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internazionale / lotte sindacali / comunicato stampa Friday May 02, 2014 - 01:04 bei Various anarchist organizations   image 1 image
Per troppo tempo i maggiori segmenti della classe lavoratrice se ne sono stati dormienti nell'illusione che il mutamento potesse essere delegato ad organizzazioni esterne o ai partiti. Quando le nostre lotte cadono vittime delle burocrazie e vengono delegate ad altri, noi ne perdiamo la titolarità ed il controllo con la conseguente perdita di molte conquiste ottenute tramite esse. Una vittoria della classe lavoratrice è possibile solo se è la nostra classe a guidare le lotte alla vittoria. [English] ... read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Ιμπεριαλισμός / Πόλεμος / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Monday March 03, 2014 - 11:04 bei Κοινή δήλωση διεθνιστών   image 1 image
Δεν θα υποκύψουμε στην εθνικιστική μέθη. Στο διάολο το κράτος και τα “έθνη” τους, οι σημαίες και τα αξιώματά τους! Αυτός δεν είναι δικός μας πόλεμος, και δεν πρέπει να πάρουμε μέρος σε αυτόν, πληρώνοντας με το δικό μας αίμα τα παλάτια τους, τους τραπεζικούς λογαριασμούς τους και την απόλαυσή τους να κάθονται στις μαλακές καρέκλες των αρχών. Και αν τα αφεντικά στη Μόσχα, το Κίεβο, το Λβιβ, το Χάρκοβο, το Ντόνετσκ και τη Συμφερόπολη ξεκινήσουν αυτόν τον πόλεμο, καθήκον μας είναι να αντισταθούμε με όλα τα μέσα! Όχι πόλεμος μεταξύ των “εθνών”, όχι ειρήνη μεταξύ των τάξεων! ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / movimento anarquista / comunicado de imprensa Thursday November 07, 2013 - 06:36 bei ORL   image 1 image
A Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira [CAB] convida para a comemoração dos "5 Anos da Organização Resistência Libertária" e para a mesa-debate "O Anarquismo e sua contribuição para os Movimentos Sociais" com nossas Organizações no Nordeste. No debate estarão presentes além de Organizações Políticas da CAB, outras Organizações Especifistas do Nordeste e Norte do país, bem como inúmerxs libertárixs de Fortaleza e militantes dos Movimentos Sociais.

É fortalecer o Anarquismo no Brasil!

Crescer nossa Bandeira! ... read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / press release Saturday October 26, 2013 - 20:24 bei Kate Sharpley Library   image 1 image
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 76, October 2013 has just been posted on the site. ... read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Monday July 22, 2013 - 19:23 bei Ερρίκο Μαλατέστα   image 1 image
Ερρίκο Μαλατέστα, Όταν χτυπάμε την τωρινή κοινωνία, αντιπαραθέτουμε στην ατομιστική αστική ηθική την ηθική της αλληλεγγύης - Στη μνήμη του Ερρίκο Μαλατέστα ο οποίος πέθανε σαν σήμερα, 22 Ιουλίου, το 1932 ... read full story / add a comment
international / economy / news report Sunday June 09, 2013 - 17:18 bei ROAR Collective   image 1 image
High levels of military spending played a key role in the unfolding European sovereign debt crisis — and continue to undermine efforts to resolve it.
A new report by the Transnational Institute — ‘Guns, Debt and Corruption: Military Spending and the EU Crisis’ — looks at the ways in which excessive militarization directly fed into the unfolding European debt crisis, and continues to undermine efforts to resolve it. Below the downlink links and infographic you can find the executive summary of the report. ... read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Tuesday May 28, 2013 - 17:51 bei Filistina   image 1 image
Η ομάδα μας είναι μια μικρή ομάδα, ριζοσπαστών, οικολόγων, αναρχικών και φεμινιστριών, και δεν έχουμε κάνει πολλά σε σχέση με τις μεγάλες θυσίες πολλών συντρόφων μας αλλού. Ωστόσο, αναγνωρίζουμε ότι εκπροσωπούμε πολλούς από τους συντρόφους μας στον αραβικό κόσμο, από το Μαρόκο έως τη Συρία, οι οποίοι αντιμετωπίζουν τα ίδια διλήμματα όταν επικοινωνούν με τους δυτικούς συντρόφους τους. (Από το A - I n f o s, μετάφραση filistina - Παρασκευή, 17 Μαΐου 2013) ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / lotte sindacali / comunicato stampa Wednesday May 01, 2013 - 00:11 bei Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici   image 1 image
La prima reazione delle/gli anarchici di Chicago alla proclamazione da parte della Federazione dei lavoratori negli Stati Uniti e in Canada, dello sciopero generale per le 8 ore di lavoro il 1 Maggio 1886 era stato di giudicarlo insufficiente. Ma si resero successivamente conto della necessità di sostenere lo sciopero, in quanto furono capaci di vedere nella lotta per le otto ore non solo una semplice riforma, ma una profonda discontinuità. ... read full story / add a comment
Διεθνή / Αναρχικό κίνημα / Ανακοίνωση Τύπου Monday April 29, 2013 - 10:51 bei senza classi   image 1 image
«Θα’ ρθει μια εποχή που η σιωπή μας θα είναι πιο ισχυρή από τις φωνές που στραγγαλίζετε σήμερα!» Αύγουστος Σπάιζ ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / lotte sindacali / comunicato stampa Monday April 22, 2013 - 20:12 bei Confederación General del Trabajo   image 1 image
I sindacati riunitisi a Parigi hanno dichiarato che la crisi del sistema capitalista comporta conseguenze per il mondo intero. [Castellano] ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / workplace struggles / comunicado de prensa Thursday April 18, 2013 - 02:24 bei Confederación General del Trabajo   image 1 image
Los sindicatos reunidos en París han declarado que la crisis del sistema capitalista tiene consecuencias en el mundo entero. [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / lotte sindacali / comunicato stampa Monday March 25, 2013 - 18:06 bei Confederación General del Trabajo   image 1 image
La Confederación General del Trabajo (Spagna), la Union Syndicale Solidaires (Francia) e la Central Sindical e Popular Conlutas (Brasile) hanno lanciato un invito internazionale a tutte le organizzazioni che si considerano parte del movimento sindacale conflittuale e che sentono la necesità di un cambiamento sociale per un meeting sindacale internazionale da tenersi a Parigi il 22-24 marzo allo scopo di lavorare verso il coordinamento del sindacalismo alternativo a livello internazionale. [Castellano] ... read full story / add a comment
international / workplace struggles / press release Friday March 22, 2013 - 20:02 bei Confederación General del Trabajo   image 1 image
The Confederación General del Trabajo (Spain), the Union Syndicale Solidaires (France) and the Central Sindical e Popular Conlutas (Brazil) have extended an international invitation to all organizations that consider themselves part of the combative trade union movement and see the need for social transformation to an international trade union meeting to be held in Paris from 22 to 24 March in order to work towards the coordination of alternative trade-unionism on an international level. [Castellano] ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / workplace struggles / comunicado de prensa Friday March 22, 2013 - 01:43 bei Confederación General del Trabajo   image 1 image
Los organizadores señalan que con la realización de este encuentro no pretenden declarar la constitución de una nueva organización internacional. Se quiere fortalecer, ampliar, hacer más eficiente, una red de sindicalismo ofensivo, democrático, autónomo, alternativo, internacionalista. [English] [Italiano] ... read full story / add a comment
international / economy / press release Monday March 18, 2013 - 15:21 bei Wayne Price   image 1 image
Annnouncemt of a new book by Wayne Price which is an introduction for anarchists and other libertarian socialists to Karl Marx's crtique of political economy. In what ways can Marx's economic critique be of assistance to anarchists? What are anarchists' critique of Marx's economic theories, goals, and method? ... read full story / add a comment
international / gender / press release Friday March 08, 2013 - 22:32 bei Workers Solidarity Alliance   image 1 image
We strive for a society in which one person or group of people do not dominate or exploit another. In such a society there would be no basis for sexual oppression, domination, or class exploitation. We must work to replace the institutions of power, the nation-state, and capitalism with a worldwide system of grassroots empowerment and self-management of all facets of social and economic life. ... read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / news report Friday March 08, 2013 - 21:20 bei Organizing committee of Pryamukhino Readings 2014   image 1 image
On May 30, 2014 we will be celebrating 200 years of Mikhail Bakunin (1814 – 1876), a famous activist of the Russian and international revolutionary movement, a social thinker and one of the founders of the international anarchist movement. [Français] [Русский] ... read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / press release Saturday February 23, 2013 - 22:41 bei KSL
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 73, February 2013 has just been posted on the site. You can get to the contents here or read the full pdf here: ... read full story / add a comment
Οι Παλαιστίνιοι εργάτες περνάνε καθημερινά από &#9
Διεθνή / Εργατικοί Αγώνες / Νέα Sunday January 20, 2013 - 20:23 bei filistina   image 2 images
Η πολιτική πραγματικότητα της ισραηλινής κατοχής δεν επιτρέπει στους παλαιστίνιους εργάτες να κάνουν μια ελεύθερη και συνειδητή επιλογή για την επιβίωσή τους. Οι περισσότεροι Παλαιστίνιοι είναι αναγκασμένοι να εργάζονται σε εποικισμούς, δεδομένου ότι η οικονομία τους είναι κατεστραμμένη μετά από 45 χρόνια ισραηλινής στρατιωτικής κατοχής. ... read full story / add a comment
international / mouvement anarchiste / nouvelles Wednesday January 02, 2013 - 18:42 bei Federacija za anarhistično organiziranje   image 1 image
La Slovénie est secouée par sa toute première révolte de masse en deux décades. Une première révolte principalement dirigée contre les institutions politiques, les mesures d'austérité. Dans certaines villes elle prend même un caractère franchement anticapitaliste.

En moins de 3 semaines, pas moins de 35 manifestations ont eu lieu dans 18 villes, rassemblant quelques 70 000 participants. Les protestations ont souvent tourné à la confrontation lorsque la police a tenté de les briser par la violence. 284 personnes ont été arrêtées, toutes n'ont pas été relâchées. Beaucoup ont été blessées.
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Sat 20 Apr, 05:36

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textDichiarazione congiunta di organizzazioni anarchiche europee 06:48 Wed 03 May by Organizzazioni anarchiche europee 0 comments

L’anarchismo sociale è consapevole che i popoli emancipati non possono aspettarsi miglioramenti sostanziali nelle loro vite attraverso la lotta parlamentare. Al contrario, in tempi di scarsità crescono i mostri autoritari. L’ideologia di destra usa strumentalmente la diversità della classe lavoratrice per individuare gruppi da odiare: gli immigrati, la comunità LGTBI, gli zingari o persino il femminismo o l’ambientalismo. [Inglese] [Castigliano]

photo_5368375315598004250_y_1.jpg imageDeclaración Conjunta de Organizaciones Anarquistas Europeas 21:23 Mon 01 May by Organizaciones anarquistas europeas 2 comments

El anarquismo social entiende que los pueblos dignos no pueden esperar mejoras sustanciales de sus vidas a través de la lucha parlamentaria. Al contrario, en tiempos de escasez crecen los monstruos autoritarios. La ideología de la derecha pretende utiliza la diversidad de la clase trabajadora para señalar colectivos a los que odiar: inmigrantes, comunidad LGTBI, etnia gitana o incluso el feminismo o el ecologismo. [English]

download.jpg imageMay Day 2023 14:08 Mon 01 May by MACG 4 comments

No government can save us. Only the working class free itself. We need to make a revolution. We need to overthrow capitalism and build libertarian communism, worldwide. For this, the labour movement needs to be built anew. We need to organise in the workplace and rebuild our unions from the ground up. We need rank and file control. The practices by which we build our movement will be the ones that form the basis of the new society.

Internationalists in Rojava in Solidarity with Alfredo imageSolidarity with Alfredo Cospito From Rojava 23:06 Mon 27 Mar by Tekosin 24 comments

Solidarity statement with the anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito

1668390_1.jpeg imageThe Queen is dead 19:54 Thu 15 Sep by MACG 3 comments

We are members of the working class. We have no great fortunes to defend. Instead, the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group raises the banner of liberty, equality and solidarity. These principles, as promised by the foundation of liberal, democratic republics, can only be made real when there are no more bosses, or governments, or the threat of poverty hanging over our heads. Such a society, based on libertarian communism, will be freer than any democracy, be more equal than any capitalist republic, and unleash a solidarity unknown to the capitalist class and which can never exist between classes. The new world will relegate monarchy, along with every other form of government, to the history books – and King Charles III will be known, we hope, as Charles the Last.

photo6019264251958507574.jpg imageLa solidarietà è più delle parola scritta! 23:13 Sat 11 Jun by Various anarchist organisations 1 comments

Facciamo appello a tutti i militanti e simpatizzanti di essere presenti e solidali con il movimento curdo, sostenendo:
• la campagna di rimozione del PKK dall’elenco delle organizzazioni terroristiche;
• Il rilascio di Abdullah Öcalan e di tutti i prigionieri politici;
• il ritiro immediato di tutte le forze di occupazione in tutte le aree del Kurdistan;
• il riconoscimento internazionale dell’Amministrazione Autonoma della Siria del Nord e dell’Est, con la fine dell’embargo e l’inclusione nei negoziati di pace;
• Un processo internazionale ai miliziani dell’ISIS e la presa in carico dei loro paesi di origine;

pg7vhynwqn2e6qe5t6e9_festadeilavoratori.jpg imageDichiarazione internazionale anarchica per il Primo Maggio 2022 20:56 Thu 19 May by Varie organizzazioni anarchiche 1 comments

Primo maggio 1886! 136 anni fa, oggi, la classe operaia americana creò un'esperienza inestimabile per le successive lotte delle classi lavoratrici di tutto il mondo dicendo "questa lotta è la nostra ultima lotta!". Rimane una vittoria fino ai nostri giorni. La richiesta di "8 ore di lavoro, 8 ore di riposo, 8 ore per quello che vogliamo" per sostituire le 16 ore di lavoro e gli assalti del capitalismo che prendevano di mira la vita delle classi lavoratrici allora nel XIX secolo si trasformò in uno sciopero generale in America. Lo sciopero generale è stato una delle armi più significative dell'azione anarchica come conquista alla storia della lotta di classe.
Per gli anarchici, la lotta per le 8 ore non è mai stata vista come una semplice richiesta di riforma. Gli anarchici hanno lottato per sostituirla con una rivoluzione sociale, con l'affermazione che "Indipendentemente dal nostro orario di lavoro, che sia di 2 ore o di 8 ore, è schiavitù se lavoriamo per i padroni".

textΠρωτομαγιά 2022 23:58 Sat 07 May by Διάφορες αναρχικές οργανώσεις 1 comments

Πρώτη Μαΐου 1886! Σήμερα, πριν από 136 χρόνια, η αμερικανική εργατική τάξη δημιούργησε μια ανεκτίμητη εμπειρία για τους μετέπειτα αγώνες των εργατικών τάξεων σε όλο τον κόσμο, λέγοντας "αυτός ο αγώνας είναι ο τελευταίος μας αγώνας!". Παραμένει μια νίκη μέχρι σήμερα. Το αίτημα "8 ώρες δουλειά, 8 ώρες ξεκούραση, 8 ώρες για ό,τι θέλουμε" για να αντικαταστήσει τις 16 ώρες εργασίας και τις επιθέσεις του καπιταλισμού που στόχευαν τις ζωές των εργατικών τάξεων τότε, τον 19ο αιώνα, έγινε γενική απεργία στην Αμερική. Η γενική απεργία ήταν ένα από τα σημαντικότερα όπλα της αναρχικής δράσης που συνέβαλε στην ιστορία της ταξικής πάλης.

signal20220506174054_001.jpeg image1 Mayıs için Enternasyonal Anarşist Bildiri 23:54 Fri 06 May by Çeşitli anarşist örgütler 44 comments

1 Mayıs 1886! 136 yıl önce Amerika işçi sınıfının “bu kavga en sonuncu kavgamızdır artık!” diyerek başlattığı mücadele, ardında tüm dünya işçi sınıfı için paha biçilemez bir deneyim ve zafer bıraktı. 19. Yüzyılda 16 saate kadar varan çalışma sürelerine ve kapitalizmin, işçi sınıfının yaşamını hedef alan saldırılarına karşılık “8 saat iş, 8 saat uyku, 8 saat canımız ne isterse” talebi, 1 Mayıs 1886’da tüm Amerika’da bir genel greve dönüştü. Genel Grev, anarşist hareketin sınıf mücadelesi tarihine kazandırdığı en önemli silahlardan biriydi.

8 saat mücadelesi, anarşistler tarafından hiçbir zaman basit bir reform talebi olarak görülmedi. “Patronlar için çalışıyorsak, 2 saat çalışmak da köleliktir, 8 saat çalışmak da” diyen anarşistler, 8 saat mücadelesini toplumsal devrim mücadelesine dönüştürmek için mücadele ettiler.

derry_anarchist_may.jpg imageInternational Anarchist Statement for the First of May, 2022 22:39 Tue 03 May by Various anarchist organisations 15 comments

1st of May, 1886! 136 years ago today, the American working class created a priceless experience for the upcoming struggles of the working classes of the whole world by saying “this fight is our last fight!”. It remains a victory till our time. The demand of “8 hours for work, 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for whatever we want” to replace the 16 hours of work and the assaults of capitalism which targeted the lives of the working classes then in the 19th century turned into a general strike in America. General strike has been one of the most significant weapons of the anarchist action as an earning to the history of the class struggle. For anarchists, the struggle for 8 hours has never been seen as a simple request for reform. Anarchists fought to replace it with a social revolution, with the claim that “Regardless of our working time, whether it be 2 hours or 8 hours, it is slavery if we work for bosses”. [Castellano]

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imageΚοοπερατίβες ή ταξ&#... Oct 12 by Tommy Lawson 1 comments

Επιπλέον, οι κοοπερατίβες δε θα πρέπει να στοχεύουν στο κράτος να ενσωματώσει τους εργαζόμενους στη διοίκηση. Οι ουσιαστικές κατακτήσεις των εργατών θα είναι το αποτέλεσμα του αγώνα που δίνουν στους χώρους εργασίας, μέσα από μορφές άμεσης δράσης που έρχονται σε ευθεία αντιπαράθεση με το κεφάλαιο. Οι σοσιαλιστές που στρέφονται στην εργασία σε συνεταιρισμούς μπορεί κάλλιστα να είναι σοσιαλιστές στην καρδιά και την πρόθεση, αλλά δεν ακολουθούν επαναστατική στρατηγική.

imageA Talk on the Ukrainian-Russian War Aug 31 by Wayne Price 9 comments

A talk on the Ukrainian-Russian war, from an anarchist perspective. I reviewed my reasons for being in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. But revolutionary anarchists should give no political support to the Ukrainian government nor to the U.S. imperialists who help it.

imageΕ. Ρεκλύ: Ένας πρωτοπ... Aug 20 by Αυτολεξεί 2 comments

Η σύνδεση μεταξύ γεωγραφίας και αναρχισμού μπορεί να μη φαίνεται εύκολα κατανοητή, αλλά δεν είναι τυχαίο ότι δύο από τους σημαντικότερους αναρχικούς του τέλους του 19ου αιώνα, ο Κροπότκιν και ο Ρεκλύ, ήταν επίσης σπουδαίοι γεωγράφοι. Ούτε ήταν απλή σύμπτωση ότι οι δυο τους βρέθηκαν μαζί εξόριστοι στην Ελβετία, μία χώρα που για πολύ καιρό αποτέλεσε μαγνήτη των κατατρεγμένων αλλά και πατρίδα του πιο δυναμικού αναρχικού κινήματος στα χρόνια που ακολούθησαν την Παρισινή Κομμούνα ανάμεσα στο 1877 και το 1881. Οι Κροπότκιν και Ρεκλύ εργάστηκαν από κοινού και για ένα διάστημα, έζησαν μαζί παραμένοντας φίλοι για μία ζωή παρά τα σύνορα και τις θάλασσες που κατά καιρούς τους χώριζαν. Η συγχώνευση των απόψεών τους παρήγαγε μία νέα κατανόηση του αναρχικού ιδεώδους, θεμελιωμένου με πιο στερεό τρόπο στην επιστήμη και τη φύση.

textTensiones y desafíos actuales en torno a las construcciones populares autónomas Jul 21 by Diego Naim Saiegh 0 comments

En el siguiente trabajo nos adentraremos a indagar sobre ciertas implicancias que hoy por hoy se exhiben a la hora de llevar adelante procesos de construcción popular autónomos – haciendo hincapié en aquellos que por sus perspectivas políticas y metodológicas, pueden inscribirse dentro de una matriz libertaria- en un contexto histórico atravesado por las marcas de la desocupación estructural, el crecimiento de la pobreza y en términos generales, por la precarización de la vida como forma social. Trataremos de plantear, a través de nuestro recorrido, ciertos hilos de análisis sobre algunos problemas a enfrentar de acuerdo al mencionado contexto, particularmente en el marco de nuestras sociedades periféricas latinoamericanas y algunas hipótesis sobre los desafíos a encarar de cara a su superación en clave emancipatoria.

imageReflections on Identity Politics and Revolutionary Organizing Jun 28 by Ara Avasin 3 comments

Critical reflections on identity politics and separatism, acknowledging intersectionality and getting inspiration from the revolutionary struggles in Turkey and Kurdistan.
Aiming to reflect common strategies to move forward in our revolutionary organizing.

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textDichiarazione congiunta di organizzazioni anarchiche europee May 03 0 comments

L’anarchismo sociale è consapevole che i popoli emancipati non possono aspettarsi miglioramenti sostanziali nelle loro vite attraverso la lotta parlamentare. Al contrario, in tempi di scarsità crescono i mostri autoritari. L’ideologia di destra usa strumentalmente la diversità della classe lavoratrice per individuare gruppi da odiare: gli immigrati, la comunità LGTBI, gli zingari o persino il femminismo o l’ambientalismo. [Inglese] [Castigliano]

imageDeclaración Conjunta de Organizaciones Anarquistas Europeas May 01 2 comments

El anarquismo social entiende que los pueblos dignos no pueden esperar mejoras sustanciales de sus vidas a través de la lucha parlamentaria. Al contrario, en tiempos de escasez crecen los monstruos autoritarios. La ideología de la derecha pretende utiliza la diversidad de la clase trabajadora para señalar colectivos a los que odiar: inmigrantes, comunidad LGTBI, etnia gitana o incluso el feminismo o el ecologismo. [English]

imageMay Day 2023 May 01 Anarkismo 4 comments

No government can save us. Only the working class free itself. We need to make a revolution. We need to overthrow capitalism and build libertarian communism, worldwide. For this, the labour movement needs to be built anew. We need to organise in the workplace and rebuild our unions from the ground up. We need rank and file control. The practices by which we build our movement will be the ones that form the basis of the new society.

imageThe Queen is dead Sep 15 Anarkismo 3 comments

We are members of the working class. We have no great fortunes to defend. Instead, the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group raises the banner of liberty, equality and solidarity. These principles, as promised by the foundation of liberal, democratic republics, can only be made real when there are no more bosses, or governments, or the threat of poverty hanging over our heads. Such a society, based on libertarian communism, will be freer than any democracy, be more equal than any capitalist republic, and unleash a solidarity unknown to the capitalist class and which can never exist between classes. The new world will relegate monarchy, along with every other form of government, to the history books – and King Charles III will be known, we hope, as Charles the Last.

imageLa solidarietà è più delle parola scritta! Jun 11 1 comments

Facciamo appello a tutti i militanti e simpatizzanti di essere presenti e solidali con il movimento curdo, sostenendo:
• la campagna di rimozione del PKK dall’elenco delle organizzazioni terroristiche;
• Il rilascio di Abdullah Öcalan e di tutti i prigionieri politici;
• il ritiro immediato di tutte le forze di occupazione in tutte le aree del Kurdistan;
• il riconoscimento internazionale dell’Amministrazione Autonoma della Siria del Nord e dell’Est, con la fine dell’embargo e l’inclusione nei negoziati di pace;
• Un processo internazionale ai miliziani dell’ISIS e la presa in carico dei loro paesi di origine;

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