling of Israel on the continuation of the occupation is increasing. The Israeli government count on the pro Israeli lobby of the US right and the strategic value of Israel in the present troubled time and recklessly disregard the mounting international pressure... though the Israeli officials and the public keep worrying in public about the economic and political pressures. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / nouvelles Monday September 29, 2014 - 20:17 byCommission international   image 1 image
Kobanê (Aïn Al-Arab) est devenu un abcès de fixation où s’affrontent deux mondes : les forces progressistes, laïques et révolutionnaires d’un côté, les fanatiques religieux de l’autre. ... read full story / add a comment
Manifestation de la gauche kurde à Paris le 27 septembre 2014
machrek / arabie / irak / impérialisme / guerre / communiqué de presse Monday September 29, 2014 - 20:05 byCommission international   image 1 image
Allocution d’Alternative libertaire soutenue par l’OCL à la manifestation parisienne de la gauche kurde du 27 septembre 2014, en solidarité avec le Kurdistan syrien. ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / news report Saturday September 27, 2014 - 16:37 byWorkers Solidarity Movement   text 5 comments (last - monday october 06, 2014 - 07:53)   image 1 image
Istanbul anarchists along other leftists, feminists, and 'Gezi park types' have managed to cross over into Syria and the northern town of Kobane which is currently threatened by ISIS. [italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
mashriq / arabia / iraq / imperialism / war / press release Friday September 26, 2014 - 21:35 byDevrimci Anarşist Faaliyet   image 10 images
In Kurdistan, people are fighting against ISIS, “the procreated violence” given birth by capitalism and the states that start wars for their own benefits. ISIS, subcontractor of the states that pursue income strategies on the region, is attacking people while yelling “islamic state!” and “holy war, jihad!”. People are suffering from hunger and thirst, getting ill, getting injured; migrating ad dying. They are still fighting in that struggle for existence. People are fighting not for the schemes and strategies around meeting tables, not for income, but for their freedom. ... read full story / add a comment
mashrek / arabia / irak / lotte sul territorio / cronaca Tuesday September 23, 2014 - 16:51 byIlan S.
Nonostante il fallimento dell'ultimo attacco israeliano alla striscia di Gaza, non si fermano gli sforzi di Israele per sgomberare i palestinesi. L'affondamento di una nave di rifugiati con 450 persone a bordo principalmente di Gaza dimostra il parziale successo di Israele in questa politica di sgomberi che non si è mai fermata fin dal 1948. L'assedio di Gaza è tutt'uno con la pressione sui palestinesi, sia quelli dentro i confini del 1948 che del 1967. Pur avendo costretto ad andarsene grandi masse di palestinesi durante le guerre del 1948 e del 1967, Israele ha proseguito questa sua politica con tutti i mezzi possibili. [English] ... read full story / add a comment

Mashriq / Arabia / Iraq

Sat 20 Apr, 09:55

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resist_genocide_1.jpg imageRésister au génocide 20:28 Sat 14 Oct by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 5 comments

L’armée israélienne a ordonné aux habitants de la moitié nord de Gaza d’évacuer dans les 24 heures. Il est impossible pour plus d’un million de personnes de le faire en si peu de temps. Cet ordre ne peut être interprété que comme une formalité de relations publiques et un prélude à un génocide. Tous les travailleurs et soldats en mesure d’empêcher cela ont le devoir d’agir.

unnamed.jpg imageSupport of the Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum 20:15 Thu 29 Sep by Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum 5 comments

We extend our condolences to the family and friends of Mahsa Amini and the victims of the demonstrations.
Long live the struggle and the uprisings of the oppressed in Iranian cities Long live the unity of the exploited class struggles
Defeat to the efforts of the ruling party and to those in the opposition Death to Class sovereignty in all its names and its colors

interrojavagr.png imageΗ επανάσταση της Ρο&... 01:06 Fri 07 Jan by Διάφορες αναρχικές οργανώσεις 0 comments

Η επανάσταση της Ροζάβα υπερασπίστηκε τον κόσμο, τώρα ο κόσμος θα υπερασπιστεί την επανάσταση της Ροζάβα!

interrojavait.png imageLa rivoluzione in Rojava ha difeso il mondo, ora il mondo difenderà la rivoluzione del Rojava! 00:53 Fri 07 Jan by Varie organizzazioni anarchiche 0 comments

Embargo, taglio delle fonti d’acqua e attacchi aerei contro i civili sono stati alcuni dei crimini di guerra commessi dallo stato fascista turco durante tutto quest’anno contro la rivoluzione in Rojava.

Mentre affronta la crisi politica ed economica interna, il governo Erdogan deve accettare il fallimento delle operazioni militari nelle montagne del Kurdistan, invocando l’uso di armi chimiche, di fronte alla resistenza dei guerrieri curdi della rivoluzione.

interrojavaeng.png imageThe Rojava Revolution defended the world, now the world will defend the Rojava Revolution! 23:48 Wed 05 Jan by Various anarchist organisations 8 comments

Embargo, cutting off water sources and air strikes against civilians have been some of the war crimes committed by the fascist Turkish state throughout this year against the revolution in Rojava.

While facing the internal political and economic crisis, the Erdogan government has to accept the failure of the military operations in the mountains of Kurdistan, appealing to the use of chemical weapons, in the face of the resistance of the Kurdish warriors of the revolution.

The intensification of the attacks last October, the flyers launched from the aeroplanes and the recent troop movements threaten a new invasion of the autonomous territories in the North and East of Syria.

At this delicate moment, we want to reaffirm our solidarity with our revolutionary comrades and all the peoples of Rojava and condemn once more the occupation of Rojava, the multiple aggressions and war crimes of the Turkish neo-fascist state and its jihadist allies, as well as their preparations for war.

photo_20211203_1852071024x1024.jpg imageVisca la resistència dels pobles. Visca la resistència de Rojava 22:16 Wed 05 Jan by Diverses organitzacions anarquistes 0 comments

L’embargament, el tall de les fonts d’aigua i els atacs aeris contra civils han estat alguns dels crims de guerra comesos per l’Estat turc feixista al llarg d’enguany contra la Revolució en Rojava.

Mentre enfronta la crisi política i econòmica interna, el govern d’Erdogan ha d’acceptar el fracàs de les operacions militars a les muntanyes de Kurdistan, apel·lant a l’ús d’armes químiques, enfront de la resistència de lxs guerillerxs Kurdxs de la revolució.

langkebederwiderstand1024x1024.png imageDie Revolution von Rojava hat die Welt verteidigt, jetzt wird die Welt die Revolution von Rojava ver... 22:06 Wed 05 Jan by Verschiedene anarchistische Organisationen 0 comments

Gemeinsam mit befreundeten anarchistischen Organisationen aus aller Welt haben wir angesichts der weiter akuten Bedrohung der sozialen Revolution in Rojava eine Erklärung veröffentlicht, Wir solidarisieren uns mit dem Kampf im Norden und Osten Syriens. Wir solidarisieren und mit der sozialen Revolution! Und wir bekräftigen das angesichts der erneuten Aggressionen des türkischen Staates! In Lateinamerika, Europa, Ozeanien und auf der ganzen Welt: Hoch die grenzenlose Solidarität!

interrojavapt.png imageA Revolução de Rojava defendeu o mundo, agora o mundo vai defender a Revolução de Rojava! 00:04 Wed 05 Jan by Várias organizações anarquistas 0 comments

Embargo, corte de fontes de água e ataques aéreos contra civis foram alguns dos crimes de guerra cometidos pelo Estado fascista turco ao longo deste ano contra a revolução em Rojava.

interrojavaes.jpg image¡La Revolución del Rojava defendió al mundo, ahora el mundo defenderá la Revolución de Rojava! 00:02 Wed 05 Jan by Varias organizaciones anarquistas 0 comments

El embargo, el corte de las fuentes de agua y los ataques aéreos contra civiles han sido algunos de los crímenes de guerra cometidos por el Estado turco fascista a lo largo de este año contra la Revolución en Roj*va.

Mientras enfrenta la crisis política y económica interna, el gobierno de Erdogan tiene que aceptar el fracaso de las operaciones militares en las montañas de Kurdistán, apelando al uso de armas químicas, frente a la resistencia de las guerrilleras y los guerilleros Kurdos de la revolución.

kurdistan1_3.png imageDefend Kurdistan : statement for the international delegation 04:38 Fri 18 Jun by International Delegation for Peace and Freedom 0 comments

The UCL participated in the European delegation to observe the Turkish war crimes in Iraqi Kurdistan.
This delegation is taking place at a time when Erdogan is received at the NATO summit. His formal meeting with Macron does not hide his objective, which is obviously to legitimize his illegal invasion of Iraq, and to obtain from NATO a blank check to continue his military campaign.
His pretext: to eradicate the PKK, a "terrorist organization" according to the Council of Europe's blacklist.
His strategy: to intimidate European nations, to maintain bombings, military pressure and destruction of crops in Iraqi Kurdistan, to force Mahmoud Barzani's KDP to collaborate openly with him, against its brothers and sisters in Kurdistan.
At the time of publishing this information, the conference of the delegation has been prevented by the KDP, the hotel where it is held is surrounded by the military, and our comrades have been sent back to France after interrogation by the police of the KDP, traitor to the Kurdish cause.

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imageThe struggle for Palestine Jul 14 by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group 0 comments

The Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group’s solution to the oppression of the Palestinians is the same as for oppression everywhere. The problems of capitalism can only be solved by workers’ revolution.In Palestine, that means defeating Zionism and replacing it with the No State Solution, a society of libertarian communism that operates on the basis of consistent federalism.

imageContra la guerra en el Kurdistán iraquí, contra la traición del PDK Jun 17 by Algunas miembras de la la delegación Kurdistan 0 comments

Unxs activistas de la UCL formaron parte de la delegación de observadores en Erbil. Apena bajaron del avión, fueron interrogados y devueltos a París, al igual que las decenas de funcionarios, cargos electos, activistas y periodistas de más de 10 países, que también fueron rechazadxs nada más al llegar. Además, se impidió la salida de Alemania a 25 delegadxs que estaban preparadxs para abandonar Düsseldorf. La sombra de Erdogan se extiende hasta Berlín, París, Bruselas…

Narración y análisis de la situación por miembras de la UCL que fueron parte de la delegación de observadores en Erbil.

imagePour une Palestine libre et démocratique May 14 by Union Communiste Libertaire 0 comments

Le conflit israélo-palestinien est une guerre coloniale, opposant un État impérialiste à un peuple spolié. Croire que, d’un côté comme de l’autre, les motivations religieuses ou les intérêts économiques y sont essentielles serait se leurrer. Orientation fédérale adoptée par l’Union Communiste Libertaire en juin 2020.

imageSolidariedade Com Rojava Diante Da Guerra E Da Pandemia! Apr 16 by vários 0 comments

O Covid-19, que colocou inúmeras cidades em quarentena e paralisou setores econômicos inteiros, não deteve a contínua guerra suja do Estado turco e seu aliado Daesh contra as populações do norte da Síria, que precisam seguir se defendendo sem nenhuma trégua, assim como é visível o assédio latente do Estado sírio, promovido pelo projeto de hegemonia regional da Rússia, usando a zona como cenário de enfrentamento ao imperialismo estadunidense.

Agora as populações no norte da Síria também têm que lutar contra a propagação contínua do vírus em sua região. A Administração Autônoma de Rojava está enfrentando esse outro perigo em uma frágil situação pela dificuldade de manter seu sistema sanitário em meio ao conflito bélico. Neste momento, todas as organizações populares deveriam agir dentro de suas possibilidades para contrapor a guerra e proporcionar ajuda aos povos curdo, árabe e assírio, respeitando suas autonomias e o direito à autodeterminação de seus territórios. Diante do silêncio cínico e hipócrita dos Estados e das burguesias, nós, anarquistas do mundo, reiteramos mais uma vez toda a nossa solidariedade internacionalista e a partir de baixo com a Revolução de Rojava, para que ela triunfe sobre a pandemia do vírus e da guerra.

De fato, quem continua uma guerra enquanto, ao mesmo tempo, os serviços de saúde do mundo estão saturados por culpa da epidemia de Covid-19, são duplamente criminosos.

Abaixo todas as guerras!

imageDichiarazione di solidarietà con il Rojava di fronte alla guerra e alla pandemia globale! Apr 16 by vários 0 comments

COVID-19, che ha messo in quarantena un numero innumerevole di città e ha paralizzato interi settori economici, non ha ancora fermato la continua guerra sporca della Turchia e del suo alleato Daesh contro la popolazione della regione settentrionale della Siria, che ha dovuto continuare a difendersi senza alcuna tregua. In questo momento, l'assedio dormiente della Siria, promosso dalla Russia nel suo tentativo di essere egemone nella regione, è stato evidente, perché sta utilizzando questi territori come scenario di confronto contro l'imperialismo americano.

Attualmente, queste persone devono ora lottare contro la propagazione del nuovo coronavirus nei loro territori. L'amministrazione autonoma del Rojava affronta questo pericolo in uno stato di debolezza a causa della difficoltà di mantenere il suo sistema sanitario funzionante nonostante la guerra.

In questo momento tutte le organizzazioni popolari dovrebbero agire insieme per sfidare la guerra e aiutare il più possibile i popoli curdi, arabi e assiri, affinché la loro autonomia e il loro diritto all'autodeterminazione nei loro territori siano giustamente rispettati. Di fronte al silenzio cinico e ipocrita dello Stato e della borghesia, noi, anarchici del mondo, ribadiamo ancora una volta la nostra solidarietà internazionalista e dal basso con la rivoluzione del Rojava, così che essa trionfi sulla pandemia globale del coronavirus e sulla pandemia della guerra.
Di fatto, coloro che continuano a fare la guerra alle persone mentre i sistemi sanitari stanno crollando a causa di COVID-19 sono due volte più criminali.

Basta a tutte le guerre!


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imageRésister au génocide Oct 14 MACG 5 comments

L’armée israélienne a ordonné aux habitants de la moitié nord de Gaza d’évacuer dans les 24 heures. Il est impossible pour plus d’un million de personnes de le faire en si peu de temps. Cet ordre ne peut être interprété que comme une formalité de relations publiques et un prélude à un génocide. Tous les travailleurs et soldats en mesure d’empêcher cela ont le devoir d’agir.

imageSupport of the Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum Sep 29 5 comments

We extend our condolences to the family and friends of Mahsa Amini and the victims of the demonstrations.
Long live the struggle and the uprisings of the oppressed in Iranian cities Long live the unity of the exploited class struggles
Defeat to the efforts of the ruling party and to those in the opposition Death to Class sovereignty in all its names and its colors

imageΗ επανάσταση της Ρο&... Jan 07 0 comments

Η επανάσταση της Ροζάβα υπερασπίστηκε τον κόσμο, τώρα ο κόσμος θα υπερασπιστεί την επανάσταση της Ροζάβα!

imageLa rivoluzione in Rojava ha difeso il mondo, ora il mondo difenderà la rivoluzione del Rojava! Jan 07 0 comments

Embargo, taglio delle fonti d’acqua e attacchi aerei contro i civili sono stati alcuni dei crimini di guerra commessi dallo stato fascista turco durante tutto quest’anno contro la rivoluzione in Rojava.

Mentre affronta la crisi politica ed economica interna, il governo Erdogan deve accettare il fallimento delle operazioni militari nelle montagne del Kurdistan, invocando l’uso di armi chimiche, di fronte alla resistenza dei guerrieri curdi della rivoluzione.

imageThe Rojava Revolution defended the world, now the world will defend the Rojava Revolution! Jan 05 8 comments

Embargo, cutting off water sources and air strikes against civilians have been some of the war crimes committed by the fascist Turkish state throughout this year against the revolution in Rojava.

While facing the internal political and economic crisis, the Erdogan government has to accept the failure of the military operations in the mountains of Kurdistan, appealing to the use of chemical weapons, in the face of the resistance of the Kurdish warriors of the revolution.

The intensification of the attacks last October, the flyers launched from the aeroplanes and the recent troop movements threaten a new invasion of the autonomous territories in the North and East of Syria.

At this delicate moment, we want to reaffirm our solidarity with our revolutionary comrades and all the peoples of Rojava and condemn once more the occupation of Rojava, the multiple aggressions and war crimes of the Turkish neo-fascist state and its jihadist allies, as well as their preparations for war.

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